
04/27/2020 - 02/27/2024
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Energy: 50
out of
Shadow icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Nocturne
Male Nocturne
Hibernating icon
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style






5.97 m
5.18 m
364.99 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 27, 2024
(10 months)


Nocturne icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Food wrote:
Materials wrote:
Apparel wrote:
Aged Book Collection x1 Amber Delver's Lamp x1 Amber Flourish Tail Drape x1 Amber Shades x1 Ancient Broadsword x1
Archer's Quiver x1 Attendant Footies x1 Attendant Mitts x1 Autumn Breeze x1 Autumnal Wreath x1
Ball Python x1 Bamboo Apron x1 Bamboo Breeze Cape x1 Bamboo Dried Tea x1 Bamboo Spare Tea x1
Bandolier x1 Bewitching Ruby Nightshroud x1 Bewitching Ruby Pendants x1 Bewitching Ruby Taildecor x1 Black Aviator Boots x1
Black Aviator Gloves x1 Black Aviator Satchel x1 Black Aviator Scarf x1 Black Thumb Garden Hat x1 Black Wooly Antennae x1
Bleached Bone Hoops x1 Bleached Bone Rings x1 Blood Red Spear x1 Blushing Pink Rose x1 Bone Antlers x2
Bone Jar x1 Bronze Steampunk Scarf x1 Bronze Steampunk Vest x1 Bun-Bun x1 Burgundy Bandana x1
Candle Cascade x1 Cartographer x1 Celebration Sage Lantern x1 Celebration Sage Shawl x1 Celebration Sage Sleeves x1
Celebration Sage Tassel x1 Champion's Furs x1 Champion's Skull x1 Champion's Weapons x1 Chancellor Rings x1
Cheery Mushroom Basket x1 Chrysoberyl Crystal Earrings x1 Classy Cane x1 Cobalt Halfmoon Spectacles x1 Conjurer's Cloak x1
Conjurer's Cobwebs x1 Copper Harvest Goblet x1 Copper Harvest Vines x1 Copper Harvest Wreath x1 Corsair's Eye Patch x1
Counselor Collar x1 Counselor Overcoat x1 Counselor Rings x1 Counselor Waist Wrap x1 Crimson Cutter x1
Crimson Silk Sash x1 Crimson Tail Bangle x1 Crossbow x1 Crystalcourt Cascades x1 Dark Harvest Vines x1
Dark Harvest Wreath x1 Dark Incense x1 Dark Red Head Bow x1 Dark Red Tail Bow x1 Date Plumed Corsage x1
Date Plumed Headdress x1 Demure Faderose Bodice x1 Demure Faderose Garniture x1 Demure Faderose Gloves x1 Demure Faderose Ovalcrown x1
Demure Faderose Spats x1 Demure Faderose Tailtaille x1 Dented Iron Belt x1 Dented Iron Gorget x1 Dented Iron Pauldrons x1
Dew Laden White Rose x1 Diaphanous Sylvan Dress x1 Diaphanous Sylvan Twist x1 Dire Casting x1 Dire Kelpie Mane x1
Dread Dancer Spikescarf x1 Dried Lei x1 Dried Tail Lei x1 Dusky Rose Thorn Arm Tangle x1 Dusky Rose Thorn Collar x1
Dusky Rose Thorn Crown x1 Dusky Rose Thorn Leg Tangle x1 Dusky Rose Thorn Wing Tangle x1 Earthen Masque x1 Ethereal Entourage x2
Ethereal Flame Cloak x1 Filigree Rapier x1 Flaxen Unicorn Tail x1 Florid Cane x2 Florid Dress Shirt x1
Florid Monocle x1 Florid Top Hat x1 Forest Rogue Hood x1 Frigid Fugitive Shackles x1 Germinating Garden Belt x1
Glimmerplate x1 Gloomwillow Guide x1 Gold Glasses x1 Gold Steampunk Goggles x1 Gold Steampunk Scarf x1
Golden Carousel Tail Twirl x1 Gossamer Flame Cloak x1 Gossamer Flame Headpiece x1 Gossamer Flame Tail Ribbon x1 Gossamer Flame Wing Ribbon x1
Green Butterfly Necklace x2 Haunted Flame Candles x1 Haunted Flame Cloak x1 Haunted Flame Collar x1 Haunted Flame Headpiece x1
Haunted Flame Wing Ribbon x1 Haunting Amber Pendants x1 Haunting Amber Taildecor x1 Heartswirl x1 Heatherbed Lily x1
Hunter's Gloves x1 Hunter's Leggings x1 Icicle Chains x1 Ivory Aviator Scarf x1 Jewel Tone Moth Cape x1
Lavender Sweetheart Bouquet x1 Leather Aviator Satchel x1 Light Aura x4 Love's Herald x1 Lovebirds Dried Tea x1
Lovebirds Spare Tea x1 Lovebirds Tea Cups x1 Mage's Ivory Gloves x1 Mage's Ivory Socks x1 Magician's Cobwebs x1
Magician's Hat x1 Magician's Herb Pouch x2 Magician's Staff x1 Malign Hood x1 Malign Tools x1
Map Kit x1 Marksman's Cape x1 Marksman's Quiver x1 Marva's Invisibility Cloak x1 Miasma Crystal x1
Mist Chime x1 Mourner's Skull x1 Mourner's Weapons x1 Murderous Vial x1 Mystic Healer's Calling x1
Mystic Healer's Reference x1 Mystic Healer's Slippers x1 Mystic Sage Sash x1 Mystic Sage Shawl x1 Mystic Sage Tassel x1
Naturalist Adornments x1 Nature Aura x1 Nebula Starsilk Circlet x1 Nebula Starsilk Cloak x1 Nebula Starsilk Scarf x1
Nebula Starsilk Shawl x1 Nebula Starsilk Sleeves x1 Nebula Starsilk Wingdrapes x1 Nomad's Sandwastes Sash x1 Nomad's Sandwastes Socks x1
Obsidian Unicorn Mane x1 Obsidian Unicorn Tail x2 Onyx Seraph Tail Bangle x1 Onyx Seraph Wing Ornament x1 Peace Dove x1
Peach Plumed Headdress x1 Peach Plumed Tuft x1 Pixie Procession x1 Plague Aura x1 Playful Mushroom Basket x1
Poisoned Kusarigama x1 Poisonous Rose Thorn Banner x1 Poisonous Rose Thorn Collar x1 Poisonous Rose Thorn Leg Tangle x1 Poisonous Rose Thorn Stockings x1
Poisonous Rose Thorn Tail Tangle x1 Poisonous Rose Thorn Wing Tangle x1 Pomegranate Plumed Corsage x1 Pomegranate Plumed Cover x1 Pomegranate Plumed Headdress x1
Pomegranate Plumed Tuft x1 Privateer's Eye Patch x1 Proper Tail Spat x1 Proper Top Hat x1 Psion Tail Sleeve x1
Purple Bandana x1 Ranger's Hat x1 Ranger's Tail Twist x1 Raven Sylvan Headpiece x1 Raven Sylvan Lattice x1
Raven Sylvan Wings x1 Red Birdskull Headdress x1 Red Birdskull Legband x1 Red Birdskull Wingpiece x1 Refined Highnoon Brimmer x1
Refined Highnoon Spurs x1 Romantic Red Rose x1 Royal Carousel Saddle x1 Royal Carousel Tail Twirl x1 Scavenger's Furs x1
Scavenger's Pelt x1 Scavenger's Weapons x1 Searing Crown x1 Seashell Mantle x1 Seaside Kelpie Mane x1
Sepia Rose Thorn Gloves x1 Sepia Rose Thorn Stockings x1 Shabby Monocle x1 Shabby Pants x1 Shabby Top Hat x1
Shadow Aura x1 Skeletal Chimes x2 Soft Sweetheart Bouquet x1 Song of the Western Wind x1 Spectral Fuchsia Nightshroud x1
Spectral Fuchsia Pendants x1 Spectral Fuchsia Taildecor x1 Sprightly Mushroom Capelet x1 Spring's Breath x1 Standard of the Flamecaller x1
Starlight Guise x1 Starlit Pants x1 Strawberry Harvest x1 Summer Swelter x1 Sunrise Hibiscus x1
Sunrise Unicorn Horn x1 Sweet Dried Tea x1 Sweet Spare Tea x1 Sweet Tea Cups x1 Tanned Rogue Belt x1
Tanned Rogue Cape x1 Tanned Rogue Footpads x1 Tanned Rogue Hood x1 Tanned Rogue Wing Guard x1 Third Wish x1
Tickled Hyacinth x2 Time-turner's Sandglass x1 Trickster's Magic Cards x1 Twilight Rose Thorn Arm Tangle x1 Twilight Rose Thorn Leg Tangle x1
Twilight Rose Thorn Tail Tangle x1 Untamed Headdress x1 Untamed Kilt x1 Untamed Leather Arm Guards x1 Untamed Leather Boots x1
Unyielding Arm Chitin x1 Unyielding Chitin Breastplate x1 Unyielding Leg Chitin x1 Unyielding Mandible Helmet x1 Unyielding Tail Segments x1
Valkyrie Blade x1 Verdant Sage Shawl x1 Verdant Sage Sleeves x1 Vermilion Harvest Vines x1 Vermilion Harvest Wreath x1
Veteran's Eye Scar x1 Vintage Starsilk Earrings x1 Violet Daredevil Cover x1 Violet Highnoon Hank x1 Voidfollow Armet x1
Wavespun Feathered Wings x1 Wavespun Tail Feathers x1 Well-to-do Sable Ovalcrown x1 Whimsical Jester's Tail Bell x1 Whimsical Jester's Wing Cover x1
White and Gold Flair Scarf x1 Wind Aura x1 Windbound Mask x1 Winter Wind x1 Witty Jester's Cap x1
Witty Jester's Cape x1 Witty Jester's Collar x1 Witty Jester's Wing Cover x1 Woodsdrake Cape x1
Familiars wrote:
Battle wrote:
Skins/Accents wrote:

Specialty wrote:
Breed Change: Aberration x2 Breed Change: Banescale x1 Breed Change: Bogsneak x4 Breed Change: Coatl x9 Breed Change: Fathom x1
Breed Change: Obelisk x2 Breed Change: Pearlcatcher x6 Breed Change: Sandsurge x1 Breed Change: Skydancer x2 Breed Change: Snapper x1
Breed Change: Spiral x4 Breed Change: Tundra x1 Breed Change: Veilspun x3 Breed Change: Wildclaw x8
Ancient Gene Parchment: Arc x1 Primary Aberration Gene: Pharaoh x2 Primary Banescale Gene: Pharaoh x1 Primary Dusthide Gene: Harlequin x1 Primary Gene: Boulder x1
Primary Gene: Chrysocolla x1 Primary Gene: Cinder x1 Primary Gene: Fade x2 Primary Gene: Flaunt x3 Primary Gene: Harlequin x5
Primary Gene: Mosaic x1 Primary Gene: Pharaoh x2 Primary Gene: Piebald x2 Primary Gene: Pinstripe x1 Primary Gene: Poison x4
Primary Gene: Python x3 Primary Gene: Ribbon x2 Primary Gene: Skink x1 Primary Gene: Slime x1 Primary Gene: Stitched x2
Primary Gene: Tapir x2 Primary Gene: Tide x27 Primary Gene: Wasp x1 Primary Sandsurge Gene: Harlequin x1 Primary Veilspun Gene: Tapir x1
Secondary Aberration Gene: Sarcophagus x2 Secondary Banescale Gene: Sarcophagus x1 Secondary Dusthide Gene: Jester x1 Secondary Gene: Alloy x1 Secondary Gene: Blaze x3
Secondary Gene: Blend x2 Secondary Gene: Breakup x1 Secondary Gene: Butterfly x2 Secondary Gene: Choir x1 Secondary Gene: Constellation x2
Secondary Gene: Daub x1 Secondary Gene: Eel x3 Secondary Gene: Foam x29 Secondary Gene: Jester x2 Secondary Gene: Lode x1
Secondary Gene: Morph x1 Secondary Gene: Paint x1 Secondary Gene: Patchwork x2 Secondary Gene: Saddle x4 Secondary Gene: Sarcophagus x2
Secondary Gene: Shimmer x1 Secondary Gene: Sludge x1 Secondary Gene: Striation x2 Secondary Gene: Toxin x4 Secondary Gene: Trail x2
Secondary Sandsurge Gene: Jester x1 Secondary Veilspun Gene: Blend x1 Secondary Veilspun Gene: Hawkmoth x1
Ancient Gene Parchment: Blossom x1 Ancient Gene Parchment: Thundercrack x1 Tertiary Aberration Gene: Thorns x1 Tertiary Banescale Gene: Stained x1 Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Greenskeeper x1
Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Crystalline x1 Tertiary Gene: Capsule x5 Tertiary Gene: Contour x1 Tertiary Gene: Filigree x1 Tertiary Gene: Firefly x2
Tertiary Gene: Flecks x2 Tertiary Gene: Ghost x1 Tertiary Gene: Glimmer x6 Tertiary Gene: Koi x2 Tertiary Gene: Lace x1
Tertiary Gene: Opal x1 Tertiary Gene: Polkadot x1 Tertiary Gene: Ringlets x1 Tertiary Gene: Soap x3 Tertiary Gene: Sparkle x5
Tertiary Gene: Stained x7 Tertiary Gene: Thylacine x1 Tertiary Gene: Underbelly x1 Tertiary Gene: Veined x1 Tertiary Gene: Wish x1
Tertiary Veilspun Gene: Stained x2
Vial of Brilliant Sight x2 Vial of Darkened Sight x2 Vial of Disjointed Sight x3 Vial of Elemental Sight x6 Vial of Faded Sight x5
Vial of Fractal Sight x3 Vial of Glowing Sight x3 Vial of Horizontal Sight x2 Vial of Hypnotic Sight x1 Vial of Naivety x3
Vial of Soft Sight x4 Vial of Umbral Sight x6
Silhouette Scroll x3 Scroll of Eternal Youth x7 Reflection Scroll x18
Other wrote:
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Exalting Oliver to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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