
Level 1 Aether
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Undergrowth Shovelsnout
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Aether
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




5.97 m
4.68 m
674.11 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 01, 2023
(8 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Aether
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Midnights and Ember's adoptive son, a huge book warm and very interested in almost everything around him. Viridis is quite happy with not exactly being the center of attention. His lair isn't too far from where he was hatched at however it didn't take long for it to pile up into odds and ends of his own hoarding that he endlessly researches and learns. Familiar to his Mother and Father he is very sentimental about what he names or the aesthetics. Or in other words, very picky.

Despite his goals of being the best or an expert Arcanist, it doesn't mean he doesn't mind the free style of nature of things that means alot to other dragons either. He is a big sweet heart in that nature, often you see him when he does leave his 'vortex of pondering' aka, his lair. He is talking to any dragon asking them a million and one questions to either further his knowledge or just out of genuine interest which can be misleading at times. However he doesn't really take notice of any insults or harsh words, rather. He finds it more interesting that it would be apart of that dragon's personality and how they take certain questions or dragon's they either like, or just hate with a passion.

Small Fact:He isn't quick to anger, rather no one has seen him properly mad familiar to how Ember is or even Midnight however, you are more likely to see Ember or Midnight irritated or properly angry under the right circumstances. Viridis however, seems to lack the wanting to express anger. Or if he does, you don't see it due to his isolation of his choosing.
Likes:"Too many things to keep track"
Dislikes:"Too many things to keep track"

How he got his Familiar:"Happy birthday Vir, me and your mother thought that you'd be lonely all alone in your little library of wisdom. So, we thought a little outdoorsy animal would be just the fit for you. Perhaps when the day happens that you decide to venture out this will forever be a reminder of how much we love you. But it was also out of genuine concern for your wellbeing with how much you are isolating. I thought your mother was bad but you...? Well, it's concerning to put lightly, and to put bluntly, you need to get out more, to further your knowledge or to genuinely make connections and friends of some kind. However, if you choose not to that's also up to you. Regardless, happy birthday, me and your mother made you a birthday cake and even planning on having a lovely dinner to celebrate further. If it's not too much trouble, pay us a visit will you? - From your loving father. "

Known for: "The Intellectual Nerd" or as Viridis likes to say "The Intellectual Sensation of All Knowledge and Wisdom" However, it is but the same. When he does leave his isolation he is nothing but a tactical nerd but also one that is very careful and analytical both in logical and in emotions. He not only reads but he reads alot of fiction making odds and ends connect. It's not to say he doesn't mess up though. Occasionally in his hunting or when trying to make a good reason that he didn't properly do enough research on he fumbles up and messes up on his points quite frequently before he gives up and admits that he didn't do much on that said matter. However, despite that he is well adored quite often to his utter surprise, having him reconsider alot of things, could it be his eyes? Or his fur color? His wings perhaps? He is still trying to figure out what it is, it very well could be his knowledge- yes. But what else? His family seems to understand it including the town... So what is he missing on? Due to his ever growing interest on trying to solve and figure this little dilemma he once again isolated himself shortly after this event.

Favorite Color, Number and Lession:"Aether dragons have descended from the stars, or as close to them as they could manage. Perhaps the better questions should be that i don't have a specific favorite color, number or lession, rather. Knowledge comes in all shapes and sizes, of course many doesn't like blinding lights- of course people have specific favorite numbers and even lessions. Me however, i prefer to read, if i have to hunt i will but only in crowds to properly think of the best way to settle the scores or get the best of the best items for not only the town but for those around. However... I'm not opposed to any idea's others have to assume what i like out of colors or numbers... So, how about this? I can show you my place of all my cool and interesting nick nacks and we can formally discuss this and much more. I'd be glad to have someone accompany me today, but after today i need my time to figure some stuff out. Consider this a welcoming invite, hm? "

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Exalting Viridis to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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