
Level 1 Mirror
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Energy: 50
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Ice icon
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Female Mirror
Female Mirror
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Enchanted Wolf Necklace
Incense Mantle
Proto Wings
Contestant's Furs
Malign Footpads
Malign Gloves



Scene: Elder Sea


6.19 m
5.14 m
401.99 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 10, 2024
(5 months)


Mirror icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



Jafningi av Valhall

__ __
If you tell Jafningi your secrets, there's a sixty percent chance it'll be printed in the morning paper. Add another twenty percent if it's a juicy secret because that stuff sells.

But she does a lot of good, too, and keeps others accountable. She may print a fair bit of gossip, but Jafningi takes her journalism seriously, and she digs and digs until she hits truth. The articles she allows into her paper are carefully vetted and edited until they are perfect, and it has turned Valhall Daily into a newspaper the common dragon trusts.

Because if Jafningi prints it, you can be certain she's upended everything in her way until she's sure there's nothing left to find. She keeps her biases mostly to herself and welcomes opinion pieces as much as serious news, in some ways giving all of Valhall a voice. Jafningi writes as one that hungers for knowledge, for truth, and to ensure those governing Valhall are held accountable and fair. And she will not be silenced; not now, not ever.




Owner of Valhall Daily
Professional Stalker
Freelance Writer

__ Jafningi has a sense for business and a ruthless streak to back it up. She does not mess around. Efficiency is a way of life, she would proclaim, and only her most dearest friend may occupy her time with inefficient matters.

Her work is her life and her life is her work; she is a trailblazer. And if her work is an excellent way to distract her from herself, well, that's something she doesn't talk about. Jafningi resolutely pretends she does not feel, that she does not get lonely, and that the scorn she's earned over the years with her aggressive take on life doesn't hurt, sometimes. Behind closed doors, she is weary.

Come morning, she's the sharp-tongued boss that gets results. There is no trace left by the dragoness that's maybe a little awkward, a little uncertain, and a little lonely.

That dragoness is kept carefully hidden; locked away.

When she does have the odd day off, Jafningi either spends her time with the few dragons she cares about or indulges in a bout of roughhousing with anyone willing to fight. Maybe take a stroll through the frozen wasteland she calls home, lament over the weather still being miserable (it's been decades, surely it'll there's some sun coming soon, right?!), or heckling some of the newer merchants that's set up stalls at Cinder Post.

Endless opportunities. The only thing she won't do is laze about in bed, which she adamantly insists is how one gets a fragile soul and Jafningi certainly doesn't have that. She's too hardy for sleep.

And, like, too hardy self-care. Burnout? Never heard of her.

She's fine, guys. Totally fine.
__ 5q9BSPM.png



» It actually says 'Professional Stalker' on her resumé. You'd think it would be a bad thing, but it's landed her three jobs so far!

» Despite having grown up in Valhall, Jafningi has an oddly unspecific accent more commonly associated with the Starfall Isles. Nobody knows why.

» Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
__ Amongst the dragons of Valhall, there are those known as the Legacy of Vinter. Children of esteemed Valhallans now gone, blessed by the divine, and considered to be destined for greatness. The prophecies have foretold their greatness.

Jafningi takes the whole 'prophecy' thing with a grain of salt.

It's excellent as far as scamming elders out of spare change, however, and she spent her youth aggressively pushing the angle that she was, in fact, a divine child. Some saw through her immediately, some egged her on, and the poor sods she fooled found their coin purses considerably lighter when she left.

And she does not regret it. You snooze, you lose, and Jafningi empathically loathes losing. She's the maniacal kind of workaholic, up with the sun and making everyone else miserable until it sets again, and she began this trend when she was still a wee hatchling.

Imagine that, being bossed around by a lil' tyke the size of a juicy pretzel. A lot of Valhallans can imagine that because it happened and it left at least one dragon with minor trauma (and a peculiarly bite-shaped scar).

Long story short, Jafningi truly embodies what it means to be born in the Icefields, in the midst of a warrior clan. A little too well, even, for she takes it to the max and then some. By the time she was entering adulthood, she'd bulldozed her way through a rudimentary education and was campaigning to put together a clan-wide newspaper.

The Council, already fed up with her, agreed entirely to give her something to do. Maybe she'd stop bullying the merchants and visitors.

She didn't, of course, but it was a cute idea.

From that moment on, though, the world was her oyster and Jafningi did not hesitate to take full advantage. It went piece by piece, from renting a shack to be the headquarters, and getting in touch with someone willing to print papers. Weekly papers at first, known then as Valhall Post, and slowly building it all up.

More workers, more papers, more efficiency. Jafningi worked herself to the bone to prove that letting her establish her paper wasn't a novelty project to occupy her or some phase. Jafningi was there to freaking stay, there to cement herself in history.

No, it would be a boon for the whole clan, a decision they could all look back on later and be glad they made.
__ 87226858p.png N Í Ð H Ö G G R
Níðhöggr is a fantastic source and Jafningi would fight a god to keep him happy. It doesn't hurt that Níðhöggr is also a raging gossip addict and the two of them spend many a night cackling over a sturdy lager, laughing in the way that makes everyone around them wary. Together, they are terrifying, and they are coming for your secrets. Run.

__ 69587549p.png K Æ R R
As one of Valhall Daily's biggest investors, Kærr has... absolutely no say in what goes in the paper, to be honest, because Jafningi terrifies him and she will write that his butter is terrible. But now he's stuck as an investor and keeps being pulled into meetings with her. He doesn't want to. Jafningi shows up in his dreams and he's concerned for his safety.

__ 93871293p.png M I Ǫ T V I Ð R
There are not many that remain unphased by Jafningi's personal brand of chaotic intimidation, but Miǫtviðr is one such dragon, and it's probably because his brand of cryptic terror vibes with hers. The two of them have a silent understanding where they hang out, relax, and judge the common dragon for being so darn scared of them for no reason. Totally. They're harmless.
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Exalting Jafningi to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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