
Level 25 Imperial
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Silver Flowerfall
Enchanted Wolf Necklace
Wise Bonecarver's Scythe
Reaper Guise
Black Currant Plumed Cover
Inkwell Feathered Wings
Glowing Red Clawtips
Darksteel Cuffs of Necromancy


Accent: Bramble Juggler


Scene: Ancient Harpy Canyon


31.51 m
15.71 m
6006.65 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 27, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level




  • none

Credit: Valentina Remenar


" There’s no 'I' in team, but there sure as hell is in 'alive'. "

Kri - Grim Reaper

Third Generation Temporal Rifter

Undead - Reaver - Summoner/Death Seeker


None Yet


Allison -> Azimuth -> Frost -> Kritana

-not for buy, sale, or trade-



Kritana was raised isolated and alone, forced to bury his emotions so that he could survive to the next day. It was easier when he was younger, but as he entered his teen years normal curiosity and rebelliousness hit hard. All Kri had ever known was the cell he was kept in, the experiments and testing that was the only marking of the days for him. But then, he wasn’t the only one in a cell and through the others who came and went he learned about things he didn’t know. Who was his father? Why didn’t he have a family? What was the outside world like?

The desire to answer these questions overrode his caution and his young fearlessness only exacerbated this problem. Kri decided to make a break for it one day when he was being transported to the testing room, injuring several ‘doctors’ before being tranquilized. When he woke up he found himself in an arena of some sort with others around. No warning or explanation was given, only a note in his pocket telling him to enjoy the adult world if he was going to try and act like one. Sure enough, the others in the area were all very clearly older than him and once the ‘game’ began, he was the first to perish.

One might think that would be the end of this story but it was only the beginning. Whether it was from Kri’s strong desire to live or the organization’s many experiments, the teen found himself coming back to consciousness, though his body was very clearly no longer ‘living’. Instead Kri was now an undead, much closer to the mindless robot the organization had wanted all along. They made sure to monitor him much closer, fascinated at how his body could continue to mature even while not truly being alive, though no one ever found an answer to this.

While acting as the perfect doll for the organization Kri began noticing that the shadows spoke to him when no one else was looking. At first he ignored it, thinking it was a side effect of his undead status or of the sessions with the ‘doctors’. It was only after the shadows reached out to touch him that Kri finally accepted it was reality. Footage only ever showed him talking to himself so those that monitored the undead boy simply thought he was losing his mind, nothing to worry about so long as he followed instructions, right?

Slowly these shadows taught Kri a special kind of power, one that centered around blood, souls and death. They told him how he’d be far more powerful than a living person with these same abilities since he walked in the shadow of death and the power he demonstrated with these new powers when used in private only confirmed things. It took quite a bit of time to really learn how to use the things the shadows taught him since it was important not to get caught, the organization might actually end him for good if they found out.

For years Kri worked as a tool for the organization, getting to the point where he was sent out on missions where he could use his powers to their full extent unseen. This allowed him to grow his powers far higher than the organization realized, even getting to the point of being able to summon the things he imagined. Things were going well until he failed to notice a spy tailing him for one of his assignments. You see, there is such a thing as doing something too well and Kri’s ability to complete his assignments so quickly without any help or injuries had their warning bells going off.

If not for the training and leveling up of his abilities over the years they’d have managed to end Kri once and for all. As it was, it came down to his trained reflexes that had him missing the initial sneak attack and releasing his overwhelming powers over blood, souls and bodies that won him the fight. After a week of non-stop fighting, the facility was destroyed and anyone who hadn’t run away were no longer threats. It was the first true taste of freedom Kri had ever had.

At first Kri tried to blend in with the normal world around him, trying to forget what he’d done and the organization he’d managed to flee from. He had nothing but the clothes on his back, his abilities and a hidden disk he’d managed to take from the facility before he fled. Unfortunately, as someone who not only spoke to the shadows and played with the blood of living things, the normal world flinched away from him. The closer Kri tried to get to the light of those around him, the more they whispered that he was a monster, something that only got worse once his clammy skin and lack of heartbeat were found out.

Adrift in a world he didn’t understand and having no goal or person he could rely on, Kri was close to choosing to go back to the very organization he’d fled. It was this that finally made him look at the disk he’d been carrying with him, ‘borrowing’ what he needed to see what was on it. Finally, after all these years, he got the answers to his questions about his family. Apparently everything in his life was centered around one person - Allison, a great grandmother of sorts to him. Only, he wasn’t a legitimate child born from his father; rather, Kri was a clone that was created from his ‘father’s’ dna, someone named Frost who had also escaped the organization. It seemed they had had enough of this family line escaping after emotional outbursts and that was why he’d always been forced to ignore and suppress his emotions.

The facility he’d destroyed was only one of many, meaning he’d not actually made a dent in things at all. This hard truth put things into perspective for Kri and made him question his place in the world around him. What should he do, what could he do, especially when he was turned away at every corner? Luckily the answer found him a few wandering months later.

While Kri had thought he’d cleaned up without leaving any traces of himself, that wasn’t actually true and he was now on a wanted list. Once he’d been tracked down assassins came after him, something that led to him finding out about an ability he’d not even realized he’d formed. You see, being of death itself and constantly being surrounded by it had led to Kri being able to sense it. Something not quite a taste or smell, but another sense he couldn’t quite describe, the undead accurately sniffed out all who came to end him due to this scent.

Once again Kri was in his element, always having enjoyed the jobs he was sent out to do and glad he finally had an excuse to dance to the death rattles of others again. For weeks he fought back his would be hunters, enjoying the game and finding new, fun ways to toy with them all. To the undead's surprise it stopped as suddenly as it had started and a week later, just as he was starting to get antsy from boredom, a representative of the organization approached him.

They wanted someone as powerful as him on their side and were willing to form a contract with Kri to accomplish it. At first he declined and would've gotten rid of the representative if they hadn't been a hologram. Slowly, however, Kri began thinking about it and started to consider things. Truthfully he'd only escaped and attacked because his facility had come after him first, otherwise he'd have been happy to continue on. And of course now that he knew there wasn't some family member waiting on him or something, there really wasn't anything tying him to the normal world.

During the final visit Kri heard the representative out and eventually decided to join once more. This time he'd have his own team of undead like him to lead and would be free to choose the assignments they went on. Instead of being treated like a prisoner, he was now a full blown member. Perhaps it's all the experiments, or maybe Kri just wants to create more like him as his own pseudo family. Whatever the reason, he's one of the best in the organization and revels in his position and power.

Lock your doors, bar your windows, and whatever you do, never look the Grim Reaper in the eyes.

Bio Code by PlaqueDoc

For Kritana's Future Chidlren
[columns][center] [img][/img] [color=#48327e][font=Castellar][size=6][b]N A M E[/b][/size][/font] ----- [color=#48327e]" [font=Times new roman][i]insert quote[/i][/font] " -----[/center] [color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Nicknames:[/b][/font] [right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i] [/i][/right][/font] ----- [color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Generation:[/b][/font] [right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i]4th Generation Rifter [/i][/right][/font] ----- [color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Class:[/b][/font] [right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i]??? - ??? - ???/?? -Replicate Line- [/i][/right][/font] ----- [color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Kingdom:[/b][/font] [right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i] [/i][/right][/font] ----- [color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Faction:[/b][/font] [right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i] [/i][/right][/font] ----- [color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Roles:[/b][/font] [right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i] [/i][/right][/font] ----- [color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Mate:[/b][/font] [right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i] [/i][/right][/font] ----- [color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Line: [/b][/font] [right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i] [url=]Allison[/url] -> [url=]Azimuth[/url] -> [url=]Frost[/url] -> [url=]Kritana[/url] - > Me [/i][/right][/font] ----- [center] [color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i]This is a Temporal Rifter -not for buy, sale, or trade-[/i][/font] [/center] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [nextcol][center][img][/img][/center] [font=Castellar][color=#48327e][size=5][b]ABOUT[/b][/size][/font] ----- [color=#48327e][font=times new roman] [/font][/columns] [right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][size=2]Bio Code by [url=]PlaqueDoc[/url][/size][/font][/right]
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Exalting Kritana to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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