Purebred Gen 2 Obelisk | Gen 1 "The Mars Projekt" Lineage
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16.99 m
14.67 m
5412.91 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Obelisk
EXP: 0 / 245

This is just for me as a reminder copied from the forum to remind me what the lineage requirements are.
Please visit the official forum site of the project if you are interested in it.

A lineage and species project
Based on a beloved OC I created well over a decade ago, the Mars project follows the lineage of Mars, the martian king of the planet he's named after, and his attempts at repopulating his planet with a fresh lineage of Martians. The goal is to create as many Martians as possible to help bring life back to the once thriving planet mars.

Martians require:
(Primary Gene)

(Primary Colors)
Iris <-> Cornflower

(Secondary Gene)

(Secondary Colors)
Vermilion <-> Wine

(Tertiary Gene)

(Tertiary Colors)
Amber <-> Marigold

Every Martian that fulfills these requirements has the ability to shapeshift, fly through space, inhabit other planets and extreme environments without harm, and open portals to far-off places and other dimensions!
If the offspring fulfills only some and not all of these requirements, they are a Half-Martian! Based on what they do and don't have determines their abilities.
Half-Martians require at least 1 of these:
Ability to fly through space
Ability to open portals to far-off places and other dimensions
Any color(s) in the purebred range
Ability to inhabit other planets and extreme environments without harm
Every Half-Martian (regardless if they have only one required gene or color) can shapeshift! So what does "shapeshifting" mean?

Inhabitants of the planet mars, since the beginning of time, have had the ability to change their shape to become identical to those of other lifeforms. Some martians even make up their own never-before-seen shapes, which is why martians in mythology often look so alien!
What does this have to do with the species? A lot, actually. You are highly encouraged to breed change your martian! This species have an incredible lifespan, and at some point, will grow tired of looking the way they do when there are so many cool, unique lifeforms in the universe to copy. And maintaining these forms costs no extra energy, so they can remain in them for the rest of time if so desired. So if you don't like the classic Tundra look, GOOD! Change it up! Make them any breed you want! Ancient breeds included!
I repeat, and this goes for every owner of a Martian:

Martians are a nomadic species, as we can see based on the lore. They all eventually left their home planet to live elsewhere among the many cosmos. But the concept of traveling itself is attractive to a martian. Many become biologists studying the flora and fauna and species' of different planets. Many become astronomers who map out the constellations and galaxies and how they fit together. Some go on rad interstellar road trips on sick space motorcycles to order from every diner in existence. Space travel is a top priority for martians, and any who have the Constellation gene have the ability to do so.

Of course, traveling isn't fun all of the time. Why spend a year flying from one end of the solar system to the other when you can just pop open some portals to reach it in far less time? Martians with the Runes gene can open portals proportionate to their current form's size, which can reach about 20-50 light-minutes away from the entry portal's position, depending on how skilled they are at portal-crafting. They can also open portals to entirely different dimensions, but only they are able to enter these portals. They can't bring a friend or allow creatures from other dimensions into this reality, so no worries of every universe caving in on itself.

To be a martian means withstanding a wild variety of outside circumstances. If the martian has any color in the purebred ranges, they can reside on any planet, regardless if it's entirely underwater, or rains acid, or the air is made of toxic gasses. This also means they can live in any harsh environment on Sornieth as well; no matter the temperature, air pollution, or natural disasters. These are a sturdy bunch of aliens!

- APPAREL: Martians like to wear Starsilk apparel!
- FAMILIARS: Martians like to keep familiars from the Forbidden Portal!
- Martians can reproduce asexually! There are many single parents among the species.
- Martians can speak any language they've heard once! Linguistics is like metadeta their brains can decipher from very little info.
- If you wish to incorporate Martian-speak into your lore, just use the Wingdings font! ?????????? ????????!

The goal of this lineage project isn't so much as to create a long lineage, so much as it is to create as many Martians as we can to inhabit the planet mars. As for the lore of the planet itself, I leave that largely up to you, the owners; decide for yourself the sights and sounds of the planet mars, and the quirks of martian culture!
Now, seeing as Mars is the King of the planet, any and all of his offspring are considered of royal lineage!
Every direct offspring — known as 'Gen 1 Martians' — are the princesses, princes, highnesses, and heirs of the planet. Feel free to include this in their lore, or not! Mars' children can be rather chill about being royalty.
And just for the sake of clarity, the dragon Mars' is breeding with, Sojourner, is just there to make hatchlings in the game of FR itself. In the lore, Mars is the sole parent. He reproduces asexually!
If your Martian is one of Mars' children, they are a Gen 1 Martian.
If they are his grandchild, they are a Gen 2 Martian, and so on.
Exalted Martians should be named Starbound. If you breed a martian and exalt any of their children, please name them Starbound first!
Please feel free to breed martians with other species/subspecies! And if you have an idea for a Martian subspecies, send a message my way!
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Exalting Zhan to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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- Names must be longer than 2 characters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.