Level 1 Fae
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Longneck Medium
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Energy: 45/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Male Fae
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1.4 m
0.85 m
1.88 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Jul 16, 2023
(10 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245


When WHY had hatched they’d been a rather quiet hatchling. Orange eyes studying their new world with interest, shining as brightly as the constellations that littered their scales.
As WHY grew they soon found that while they enjoyed the exploration of their home lair and meetings with other dragons what they truly found joy in was studying the stars.
Seeing which constellations in the skies matched their own.

Once Why reached adulthood they had mapped out every star on the sky and the corresponding one on their scales, a walking star chart. Yet there was always just one star they could never place.
It was bigger and brighter than the rest, standing out against the brilliant colors of the night sky.
Little WHY’s eyes always drawn back to it and no dragon in their lair seemed to be able to answer WHY’s questions as to what it was or it’s name.
And so when WHY reached adulthood they decided to set out and see if any other dragons would have more information on the elusive star. Books packed, treasure saved a couple meals prepared and WHY was ready to set out on their journey.
The other dragon groups WHY met along the way were nice enough, welcoming and kind.
Letting them replenish their rations and yet none of them ever seemed to have any more information on the star that seemed to shine brighter than the rest.
Most had never even seen it before (more still couldn’t even see the star, leading to a lot of confused looks sent their way).

And so WHY never stayed for long. Long enough to create and trade a map of the stars or two for a story or a meal and then they were off again.
As WHY traveled they didn’t just create maps of the stars that they could see from each location, they began to create maps of each lair they had visited. How some clans seemed to cluster near a similar spot, whereas others where alone. It reminded them of how the stars were.
But even then despite all of WHY’s travels they could never find more information on the star. The star which had enamored them so all those years ago.
And so WHY moved ever forward; Visiting more clans, making more maps and asking anyone and everyone if they knew anything about it! Never too much success however, much to WHY’s disappointment.
Having visited 10 of the 11 flights by this point WHY was beginning to lose hope. Perhaps the star would stay elusive to them forever… That was until they began to hear rumors. Rumors of a dragon that could perhaps help them solve the question they had been asking for oh so many years.

It was when WHY found themself on the edge of the foxfire bramble did they begin to become ever so slightly hesitant, after all they’d heard rumors about the canopy being so thick that not even the light could get inside, what would a dragon studying the stars be doing there?
But it was WHY’s best lead to finding out the answer to their questions.
So with newfound hope and determination they walked inside. A task easier said than done but, WHY continued onward.

Soon enough, WHY found themself on the edge of a rather peculiar sight, plants a vivid green instead of purple. It looked more like the land had been switched out for a slice of the viridian labyrinth rather than the foxfire bramble!
WHY soon stumbled into a clearing, a soft green grass and warm sunlight greeted him. Along with quite a few pairs of eyes.
With a deep breath, WHY spoke “I… I’m here to see Virosa?”.

The WHY Lineage - 2nd Generation
Original WHY (Solaris) -> Vulx -> Me
Queen of poor decision making~ I mean, who names all of their children WHY? Oh wait... Why totally would. Although WHO, WHAT, WHEN are also names she's pretty fond of... Has no fashion sense. At all. You can probably tell.

This is a lineage from 2014 that I'm working to resurrect! The original WHY has been breedchanged, renamed, and sold to someone else, and the original founder is now inactive. All but one of her children are also inactive, and the only still active one is Vulx, the mother of this dragon. Vulx, however, doesn't breed regularly. So this is the lowest generation WHY you'll find on the site!
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Exalting WHY to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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