
Level 1 Aberration
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Black Wolf
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Energy: 47
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Lightning icon
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Female Aberration
Female Aberration
Hibernal Den cooldown - Cannot hibernate again until Nov 06, 2024 10:25
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Ancient breed icon
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Scene: Mire


6.13 m
5.89 m
422.31 kg


Primary Gene
Flaunt (Aberration)
Flaunt (Aberration)
Secondary Gene
Flair (Aberration)
Flair (Aberration)
Tertiary Gene
Sparkle (Aberration)
Sparkle (Aberration)


Jan 02, 2024
(9 months)


Aberration icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Aberration
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Drizzt Do'Urden, also called Drizzt Daermon N'a'shezbaernon, was a male drow ranger. He was an atypical drow who had forsaken both the evil ways of his people and their home in the Underdark, to become the legendary hero of the North.


A perfectionist by nature, Drizzt had high ideals and standards to which he strove to conform, though he didn't hold others to the same. He was sensitive and thoughtful and longed to be accepted among others and to make friends everywhere. However, he was always troubled by the threat his enemies would pose to such newfound friends and he was always wary of betrayal and dangers. He was taciturn and terse of speech, but still polite to others. He credited Catti-brie for imparting cultural awareness and tolerance upon him.

In his later years, Drizzt's goal was perfection of the body with his blades in battle. Drizzt did not want his god to dictate his actions; he had to agree with those actions himself.

Born in 1297 DR, on the night House Do'Urden destroyed House DeVir, the death of Nalfein Do'Urden at the hands of Dinin Do'Urden saved Drizzt from being sacrificed to Lolth. He was trained by his sister, Vierna Do'Urden, and his father, Zaknafein Do'Urden. By secretly refusing to kill a moon elf child, Drizzt caused House Do'Urden to lose Lolth's favor, resulting in Zaknafein being sacrificed. While Zaknafein was sacrificed, Drizzt encountered Alton DeVir and Masoj Hun'ett outside Menzoberranzan, after sneaking outside House Do'Urden. The two fought with Drizzt, using Masoj's summoned panther Guenhwyvar, unaware of Drizzt's bond with her. Guenhwyvar decided to disobey Masoj's commands and slew Alton while Drizzt killed Masoj and claimed Masoj's onyx figurine, the object used to summon Guenhwyvar from the Astral Plane. On returning to House Do'Urden, Drizzt discovered Zaknafein's sacrifice to Lolth and then escaped. He decided to live outside Menzoberranzan as a rogue to escape the endless cycle of killing.


Drizzt escaped Menzoberranzan and became a wanderer in the Underdark for ten years before being taken in at Blingdenstone. In Blingdenstone, Drizzt was reunited with the svirfneblen Belwar Dissengulp, whom Drizzt had saved during a raid on a svirfneblen mining operation led by Belwar, who had lost his hands after Dinin Do'Urden cut them off during the raid. Shortly after, the two headed back into the Underdark because of Zaknafein hunting Drizzt as a zin-carla controlled by Matron Malice. The two soon met Clacker, a pech turned hook horror, who was later slain by Zaknafein. In the final face-off, Drizzt bested his father, who, having a moment of clarity, knew the only way to prevent the zin-carla from continuing to hunt Drizzt was to destroy his body in a pool of acid.

Understanding that he would never find peace in the Underdark, Drizzt headed back to Blingdenstone with Belwar, where Drizzt parted ways with him and headed towards the surface.

Drizzt arrived on the surface outside of Maldobar, a small village north of Sundabar, near the farm of the Thistledown family. After they were massacred by a barghest named Ulgulu, Drizzt was run out of town and hunted by Roddy McGristle, who felt dishonored by Drizzt killing one of his dogs. Later, he was taught to be a ranger by Montolio Debrouchee. After Montolio passed away, Drizzt became a wanderer on the surface trying to find a place to accept him despite his heritage.

Drizzt was then chased to Icewind Dale by hunter Roddy McGristle. Drizzt gained the trust of Catti-brie and Bruenor Battlehammer who chased McGristle away. Drizzt later became good friends with the halfling Regis as well as Bruenor. In the final year of the servitude Wulfgar owed Bruenor, Drizzt became his teacher at fighting and the two became good friends. They even ended up saving Icewind Dale from Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon as well as the demon Errtu.

During the reclamation of Mithral Hall, Drizzt became openly accepted in Icewind Dale and Luskan, resulting in Drizzt being accepted in Silverymoon. He also made an enemy of Artemis Entreri. He chased Entreri down to Calimport to rescue Regis, but the fight was interrupted by the people of Calimport.

Shortly after Mithral Hall was retaken for Clan Battlehammer, in the winter of the Year of the Prince, 1357 DR, Lady Alustriel invited Drizzt to visit Silverymoon as her guest, and he accepted. On the way, he encountered a band of farmers from Pengallen hunting orc and ogre raiders who'd taken people from their village, and they joined forces. Drizzt tracked down the raiders and slew the ogres, saving the prisoners. However, Rico Pengallen demanded the return of a goblin named Nojheim, one of the prisoners, claiming he'd led a previous raid and was being held for trial. Drizzt recaptured Nojheim and returned him to Rico, only to discover that he was in fact Rico's slave. Drizzt spoke with Nojheim and found him to be highly intelligent and good-hearted, and felt they had similar plights. Nojheim taught Drizzt much about how others viewed him—exotic and beautiful as much as he was dangerous, while the goblin had no such aid—and Drizzt in turn vowed to free him. He immediately rode to Silverymoon to petition Alustriel to free the goblin but she was away on business. He returned to Pengallen but found Nojheim hanged at the village gate. Rico had heard their conversation and executed him, but no one would openly refute his claim that Nojheim attacked him. Drizzt wanted to confront Rico for his crime but was discouraged by Tharman; he could do nothing legally. Drizzt reflected that Nojheim had deeply affected his worldview, and vowed that in the future he would deal with such slavery first and the consequences after.

Later, Drizzt was kidnapped by his sister, Vierna, whose actions would result in the death of Wulfgar and other casualties, all in a mad attempt to regain Lolth's favor. Drizzt was then forced to deal with Entreri again, who had kidnapped Regis. When Drizzt and Artemis finally got a fair fight, Regis was the factor that resulted in Drizzt's victory.

After killing Vierna, Drizzt left for Menzoberranzan to learn more of House Baenre's plans. Although Baenre tortured Drizzt, he escaped, albeit with the help of Catti-brie and Entreri. When the inevitable war between Menzoberranzan and Mithral Hall took place, Drizzt played a major role, only to leave with Catti-brie to sail with Captain Deudermont.

The two had many adventures with Deudermont, bringing them into contact with such items as the Stone of Tymora. The two eventually left the fight against piracy when Drizzt was forced to cause the return of Errtu. After once again defeating Errtu, Drizzt was then faced with the horror of Jarlaxle taking possession of the Crystal Shard. Although Drizzt allowed Jarlaxle to keep the Shard, he was faced with one more fight against Entreri, one which the assassin would end up winning through the help of Kimmuriel Oblodra.

In the Year of the Tankard, 1370 DR, Drizzt was involved in the battle at Shallows against the invading orcs and frost giants. He distracted five of the nine giants, leading them on a chase that led to him entering a cave system through a narrow gap. The giants were unable to follow him inside, and blocked off the entrance with boulders. Drizzt spent several days looking for an alternative way out, and when he found one, he returned near to Shallows to witness the collapse of its wizard's tower, with a figure he thought to be Bruenor on it. He believe that Bruenor had been killed, and this had a profound emotional effect on him.

Although the Companions of the Hall soon reunited, it would be in vain as Drizzt experienced the horror of accidentally killing Ellifain. Drizzt's torments grew even worse as he believed Catti-brie, Regis, Wulfgar and Bruenor were all dead by the actions of Obould Many-Arrows. During this time, Drizzt worked with Innovindil and plotted to kill Obould. Drizzt fought two duels with Obould, one in which he was defeated and one that resulted in a draw.

Drizzt later returned to Mithral Hall, with the Companions of the Hall alive and well. He then acted on his feelings with Catti-brie, who had never resumed her relationship with Wulfgar, and Drizzt eventually married her. During the time Drizzt was in a relationship with Catti-brie, he dealt with an uprising in the Kingdom of Many-Arrows, Kensidan the Pirate King, and the Ghost King.

The Spellplague resulted in the deaths of Catti-brie and Regis, leaving Drizzt and Bruenor to find Gauntlgrym alone. During their search for clues, Drizzt became involved in another war with Many-Arrows, engaging in the fighting and diplomatic efforts before being rewarded by the government of Luruar and fostering a better relationship with the orcs.

After a fifty-year search, Drizzt and Bruenor eventually found Gauntlygrym. However, it lay near the "city" of Neverwinter, which was a core target of the war between Thay and Netheril, another war Drizzt would be drawn into.

With Bruenor dying in the battle for Gauntlgrym, Drizzt joined forces with Dahlia Sin'felle, with whom he engaged in a romantic relationship. He later ran into Artemis Entreri again, whose life had apparently been sustained by Charon's Claw. Drizzt joined forces with his long-time nemesis, dealing blows to both Thay and the Netherese by orchestrating the killings of Sylora Salm for Dahlia and Herzgo Alegni for Entreri's freedom. However, while battling Alegni in Neverwinter, Guenhwyvar leapt through a portal to the Shadowfell and Drizzt found that he could no longer summon her.

Drizzt then destroyed Charon's Claw, as per Entreri's wish for death. When this did not kill his rival, the drow and Dahlia were joined by the assassin, now as an ally. Also joining them were two former Cavas Dun mercenaries, a dwarven spy for Citadel Adbar named Ambergris and a monk who used to be part of the Order of Yellow Rose named Afafrenfere.

Drizzt briefly sought out Thibbledorf Pwent when he learned that the battlerager had risen as a vampire but left him to face the sun as per Pwent's wish. He did however discover that he could summon Guenhwyvar again, though she appeared haggard, as if she had not rested. Focusing instead on a plan to change Entreri's moral outlook and distract Dahlia from her unexpected reunion with her son (whom she had thought dead for twenty years), he led his four allies to Port Llast and helped restore that city to a measure of its former glory. Traveling to Luskan, Ship Kurth persuaded Drizzt and his friends to travel by boat to Baldur's Gate but it was all a ploy by Bregan D'aerthe to get them out of Luskan as Tiago Baenre was coming to hunt and defeat Drizzt in combat.

While in Baldur's Gate, Artemis cuckolded him with Dahlia and they encountered Dahlia's son Effron again. They took Effron with them on their ship, where he and his mother reconciled. Effron became an ally and told Drizzt that Guenhwyvar was imprisoned on the Shadowfell by Draygo Quick and was using Drizzt's oldest friend to spy on the group. Effron brought them to the Shadowfell and helped them to invade Quick's manse. It was a trap though and Drizzt was captured with Effron, while the others were petrified by a medusa. Drizzt was a prisoner of Quick for nearly a year, repeatedly grilled on his faith in Mielikki until a rescue was mounted by Jarlaxle, who freed him and all of his friends. However, back in Luskan, they were warned that Tiago was still hunting them. Drizzt resolved to go back to Icewind Dale to keep his friends safe.

While there, he heard rumors of Iruladoon and when he and his friends arrived there, powerful magic sent them all to sleep. They were trapped in that pocket plane for, as it turned out, eighteen years, finally awakening in the Year of the Awakened Sleepers, 1484 DR, a coincidence not lost on the group.

A lot had changed in those years. Drizzt was no longer welcome in the Ten Towns after Errtu had returned to take his revenge and Drizzt wasn't around to defend against the balor. Drizzt's allies reasoned that they could leave Icewind Dale safely but Drizzt refused to leave with them, explaining to Dahlia that he no longer held any affection for her, deciding they should go their separate ways. Soon after that admission, the outraged Dahlia attacked and mortally wounded him, as he didn't want to harm her. She left with Entreri, Ambergris, Afafrenfere, and Effron. Drizzt was left behind, though the monk and the dwarf wanted to go back and aid him.

With the help of Guenhwyvar, he managed to climb atop Kelvin's Cairn. His head wound was mortal and it was obvious that he was going to die. The drow even saw light and the image of Catti-brie, whom he thought had come as a ghost to him. As he lay dying from his wound, however, a Catti-brie of flesh and blood arrived, accompanied by Regis, Bruenor and, most shockingly, Wulfgar. All of them had been reincarnated by Mielikki, the goddess giving them a second chance in life to aid Drizzt Do'Urden. Catti-brie healed Drizzt by the grace of Mielikki and they were all reunited.

But their adventures were far from over as the lich Ebonsoul was onto them, following Regis from the Sea of Fallen Stars.

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