
Aim for victory! All aboard!
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Coppercoil Creeper
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Aberration
This dragon is an ancient breed.
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




6.02 m
8.28 m
365.87 kg


Primary Gene
Diamond (Aberration)
Diamond (Aberration)
Secondary Gene
Spade (Aberration)
Spade (Aberration)
Tertiary Gene


Jun 06, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Aberration
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


(I have never needed to look up more minute details for lore than I have with this.)
(He has now taken three sharp turns in terms of lore direction: first transitioning into larger, longer lore; then having Ingo's disappearance connected to him being isekaied by a train, and now Ingo just disappearing after an argument.)
(Why did I make this so long? It's literally just Emmet going to the past, punching Volo, talking to PokeGod, and rescuing Ingo.)

Completed: 6/12/23 (Thank you, @/GeoArchon, for the Remove Tertiary!)

Emmet sat down on one of the few unoccupied seats on the train. The atmosphere was much different than the trains he conducted at the Battle Subway- much calmer and quieter compared to the lively chatter of Unova's trains. Then again, Emmet wasn't in Unova at the moment. He was currently in Sinnoh as part of an attempt to clear his mind.
Emmet normally wasn't supposed to be here- he was forced to close down the Battle Subway for the week. It was a good thing for him, though: The past few months, he was starting to feel overwhelmed in his role as the sole Battle Subway conductor.
It wasn't always like this, though. Before, Emmet could rely on the help of his brother Ingo. To the casual observer, they were as different as night and day: Emmet was energetic and lively, while Ingo was stoic and serious. However, in battle they would be almost completely in sync. Together, they ran the Battle Subway.
However, one day everything changed. Emmet and Ingo had had a fight- but what exactly they were fighting about Emmet couldn't remember. At some point, Emmet had felt what little calmness he had slipping away for a moment. The words he said at that moment filled his mouth with an unpleasant taste afterwards, like he'd licked a sun-parched Trubbish. After that, Ingo had left the room, though the heavy emotions still lingered. In a panicked attempt to apologize, Emmet ran after his brother, only for Ingo to have seemingly vanished into thin air.
The Battle Subway shut down during the investigation of Ingo's disappearance. For the first few weeks after it reopened, Emmet could barely bear to enter. When he did work up the courage to return to his position as Conductor, it didn't feel the same. The once lively battles were now almost monotonous, amplified by his growing loneliness. Meanwhile, Emmet could feel his previous energy now drained- and he wasn't sure if it would return.
Emmet was roused from his thoughts by the hissing of the train stopping, followed by the opening of the doors. He slowly rose, stumbling slightly as the pins-and-needles sensation faded from his legs. Then, he joined the crowd ambling out the door and towards a large building: the Eterna City Historical Museum. As he got closer, Emmet could see banners exclaiming "Relics of the Past: A Window to Sinnoh's Past". Emblazoned on one of the banners were large images of a woman in a long, black, fur-lined coat. Even though it was just a picture, the look in the woman's gray eyes- or at least the eye not covered by her blond hair- was intimidating, as if she was studying Emmet's soul. The rest of the banners displayed images of ancient drawings, cracked stone tablets, and mysterious runes.
Emmet only briefly glanced at each of the colorful paintings and elaborate sculptures on display. Finally, he had made his way to the Relics of the Past exhibit. He knew he had found it by the large crowd of people and Pokemon all staring enraptured at a large stage. On the stage, the woman from the banner gestured to a tablet with an image of a strangely long Basculin, clearly the current subject of her lecture. As she talked, Emmet did his best to blend in with the crowd.
As Emmet pushed his way to the front of the crowd, the woman waved her hand. As two uniformed museum workers wheeled away the tablet, the woman continued speaking, her voice drifting over the clamor of the crowd.
"And this next exhibit is quite interesting. Historians in Sinnoh have theorized that these items may have belonged to a very important figure- most likely belonging to the ancient Pearl Clan due to the symbol on the tunic. However, some of these items don't quite seem to match up with what has been determined as customary attire for people of the time period."
As the next exhibit was wheeled out, Emmet froze. Behind the protective glass sheet was none other than Ingo's signature coat, though tattered and stained, hung up alongside an old faded picture of Ingo standing next to an abnormally tall Sneasel. The crowd's chatter and the woman's lecture faded away, drowned out by the increasing sound of Emmet's pounding heart.
Then, Emmet felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see a teenager behind him. "Sir. You need to calm down."
"I am Emmet." Emmet's muttering was interspersed with his own heavy breathing. "My brother is dead. My brother is dead. My brother has been dead for years."
The teenager shifted his head, his backwards black-and-yellow baseball cap threatening to fall off of its perch atop his dark hair. "I'm sorry for you. But look." He reached into a pocket in his baggy black pants, before withdrawing a Pokeball. "This may be able to help you."
Emmet shook his head. "That's very kind. I don't need it."
"Trust me." The teenager shoved the Pokeball into Emmet's hand. "You need it more than I do. Before, I'd simply caught it to collect. With you, at least it'll be used for good instead of sitting in a box."
With that, the teenager walked away, leaving Emmet staring at the Pokeball. His fingers traced the letters carved into its top half: a G and a S, side by side.
Emmet walked out of the museum, many thoughts swimming through his head. Why was Ingo in the past? Who was that teenager?
He paused and retrieved the Pokeball again. This time, he placed his thumb on the button in the center, straightened his arm in front of him, and, just like he had hundreds of thousands of times before, opened the Pokeball.
The Pokemon that came out wasn't one Emmet had seen before. Its small translucent wings fluttered as it hovered in midair, darting playfully around Emmet. In all honesty, it reminded him of an onion.
Emmet crouched awkwardly in an attempt to look less threatening to the Pokemon. "I am Emmet. I mean no harm. Can you help me find my brother?"
The Pokemon tilted its head curiously. "Cele?" it said.
"Look." Emmet retrieved a small, folded picture of Ingo from a pocket before unfolding it to its full size. "I am Emmet. This is my brother Ingo. I saw him in a museum. He is in the past. Can you help me reach him?"
The Pokemon nodded. "Bi! Bi!" Then, it reached out a thin, leaf-like arm to Emmet, who accepted the gesture in confusion. The next thing he knew, he felt himself being pulled, everything around him blurring together.
Emmet and the mysterious Pokemon came to a stop within a large ruin. Then, Emmet heard the Pokemon giggle. He turned around just to see it teleport away. "Well," he said, "that happened." He took a moment to look around at the ruins. He stood atop a large marble platform, spires of broken marble jutting up around him like spears pointed towards the sky. At the far end of the platform, a strange man stood and paced across the tiles. From what Emmet could see, the man was tall and wore a gold-trimmmed white robe over green pants. Suddenly, the man turned around, his pointy blond updo barely moving despite the sudden motion.
"Who dares?" the man called out, his piercing eyes sweeping the area.
Emmet crept slowly out into the man's view. "I am Emmet. I arrived to look for my brother. Have you seen him?"
"Come to think of it, I think I have seen your brother. He looks like you, yes?" the man responded.
Emmet perked up. "Where did you see him?"
The man laughed once again. "I opened that rift as a call to Arceus," he pointed to the large hole in the sky, still spitting lightning. "And he came falling out. He didn't seem important, so I kicked off his merry trip down the mountain." He swung his foot as if punting a rock.
Without another word, Emmet balled his hand into a fist, before swinging it as hard as he could into the man's face.
The man stumbled backwards, clutching his cheek. "You... such insolence!" He raised a fist, before letting it drop. "You aren't even worth dirtying my hands at this moment. But mark my words- I will have my revenge." With that, he walked away, glaring at Emmet.
Suddenly, a flash of light appeared to Emmet's right. There, he saw a large Pokemon that resembled a slender white horse- except for the ornate golden circle around its midsection and its pointy horns and legs.
"Who art thou? Why hath thou come to thy most sacred temple?" a booming voice echoed in Emmet's mind.
Emmet took a short breath. "I am Emmet. I am looking for my brother Ingo."
The Pokemon tilted its head, its red eyes blinking slowly as if in thought. Finally, it responded. "Ingo... I knoweth that name."
"You do?" Emmet said, a hopeful tone rising in his voice.
The Pokemon nodded. "He fell through the rift created by Volo- I think thou hath met Volo, correct?"
"Oh, is Volo that guy I punched?" Emmet responded bluntly
The Pokemon looked as though it was in disbelief, before quickly regaining its composure. "Yes. Thou art correct. Volo created the rift in the sky in an attempt to summon me and subjugate thy powers. Ingo falling through was merely an unintentional coincidence." The Pokemon looked towards the sky. "If thou wish, I can bring thee your brother, though I do not trust that he shall recognize thou in the same way."
The Pokemon nodded, and Ingo appeared in a flash of light. He looked like he had been through a lot- his hair was unruly and dotted with the occasional bit of grime, and his coat was frayed and stained. He looked around with a curious and worried expression, before his eyes finally rested on Emmet.
"W-Who are you? Why do you look like me?" Ingo said. "Are you a Zoroark?"
Emmet almost stumbled backwards in shock. "I am Emmet. You are Ingo."
Ingo stepped backwards. "How do you know me?"
Emmet walked closer. "I am Emmet. I am your brother. We had a fight, and you went missing. I felt guilty, and I traveled across space and time to find you."
Ingo stopped, his look of fear turning to recognition. "E-Emmet?"
The two brothers walked closer to each other, before embracing each other in a tight hug.
With tears of relief in his eyes, Emmet said, "I'm so glad I found you."
Ingo released Emmet from the hug. "How will we get home?"
"I have an idea." Emmet looked towards the large rift in the sky.
After what had felt like hours, Emmet and Ingo had finally climbed some of the broken pillars to reach the rift. When they were both close enough to almost graze the opening with their fingertips, they took a moment to prepare themselves before jumping in at the same time.
What happened next, Emmet couldn't quite describe. It almost felt like he was falling through gelatin, with a tingling spreading across his body. Almost subconciously, he felt himself drifting towards Ingo, the only thing running through his mind being a chant of"I don't want us to be separated again. Please don't separate us again." The chant persisted in his mind even as his vision darkened.
The next thing he knew, Emmet's vision were flooded with light. Opening his eyes, he saw himself within a large crystalline chamber- except he didn't look like himself. His body had lengthened, now covered in a gray-and-black diamond pattern. Similarly colored wings sprouted from his shoulders. His eyes traveled across his reflection until he noticed something else: next to his own head, now gray and horse-like, was another black head- which quickly began to stir.
"...Emmet?" it spoke in a voice Emmet instantly recognized.
Emmet looked over. "Ingo? Are you okay?"
"What..." Ingo said wearily. "What happened? My head... I don't feel good."
Emmet tried desperately to think of something comforting, but all that came out was "I don't know. But we're back together, and safe. We can figure this out."

Conductors wrote on 2023-07-03 08:20:22:


M...My name is Conductors.. I had to.........
Sanzuwu wrote on 2023-07-07 13:32:52:

oh hey subway twins
0verzealous wrote on 2023-07-21 12:46:16:

Omg the fact you made then an abber, just perfect!!! The color scheme is on point, too. Love this!!
GuidingMoonlight wrote on 2023-07-26 08:56:23:

The conductor battle twins! Love the use of the breed so you have both of them in one dragon. Very nice choice!
Teba wrote on 2023-07-28 13:49:46:
I know these two from White and White 2 as the Battle Subway duo. Abberation is fitting for the twins, and Silver Diamond and Spade are great on referencing both their attire and their affinity for trains.
fluteloops0329 wrote on 2023-08-15 15:01:39:
Your Emmet and Ingo fandragon is a great use of an ancient breed to add a gimmick! I find myself drifting toward modern dragons since they can wear clothes but I love how you made the two brothers into one dragon using the Aberration breed (also makes it more sad that they were separated :'( )
DragonJade wrote on 2023-10-17 15:03:01:

I'm not the most knowledgeable about Pokemon, so I don't recognize these two at all. They look very cool though! :D

It's all fun and games until the equivalent of God yeets your twin brother through time and space without his memories
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