
The Alchemist
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Stormcloud Miller
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Energy: 41/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Bogsneak
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Personal Style


Silver Earrings of Science
Classy Monocle
Classy Top Hat
Pearly Amulet of Chemistry
Glowing Purple Clawtips
Pretty Purple Tail Bow
Black Aviator Scarf
Plum Wooly Tail
Dusklight Alchemist Tools
Sapphire Woodtreads




0.81 m
1.61 m
2.32 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 23, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Bogsneak
EXP: 0 / 245



wandering tendency:


gene plans

clan importance
lore dragon

The Alchemist
"Watch out for spitting goop!"
Irradiated Alchemical Reduction Sizzling Phosphorus

Previously named Vasanth

Scimsakali came to the lair as an older dragon, drawn here by the beauty of Verani. He felt bare, compared to her intricate genes and immediately sought to make himself presentable to her. He worked long and hard before he was able to barter for a Bar gene scroll - to compliment her Ripple. As he was working for another scroll, he came across an old pearlcatcher sitting by a cauldron. The pearlcatcher, named Baldwin, immediately set the nocturne to work collecting a wide variety of ingredients to add to the constantly bubbling brew inside the cauldron. It exhausted Scim - he was not able to return to the clan for some time. He only hoped that Verani would be there waiting for him when he returned.

It took quite a bit of work, and Scim wasn't sure if he would ever be able to get the goo, slime, gunk, ooze and sludge residue out of his scales. Baldwin nodded and acknowledged the nocturne as an alchemist, and gifted the dragon his own cauldron. He returned to his clan overjoyed, and immediately set up his own lab some distance away (to prevent prying eyes and to protect the lair from potential accidents). He dropped a bunch of ingredients into his own cauldron, from a recipe that he had found in Baldwin's books, and curled up to wait. The cauldron frothed and changed colours multiple times before settling down. Scim carefully scooped out the reduction that remained and drank it. His wings flared with strange spots and bright new colours. He hurried to Verani, who was still waiting for him, albeit as a pearlcatcher herself now, and presented his flashy new genes. She was impressed and allowed him to be her mate.

Verani has since gone off and found a new home, leaving Scimsakali in limbo for a fair bit. He tried to leave the lair, but he couldn't. Finally he resigned himself to staying with the lair and moved himself back into the nocturne nook.

A plain mirror approached him one day, asked him to help her make her wings like his. He agreed, on the condition that she help him with his stock, as it had become quite messy over the time. She happily agreed, and moved into his space. She organized everything and eventually she had collected the materials necessary for her own wings. Scim brewed them for her, happy that she had decided to stay with him.

It turned out that mirrors had a thing for Scim. This one however, a bright green rambunctious thing, was not interested in his alchemy. She watched from a distance day after day. One day she came back with two new genes - Scim had no idea where they came from. He liked the looks of them on her.

Some time had passed, and Scimsakali was again mateless. But this time he was okay with it. Not having to help tend a nest left him with more time to brew things in his cauldron. And brew he did. He tried to always keep on top of the game - he subscribed to a periodical magazine that would give him the latest recipes that had been approved by the BBB (the Baldwin Brewing Bar). After he had tried the new recipes, he would always slide back into the soothing habit of melting down junk that he found around the lair. Kovi would come around every once and a while and organize his newest mess.

One morning, he found a note on his cauldron, written in Kovi's curly script. It said 'clean your cauldron. it stinks. xoxo'. Scim stuck his nose over the edge of the giant cauldron and woke up five minutes later unable to feel his nose. Yes, maybe it needs a cleaning. He put out the fire (it was only coals at that moment) and dragged the cauldron to the gravel beside the small spring. He started to tip the cauldron over to empty it, when he heard something roll across the metal bottom. He set it upright again, and reach in to see if he could reach whatever it was - probably a chunk of singed bone or leftover residue from the transmuting. His claws found it, but he couldn't grab it. It was round and incredibly slippery. He dunked his other arm in as well, to try and haul out the unknown object - the cauldron tipped towards him and showered him with nauseous slime. He flicked his wings a few times to get rid of the excess before looking at what had rolled out.

It was an egg. A bright green, strangely scaled egg. Scimsakali tapped on it once and it cracked, the shell falling away like flakes. He hopped back as a hatchling flopped out and flicked her wide eyes and long forked tongue. He looked at her. She looked at him. He had no idea what kind of dragon she was. She had no idea what gender he was. She waddled over, sliding a little in the slime, and pushed her head into his belly. Scim stood perfectly still as the hatchling rubbed a little then started to purr - a weird high, vibrating purr.

He couldn't just leave her, as strange as she was. He guided her into his workshop and quickly set out to making a nest for her to sleep in - at least she would be easy to watch here. He dragged a few things around, hoping that she would be comfortable. He tried to mimic the inside of an egg. He nudged the little clunker into the makeshift nest and she tunneled under the old blanket and started to purr again. Once she was settled, Scim set out to find out what he could about the little nugget. He didn't notice that the gunk that had come out of the cauldron had neatly soaked into his own scales, not even leaving a residue.

He slipped up to the Archives where Jot accosted him at the door, warning him that if he went into Nerd's immaculate archives in his current state of sliminess, Nerd would have kittens (she already had cats, mind, but for her to have kittens would have been disastrous). Scim pushed the fae away and hopped carefully through the towering shelves of scrolls. Nerd was sitting at her desk, as she usually was, sorting out the new scrolls that had come into her possession. She had one cracked open, that had the biohazard symbol pressed into the scroll.

"Ah, Scimsakali," Nerd hissed. "I was wanting to talk to you - you - " She stopped speaking entirely as she noticed the trail of slime behind him. "Out. OUT. OUT!" she squawked, chasing him with her wings. Once outside, and Jot had been given the task of cleaning up (she had flared her fins at him something fierce in accusation), Nerd flattened her feathers again and brought out the scroll.

"This came in from the BBB earlier - a warning about a contagion in well-used, seldom cleaned cauldrons..." she glanced up at him from behind her glasses. "Says a new species of dragon has been created..."

Scimsakali could hardly listen. An intense itching had come over him - every scale screamed to be relieved. He twitched a little and focused everything on not scratching in front of Nerd, lest he be beaten with a scroll of unknown powers.

"Scim, are you okay? You look ill. Should you see Beore in the infirmary?"

"No no, that's okay," he pressed out. "I'll just take that notice and head back to my cauldron. I've got a brew that needs tended to."

Nerd handed over the scroll suspiciously and went back into the archive, avoiding the drips of slime that Jot hadn't gotten to yet. Scim flew back down to his nook - the little hatchling was sound asleep in the little nest that he had made for her. He unrolled the scroll for himself and learned all about the bogsneak breed that Baldwin had unwittingly turned himself into.

Wigglesnap (so he had named her based on her tendency to wiggle her tail and wings and snap at anything that moved) grew quickly, and soon she had abandoned the little nest under the desk - she simply didn't fit anymore. She moved into the watery area outside of Scim's corner, quickly moving branches around to make a den low in the water. Scim didn't mind, so long as she didn't track the mud that she was so fond of into his workshop.

He was still itchy. Now that he was away from prying eyes, he scratched freely, seeking even that temporary relief from the scratching. All night he would scratch, waking up to a pile of shed scales under the rock that he clung to at night. After a while, the itchiness just became part of his every day. Wigglesnap had made herself known to the rest of the clan by now, and several other bogsneaks had moved into the clan. She still kept her home outside of the cauldron that she had been born in.

One morning, Scim woke up on the ground, with a bigger pile of scale than he had ever seen before. He flapped his wings desperately, trying to get airborne, and found that he couldn't. Something wasn't right. He wobbled around his workshop trying to get outside, but there was something different about his feet - they were clumsier, bigger. He threw himself beside the water and glanced into the surface - a bogsneak stared back at him. He shrieked and passed out.

When he woke up, Wigglesnap was sitting beside him as Beore fluttered around him, hissing and humming with his medical devices. A few other dragons had come to watch, nosy as they were. Beore stood back and nodded his head.

"There's nothing wrong with him, medically. He's simply undergone a transformation to this new breed." He packed up his things and flew back to the infirmary where he was sure the sick hatchling was ripping apart his supplies. Again. Scim got to his new feet and his tongue flicked out and in on its own.

"Just like Baldwin," he groaned, his voice the same but slightly different. He would need to make a new bed - maybe one in the mud.

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