
Mortal Kombat OC
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Sundial Gem Guardian
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Gold Spear
Bamboo Sedge Hat
Light Aura
Warrior Spirit
Gilded Compass
Eastsong Haori
Bronze Steampunk Vest
Dour Sailor's Belt
Koi's Breastplate
Koi's Tail Guard
White Renaissance Shirt
Silver Sylvan Dress
Leather Aviator Boots
Leather Aviator Gloves
Silver Unicorn Mane



Scene: Castle Siege


26.22 m
22.79 m
6849.2 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 05, 2023
(9 months)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Im actually super proud of her
Judge me all you want Im having fun

bio buttons by fluffmoth

This is a HEAVILY summarised version of everything I have written for her. i have written so much for Himera but I couldnt possibly put it all here.


Also all of her pictures in her bio link to larger pictures- just click them. Pics on the side or down the bottom

She also has art by others now! Check the bottom

Warning: gore in drawn or written form.
"I am a God. I am above pettiness.....normally."
— Himera
Lady Himera
Light Goddess

Demisexual (Demisexual flag)She/They (Black)TQ6JU9u.png

Divine Sun

Hat close-up

Gender: Female
Origin: Heavens
Resides: Earthrealm
Species: God
Weapons: Spear, Gladius (secondary)
Fighting Style: Sōjutsu, Aikido, Nanquan, Arnis

Like the other gods, Himera traces her origins to the Heavens to where she had an incorporeal form. However, at some point millions of years ago, after Raiden and Fujin came to Earthrealm, she descended into Earthrealm and chose her mortal form.

After a short time, she found Raiden and Fujin and resided near their Sky Temple. She spoke with the two brothers, walked with them, sparred and meditated together with them. In general she co-existed with them peacefully.
But it didnt take long before she heard Fujin's murmurings. He spoke of the world of Earthrealm around them, desperately wanting to explore this world, see its beauty and meet its inhabitants.
Himera decided that she agreed with Fujin. She too wanted to see this new world and all it had to offer. And perhaps after some time, find a place to build her own temple.
Himera left the Sky Temple before Fujin could bring himself to, thinking that as she was not related to the two brothers, her absence would not be taken so personally.
Therefore, she missed the fight that the brothers had about Fujin wanting to leave Raiden and his duties as protector of Earthrealm.

Himera wandered the world, falling in love with nature and the curious inhabitants of Earthrealm. Watching the world grow and shift around her; seeing many people born, grow and die before her very eyes.
In particular Himera grew fond of two things; horses and children.
Children intruiged Himera. They, unlike their parents, would not cower in her prescence. But this was likely due to their ignorance of who she was.
They approached her with no fear and often spoke their mind.
Children had no filter and held zero regrets for the way they acted. She learned a lot from children; especially in regards to how mortals lived and the emotions they felt.
But, Himera did find joy in being around mortals as a whole. Through them she saw and experienced many things.
Birth, death. War, hunger. Triumph.
And yet despite her godly status. Despite her imposing figure. Despite the fact people should have feared her. There were many that didn’t.
Often the most humble people would offer what little they had. Food, water. Shelter from the storm. She needed none of it and yet took only a little. To show her gratitude. To understand what drove people to give rather than horde.
To sit among the mortals and speak with them.

Horses were another thing Himera saw a lot of and grew fond of very quickly. When on the move she would like to stop and spend time with any horses that she saw; feeding them and simply sitting with them. But never riding as she didn’t want to burden them
She loved to watch these majestic creatures
They could roam all they wanted to- its why she got one tattooed on her back. She found herself entranced by their beauty and strength.
When she eventually founded her own temple, the Temple of the Sun, it was built on a mountain, but not so high up it gets snow all the time
Horses are kept on a field just beside the mountain. They can be seen from the temple. Monks from the temple often go down to feed them. Himera goes down there to meditate as well.

She wandered for many centuries, only hearing tales of the Mortal Kombat tournaments but not being able to participate in them for many reasons; namely gods need to be invited to tournaments, or else give up their immortality and powers to attend as a mortal. And even if she were to go to watch, not participate, she would lose her powers as is the norm when entering another realm.
While very versed in many forms of Kombat, Himera was untrustworthy of the implications. Further, she had no want to join in the tournaments. Rather she found herself more at ease with exploring and helping the everyday people outside of the tournaments.
After some time it reaches her that a Thunder god and Wind god (sometimes) joined these tournaments. She wondered if it was the same two she spent her time with all those eons ago.
This, coupled with the fact Himera began to sense a great shift in the balance of the universe. Timelines began to alter. People around her were suffering more. Wars and atrocities grew in number. Death plagued the innocent. Something big and bad was about to happen.
Himera knew that if the two gods mentioned in the tales were who she thought they were, they would be able to help her.
Himera rethought her life strategy.
She needed to seek those with enough power to end the strife and help them push back whatever it was threatening Earthrealm. Help the few to help the many
So she returned to where she first descended to Earthrealm eons ago; the Sky Temple. And meets the kombatants there defending Earthrealm.
She found Raiden and Fujin there as well.
Their reunion started as an uneasy one. Raiden at first being resentful that Himera neglected her duties and left the two of them. And that her leaving possibly spurred Fujin to leave himself. But in all honesty it had been so long that all animosity was forgotten. They were just happy to see each other again.
After helping them win she decides to settle down. Finding mountains to build her temple on that she will defend with her immortal life (the Temple of the Sun)
Trains anyone who will step foot in her temple and prove themselves worthy (in many styles that she has learned on her travels)- she seems to have a far higher concentration of female warriors.
She will not hesitate to help the Kombatants should earth realm be threatened once more

Taking on the form of a mortal woman, Himera appears as a tall, light-skinned and well-muscled woman with long silvery-white hair often kept in a bun and pony-tail.
Her eyes glow yellow, enhanced under the shadow of her wide kasa-style hat she is seen wearing.

Her base outfit comprises of long, flowing white robes with deeply dipped sleeves and red edging. She wears a red vest on top of her robes, with gold detailing, as well as leather gloves and boots. She wears leather and gold bracers as well.
Her hat is adorned with cresent shaped blades that dangle from the brim, as well as a golden sun ornament that sits on the front of the hat.
Himera also bears several glowing yellow tattoos across her body.
On her face she has a stylized sun on her chin. On each temple is a curling tomo, specifically a three-branched or 'mitsudomoe'.
On her wrists and ankles Himera also has depections of a sun and clouds. And across her back she has a large tattoo depecting a rearing horse.

Himera, being the goddess of light, has complete control of light.
She can create large pillars of light that can entrap opponents, quickly burning and vaporising them. She can also create smaller beams of light to concentrate her attacks in a smaller area.
Himera can use her light powers to create orbs of light that she can use as projectiles by throwing them at opponents. Or by striking them, the orbs of lights can explode into light sparks.
For closer ranged enemies, Himera can create light blades around her hands. Which can be used to easily slice through any opponent or material in her range.
Himera's light can also be channeled through her spear or gladius, heating them up to super high temperatures to deliver devastating attacks to opponents. Or else she can wield one of her weapons with one hand and fire off light attacks with the other.

When using her light powers, Himera's fingers and hands glow. It starts at her fingertips and flows up her arms. This glow recedes as she uses more and more of her powers. Further, light particles surround her when she powers up and before she uses her powers.

Himera has been shown to also use her light powers to manipulate objects around her; using it as a form of telekinesis to push, pull or move objects around her that she may otherwise not be able to move.
Furthermore, she has the ability to walk on light particles in what would otherwise be seen as a form of levitation or flight.

Like Raiden, Himera can use her light powers to teleport her, or anyone she touches, to and from anywhere she can think of.
Additionally, Himera can use her light powers to heal. If she uses them in small enough doses (such as heating her hand up and placing it on the afflicted area) she can encourage skin, muscle and bone to heal almost in an instant. However, she cannot heal herself or other gods (the jinsei in these cases is used instead).
Like Raiden and Fujin, Himera is seen to have some semblance of an effect on the weather; often bringing sunshine with her wherever she goes.

On top of all of this, it should be noted that even without her powers Himera is still a skilled combatant. She has enhanced strength and speed due to her godly status. As well as millenia of experience of learning various forms of martial arts.
She can fight hand-to-hand or wield her weapons to deadly effect, even without her powers.

- Incineration (or as Johnny calls it 'Shoulda brought more sunscreen'): Using her light powers, Himera slowly vaporises her opponent. She projects a large beam of light over them and traps them in it. We watch as their body begins to burn. Catch fire. Disintegrate away into dust. The camera pans up to the opponents screaming face as their eyes melt out of their sockets and their skull turns to dust. Nothing is left but a pile of ash.
- Head Hunted (or as Johnny calls it 'Piked right up the neckhole'): Summoning a light blade in one hand and weilding her gladius in the other, Himera chops off the limbs of her opponent and vaporises them with the light. When all four limbs are taken off she summons her spear. Thrusting it upward into the opponents throat she rips their head off their body. She stands holding the spear with the opponent's neck and head mounted on the end of her spear.
-Light Show: The lights in the arena dim. Himera uses balls of light as projectiles that she shoots upwards. They float in the air above her head until she swings her spear, through each of them. Making each light orb explode like fireworks in a shower of particles. She makes one final ball of light and tosses it up, hitting it with her spear like a baseball bat, it flies to the screen and bursts against it, raining beautiful shimmering particles everywhere.
Other moves
- Himera stabs someone with her spear. She uses the spear to pick them up and arc them above her head. She lets the opponent slide down the spear before completing the arc and throwing the opponent off.
-Himera throws her spear through the opponents chest, with it coming through the other side with their heart stuck on the tip.
-Himera teleports into the air. She throws the spear from above, using it to pin her opponent down to the ground in a kneeling position (so the spear pierces the top of their head and goes through their body). She teleports in front of them and uses her gladius to chop their head off
-Himera spins into a crouch, using her spear to sweep her opponent off their feet. She knees them in the face, launching them upward. She then swings one arms up, holding her gladius, completely gutting the enemy.
-Himera kneels down and jabs the spear backwards behind her, through the middle of her opponent. She then brings the spear up and around, launching the opponent into the air. She then grabs her gladius in one hand, and summons a light blade in the other. And with the both of them she completely slices and dices her enemy.
-She can swing her spear against the ground, using the tip of it to create sparks.

Tower ending (if she was in MK11):
“As the title of Keeper of Time was suddenly thrust upon me I felt myself at a loss. A crossroads with too many options; I felt I had little idea of where to go. The sense of responsibility was greater than I had ever had before.
I had spent centuries walking among mortals, protecting them. But never to this degree. I had learned much about those I had spent time with; but was it enough to govern and shape their futures in a way that best suited them?
I used the hourglass to descend once more. Living countless lifetimes amongst the mortals that spanned across all realms. I lived lives of many shapes, races and occupations. But most importantly, I spent my time with the children of the realms.
I was a teacher, a nurse, a leader and most importantly, a mother. With them I shared love and pain, joy and loss. Emotions I had felt before, but only strengthened as I now felt them firsthand.
Through the children, those I taught or mothered myself, I would learn the most important things each peoples considered to ensuring a proper future.
I watched those children, listened to their parents, and saw how their worlds shaped their minds as they grew. And how in turn, they taught their own children to shape their own futures.
And with each lifetime my eyes were opened more and more to the differing mindsets of every race in every realm.
With the wisdom of many lives I shaped the sands of time not only for my benefit. But for the benefit of the future of all realms. Each future was one the peoples chose for themselves, based on their own sets of beliefs.
And I stand, as a pillar of protection, the guiding light for all realms. Keeping those I care about the most the closest to me. My only regret as Keeper of Time I can no longer have children of my own. But that is why, from time to time I descend to my old temple to visit my loved ones and friends, and be among the children once more”

Miscellaneous points:
- Himera, Fujin and Raiden were introduced to DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) and Just Dance by Cassie Cage and Jacqui Briggs, because Johnny most likely has arcade machines in his great big mansion. The three gods hold little dance tournaments between them. Raiden is the undefeated champion.

- Himera and Fujin have a list of 'Things to not tell Raiden'

-Said list includes the fact that because the mortal children showed Himera if you talk into an electric fan it distorts your voice, she tried that with Fujin and his powers to zero success

-And the fact Kidd Thunder has started to call her 'Mama'

-Himera is very tall. Roughly 6 foot 7 (this is to go with the fact most estimates of Raiden put him at 7 foot. And Fujin roughly the same maybe just a little shorter)

- She has learned that children respond the best to small gestures; such as helping them put on their footwear, grabbing something for them that is out of their reach, joining in to kick a strange round object around. Or simply raising a hand to mimic their own frantic movements.

- She gives little light shows to cheer up upset children. Often crouching down to their level or picking them up to appear less threatening. Children always insist on speaking to her when she was meditating. Asking her to join in their juvenile games. She never refused, finding herself amused by them more than anything else

- Himera is often surrounded by a gaggle of children as a result of her friendliness towards them. Theywould follow her, even into the most sacred spaces of her temple (much to the confusion of the residing monks). As such, her temple is an open space to any weary travellers. But, as a result her temple is not as safe as a space as the Sky temple is and therefore houses no Jinsei within its walls. In order to meditate and heal by the Jinsei, Himera must travel to the Sky temple.

-Due to this, she has developed a reputation. Many babies have been left on the steps of her temple and she takes in every single one of them and raises them with her monks.

-On her travels there have been many children she has helped. But the first was an infant she stumbled across, whose parents had been murdered in a grisly fashion. The child was alone and helpless so she picked it up and attempted to return it home to its village. But, like the baby's parents, the entire village had been raided and raized, with no signs of life left.
So Himera travels, with the child, to find a suitable family while fending off all sorts of enemies and trying to keep the child alive
She eventually did find a place for the child, and a loving couple to take it in. But, over the travelling she had grown fond of its prescence. She feels sorrow for the first time letting the child go. She never saw that child again; didnt know if it lived a good and happy life. But that was the first child she ever helped. And since then she helps anyone, especially children, in need.
“Every smile I see on the face of children reminds me of that time”
From time to time she returns to the village to visit the descendants of the child she rescued.

-She has developed a sense of humour mostly based on slapstick. She's not good at telling jokes but can definetely appreciate them

-Himera is ambidextrous; as it helps with dual-wielding weapons and handling a lot of children. However, she is known to favour her left hand (as can be seen by her sword placement and spear wielding).

-She often invites Hanzo Hizashi to her temple. To let him meditate, relax. And be among children. Sometimes Kuai Liang joins him as well. If anything she just wants to help them heal their emotional wounds. She has sat down with many of Earthrealm's fighters, just to listen to them. Let them speak their troubles.

- Himera's name comes from multiple places. For the most part it is a combination of Hemera and Ōhirume (hemera being a greek goddess associated w the day. And ohirume being another name for amaterasu- a japanese goddess of the sun).
In Japanese kanji; hi comes from "sun, day" and me is "woman, lady"
Also the ra can come from Tama-nui-te-rā (Maori personification of the sun) (as well as ra from Egyptian mythology, god of the sun)
- Himera has many tattoos. Most of which simply depict a sun, which is obvious in its meaning. The tattoo on her back is a horse. Himera's love of horses stems from the fact that many depections of sun/day dieties have a chariot drawn by horses (this also includes Hemera)
- On her temples, Himera has tattoos of tomoe. A tomoe is a symbol very closely associated with Amaterasu.
- Each of her alternate outfits has a name and an origin:
Divine Sun: Her base outfit as it were. Mostly taking inspiration from depictions of Amaterasu, with the long flowing robes and dipped sleeves. The thick vest is inspired by the vests worn by Raiden and Fujin. The style of her kasa specifically comes from legend of zelda, specifically the style Purah wears with the hanging blades. She wields a spear due to its prescence in Roman armies.
Dawn Breaker: A Kombat-outfit inspired by the classic look of many of the ninja in Mortal Kombat games.
Light Mother: No direct inspiration. However it is notable that Himera's Light Mother outfit is the only outfit that does not retain her kasa; rather a crown of spikes.
Sol Kombatant: A more Roman inspired outfit, due to her half Roman influence with Hemera. She still retains her Japanese style kasa, however it is tipped with a plume inspired by Roman Centurions.
Revered Radiance: Inspired by the Osh-Tekk warriors throughout Mortal Kombat and their worship of the sun. It is likely Himera herself would be revered by the Osh-Tekk
Desert Glow: A distinctly Egyptian-inspired outfit, mostly taken from the likes of Sekhmet and Hathor. Both are very closely associated with the sun in Egyptian mythology as well as Hathor being associated with motherhood.
Eclipsed Goddess (Dark Himera): Himera's heart has become clouded by anger and grief to the pain and suffering she had seen across the world. War, famine, poverty. And how people, their children especially, had been suffering while under the watch of the elder gods. Ignoring all the good she had seen on her travels, Dark Himera is fueled by rage and grief. Intent on razing anyone and anything to the ground that stands in the way of her being a protector to the children or threatens earthrealm. Like Raiden she destroys anyone that poses any kind of threat or opposes her. Entire armies or civilisations? Friends and students? Anyone that threatens her, her temple, her new home realm or who sides with those who do, will be burned. It doesn’t matter if you are friend or foe
Despite the fact, in her story, Dark Himera does not become corrupted and turn to darkness like Raiden did. There exists a distinct possibility that she COULD turn. Thus, the hypothetical outfit of Dark Himera. Mostly inspired by the depictions of Dark Raiden.
Time's Light: An outfit inspired by those worn by MK11 characters in their Tower Endings. When Himera, and all other characters, take the hourglass and become Keeper of Time they get Titan outfits mostly white and gold in colour. This is so far the only time we see Himera's hair in a ponytail without the bun.
Bright Future: An outfit actually inspired, not by an outfit in MK11, but by a skin found in MKX. One of Raiden's skin is known as his future skin, and this is entirely inspired by that skin.

Gallery (of art done by me)
Back tattoo
Dawn Breaker
Revered Radiance
Time's Light
Hand and feet tattoos
Light Mother
Desert Glow
Bright Future
Hat sideview
Sol Kombatant
Eclipsed Goddess
Gallery (of art done by others)
Himera by Satire
Himera by Randomghost
Himera by Xeafayne
Himera by Malreau

Template Base by Snapdragon

OG Name: Eos
OG Scry:


Scry complete: 15/9/23
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