
Level 1 Obelisk
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Obelisk
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12.05 m
14.41 m
5384.98 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Jan 13, 2024
(5 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Obelisk
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Flameknight desperately wanted to prove himself to the Gladekeeper. But, well...

"Flameknight!" the sentry shrieked. "Your tail!" Flameknight whipped his head around. His tail had set the sentry's banner on fire!

"Flameknight!" the guard shouted. "Your mane!" Flameknight whipped his head around. His mane had set the guard's plainclothes on fire!

In frustration, Flameknight let out a mighty huff, sending out sparks and smoke.

"FLAMEKNIGHT," came the booming voice of the Gladekeeper. "YOUR ANGER HAS SET MY DOMAIN ON FIRE!"

"Sorry, Gladekeeper!" Flameknight gasped, waking up. He was safe and sound in his cave. He wasn't at the trial yet! Relieved, he rose from his bed, scrubbing at his eyes with one paw. Today was the day of his tests. Today was the day he'd prove his worth to his queen, the Gladekeeper.

He donned his armor quickly and bounded outside, eager to greet the day. The Viridian Labyrinth was a vibrant, vivid place. Towering trees and flowering shrubs lined every path. The sky was blue, a giant puffy cloud floating by serenely from time to time. Birdsong and the smell of rain filled the air (and the smell of smoke, but that was just Flameknight's breath).

In the distance, he heard a bell tolling. The trials! He was late!

He tore down a path, never getting lost for a second, and leaped into his station just as the bell sang its last note. The announcer dragon was beginning her spiel.

"Welcome one and all to the Nature Preservation Trials! This is not a competition, folks; whoever passes all three tests gets the honor of serving the Gladekeeper in maintaining the forest! Contestants, your very souls will be tested as you calm the animals, plant some flowers, and most importantly, sing the song of the plants to bring them to life! Are you ready???"

Flameknight had never been more ready for anything in his life! He was confident nothing could go wrong!

It was a disaster.

Flameknight did not calm the animals. In his excitement to meet a baby bird, his paws grew too hot, scorching the ground, and the resulting foul-smelling smoke earned him a fluttering of wings and a harsh guttural chirping from the mother bird.

Flameknight did not plant the flowers. Well, he did, actually, and it was fine, but his tail kept getting in the way of other contestants' planting, and at one point some prized petunias went up in flames.

Flameknight did not sing the song of the plants. That was the worst part. His humming did not connect with the earth. It connected with the fire deep down inside him. Distracted by how nice it felt, Flameknight sank further into the brightness. All of a sudden--

"Look! There's a giant fire!"

Aw, man. Flameknight opened his eyes. There in the distance was indeed black smoke and flickering flame.

"Oh, no! What do we do?"

"Someone call the Water flight to put it out!"

Flameknight heard the flapping of wings behind him. "No need," came a soothing voice. Flameknight froze. Could it be? He turned, and there she was, the dragon he'd always wanted to meet.

"Gladekeeper," he whispered. He hung his great head, ashamed. "I am so sorry. I've destroyed part of your realm. I'll help however I can, and then I'll leave for the Fire flight."

But the green behemoth shook her head. "Destroyed it? That spot was exactly where we needed to do a controlled burn. Here, come with me." She flew up into the air again, and Flameknight followed. From up in the sky, they could see the fire more clearly. It made a perfect square in the forest.

"The fire is so neatly contained--see how it's not spreading beyond its original spot? How did you do that?"

"I don't know. I didn't mean to set a fire in the first place."

The Gladekeeper pondered him curiously as she hovered in midair. "Destruction has its place in nature. I think you have talent, sir Flameknight. It just may not be what you expected. How would you like to be my official burn boss?"

Flameknight's heart lifted immediately. Finally, a way to serve the Gladekeeper efficiently!

"I'd love to!"
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Exalting Flameknight to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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