
Level 1 Guardian
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Ethereal Trickster
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Female Guardian
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Personal Style





18.29 m
16.19 m
7417.71 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 05, 2023
(6 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245


Carmine is the Outfliers Aqusitioner. Any requests or Admin you need done, she's the person to see. Her assitant is Sanguine.

Project Log: Flameboi


Plague/Dark Sclera


(#) Dragon1 & Dragon2: Next breed date
-Odds: #

(1) Carmine & TheBladeclaw @@:
-Odds: 1 in 2115

(2) Izzie & Billy ^:
-Odds: 1 in 294

(3) Fiore & Maud @@:
-Odds: 1 in 2115

(4) Blood & Rust ** ^^:
-Odds: 1 in 315

(5) Lust & Syrle ** ^:
-Odds: 1 in 576

(6) Genna & Adalon ** ^^^:
-Odds: 1 in 288

(A) Sanguine & Vermillion are nestmates and Aeron & Hineani are related. They will be regarded as one block of relatedness:

(A1) Sanguine & Cherry ***:
-Odds: 1 in 24

(A2) Vermillion & Aeron **:
-Odds: 1 in 22

(A3) Rasberry & Hineani **:
-Odds: 1 in 26

(9) Sashimi & Chirashi ** ^^^^^:
-Odds: 1 in 60

Second Gen Pairs:
(8) Sushi & Nigiri ** ^^^^:
-Odds: 1 in 80

(10) Sang & Sung:
-Odds: 1 in 6

(11) SangCher & Godsend:
-Odds: 1 in 24

(12) Lucky & Omen:
-Odds: 1 in 24

(13) Charmer & Snake:
-Odds: 1 in 6

(14) Oro & Uru:
-Odds: 1 in 4

**These pairs have a chance for a Sanguine/Obi/Ruby dragon. Rezakluttir is looking for a pair.

***The girl Sanguine is Sanguine/Obi/Ruby and can be pair with the noodle Rezakluttir inquired about

^There is a chance for Blood/Obi/Sanguine which is 1 colour off Blood/Eld/Sang.

^^Blood is an ideal candidate for icyCatgirl's Blood/Eld/Sang project, and could potentially breed a clone of her.

^^^Has a chance for Blood/Eld/Cherry

^^^^Has a chance for Blood/Eld/Ruby

^^^^^Has a chance for Sanguine/Obi/Sanguine

@@The odds for Blood/Obi/Sang are rooough, but they're there.

15/12/2023: This one has a time limit, must be hatched may 1st. So I will make sure all the pairs are breed changed to plentiful breeds, to try save time and then get all the genes to apply to the bab on the day. That'll make my wallet cry but it's worth it.
Looking at the current landscape, I have made a few enquiries with dragons that are kind of one or two off each colour and just looked at what is common on AH. There seem to be quite a few doubles, lots of obi/obi/ruby and a few crimson/ruby/ruby's, and then very very few X/obi/ruby's. It's not the worst overlap, but it does make this a bit rough since breeding for two range of colours.
Will have to keep an eye during NotN if this one gets hatched, it would be insanely expensive tho. I will probably just look at who got them and cry.
Later: Grabbed my first pair to just start off, its obi/obi/ruby & crimson/ruby/ruby. The odds for this one are pretty rubbish (1 in 2115 ) and one of them may be replaced at a later date.
Will have to make more than one pair, just incase, to try ensure the correct hatch date.
(After rollover): Bought another pair. The range is a bit horrible but heres to hoping.

16/12/2023: Bought another pair, the range is much better as its only really the secondary that has to pass through the black range.
Later: Got another promising pair, it seems to be paying off searching for ranges 8 - 9 colours each side of the target colours. Their Odds are 1 in 315, which is pretty alright.

17/12/2023: Got another pair and heard back from someone! They just gave the dragon to me for free, very kind of them ^-^ Cherry/Eldritch/Cherry one colour off each. I need to find her someone to pair with. The pair is Lust & Syrle, their odds are 1 in 576, which is better than 2000 i reckon. They were both ready to breed yay, they gave 2 eggs.
I forgot to breed change them omg! So smart >-> I'll breed change them now, but geez!
I bought the scrolls but forgot I cant change em while theyre on a nest.
I have used the scrolls for the cherry gal and a mate I found her. They have the lowest odds at the moment!! whoooooooooo!! I will get scrolls for the other two when theyre finished their nest.

19/12/2023: ..... I accidentally bought 3 new pairs, I was intending to only buy 1 but I mixed up the colour ranges so they didn't cross properly, and then I did it a second time... but now anyways.... 3 new pairs! They're all related so their kids won't be able to breed. Just something to note!
Later: Named one of the gals Vermillion (with 2 L's! Idk why thats so funny) and the Raspberry boi Rasberry (sometimes typos are funny!) Omg the odds for all 3 pairs are within 1 in 100! awesome!!!!!! I will put A next to them so I can visually see that they're a related group.
Later-er: Breed changed the 6 dragons to plentiful breeds! I made sure the related ones were still the same breed lol, just made sense to do that... not that their kids will be like that, but ehhh?

26/12/2023: Got a new dragon yesterday (ruby/obsidian/ruby!!!!), and I also hatched a reasonable candidate and bought her a mate, who happens to be a g1 so no worries on bloodlines for that one! I still need to get the xyx ruby a mate, and a Good one!
Later: Breed changed Lust & Syrle and Sushi & Nigiri to plentiful breeds.
Later-er: Got the xyx ruby a mate! The odds are 1 in 60, and breed changed her mate to a spiral. It seemed fitting.

28/12/2023: Forgot to note but Carmine & Thebladeclaw and Chirashi & Sashimi have been put on nests. Time to wait and see! I might make a new lair tab for the second gen + onwards to help me keep track.

31/12/2023: Put Adalon & Genna on a nest, here's to hoping!

4/1/2024: Nothing promising yet, Ive been putting on nests and updating their rtb dates to keep track but until I get a favourable derg Im not going to note every nest or every hatchling.

8/01/2023: Put some nests on! And checked over the hatchlings properly, there are two candidates! although all four nestmates would be good, in the Sashimi nest. Just been hatching and putting nests on and over the holidays havent been able to properly sit down yet.

9/01/2023: Someone approached me for a dragon I am currently not super willing to part with. I will be willing to part with em after May 1st. They're looking for Sanguine/Obsidian/Ruby, of which I have a boy atm. I've looked through my pairs and quite a few of them have the odds of that combo, so I'll be on the look out for a girl to go with that boy since I'm breeding my pairs for my own project and the overlap is so close! Like it's sanguine primary instead of crimson, like thats SO CLOSE? I'll mark on my list which pairs also overlap to have a sanguine primary.
Later: I do have a pair that could be made for Sanguine/Obi/Ruby, the noodle boi and Sanguine. I'm still figuring out how I'm going to use them for my own project atm because they have obi/ruby which is good to breed with other so I can get crimson/obi/ruby? I will keep in mind that Rezakluttir is looking for sanguine/obi/ruby since the overlap is so close and save them, but I will probably end up using all of them in my own project with none to spare atm.

10/01/2024: Someone else approached me for their breeding project for Blood/Eldritch/Sanguine. I'm looking through my pairs now to see if I have any viable ones or hatchlings for them that I wouldn't use myself because the overlap is close, but like, I'm narrowing down towards ruby and theyre going more towards sanguine. There is some overlap but there may not be in the future, so I think if I replace pairs I will see if they're interested in buying the pairs that have a chance for Blood/Eldri/Sang.
Later: Have marked which pairs have chances for icyCatgirl's project
Later: Have offered to part with Sushi and Nigiri after breeding them 2 more times.

11/1/2024: Stuffed all of the babs of my pairs that are decent into my hibden to try arrange them and see if I have any pairs. None so far! Their odds are all, one off if best, and like 5 per colour at worst so, not horrible but theres no overlap atm! Hopefully the nests I have on atm pull through.

13/1/2024: Holy stars and sky! Sanguine and Cherry gave me a crim/obi/ruby GAL!!!!! THANK YOU ARCAINST!! now time to figure out who im gunna pair her with, or maybe wait until I have another crim/obi/ruby? dunno, ill stick her in my hibden for now. I also got a crim/obi/cherry gal! who is 1 off the target colours (cherry is 1 off ruby), so Ill stick em both in hibden for now.
Later: That noodle that Is being saved, I have chucked him in a pair with the crim/obi/cherry and named them Sung and Sang. Their odds are: 1 in 6.
The only thing is that any kid with target colours from this pair cant breed with the one target colour bab i have atm, Maybe I should replace the gal with Crimson (target derg's name), but maybe Ill get another target colour babs thats unrelated? Heres to hoping the noodle pair give me a target bab! Currently im hoping for babs from the related A block, and Sushi & Nigiri and Sashimi & Chirashi to be able to make target pairs, so the odds arent amazing, but hopefully sushi & nigiri pop out at least a few target babs. The other pairs odds are pretty rough but heres to hoping they give something workable.

14/1/2024: Got a g1 banescale from the AH, and she was a bit pricey, but is crim/shadow/ruby!!! 3 off obi on the secondary! and is a g1!! She is a godsend (Lel which I named her xD) Just need to figure out who Im going to pair her with, I want to put her with someone that isnt related to Sang/Sung, Sashimi/Chirashi and the Related Block A. I could actually put her with the noodles as the target bab is part of related block A so if I breed her with one of the noodles, the bab will be able to breed with the target bab.
Later: Just realised Sushi and Nigiri are a second gen pair so there is overlap. I really need to track my Gens better, and sushi is a bab of lust & syrle, so just to keep in mind!!

15/1/2024: I keep impulse buying dragons that are on the AH with the colours I want. I just got another spiral gal, will probs pair her with a bab from the first gens that arent syrle&lust, related A or Sashimi&Chirashi, just so I have some variety in bloodline so I can make pairs. Named the new gal Lucky. The babs I have atm aren't super great pickings tbh, I can breed her with a noodle? Just have to make sure there's no overlap then, and she could be moved if a first gen has a promising dragon.
Later: Paired Lucky with a noodle, his name is Omen, idk that seemed fitting since her name is Lucky. Thematic! Breed changed them both to be plentiful breeds, as well as Sang and SangCher, idk I want Sashimi to still be spiral, but her babs can be plentifuls. I'll probs be shilling out more money because of that but she's so pretty as a spiral, even though I could change her back? Idk she stays a spiral and I work around her noodley glory, and bow to the queen she is.
Later-er: SangCher&Godsend and Lucky&Omen are my hopes for a crim/obi/ruby bab to go with my crimson gal in my hibden. Sang&Sung's babs will be related to Block A and Sashimi, so their babs may need to wait for a first gen pair?
I'm hoping I can just pump out spirals from Sashimi&Chirashi, and then pair em with whichever first gen pairs make crim/obi/ruby kiddos or with block A kiddos, but its rough odds. I have a gen1 unrelated gal, Godsend so as long as her bloodline doesnt cross, I can move her around!
I am makin progress though, and I'm getting lucky with my AH purchases tbh! THANK YOU ARCANIST!!!!

16/1/2024: Theres a 1 in 26 chance for target colours in the pair Rasberry&Hineani. Tell me why they pumped out 3!!! Cerise/Obi/Rubys, like come on guyssssssssss!!!! ;_;

29/1/2024: Forgot to note but I yeeted a pair for Rezakluttir at em. So notes for the Sang/obi/ruby are being crossed out.

8/2/2024: OMG OMG I HAVE A PAIR!!! THEY CAN BREED!! A BOI CAME FROM LUCKY AND OMEN, LUCKY REALLY WAS LUCKY!!! YAAAAAAAY!!!! I have functionally completed a pair as needed, to hatch on may 1st, ill still keep breeding pairs so I can get another target pair.

13/2/2024: Have added two new pairs. One is replacing Sushi and Nigiri (Charmer & Snake). Second pair is Uru and Oro. Both pairs are related to both the noodle bloodline and Related block A. So they're bloodline crosses and they will need new blood introduced to keep the gen's going. I haven't been keeping track of the RTB dates, so most of them are wrong I think.
Later: Breed changed Oro to a guardian.
Later-er: It occurs to me that dragons can be named the same thing, I could've named all the pairs to be the same so I don't have to memorise or refer to this list! I feel very silly but its also funny

20/2/2024: Oh my Arcanist and the Void!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I managed to find a gen1 with my target colours, AS WELL AS THE PERSON WAS WILLING TO SELL TO ME. I don't know why I didn't see him before?? I started my search after he had been hatched. But anyways, I JUST NEED A GAL NOW, or two. I've got three bois, one gal and in total one pair. Just need two more gals to fill out that space. I only really need one more pair tbh, and I'm not really liking that I need to send off such an expensive dragon... but needs must. I must have that BAB! And I want at least two pairs to send off to two different people, preferably 3.
Later: I must be super lucky cause I just nabbed an unrelated gal with my target colours off the AH (for a pretty penny, I don't want to think of how many gems I have spent on this project)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I now have two pairs! and need one more gal of the target colours, her mate will be the target gen1! I AM SO LUCKY OMG. The end of this breeding project is in sight! That bab shall be mine! Hopefully I don't get super unlucky with all gals. I will cry if that happens.

21/2/2024: icy no longer needs a pair. All related info will be crossed out.

22/02/24: Got a new Pair, Sunny and Carmezi. Their odds are great omg. i just have to check if they can breed?
Later: They can breed! Yay!! i will put them on a nest when my next one is open. hopefully i get a target colour girl!! I will honestly keep trying to pump out babs to breed so I have more target pairs.

3/03/2024: I hatched two! target colours! One's a gal, so the Gen1 bab will become a pair, but now I have two crimson bois who can't breed with anyone cause their bloodline is too close. I have the three pairs minimum I wanted! So that's great. I'm going to keep breeding more, until a 3/4 of a month before May. Even though Oro and Uru aren't a true pair, I will put them on a nest when the time comes because the chance is super close.

15/03/2024: I'm realising I'm getting pretty close to the deadline. I'm going to breed Godsend and Sutera for hopefully unrelated second gen babs to go in the Target Bab tab. And I will only do so once, before I leave them and then let Sutera be chucked into that Target Tab. But I crossed over the bloodlines without realising so now I need at least one or two target babs unrelated!!! I need two gals and a boi. I'm hoping to get those unrelated babs from other pairs but they're long shots! ;-; I'm not panicking cause I have 3 pairs, but I want more! nothing to chance! Or at least more chances for chance to not make me cry.

1/4/2024: Sutera and Godsend hatched 2 target babs that I needed. I think just so everyones breeding cooldowns are finished, I will stop doing nests. I have 6 target pairs and 2 off pairs, so 8 all together to arange nests for! Nearing the end of my project, and I will turn towards making more money (or trying, gosh darn, been rough with my new job). Uru & Oro and Charmer & Snake are the two off pairs, 1 in 4 and 1 in 6. Theres also Sunny & Carmezi but theyve given me the same crim/obi/vermillion over and over again! smh! I have nothing to lose though in sending them. So we shall see. Will arrange nests in the middle of April probs.

24/4/2024: Lot of stuff has happened this month irl, but I have 6 pairs all rtb and ready to be sent off to nests. I really hope I don't mess up the timing. I have contacted the nest rental threads, hopefully I can get all 6 pairs on a plague nest and hatched on the right date.

1/4/2034: And we have a winner! I have quite a few to choose from!!!

2/4/2024: Godsend was renamed to Amaris and The Crimson Outfliers were created.
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