
Level 1 Aether
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Energy: 50
out of
Wind icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Female Aether
Female Aether
Ancient breed icon
This dragon is an ancient breed.
Hibernating icon
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style

Ancient breed emblem
Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Skin: Monarchical




4.98 m
4.73 m
545.98 kg


Primary Gene
Starmap (Aether)
Starmap (Aether)
Secondary Gene
Alloy (Aether)
Alloy (Aether)
Tertiary Gene
Circuit (Aether)
Circuit (Aether)


May 22, 2023
(1 year)


Aether icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Aether
EXP: 0 / 245


Lemon Square Lance

He and his love Lime Square Lyle were both practitioners of dark magic, sneaking away from their respective homes to be alone with the night, to say prayers to the void, and to watch the stars in a place where they could be away from all of the noise of the rigid traditionalist world. They met in a forest entirely by chance, and each felt the glow of the night bouncing off the other's teeth, the moonlight in their bright smiles. They fell deeply in love. Stolen nights in solitude became more frequent, and endlessly more enchanting. Their magic grew stronger alongside their love, while over the course of a year, they mapped the stars, lit quiet rows of candles, and basked in the glory of the night.

Then, the network of Light spies from Lance's family caught on to the young Aether's whereabouts, and in an instant, he was locked away behind a castle wall to wither and forget his true calling. Though it was not to last very long, the days spent in confinement without the gloss of the moon on his eyes, believing that he'd lost everything in an instant all for the sake of his family's image, were agonizing. Lyle was not spared the pain of discovery either; for his clan being far less wealthy and far more superstitious, simply marked him as evil and cast him unceremoniously from their ranks. Though Lance's family clan was great in stature, the devotion of the dragons beneath their name was purely transactional; knowing this, Lance's clever lover managed to arrange for his release with the aid of a well-paid guardsman. Taking no moment's rest until they had cleared the realm of his father's influence, the pair took off, flying low to the ground under the gentle, near-new moon.

Tears streamed down their angled cheeks upon their blissful reunion when at last they had cleared the domain of their forebearers. Morningstar's call whipped across their ears on the chill of midnight wind, and they knew that their destiny would take them South.

Taken inside by a doglike Aberration who quickly identified them as friends, they were greeted with warmth and great curiosity by the many members of Morningstar clan. What types of wonders do you hear in the night air when watching the sky? How do you express yourself best? Accepted in ways they'd once resigned themselves never to feel, the pair immediately felt at home in this new place. They were the first welcomed into the clan's era in the Cold.

He and his truest love headed up the fledgling Morningstar astronomy project, with goals of documenting the skies in greater detail, accurately divining the future, and of course, finding deep and poetic adoration for one another in their shared love for the night sky.


As seasons passed, the chill of the Icefields began to creep through the thin glass of the Observatory ceiling. Though dedicated to their pursuits, Lyle and Lance began dreaming in secret of the sun; of vivid colors and new stories. One particularly brutal winter evening, while charting meteor paths, the pair found that a comet was due to pass direclty overhead. The Harbinger of Hope, or so the mythology said. The two stepped out into the blistering cold, granted a small reprieve by a break in the clouds as they stared up to the night above. As a streak of light danced across the black abyssal sky, small golden pebbles began to trickle down, pelting the observatory roof. Surprised, the two aethers gathered samples and hurriedly shuffled back inside to look into it more closely. Their analyses showed that the composition most closely mirrored Sacridite - a mineral unknown to them.

They pulled from the Morningstar archives an old tome, scribbled down in various hands, some with the neat hand of peace-times, and others with the desperate tremor-scrawl of the war documentarian. The stories outlined the existence of a clan in the West of the Shattered Plain, with a rich and dynamic history dappled with ancient flight allegiances and rebirth in the wake of conflict. Notably, they found a robust section of the book which detailed a gift of Sacridite which signaled an era of peace, and was used to rebuild a once-decimated hall. Their eyes widened as they pored over descriptions of vast libraries, cultural centers, and museums housing artifacts of the various histories. Lyle closed the book, and the two sat in silence, the trace Sacridite from the comet casting a warm glow on their faces from the table. When they spoke, it was in unanimous agreement - this place was beckoning them, and they were intent to heed its call.

Within weeks, the pair had gathered their belongings, handing off the Morningstar Observatory to the temporary care of Taro Milk Tea Tony and saying their goodbyes to their old companions. They began the trek Northward toward Chasm Peak at last, and as the sleet turned to gentle rains and the soil beneath their feet thawed along the journey, Lance and Lyle felt the hope of the Sacridite shard resonating in every step.

After arriving at Chasm Peak, the two stayed a while, soaking in the history of the place and talking to the locals. The two spent much time in the Gilded Hall conducting research and observing the various artifacts housed there. Eventually, they ended up exploring the academic scene, and it was at one of the main schools— Great Lapis University— that they heard tale of a newly established yet highly acclaimed place to study near the Colonnades of Antiquity. It was known as Everbloom Academy.

Curious about this famed school, the two decided to head there to take a look. Once they arrived, however, they quickly fell in love with the scholarly atmosphere and the bustle of students coming in and out of the area. They settled down in a den near the campus and decided to seek out some opportunities to interact with the community.

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