
Level 1 Coatl
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Coatl
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Personal Style





8.12 m
6.98 m
791.91 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 28, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245



(written by: sakurablossom)

Blue eyes turned skywards, clouds passing overhead threatening rain. The normal coolness of the Sea of a Thousand Currents was rapidly disappearing into a heat so intense it was causing lightning bolts to strike the a giant spire that rose from the ground.

It was here that Skye was headed. Back home. To a family she'd departed from to join a clan in the sea-based world of the Water Flight. She was, of course, going to return in due time. She just needed to return home, to touch the place that she'd been hatched in. With two of her babies heading out to find new homes, she was feeling lonely and desperate for a taste of home. She realized how her own mother must have felt when she had taken off to join another clan. Part of her wished to apologize to her mother for making her feel like that.

Descending into the banks of the Lightning Farm, she nosed around a boulder and saw the entrance to her home. Scratches around the entranceway told her that she had been gone long enough for the dragons to have several more nests. Perhaps there were still hatchlings around that she could play with. Or maybe she had new siblings, whether they were half or full. Either way, she was ready to be back home. Her flanks trembled as she stepped forward and ducked her head into the entrance of the lair.

Almost immediately, a set of four hatchlings pounced on her, laughing and scrambling to hold onto her when she moved. A low hum of amusement left her vocals, and she dipped her head to nuzzle them, playfully chasing them one by one and nudging their tails when they were too slow. However, a pair of blue eyes that matched hers so well caught her eye, and she lifted her head.

Those gentle eyes were ones she knew so well, and not far behind them, a set of wings with dark purple feathers and even lighter accenting followed. Tkaydya stepped forward to meet her daughter, a hum of happiness leaving her. The two Coatls stepped closer, bumping noses in their unique way. Skye shifted and laid her head along her mother’s back, a hum of contentment resonating through her. The older Coatl simply nuzzled her daughter’s wing, understanding fully the need to be near her.

It was only a few moments before another dragon appeared. Towering over the two of them, Haganumi stared down at his daughter and mate and gave a grin, his long arms coming down to embrace the two fully.

Skye felt her emotions peak, and with a low hum and a sniffle, a few tears rolled down her cheeks. She pulled back from them and looked over their all too happy faces. She knew she had made the right decision in visiting home.

Tkaydya turned and led her into the depths of the cavernous lair, while Haganumi grumbled at the little hatchlings that’d dared climb too close to the entrance, rumbling that they should ‘get back to their nest before their mama found out and whooped them to a different color.’ This greatly amused Skye, as she remembered what a great softie her father truly was. A glance back at the group in the lair entrance only proved this – Haganumi was groaning while the four hatchlings climbed on him like a jungle gym. An amused hum left her, though she turned back to the lair at a long last when the sight disappeared behind her.

Tkaydya stopped in front of the nest that she and Haganumi occupied, motioning to the week old, newly grown up dragons that were Skye’s siblings. A smile came over the dragonette’s face, and she stepped forward to meet them, nuzzling and exchanging hums of curiosity. It seemed that these two beautiful girls were due to stay in the clan and extend the bloodlines, at least, until they decided to leave for another clan.

“Would you like to go around the rest of the lair?” Skye was surprised to hear her mother speak in near fluent Draconic. It wasn’t common for Coatls to speak in the common tongue, but she supposed that because Tkaydya had a Wildclaw as a mate, she would have had to learn the common tongue.

She hummed softly and gave a nod, though spoke only a second after in the common tongue, “Of course. But first, can we sit in here for awhile? I’ve missed you and Father a lot. I’d just like to spend some time with you.” When the older female nodded and smiled gratefully, Skye stepped into the nest, settling down between her younger sisters. The two were unnamed, as it seemed the clan leaders had yet to decide what to name them.

Tkaydya fetched a small basket of food from the stash and settled down in the lair with the three, her tail curling around her paws when she laid down facing them. Skye admired her mother’s grace and dipped her head in thanks for the food.

“So, what did your clan leaders name you?” “Skye. They said my colors reminded them of the clear blue beyond, though they say my wings remind them of the storms that sometimes come rolling overhead. I’m the embodiment of the air to them, I suppose.” “Skye. It fits you. Your father hoped you would be called something akin to his name or mine, but we all know our names are a handful in themselves.”

Skye had to chuckle at that, though her head turned to look at her sisters. Her mother tilted her head, glancing between them, “You seem very interested in your siblings.” “Forgive me. They’re the same age as my own babies.”

Shock covered her mother’s face, though she nodded solemnly, “They’re leaving home about this age, aren’t they?” Skye nodded sadly, “Two of them are. Saltlick has chosen to stay, but the other two are departing when they find a clan to take them in. It saddens me greatly to see them go, but I know it’s their choice to go. Deep down they will always be Water dragons, but I hope they find their way into a clan that loves them as much as I do.”

Tkaydya smiled softly and reached forward, nuzzling her daughter’s cheek, “You will always retain a piece of home, no matter where you are. They will too.” Skye smiled sadly, a tear running down her cheek, though she knew her mother was right. “I wish they could have met you, Mother. I think you would have been proud of them. They are all three Nocturnes, like their father, and beautiful inside and out. Saltlick is… perhaps a bit silly, but he has a good heart just like his father. They like to tease the other dragons. It drives some of them a bit crazy, but they love them no matter what. They are family, after all.”

At that moment, Haganumi stepped in, towering over his smaller mate and children, though didn’t for long. He laid down next to Tkaydya. The smaller dragon shifted automatically, as if her body knew exactly where his would be. Skye smiled, surveying the two and almost envying the love they had between them.

It wasn’t that she and Kolii didn’t love one another. It was simply that sometimes they had miscommunication issues. It happened, of course, with her being a Coatl and him being a Nocturne. He would imitate her in an effort to communicate with her, yet she still could not understand. It was no fault of his. Or hers. It was simply breed differences. She hoped one day they would reach the understanding that her mother and father had.

Haganumi lifted his head to look at her, wise eyes prying into her own, “So, what is this I hear that some boy has gone and given you babies?” The young Coatl gave a soft laugh, “His name is Kolii. He’s a Nocturne.” “Oh those Nocturnes. You be careful. They’re tricksters, they are.” Skye snickered, “Kolii puts his tricks to good use, Father. He’s all the time tricking enemies in the coliseum and winning fights. He’s quite the warrior.” “And I suppose he makes you sit at home and guard the nest and take care of the babies, right?” “No, Papa, quite the contrary. When we were hatching our nest together, he wanted to to it all himself. I was the one who brought him food while he was guarding them.” “Oh, so he does nothing but sit around all day, hm?”

Skye had to laugh at that. Of course her father would disapprove of any male that she mated with. It made her wish that she’d brought Kolii with her so he could meet them both. A soft sigh left her as she looked around the lair. It hadn’t changed much in the time she’d been gone. She did, however, notice a new trinket in the corner, and moved her tail to pick it up, lifting it in front of her eyes. It was a pot that had been meticulously re-pieced. Her eyes flickered over it, noting the care that had gone into it’s care.

“That’s what your father has been doing in his off time. He asked the clan leaders if he could have all the shards from the rasa pottery to make something to send the Stormcatcher to hold his coffee in.” Skye glanced at her father, noting the slight tinge to his cheeks. “It’s just a gift. He’ll probably just chuck it in the trash or at some intern.” Skye giggled softly and leaned over to nuzzle her father’s cheek, “Well I think it’s adorable. I think Stormcatcher will be silly to throw it out. It’s very thoughtful of you.” Haganumi grumbled a bit about being considered soft, and snapped up a piece of meat to keep the conversation from continuing on in the direction it was headed.

Tkaydya gave a chortle and nuzzled his cheek, though stood and stretched, “Shall we adjourn to see the others or are you content here?” Skye nodded and stood, “I think we should go and meet the others. I’m keenly interested in meeting the parents of the hatchlings. They were so cute.” Tkaydya giggled softly and nodded, turning and heading for the exit of the nest.

Skye followed after her, catching one of the hatchlings as it tried to sneak in to Haganumi to bug him. She lifted the boy with her tail and stared at him. He giggled and squirmed as she tickled him with her claws as gently as possible. He burst into furious laughter, squirming out of her grasp and scurrying off to hide behind a boulder. She gasped in mock horror and looked around, turning in a small circle, “Oh no! I’ve lost the baby! Where’d he go!”

Without a moment’s hesitation, the little Wildclaw pounced on her tail and gently chewed the tip. This was met with delighted retaliation. Skye shook her tail and turned, gently bopping him on the head with one claw. He laughed and scurried off toward his mother and siblings.

Skye followed her mother around the lair, greeting dragons that she had known when she was a hatchling. It was only when she met the clan leaders that she finally felt that she was satisfied with her time spent in the lair.

When she made her way back to the nest with her mother and father, she found a dinner waiting for her, served by the cooking dragons. Her head came up at the sight of her sisters playing with their familiars. A smile crossed her face. The Earth Sprite was the same one that she’d played with when she was a hatchling. As she came in, it paused and turned to her, fluttering it’s wings and moving to land on her head.
She amusedly hummed at him, causing the playful little sprite to burst into high-pitched giggles. It tumbled over and onto the ground, where she picked it up with her tail and set it upright. “You’re still as silly as ever, Rocky.” The sprite hummed at her in teasing mockery and stuck it’s tongue out, then hip-hopped over to sit on one of the rocks protruding from the ground, “And you are just as colorful as the day you hatched. Don’t you ever get tired of being so pretty?” “I wouldn’t say I’m pretty, but thank you, Rocky. How have you been?” “Been fine. Babysitting this one and her sister with the bear over there. They’re ridiculous, but not nearly as hard as you and your sister were to babysit. They don’t go running off to fight imaginary creatures every other minute.”

The Coatl shook her head as she settled down, resting on the ground, “And you could have joined us in fighting those ‘imaginary creatures,’ but all you wanted to do was lay around like a rock all the time.” “Hey, being a rock is fun.” “Only if you’re a rock.” “I think I was born a rock at heart.” “Rocky, if you were born a rock, we would have all been lost without you.” This statement shut the Earth Sprite up, turning him a bit pink with embarrassment. Skye smirked in satisfaction.

Turning her head to look at her mother, she tilted it and accepted her dinner of seafood, “Thank you. Do you and Father have any plans to have another nest?” Tkaydya nodded, “I think we’ll have another one, but maybe not for awhile. We’re both worn out by raising little ones.” Skye nodded, letting out a soft sigh, “Kolii and I won’t for awhile either. We want to help get Saltlick settled into his position. He’s doing well for how young he is, thankfully, but he’ll need guidance, I think, since he’s so young.”

“The young ones always need guidance. We’re all the time helping young dragons whether they’re ours or someone else’s,” Haganumi interjected, only to quieten when he realized it could be taken as softness that he had admitted to caring for other dragons’ young ones. Skye snickered and leaned forward, resting her head on the ground, “Papa, you’re ridiculous. You should be happy that other dragons trust you to help guide their young ones. It shows how strong you are.”

Haganumi preened a bit under the praise, tail tip curling a bit, “Well, I just hope they can all grow strong enough to care for their own young.” The young Coatl simply shook her head, amused by her father’s words. Turning to her sisters, she studied them, then tilted her head, “And what do you two plan to do when you are old enough to have your own families and venture out?”

The younger one, the only Coatl of the bunch, quickly interjected, “I want to learn medicine and become a medic for the teams, or maybe a medic in general.” The Wildclaw shook her head, grinning, “I’m going to become the strongest warrior of any clan and show everyone what it means to be a Wildclaw.

Skye shook her head, amused at the two and their vastly different personalities. She sighed when the clan leaders announced it was time for them to head to sleep, and curled up next to her sisters. The little Earth Sprite curled up against her neck, a show of affection despite his initial grumpiness at her.
The next morning, she stretched and yawned and looked around, realizing it hadn’t been a dream – she had in fact come home. Standing, she made her way out to join her family at breakfast, and after many goodbyes from the other dragons, headed to the exit to depart.

Her mother stood at the entranceway next to her father and siblings, watching her stretch her wings out. Her mother stepped up beside her and quickly hugged her, humming softly in sadness. Skye understood, of course. She was sad to leave as well, but she knew it wouldn’t be for forever. There would be times when she would return home and see them in the future. Perhaps they could come and visit her in the Water clan. Regardless, it was time to leave, as she had Kolii waiting at home for her.

Stepping back, she nuzzled her father and gave him a hug as well. The Wildclaw male grumbled a bit, but affectionately nuzzled her on the head and cleared his throat. Turning to her sisters, she smiled and bowed her head, “Whatever you do, whether you decide to remain here or journey out to find a new clan, never forget who you are, or where you come from. Trust me, you’ll be grateful that you come from a home like this, and you’ll want to come back whenever possible because you’ll miss your parents.” Glancing at her parents, she knew they understood more than she did how hard it was for her to leave once more.

Lifting her wings, she backed away from her sisters and gave the little Earth Sprite a pat on the head, much to his chagrin, and with a flap or two, took to the air. She threw a glance backward, imprinting the sight into her memory. Then she turned and headed back home.

A few hours later, she landed just outside her lair and stepped inside. A glance around told her nothing had changed in her absence, and with a soft chortle at the antics of the hatchlings, she passed through the entranceway and to her nest. Kolii looked up at her and stood, making room for the smaller dragon beside him. She nuzzled him and glanced out at the lair. Despite missing her parents and her homeland, she wouldn’t trade this life for any other.

Looking up at Kolii, she smiled and settled down, then gently began grooming him with a soft rag, “My father certainly doesn’t approve of you.” “No?” “No, not at all. It’s a good thing he’s there though. My mother….” The conversation moved on, with Kolii listening to her while she made his crystalline body gleam in the light.

‘You leave home, you move on and you do the best you can.
I got lost in this whole world and forgot who I am.

I thought if I could touch this place or feel it
this brokenness inside me might start healing.
Out here its like I'm someone else,
I thought that maybe I could find myself.
If I could walk around I swear I'll leave.
Won't take nothing but a memory
from the house that built me.’

(Credit to Miranda Lambert for the lyrics to "The House That Built Me" in the end)
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