
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Trick of the Light
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Gentle Healer's Mantle
Antique Lace Headpiece
Gentle Healer's Calling
Gentle Healer's Reference
Gentle Healer's Trail


Accent: Pearlbaby



4.17 m
6.79 m
648.21 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 09, 2013
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245


Nest Tender and Child Wrangler

Kasmina is one of the clan's longest-standing members. The clan was barely starting when she joined, along with her new mate Sorin, and she was instrumental in turning the small, vulnerable group of young, mismatched dragons with no permanent home into what it is today - and she's very proud of what they've become.

Both she and her mate were very young when they joined - She'd left the Starfall Isles when she was just a yearling, making the treacherous journey to the Sunbeam Ruins alone to train with the Light healers there. She'd met her mate in the Tangled Wood, and they remained together during their training even though Light territory made him uncomfortable - this was why they left once her training was over. She was the only healer in their small clan at first - she'd learned a mix of healing magic and more mundane methods, and her skills were called on far more in that first year then she would have liked. She eventually taught Vivienne a few healing spells, but she had no aptitude for it. When they finally found their permanent home, inside the mountain, it was a relief - but the work was by no means done, and claiming it turned out to be harder even then their life outside - she almost lost her mate during this time, and it had taken all her skill to save him. It was worth it in the end, and they couldn't ask for a better place.

Once the clan was stable and it's numbers began to increase, it was her who suggested they form the council, made up of several of the oldest mambers - she'd taken one seat, focusing on the running of the lair itself, and remained for several years before she tired of it and decided her skills would be better used elsewhere. She passed her responsibilities onto Conflagratia, who in turn chose a new council member to take her old position, Diplomacy, which she was happy to be free of.

Though she is no longer on the council, several members will still come to her for help or advice. Conflagratia especially appreciates her ability to mitigate conflict, and considers her a very good judge of character - if she's unsure of a potential new clan member or trading partner, she'll often ask Kasmina to assess them. Kaiser, who was a bit overwhelmed by his new position at first but turned out to be an excellent choice, would come to her for advice nearly every day for the first few months after she'd left until he was finally confident enough in his own choices.

She is still technically the head healer of the lair, and was the one in charge of training the apprentices for a long time - many will later go to different clans, but as long as they take the necessary skills with them when they go, she's happy. She has pulled back from full-time healer duty over the past few years though, passing training duty (even her own daughter's training) off onto her second, Ishanah, and is generally only seen in the infirmary during emergencies. She's redirected her focus into watching over the eggs in the nesting cave, and caring the hatchlings for their first year or so - many dragons lack strong parental instincts, and individual hatchlings can easily be overlooked in a large clan, especially if they're less boisterous then their peers. Kasmina makes sure that doesn't happen, and that every hatchling is taken care of - her work can be exhausting at times, but she loves it, and she loves all of them.

She is also one of the few who visits the Barrows regularly. She will only go for a short time, whenever she is missing her old friends and wishes to feel close to them - she strongly believes that the dead remain behind in some way, and while she has no connection to the dead like the barrow keeper does, standing by their final resting place makes her feel close to them. It's a blessing that she can visit them - many don't get that luxury.

Kasmina is one of the few dragons that can honestly say she knows everyone in the clan - Not necessarily closely, but she is friendly with them all. She's usually one of the first people a new clan member will meet, sometimes before they've even been officially accepted - She also likes to show new members around the lair and explain all the clan's idiosyncrasies, and she uses that time to get to know them and begin forming a relationship with them. She is good at getting people to trust her, and many clan members will come to her when they have problems, or just need to talk. Nobody could say a bad word about her.

She is deeply protective of her clan, and she works hard to make sure they are safe and happy - she keeps a close eye on any who seem to be having trouble, and will step in unasked for if she feels she has to. She's often called on to mediate in conflicts between clan members, and she always comes up with a solutions that satisfies all parties.

Mostly though, her energy is spent on looking after the hatchlings - often she becomes more of a parental figure for them then their own parents, and she makes sure to gives as much attention to each individual as they need. She never wants any hatchling to feel ignored or unloved, and if she ever feels overwhelmed her mate is always on hand to help out, and despite his gruff manner and his awkwardness the hatchlings always seem fairly attached to him - much to his bafflement. She'll never leave the younger ones unsupervised, and even the yearlings are watched closely by the rest of the clan - the one time a curious hatchling managed to sneak passed a guard and into the Catacombs, it caused a lair-wide panic, and the guard in question was distraught no matter how much Kasmina reassured her.

When it comes to her own hatchlings, she shows them no favouritism - They are raised alongside all the others, and treated just the same. Only one of her many children has remained with the clan - her young daughter, Aderyn, who decided she wished to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a healer herself. Kasmina is very proud of her, although she feels that maybe she didn't show it well enough - they are friendly, but distant.

She is close to many of the long-standing clan members, and she will spend time with them when she can - she worries they take on too much, especially Yalia, who is becoming increasingly stressed but hasn't shared the true source of her anxiety despite Kasmina's gentle prying. Yalia has always been too uncommunicative and fatalistic for her own good, but Kasmina is usually able to prod her into talking, and she's confident she'll get to the bottom of this eventually. She also enjoys regular talks with Vivienne, often over tea or chess - rarely deep or emotional, but always valuable, and the two of them respect each other deeply and always values the others advice. Sometimes Conflagratia will join them, but more and more she finds herself caught up in work, so Kasmina makes sure to go out of her own way to visit and help out where she can - the lair relies on her, and Kasmina tries to make sure she doesn't overdo it.

She met Sorin when they were both very young, when she'd gotten lost in the forests on the way through his homeland. He'd lead her out, and they'd been enchanted with each other - when she asked him to come with her, he accepted, and they'd been together ever since. She loves her mate very deeply, and just sitting in his presence is enough to steady her on even the hardest days. His constant presence reassures her, and she doesn't mind his silences - they know each other well enough that words are often not needed. Sorin is usually the one watching over her, as she watches over everyone else.

Mate: Sorin

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