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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Spoiled Wish


Scene: Enchanted Library


18.58 m
15.49 m
3306.98 kg


Primary Gene
Harlequin (Auraboa)
Harlequin (Auraboa)
Secondary Gene
Riopa (Auraboa)
Riopa (Auraboa)
Tertiary Gene
Capsule (Auraboa)
Capsule (Auraboa)


Mar 17, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Auraboa
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


.......... ANAHERA
........... Weathered Grimoire

Melek watched over her first nest with a level stare, ever patient as she glanced back to the old book. Roughly bound parchment, crackling with age, seemed to sigh as she once again opened what could roughly be called a tome to someplace in the middle. She'd done this a few times now, especially tonight. Was this some sort of miracle at work? Some greater power? Or was she just destined to open this manuscript to the same page every time? Frustrated, she took a chunk of the pages, turning them to reveal something new. Can't be the same thing this time! She looked down, only to freeze where she sat.

"Chylde of Balaunce, pacience wol do yow weel. Now heed to bedde, and reste. Youre childre schulen reise you soone." The spiral stared at the statement, scowling at what was apparently statement #1879 in this book of hers. As she let out an impatient huff, a larger form shifted, peering down at her. He'd tried to offer her some sort of consolation, some form of comfort when it came to the steady glow of what he knew to be light eggs in the nest, but nothing had worked before. Perhaps his presence would suffice for the ever-restless spiral.

Melek didn't seem to notice, at least beyond the fact her muttering over this Nutter drake had grown softer with Betsu's appearance at her side. Finally she let out a simple sigh, closing her eyes. She didn't sleep much. Not nearly as often as when she was younger. She knew it concerned Betsu too, what with how he'd often move to hold her on particularly restless nights. Closing her eyes, even if she didn't sleep, tended to help calm him down. She still hadn't caught onto the fact that, sometimes, he steadied her to calm her as well. Finally she gave her old book one more glare before shoving it under her makeshift nest, tying herself into a rather complex knot near the three shells. This happened to be on one of her partner's horns, much to his amusement.

His chuckle brought her head around to glower at the imperial, who was tilting his head a little to eye her as best he could. Was she really so worried about the three hatchlings? That book of hers was interesting, true, but she said it was right, and it said they'd hatch tonight. So they would hatch tonight, and they'd figure the rest out from there.

He continued to try and console his worried partner, who simply continued to wind herself about his horns with each word he spoke. He didn't quite realize how much time passed, or that Melek wasn't really resting as she should. All he knew was that her movements were slowing down, albeit slowly, as her frustration dissipated.

All that changed when the first shell cracked.

Untitled_design_14.png The pair were quick to turn to the nest, Melek practically appearing next to the trio of pale shells with a snap of her talons. A quirk from her parents, according to her, but it still startled Betsu. What came as a greater shock, however, was when something followed that snap. A hiss, soft as can be, came from the first shell, causing Melek to scramble away from what was technically her first child. She vaguely noticed that shell was significantly larger than it was before, as well. All that fell to the wayside as some quieter squeaks came from the other two, causing her to turn her attention onto her less-grumpy children.

The second to hatch, though the first Melek truly got a look at, was shockingly familiar to her. A body of dark and light, golden wings and belly, and brilliant golden eyes. She was reminded of her father, in a way, before recalling that this was probably due to where they'd set up the nest. The little hatchling stretched, coiled, then tumbled right into the smallest egg of the nest.

The third to hatch, and the second to be seen, popped up when his own shell was disturbed by his sister. He almost seemed offended by the affront to his peace, glaring down at his slightly larger sibling. She simply stuck her tongue out at him, cementing a rather comical scowl on his face. Betsu's laughter drew the attention of the two hatchlings, one curious, the other seemingly wanting to get back to his rest.

Then the first made herself known, cracking her own larger shell wide open to peer out at the pair who were technically her parents. The family fell silent at the sight of the young drake before them, dark feathers ruffling in a crest behind faceted golden eyes and a little black mask. One set of wings stretched, then another, then a third, all darker than what should've been possible despite the hints of gold and red at the edges. A body of black and white coiled up, practically dwarfing their siblings as they simply yawned, fluffed themselves out, then returned to staring at the two very confused drakes who were, by some miracle, their parents.

It was Melek who moved first, approaching her firstborn child in a mix of confusing emotions that she could only really describe in one word; anticipation. Even their siblings had quieted down at the sight of the massive serpentine sibling casting their shadow over the two spirals. The silence seemed to stretch for an eternity as they all waited. Then the little one squeaked, stretched out to Betsu... and bit him right on the nose.

It didn't take long for the imperial to realize he wasn't exactly going to be moving anytime soon, his nose burning faintly where those little fangs had been. He managed a somewhat nervous chuckle as he realized the hatchling, almost as long as their mother, was something entirely new to them, and unfortunately venomous. The tingle in his own paws was more than enough to tell him that. The little one met that worried smile with a squeaky chirp, a yawn that made them all flinch back, and finally a lowered head, showing they had lost interest in those around them. In fact, it seemed they were ready for everyone to nap this rather chaotic hatching off.

Melek protested, of course, only to find herself pinned under her three children as they settled into a nice warm noodle pile. She didn't need rest, she needed answers! Why did one of her children have feathers? Were they like her, or a yin? Maybe a yang somehow? What had happened when she'd snapped her talons?! All it took was one impatient hiss from her firstborn to make her realize she wasn't in a position to negotiate right now. Not if she wanted to be able to move in the near future, at least.

Odd they may be, but in the end, they were her children. That's all that matters now.

a a
The name Anahera was found by Melek as she discreetly looked into some old scrolls in the Lightflight territory before she set off for home once more. As the first rested by their mother, causing some of the local drakes to stare, she began to mutter names to herself. She settled on the idea of following names as she had her old book, snatching a random tome off the shelf, opening it to a random page, and pointing to a paragraph with her eyes closed. It made sense, did it not? This sort of thing had done well by her so far, after all. It was almost disappointing that the little one had become attached to the name Anahera when their mother realized it simply meant the same thing as her own name, just in another tongue. If only she knew how the not-so-little drake would eventually speak...

This Ineffable is an odd one, to put it mildly. Their mother doesn't know what to make of them. Were they a Yin, Yang, perhaps even Dragonized? Or maybe they were like her, a true embodiment of balance? In the end, it didn't rightly matter. Anahera turned out to be a rather chaotic child, at least in their own right. Their words are strange, to put it mildly. They seem to register things in an odd way, without rhyme or reason to most. They bring up memories from their first days as if it were yesterday, only to follow with something that had just happened moments prior as if there had been nothing in between. They don't speak of things happening in the sense of today, tomorrow, or perhaps even just "sometime, in the distant" according to them. When they speak of things, it's in tandem with other things, like interlocking roots of a great tree. They were not born on the seventeenth morning of the month of the winds to them. No, they hatched under the dual moons, paler than usual, with the great breeze serpent glimmering in the sky outside. Was that a recent night? They didn't know. They just knew it was. Some wonder if they can see things in other times as well...

bio code by crowael, art by @artofurbanstar



Harlequin: 11/21/2023
Riopa: 11/21/2023
Capsule: 11/21/2023
Faceted: 11/21/2023
Level 25: ??/??/????
Completed on ??/??/????

Formerly Metallic/Facet/Runes Spiral with Uncommon Eyes
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