Transit dragon
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19.71 m
13.9 m
9066.27 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Ridgeback
EXP: 0 / 245

“Aaaall aboard!”

Gender: Girl
Pronouns: She/her
Place of Origin: Sun Portal, Tangled Wood, Sornieth
Occupations Held: Transportation workers
Vesterseah was a laid back dragon who didn’t take much seriously. She liked making jokes out of things, particularly to relieve what she often felt was unnecessary tension around something. Luckily, she was well able to comprehend the mood of a room and didn’t go ahead overstepping boundaries. She generally liked to view things at a distance anyway, not becoming involved with other people's dramas. She liked for all the things in her life to be separated from seriousness by at least a thin layer of silliness.
She was capable of taking things seriously when she needed to, of course. She just preferred to live a light-hearted life. She was perfectly responsible and reasonable when she felt a situation required it, and definitely didn't value her jokes more than the well being of others. She'd even intercede in matters when she felt something was seriously wrong, so long as she didn't feel she would be overstepping her boundaries. She didn't like to feel like a trespasser, so much so that even when she really ought to step in, she sometimes hesitates to. She'd wanted to be well informed on a situation too, functionally allowing her to procrastinate getting involved.
Her level-headedness attracted serious people to her, but she spent most of her time in the company of such folks just trying to get them to lighten up.
Current Situation: Vesterseah operates as the local transit dragon, giving smaller and less flight-oriented dragons help getting from place to place within the sprawling Domain.
Character Interaction:
Breeze: Having to travel pretty far into Midblade for work, and often while carrying piles of books and other supplies, Breeze would get a lift from Vesterseah. She would often ask him about his family and his students, passing the time during the commute. They were friends.
Briotta: Vesterseah would take Briotta to the schoolhouse as a young dragon.
Niander: Niander liked to race underneath Vesterseah, be it on the ground or in the air. Vesterseah's goal was more reliability and safety than speed, so she'd only roll her eyes at his shenanigans, but still found it amusing. When Niander tired herself out and refused a ride even still out of pride, Vesterseah would always try and give her an excuse to cut herself a break- Niander didn't want to strain a muscle and get stuck in her lair, after all, right?
Cherrywood: Cherrywood would often come into town via Vesterseah, and she and her sisters had pleasant conversations with the ridgeback while their father fussed about everything they needed to get. Cherrywood wouldn't ask about gossip as much as Hotspur, but she'd certainly listen. Vesterseah also started to notice the way that Cherrywood's eyes would light up to see her coming overhead, and would teasingly inform her when Jacques wasn't onboard, much to the younger dragon's embarrassment and disappointment.
Hotspur: Hotspur loved going into Central Rosette, often riding aboard Vesterseah especially when she was young. She'd bug the ridgeback about any juicy bits of gossip she picked up from Emerald or saw as she was flying over the Domain's territories. Vesterseah wouldn't clue her in, even if there was anything, knowing she was a real chatterbox- something's she'd tease the banescale for.
Istian: Istian would often hail down Vesterseah for a ride to get supplies for Outpost 7. Often, other dragons from Apica would request he and his daughters bring back supplies for them as well, so he'd often give her an embarrassed look when he needed a ride back and had baskets and baskets to haul with him. She didn't really mind, but might tease him just to watch him squirm and see his daughters giggle about it.
Aurora: Vesterseah would take Aurora into Central Rosette to pick up supplies for Dewdrop House. Even being such a busy dragon as Vesterseah was, she still would take one look at Aurora and feel exhausted. Frankly, she didn't know how the smaller dragon did it, and had a certain irritation aimed at Luna for putting so much onto her assistant. She kept that to herself, however.
Jacques: Jacques would ride aboard Vesterseah to go see Cherrywood in Apica. When Vesterseah realised that was what he was going that way for, she found herself deeply amused, and always made sure to fly smoothly to help him keep his nerves straight.
Harmony: Harmony would ride in on Vesterseah's back to bring her wares to the marketplace from time to time. Vesterseah was fairly neutral on the sandsurge, but after she refused Enketta offer to ride in on her flying machine instead, she couldn't help but find some smug satisfaction in having her for a passenger.
Nugget: Nugget would on occasion ride Vesterseah into the marketplace to sell produce, though he largely left that to Fructus and Poa. The pair had a friendly rapport, Vesterseah having a certain fondness for the slow, homebody tundra.
Fructus: Fructus would often ride into the marketplace on Vesterseah's back so as to not have to lug in all her harvest. She'd always give the ridgeback a cut of her supplies as thanks for bearing the load, not that Vesterseah really struggled with it.
Everon: Everon, as leader of the sky scouts, felt Vesterseah's safety was amongst his responsibilities. He'd keep her abreast of anything unusual going on in the air, and check in to see how she was doing more generally. She respected the imperial, and they were on good terms.
Zorn: Zorn's work as the local meteorologist kept her in close contact with Vesterseah. She'd warn the ridgeback about coming storms and help spread the news to other dragons about how travel was likely to be effected. Vesterseah deeply appreciated the nocturne's work, and the pair were friends outside of this cooperation too. It helped that they were both required to keep early-bird schedules.
Karroe: Karroe was often the sky scout who'd be hailed down by other dragons wanting to know where Vesterseah was up to on her routes, and when she'd get to them. So Vesterseah was well used to the spiral zipping up out of apparently nowhere and asking her about her ETA. It was so common that eventually, she'd start rattling off when she'd get to each regular stop as soon as she saw him. She knew it wasn't his fault for asking, so didn't so much find him annoying, but it was a bit tiresome to have someone being the face of other dragon's impatience.
Elderith: Elderith would often hail down Vesterseah for a ride to go pick up supplies for the Ol' Honeysweet. She'd bring her something sweet as thanks for the effort, which the ridgeback appreciated, though she assured the goaler that it wasn't necessary.
Poa: Poa would sometimes ride Vesterseah into Central Rosette to take figs and pots of honey in to sell at the marketplace. They were a quiet passenger, but Vesterseah didn't mind.
Lanyla: Vesterseah was always happy to pick up the retired coatl when Lanyla was making her way into Central Rosette, be it to shop at the marketplace or see her friends. Lanyla appreciated how close to her lair Vesterseah would come when she needed a ride, it made her feel very taken care of.
Enketta: Enketta would, for a time, catch a ride on Vesterseah's back to go work on Kit over in Roots. Eventually, though, the fae built her own long distance flying machine so that she could work to her own schedule. Vesterseah rolled her eyes a bit about it, but generally shrugged it off.
Eckle: Eckle would get a ride from Vesterseah whenever she was called to attend to an ill or injured dragon far from her Sickbay. Vesterseah was willing to diverge her route some to make this easier on the skydancer, which Eckle appreciated. They weren't close, but both respected one another's duty and their diligence to it.
Emerald: Emerald, being the treasurer, would deliver Vesterseah her well earned pay for all the work she did for the clan as transit dragon. The pair also just got on well, and were friends. On days off, Emerald would often insist Vesterseah come have a drink and not just stay cooped up in her lair in Roots.
Coppernia: Vesterseah would take Coppernia to the schoolhouse as a young dragon.
((*Sundew-speak glossary available here))
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Exalting Vesterseah to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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