
The daughter of the first Acheivment.
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Somber Spirit
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Energy: 47/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Amethyst Crystal Earrings
Lavender Harvest
Lavender Carousel Bracelet
Lavender Carousel Sandal


Accent: Aquarian Lily


Scene: Cottage Garden


4.2 m
4.59 m
621.28 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 03, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 3 Skydancer
EXP: 449 / 1401


The daughter of the first Acheivment.



The first Achievement, brought forward by Midnightdragon2.


The first Achivement was taken by a player who refused to let her go, and the details of her journey from player to player, previously recorded in her bio, along with the details of her status as a to-be-shared-always community dragon, were tragically erased.

See this LINK for the forum with clear details.

(Art Image 1 by thePurple.)


The second Achievement, brought forward by thePurple.


Please see this LINK for the new forum dedicated to the second Achievement.

Hey! Listen! OoT3D_Navi_Artwork.png

This is Achievement. They are a traveling dragon that is intended to be used for helping members of our Flight complete the achievements Supporting Local Business and Elemental Enterprise (Dragons), while having a fun flight-wide travelling dragon that anyone can take, add a personal touch to, and send off again! Please see details below to find out how to play/help with Achievement. For more information about Achievement and their legacy, please see this thread!

I ask that you do not keep this dragon. If you are interested in having a dragon like her, please contact thePurple, as she keeps a breeding pair that produces dragons similar to Achievement (Echo and Mirror).

How do I play?
  • Buy Achievement from the Shadow Flight Auction House to get the two associated achievements!
  • Give their bio some love! Part of the fun of a traveling dragon is for them to have a legacy in the bio :) Feel free to write your username, Clan name, the date, input an appropriate meme/image, whatever - the world is yours! Out of respect for others' additions, please try not to remove anything someone else has added in the bio. If you feel so inclined, feel free to change her genes or breed or eyes. However, please understand there is a risk of this dragon getting kept by a user.
  • Relist them on the Shadow Flight Auction House for exactly 10001 Treasure, so that the string of getting the achievements can continue.
Any questions, please feel free to message thePurple or comment on the Forum Thread.

7/11/23 - Achievement started their journey from thePurple's werecreature clan.

7/11/23 - Achievement found their way into CaptainDrakken's lair. They had a nice chat with the Matriarch Arcadia.

7/11/23 - Achievement camped near the Dusk Sanctum amid the friendly rogues of RhymeRaptor's Ancient Lair.

(Art Image 2 by RhymeRaptor.)
Together they had a little art lesson.

7/12/23 - Achievement has been DRAWN.
(Art Image 3 by Kid.)

7/12/23 - Achievement traveled on and stumbled across oflgtfol's clan along the northern shores of the Tangled Wood. They find that their plumage has changed patterns - their primary gene is now Poison. They take a quick selfie before moving on to a new clan.

(Art Image 4 by oflgtfol)

7/16/23 - Achievement discovered the hidden clan of Ikroven, led by Freigh and their partner, Faer. They aided the clan in scavenging a destroyed lair nearby as well as gathering food and bedding for the new hatchlings. They exchanged tongues with those in the Higher Order, found themself avoiding Renn's prowlers of the Thornbed, and continued on their journey after a group pruning session with other feathered individuals.

7/17/23 - Acheivemnt visited Anjoulas's lair. By Anjoulas's request, their choice of entry and description are not to be recorded. Instead, I have merely made a note of the date and lair Achievement visited,, and nothing more.

7/23/23 - Achievement visited Hellerune's lair, a brief stopover before continuing on her journey.

7/24/23 - Achievement continued their journey through the Tangled Wood, eventually stumbling upon a strange little shop with strange dragons inside. The shop was run by an eccentric dragon named Ten, and the establishment itself was filled with unique magical artifacts and trinkets from all over the land. The dragons inside were a friendly bunch, if a little odd. Achievement did find themselves getting along well with Florenzia, who was nothing but sweet and kind to them, even if Achievement could tell that she had her own secrets from the glimmer of a silver claw she kept under her cloak at all times. Achievement only stayed for a day or so, but even in that short amount of time, the strange magic about the shop seemed to have an effect on Achievement’s body, as their feathers started to shimmer with blue sparkles in place of the peacock pattern that was there before. When they finally left Ten and his merry band of merchants behind, Achievement swore that they were in a completely different part of the territory as if the shop itself had spirited them off in the time they were inside. Shaking off their curiosity, Achievement continued on their journey, new sparkles following them wherever they flew.

7/24/2023 - Achievement made it through the crushing, thorny knots that defend the Foxfire Bramble's clans, and enjoyed a brief respite within the moonlight fields of the 4Leaf clan. (Clan of myself, the self-proclaimed recordkeeper.)

7/30/2023 - Achievement wandered into dark bayous between Shadow and Plague, finding herself in the territory of Clan Acadie. She took note of the chaos of war and the hundreds of Fae she couldn’t communicate with easily, and noped right out. Hopefully, her next stop would be less tumultuous.

7/31/2023 - Achievement finds themself just above the Wispwillow Grove, in a small cave. There's a sign hanging from the entrance, which simply states "Shale Storytellers." Achievement listens to a few stories from a skydancer called Haunt, before continuing on their endless journey.

8/2/2023 - Achievement tagged along to the Golem Workshop for a few rounds.

8/5/2023 - Wandering through the Tangled Wood, Achievement stumbles upon a secluded village in what seems to be the middle of nowhere. Achievement listens to Cleo talk about her new storybook idea and ravages a mango orchard with Tropica before waving goodbye and continuing their journey through the Tangled Wood.

8/6/2023 - Achievement found themself back in the Wispwillow Grove, this time in the presence of the Hatchet Clan. They soon met an artist by the name of Ziggs, who offered to draw them. Achievement gratefully took the piece with them as they left.
(Art Image 5 by AllHailWebby)

8/8/2023 - Achievement got lost in the foxfire bramble on her journey, finding a peculiar circus troupe of dragons hidden in the thorns. She's not sure what happened after that, as the candle lights were suddenly extinguished with a rush of air from beating wings filled the room and many grinning hands lunging at her. Opening her eyes she realized she could see the moon once again, and her tail was now painted pink, but she was completely unharmed.

8/8/2023 - A brief rendezvous with thePurple's clan again, before heading out into the world once more!

8/9/2023 - Following her short stay back in her home clan, Achievement found her way into the Emberfavored, and became fast friends with the townsdragons. Before her departure, Achievement got her portrait done by Bubblegum, the Emberfavored's most prolific artist.


(Art Image 6 by Scardonia)
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Exalting Clementine to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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