
Level 1 Fae
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Female Fae
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Personal Style



Skin: Navigator



1.61 m
1.2 m
2.61 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 06, 2023
(11 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Day 48
For the next stop: 7/7
Stops: 10/10
Supplies: 365
Rations: 52
Trade goods: 35

Day 1:
As the sun rose, bright and promising, the dragons woke up one by one.
Their breath was visible in the morning air as they stretched their limbs into the air.
The lead dragon, Clown, gathered the others and said:
"Today is the day we begin our journey. The sun shines bright upon us, and the sea is calm. Let us begin the voyage to find our new home!"

Day 2:
As the sun rose the second morning, the dragons were greeted by a clear blue sky and calm waters.
They were preparing to set sail when they came across a treasure chest floating on the surface of the water.
Excited and curious, the dragons raced towards the chest. Once they reached it, they found that it was heavy and solid, and they had to use all of their strength to flip it over and examine it.
Inside the chest, they found a map marked with an X and the words "Here Be Treasure."

Day 3:
On the third day of the voyage, Eria, one of the dragons, came to realize that her true passion lay not in the art of being a cartographer, but rather in the craft of creating beautiful objects out of natural materials.
So, on that third day, she decided to change her profession from cartographer to crafter.
She set to work, experimenting with the materials at hand and crafting various items, such as pendants, charms, and bracelets, out of sea shells, coral, and other natural materials.

Day 4:
On the fourth day of the journey, the travelers welcomed a new member to their group. Rheanna joined them in their voyage.
Rheanna was young and energetic, and she brought with her a fresh perspective and new enthusiasm to the journey. Despite her youth, she was a skilled sailor and a good hunter, and she quickly proved herself to be a valuable member of the group.
The other dragons, seeing Rheanna's passion and enthusiasm for the voyage, welcomed her warmly into their ranks.

Days 7-8:
During days 7 and 8 of the journey, the dragons found themselves at a crossroads.
Although they were following the map they found earlier, they decided to take a different route, deviating from the course marked on the map.
They changed their route because they saw potential for treasure at a new location. They were drawn to this location by the promise of wealth and the promise that they might find something unexpected.
Despite the change in direction, the party remained optimistic and excited, believing that this detour would lead to new discoveries and riches.

On days 9 to 15, the dragons moved through regions rich in food and resources, which allowed them to replenish their supplies and refuel.

On day 12, several new dragons joined the group. They brought with them fresh perspectives, and new skills and abilities.

With the addition of new members, the group decided to slow down their journey for a few days to explore and gather resources. The move was a strategic one, as it allowed the group to recharge and regroup, and to enjoy the abundance of the region.

On the 16th day, Dina made a prophecy, foretelling that the destiny of Clown and Dina are intertwined, and that they will always be together, through good times and bad, through their journey and beyond.

On day 21, Waffle, a young and aspiring artist among the traveling dragons, decided to pursue her passion for art. Despite facing challenges and criticism from some of the other dragons for her decision, she continued to work on her craft, finding solace and inspiration in the world around her.
As the journey went on, Waffle's artwork became a point of fascination and discussion among the dragons, and they began to look forward to seeing her new creations. Her inspiration grew as she experimented with different mediums and forms of art, and the other dragons began to appreciate her unique perspective and talent.

On day 24, Paskhal officially established himself as a merchant, selling the creations and treasures that the group had acquired on their travels. This marked a turning point for Paskhal, who had previously been focused on learning alchemy and contributing to the group's journey.
From that day on, he became a shrewd and savvy businessman, using his skills to identify opportunities and to barter for the best prices for his wares. His knowledge of the world gained from his time with Artus and his fellow dragons was invaluable in his trade, and he quickly established himself as a trusted and respected merchant among the dragons.

On the 25th day of the journey, the caravan encountered a natural disaster that resulted in minor damage to their ship. However, the group was prepared and had the necessary resources to make a quick repair.

The dragons gathered the necessary materials, such as wood and rope, to perform the repairs. With their combined efforts and skills, they were able to fix the damage and continue their journey in good condition. This incident served as a testament to the resourcefulness and perseverance of the dragons, as well as their ability to work together to overcome challenges.

Day 27:
Dina had seen a vision of the future, and in this vision, the fates of all of the dragons were intricately intertwined, and the fate of Young, in particular, was deeply intertwined with his. This revelation filled the dragons with both excitement and a sense of foreboding.

Day 28:
As the dragons continued their journey, they came across two new dragons - Stasja and Amba - who had also been following the treasure-laden map. With this addition, the party had grown to a grand total of fourteen dragons.
Young was particularly interested in the new arrivals, as she had read about ancient prophecies that suggested the dragons would meet new members along the way, each of whom would play a crucial role in their quest.

Day 29:
The dragons were stricken with a terrible disease that threatened to end their mission before it had even begun. The Clown in the group, in particular, was badly affected; he was struggling to fight off the illness.

In a miraculous turn of events, a potion that Artus had created out of herbs and flowers saved the Clown's life and he quickly recovered from the disease. The group was happy to have him back.

Unfortunately, the situation was not as fortunate for Amba, the newcomer in the group. As the sickness progressed, she sadly passed away.

Day 31:
The dragons were delighted to find that they had encountered a group of traveling merchants on their journey. The merchants had a wealth of items for sale, and the dragons traded with them, securing several important resources for their journey. The barter went well, and the dragons managed to obtain a wide variety of supplies that would be vital for their quest.
Paskhal was particularly impressed by the merchants' knowledge of the local geography and weather patterns, information that would be useful for their journey. The merchants were impressed by the dragons' ability to trade effectively and were happy to strike a deal with them.

On day 32, Vynti joined the team. She displayed a calm and rational demeanor, and was seen as a trustworthy and knowledgeable dragon. Her calm personality helped to make him a valuable addition to the team as they continued their journey. She seemed to have a deep connection with the group, and was respected and admired by all who knew her.

On day 37, the dragons encountered a passing caravan and entered into negotiations with its representatives. Vynti played a crucial role in their dealings, displaying her negotiating skills and ability to discern the best possible deal for the group. Her wisdom and patience during negotiations made her an asset to the team. The results of the negotiations were beneficial and Vynti's contribution was greatly appreciated by the group.

On day 41, the dragons discovered that some of their resources had been stolen. They quickly checked their stocks and realized that some supplies and food had gone missing since their last count. This event made them aware of the dangers they faced on their journey and the need to take extra precautions to protect their resources. Vynti, in particular, expressed her concern about the theft and the need to make sure that the thieves did not gain the upper hand. The group quickly took measures to strengthen their security, determined to ensure that their resources were protected and the journey could continue without any further interruptions.

On day 43, a terrible sickness spread throughout the group, claiming the life of the dragon Milo. The sickness lasted for several days, and several other dragons fell ill, including the Clown and the young dragon Young who was connected to the Clown and Dina.

The sick dragons were quarantined and treated by Artus. He worked tirelessly, using special herbs and elixirs to create potent potions and salves, and his efforts eventually helped to heal most of the sick. Despite Artis'es best efforts to protect the dragons, Milo eventually succumbed to the disease.

On day 44, the dragons stumbled upon a shortcut that would shorten their journey by several days, saving them time and resources. This discovery was celebrated by the group, who saw it as a sign that they were on the right path. Young was especially grateful for this shortcut, as it would allow them to reach the treasure before the caravan they had caught sight of in the distance. The dragons swiftly set out to follow the shortcut, determined to make the most of their lucky find.

On day 46, the dragons discovered that thieves had struck again, this time stealing precious supplies and valuables from their caravan. This time, Vynti was the first to find and report the incident. The discovery angered the dragons, as they knew that these frequent delays would threaten their chances of reaching their destination before the caravan they had seen in the distance. However, having learned from past experiences, the dragons quickly took measures to improve their security, determined not to allow any more disruptions.

On day 47, the dragons encountered a fluffy dragon hatchling, a sweet and innocent young creature. They were impressed by her gentle nature and quickly took her under their care. His name was San, and he quickly became a beloved addition to the group. He was treated like family and brought joy and laughter to his new friends with his playful antics and sweet demeanor. The group was eager to protect San, knowing how vulnerable and dependent he was at such a young age.

On the 48th day of their journey, the dragons finally arrived at their goal. They found a new home, the Lightning domain, a place of great beauty and power. The group was filled with excitement and anticipation as they explored their new surroundings and imagined what this place would be like for them. To their delight, they discovered that they had found everything they had hoped for: a safe and secure home with an abundance of resources and a vibrant community.
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