
He/Him ~ Excitable Artist
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Enamored Swan
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Tundra
This dragon is under the permanent effect of a Silhouette Scroll. A toggle on the dragon's profile allows swapping between the artwork poses available for the breed.
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Personal Style


Artist Satchel
Herald's Scroll




3.33 m
2.59 m
247.19 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 20, 2023
(10 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


vr0czGr.png S H A D O W
Artist | He/Him | Cheerful

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque interdum, augue quis laoreet finibus, tellus arcu sagittis nulla, ac sagittis dolor dolor ac ligula. Integer dictum massa a pulvinar ornare. Suspendisse sed ante ac risus scelerisque pellentesque. Donec finibus quam a nisi finibus, eget sollicitudin ipsum porta. Ut sapien nunc, bibendum ac mi sed, aliquam pharetra arcu. Sed non nunc enim. Phasellus quis euismod diam, vitae rutrum erat. Quisque sit amet ante bibendum, suscipit ligula at, accumsan quam. Aliquam ac ornare leo, at sollicitudin leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec vitae fermentum libero, ac facilisis felis. Proin volutpat elementum ipsum, a sollicitudin justo. Donec tristique orci in sem blandit lobortis. Vivamus quis dignissim lacus.

Mauris felis lorem, ultricies vitae augue non, pulvinar luctus risus. Morbi rhoncus ipsum ac scelerisque efficitur. Curabitur lacus risus, interdum vel mollis convallis, pretium a erat. Morbi nec ligula dapibus, scelerisque lacus nec, dapibus dui. Donec pulvinar lacus eget lectus fermentum, ut elementum elit sodales. Vivamus a lorem laoreet, sagittis libero eget, congue libero. Aliquam scelerisque nec lectus vel commodo. Quisque nec finibus urna. Nam vel ipsum felis.
Suspendisse sed ante ac risus scelerisque pellentesque. Donec finibus quam a nisi finibus, eget sollicitudin ipsum porta. Ut sapien nunc, bibendum ac mi sed, aliquam pharetra arcu. Sed non nunc enim. Phasellus quis euismod diam, vitae rutrum erat. Quisque sit amet ante bibendum, suscipit ligula at, accumsan quam. Aliquam ac ornare leo, at sollicitudin leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec vitae fermentum libero, ac facilisis felis. Proin volutpat elementum ipsum, a sollicitudin justo. Donec tristique orci in sem blandit lobortis.



Shadow is a young, bright eyed Tundra with an infectious smile. His thick blue-black mane is always a mess, tufts sticking out every which way, often tied back in braids or a pony when it gets in his face. Crusted bits of paint can always be found in between his claws, and (somehow) splattered along the very ends of his tail.

The Tundra's eyes (despite his name, Shadow,) are the bright, cheerful yellow of the Light territories, the golden colour of wheat under summer sun. His expression is almost always smiling, if he's not laughing, crinkling around the edges of his eyes as he does so.

He wears a warm, cozy, sweater, despite the thick fur that covers his body, topping it up with a bright cyan scarf. The Tundra carries thick sheafs of paper in the scroll case wherever he goes, pencils and paintbrushes tucked neatly behind his keen ears for whenever he feels the need to create.


Shadow was extremely nervous. Would Vaselios like his gift? The Tundra had spent an entire week painting this portrait for his sorcerer friend, trying to get every detail right. He was currently hovering indecisively outside of the Wildclaw's study, wringing his talons as the anticipation built up inside his chest, nearly unbearable by this point.
Just get it over with, Shadow. He thought, hastily tucking the wrapped canvas under his arm and reaching for the bronze doorknob to Vaselios's study.
The heavy, oak doors creaked open slowly, revealing his friend's cluttered study.

If Shadow knew the Wildclaw well enough, (which he did) Vaselios would be currently sitting on his balcony, waiting patiently for the sun to dip fully into the horizon, and for twilight to appear.
Shadow cautiously poked his head in, glancing towards the open glass doors leading to a small balcony. He padded across the floor, passing the sagging shelves of ancient looking books, worn furniture, and framed star maps hanging over blue tinted walls.

Shadow tapped lightly on the doorframe to alert Vaselios he was here, observing his friend nervously from his place at the balcony doors. Vaselios was sitting comfortably on a pillow, tail curled neatly beside him, a brass telescope standing in front of him, pointed out to the sky. When Shadow knocked, the Wildclaw looked up from his tattered book of predictions, only being slightly surprised that the Tundra was standing there.

Shadow coughed nervously, "Um, I-I thought... I thought you might like this?" the artist smiled sheepishly, walking over to gently hand his gift to Vaselios.
Oh, Shadow, this was not a good idea. the Tundra scolded himself in his head.

Vaselios cut the paper away from his gift, its wrapping falling away to reveal a familiar scene. The sorcerer took the gift holding it up to study, it was quite a beautiful piece of work- intricate and incredibly detailed- It portrayed the scene where they first started to become friends, a grassy hillside, under the claw-shaped moons and star-filled sky. In the scene Vaselios was pointing upwards, while Shadow looked up, following where his friend was indicating.

The Wildclaw was silent for a few moments longer, causing a nervousness to settle over Shadow,
"Shadow, I- this is amazing. I... I really love it." Vaselios said awkwardly, though his voice had the ring of truth in it. The Tundra knew that his grumpy friend wasn't used to these sappy interactions (Yet), so this was the most heartfelt thing he would be squeezing out of the Sorcerer. Shadow stifled a sigh of relief.
Vaselios paused for a moment, and then propped the painting up against the stand of his brass telescope, opening his mouth hesitantly to say something, closing it again, as though he was clearly regretting what he was about to say.

"Oh come here. I know you're dying to hug me right now." He grumbles, opening his small arms to the warm, cheerful ball of fur that was Shadow. Suddenly hit by a force of pure happiness, the artist snuggled happily into the first hug Vaselios had ever willingly committed to.

Shadow heard Vaselios faintly sigh, and relax into the embrace. He really had found a true friend.

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Exalting Shadow to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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