
Level 1 Skydancer
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Starry Ampelope
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Nebula Starsilk Earrings
Withering Carousel Bracelet
Golden Arm Silks
Teardrop Citrine Leg Band
Withering Carousel Sandal
Chancellor Rings
Tutor Rings
Glowing Gold Clawtips
River Royalist Tail Rings




5.08 m
5.07 m
630.56 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 22, 2023
(12 months)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


But, oh, one thing I'm never gonna do
Is throw away my dancing shoes

i'll refine these later, take the barebones for now

some notes:

• wife of Sin, mother of Eden

• a popular dancer in an all-female group called Starbuzz!, working under the company [TBN]

• early 2000s kesha songs vibe

• her magic curiously takes on a golden hue despite being Shadow magic

• she's way more impulsive than you'd think, but only when it comes to decisions that affect her own life. she's a very, very strange mix of responsible and irresponsible

• shiny and needlessly expensive things are her guilty pleasure.
- her tastes have always exceeded her budget and for a very good portion of her young adulthood until she had her son, she was fine saving up for that gorgeous newly released 599g ring and surviving off of moths and stashed champagne for the next few months. food was all around her, but that ring was one of a kind!
and pretty things made her happier than eating, anyway. who's getting hurt by it?
- when she learned she was expecting a child, she eased up on that front and shifted her focus (and budget) to her future child's enjoyment instead of her own. she found some surprisingly comfy clothes from thrifting around this time; certainly nothing flashy, but not bad for a quick day trip or lounging around the house. in hindsight, it was probably best that she wasn't dressed head-to-claw in a bunch of dainty, fragile, and expensive jewelry while chasing a hatchling around.
- much to the joy of the local economy, her son ended up inheriting her expensive and flashy taste in clothing, leading her to spend much of her paychecks indulging in his interests.

• very much so a party girl. yes, exactly the type you're imagining rn. you could find her passed out somewhere or dancing very badly 5 drinks deep for a good portion of her life but she was also the drunk girl who'd hype you up in the bathroom and encourage you not to write back to your ex when you got lonely

• still took up the role of Group Mother given the air of general responsibility surrounding her; she actively dissuades the other girls from making bad decisions, will cut them off if they've had too many drinks, make sure they get back safely & have enough water with them, won't hesitate to take up the role of an antagonist to defend them, etc. Eleven forbid she finds out someone was trying to hide their mistreatment of one of her groupmates from her.

loves champagne & sparkly things

» relationship with Sin:
• she met Sin when her company was collaborating with Laughing Rabbits and allowed the eligible employees to mingle with one another. she figured that he looked so unique in his weird horror jester get-up and wanted to learn more about him, so she struck up a conversation with him to ask about his job.

it turned out that he wasn't an eligible candidate for collaboration and was only there to check on the newcomers before getting ready for his own show; apparently he was something called a Daredevil over there, meaning his performances centered around dangerous stunts that his company didn't want any collaborators to get involved with.
well, it made sense. he looked like a character out of a horror novel.

still, his unique appearance and his rather meek demeanor in spite of it only interested her further, as did how he apparently saw one of her solo performances recently— how did she not notice anyone who looked like him?— so she sought him out in the coming days to talk to him more.

he was an endearingly awkward guy, so far removed from her first impression of him that she wondered how he ended up in that career to begin with. they mostly chatted over drinks, but she found that the quieter talks they had on the walks to and from the tavern were enjoyable in their own right.

in just a year, she found herself growing fond of him in spite of the warnings from her friends and colleagues and it was glaringly obvious that he felt the same, despite how hard he tried to hide it. she tested the waters by making their banter flirtier each time she saw him, and once he reciprocated enough, she made it clear that she was only looking for something long-term; if she wasn't his only one, or if he started testing his luck, she'd drop him without looking back.

much to her pleasure, however, the sweet guy was practically trembling while he stammered through something a bit incoherent about no, she's the only one he wants, thank you.

and thus begun the start of... something?

• Vega always thought it was risky to be dead-set on anything, especially at her age, but there was one exception to that rule: she was not having children.

she struggled to keep her own life in line sometimes, nevermind the lives of one or more hatchlings who rely on her entirely for surviving. she was young, a bit immature, a tad irresponsible..
for all her parents' shortcomings, they had her when they were mentally and financially prepared for a child.
as she pondered over the future of motherhood, she was chewing on her last piece of gum for any semblance of food after blowing all her cash on the most gorgeous pair of hornrings she'd ever seen.
she realized that was a bad idea, but she was happy, so why should anyone else care?
she wasn't stupid: she knew that if she had children, her focus would have to be completely on their wellbeing rather than her own personal wants, and she couldn't see herself undergoing that big of a personality change in the near future... or ever.

imagine her confusion when she woke up one day with a pounding headache and thirstier than she'd ever been.

Sin had moved in with her shortly after they got together (turns out he was homeless prior; who knew?), but he seemed fine for the short duration he'd been living with her; it didn't seem like he caught anything and passed it to her. in fact, his health was evident as he was rapidly flitting around in panic trying to figure out what to do to make her feel better.

she had been feeling a bit woozy during practice at work in the prior week, but everyone has off-days, so she didn't pay it too much attention.
now she was nauseous and struggling to stand for too long, so much so that she sent Sin to quickly let her boss know that she wouldn't be coming in that day.
as sick as she felt, though, it didn't feel like an illness. she wasn't sure what it was, but it wasn't a cold.

it took a bit for her nausea to level out, but her rampant thirst continued. when she got an inexplicable urge to start stealing what few clothes Sin owned and noticed she was beginning to gain some weight around her midsection, her suspicions were all but confirmed.

» history:
• theres a certain percentage of Shadow dragons, often estimated to be lesser in number than they are, who work in— well, the shadows, far out of the limelight their peers adore. quiet and easily overlooked, they handle the far less glamorous tasks that keep the Woods up-and-running, such as diplomacy, landscaping, and the like.

Vega was born into one such family as the only hatchling to well-off parents. in contrast to her peers, she was raised to be quieter, dress simply, and uphold her family's line of work by inheriting their jobs and raising a family of her own to continue their legacy.

it was a peaceful life, but it was so unbelievably boring. she had all the funds she needed to buy whatever jewelry she wanted, but her parents nonetheless encouraged her to tone down her apparel, to lean towards classy rather than flashy— as if she couldn't do both? what was their money for, then?

she took an interest in dancing when she was young, a passion whose flame burned brighter in her than any language could properly convey. her parents acknowledged her talent and allowed her to indulge in it as a hobby, but they made it clear that it wasn't to be her career; they had several more secure and more productive jobs lined up for her when she was old enough to enter the workforce, and she would need to devote all her time to the one she chose when that time came.

with how she always argued against her parents (however weakly it may have been) when it came to discussions about her future, the writing was on the wall; she didn't hate her family, but she knew she was always meant to march to the beat of her own drum. gathering up her favorite jewelry and leaving behind a note for them so they wouldn't worry, she ran away and set off to make it on her own in the spotlight she knew she was destined for. countless of her peers had made lifelong careers out of passions her own parents deemed frivolous; surely there was a chance for her to succeed, too?

she took solace in knowing that even if she failed in the end, at least she tried.

vega wip

Vista: Lantern Forest*
Vista: Solar
Scene: Summer Sunset
hatched at around 11:32 AM, 6/22/23!

from Mirror to Skydancer at 12:52 PM on 6/22/23
from Rare to Bright eyes via clanbound vial at 12:56 PM on 6/22/23
from Starmap to Harlequin at 10:30 PM on 6/24/23

purchased Harlequin from the Gem MP for 1500g at 10:28 PM, 6/24/23
applied Harlequin on 10:30 PM, 6/24/23

Lux Spectre
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