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Personal Style


Aqua Birdskull Necklace
Reaper Guise
Learned Sage Lantern
Will o' the Wisp
Dark Incense
Wise Bonecarver's Wings
Wise Bonecarver's Spine
Sanddune Rags
Learned Sage Sash
Echo Eater Hindcallouses
Echo Eater Forecallouses
Learned Sage Sleeves



Scene: Ancient Harpy Canyon


6.12 m
8 m
593.16 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 13, 2023
(1 year)


Wildclaw icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 17 Wildclaw
EXP: 16 / 81619




  • none


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Born in the east of The Tanglewood in the Wispwillow Grove to two wildclaws, Ahra was accustomed to a way of life near the light and she even enjoyed playing among the glowing fungi. In her adolescent years, she caught fireflies and faeries for her family's lanterns back home, but in her free time she was meeting with travelers far from the west. They taught her simple tricks and spells by weaving magical energy. One day when The Travelers were about to leave The Tangledwood, they offered to take Ahra with them. She knew the consequences of leaving, but she felt as if she couldn't say no almost like she was under a spell. She ran off with these travellers and was off to see the world with them.

With her new found freedom, or imprisonment as she'd come to see it later Eventually the travelers brought her to The Ashfall Waste where they had arrived in Cinderslag. There Ahra saw smelters and blacksmiths all working away on metal, and she was amazed to see their crafts. The Travelers set up their camp outside Cinderslag and sent Ahra into town to purchase food and other essentials. While there Ahra looked around the town and saw another wildclaw working at a forge, smelting a simple sword but Ahra couldn't help but be captivated by the process. It was nothing like she saw before, and then she saw the wildclaw, she had scales that reflected the obsidian of the region. Patches of firey red all over herself which made her like the smelters with magma flowing out just across her shop. She was mesmerized by this entire region and even it's inhabitants.

Ahra leaned into the shop, "Hey there! What are you doing?" She asked this wildclaw and the wildclaw looked back at her. "Oh hey, I'm making something for the shop, are you here to buy? If so my folks are the ones who usually handle the trading." Ahra walked into inside and looked around while saying, "No, I'm just curious about about the region. What's your name?" The wildclaw looked at her stopping what she was doing, "My name's Fajra, and I get it you're not from around here?" Ahra simply nodded before elaborating further, "I'm from The Tangled Wood, I basically ran away with this band of travelers." Fajra looked at her with concern written all over her. "Do you realize how dangerous that sounds? Do you know any of them?"

Confused on what Fajra meant, Ahra answered in the only manner she could, "Well no I don't, but they taught me magic. They can't be that bad." Fajra closed the door to the shop and looked Ahra in the eye, "Ahra you need to leave that group, they basically kidnapped you." Ahra was still confused as they hadn't seemed that bad, "Why? They haven't harmed me at all, and besides they got everything I have." Pleading for her to listen, "Please stay here, wait for them to leave and I can get you on a ship back to The Tangled Wood alright?' As Fajra said this the door opened, and stood one of The Travelers, a snapper to be exact walked in. "Ahra get behind me." The snapper said and Ahra did as he asked, before the snapper turned his attention to Fajra. "Stay away from Ahra, she doesn't need the locals poisoning her mind. Now come on Ahra." As Ahra left with the snapper all she could do was look back at Fajra, who she could see the rage building up in.

The Travelers had packed everything up and started heading to The Shifting Expanse, specifically to The Turrets of Goldensparc. She was amazed by the power these dragons has managed to harnass, and she could only think of it as magic. She met a dragon named Fathom one day in a little shop after she sneaked outside The Travelers' camp. She walked in looking at all the constructs and gadgets on shelves, and walked up to the counter where Fathom was tinkering with another construct. "Are the one who made these? I've never seen magic like this."

She said this and Fathom gave her a strange look, "I'm sorry, but I think you're mistaken. Everything in here is purely scientific and not magic." Ahra was baffled by the fact this wasn't magic as she had only ever known about magic, "Could you teach me how it works? I could make myself useful and help around the shop." Fathom stopped what he was doing and looked up at her. "I suppose that's an agreeable arrangment, but you're not just asking for this so you can stay in the store overnight right? I've been down that road enough times." Ahra was confused for a second, before realizing what he meant, "Oh no, I'm staying with a traveling band of merchants, which I should probably get back to before they start wondering where I am."

Fathom wasn't like anyone she met before, he was introverted and cared more to just tinker with his machines, but he found time to talk and make sure Ahra was doing okay. His scales reflected the machines he worked with and patterns like the circuitry in those same machines. His eyes looked like gazing into a storm with the electrifying blue that filled his eyes, which matched the patterns on his scales. He always wore metal braces as he explained once he made them to help with a condition he had since birth that affected his ability to walk and fly. Ahra didn't judge him for that though, and treated him just like she did anyone else, for her he was always someone who she treasured and it confused her at the time on how he managed to get so close to her.

Over the next few weeks, Ahra worked in Fathom's shop and got to know him him more. Eventually, Fathom teaching her science wasn't as important to her as his company was enough for her and some hours weren't even spent tutoring and just spent talking. She started looking at him differently, before he was just a mechanic. Now she saw him as someone she could lose herself in his eyes or waste hours with him, but one day The Travelers told her they were leaving tomorrow as they found out about her trips to Fathom's. She walked into Fathom's shop for the last time, and Fathom could see that something was wrong.

He walked out from behind the counter, "What's wrong Ahra? I've never seen you like this." and Ahra couldn't stand to look him in his eyes. "I'm sorry, but The Travelers have told me that we're leaving tomorrow." Fathom held her hands and softly spoke, "Do you want to go with them Ahra?" She felt the tears build up as she said "I don't know what I want to do. I don't wanna leave, but I can't just leave them." Fathom wrapped his arms around her and hugged her as he said, "I understand, and I'll support whatever you decide to do Ahra." Ahra slowly put his arms off of her as she walked outside of the shop for the last time.

Time was growing near that The Travelers would reveal their attentions to Ahra, but it was too late for her. She was reliant and vulnerable as they had left her isolated and dependent on them only. One night in the Starwood Strand, she awoke to being chained upon an altar with all the travelers around her chanting. The moonlight had changed from it's pleasant colors to a blood red. As the light shun on her scales, she felt as if she was burning and her skin felt as it if it was scarring almost like touching a piece of steel that was just welded on. Her scales began to change to a blood red, and when she awoke she was alone.

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Lost and alone, Ahra tried to fit into any community she came across but evertime she was pushed away as her curse overtook her. She thought about going back to Fathom, her love and most likely the last love she'd have. She convinced herself out of it countless of times, in her mind he probably moved on by now and wouldn't recognize her now. Eventually she found herself on The Sea of a Thousand Currents on a little island, and here she planned to live out her days in isolation. One night after a particularily violent storm, when she was gathering any fish that washed up on the shore she found a wildclaw. His breathing was shaky, he was shivering, and he was cold to the touch.

She brought him back to her home, covered him with some blankets and gave him food and water when he was somewhat conscious. She would make sure to chain and lock herself up at night as to not give into her hunger. One day when she was making some soup, he had woke up and she grabbed a cup of healing herbs, tilting his head she let him drink from it. "It'll help with the pain." She said as she laid his head back down and set the cup down. The wildclaw tried to open his mouth to speak, but only coughed and tried to catch his breath. "Just rest, you were in a far worst state when I found you two days ago."

She took care of him to a full recovery, and during this time when he began talking again he introduced himself as Apostasi, a field researcher. He had also asked her about her curse, suspecting she must've heard herself in pain at night. She explained what happened in the Starwood Strand and what she knew of the curse; dropping the topic as soon as she could. Apostasi piqued her interest though, his eyes were blue like the sea on a calm day. His voice was soft and gentle like the winds on a clear day out at sea, and his scales were as dark as night with slightly lighter coloration which made it look like a school of fish swimmining at night.

This was destined to end though as a lot of things for her do, and when he made his recovery she took him to her boat she had docked. "This is goodbye Apostasi, I hope you get to wherever you're going. I enjoyed the company." She said beginning to untie the boat to the dock, and Apostasi took her by surprise when he spoke as he got onto the ship. "You can come with me Ahra, we can help get rid of your curse." He said looking at her over the railing. Ahra felt conflicted and wanted to go, but she knew her curse made her dangerous. "Please go, for your own sake." She said as she turned around as the tears built up.

That entire month she thought about Apostasi and what if she had went with him, but near the end of the month a ship approached the island. Coming off of the ship and carrying a crate of food and other goods was Apostasi. She was excited but quickly composed herself, "What are you doing here Apostasi? I told you to leave." Apostasi had put the supplies down, before saying "I'm here to make sure you're ok and doing good." Ahra shook her head and held back a laugh, before picking up a box, "Well you might as well make yourself if you're gonna be here." Taking the crate inside and letting Apostasi carry in the other.

Every month, Apostasi would come back to check on Ahra and bring her anything she needed in terms of food, clothing or even just something to help past time like books. This tradition continued on for a few months, with each month it getting harder to see Apostasi leave until she couldn't see him leave and her be unsure if he'd be on. When he came back, this time she agreed to go with him and so after a few days she went with him back to The Tangled Wood. There they went a small village with a stone tower and when they went in a fae dragon greeted Apostasi and hugged him before introducing herself as Sibyla to Ahra.

Sibyla explained the matter of dispelling the curse, and the potential risks of doing so. During the entire conversation, Ahra could see the concern in Apostasi's eyes and he even at one point put his hand on her's while asking Sibyla more about a potential risk. Ahra couldn't even focus on the danger, she was just amazed someone was so concerned about her wellbeing as she looked at Apostasi. Later after the conversation, Sibyla brought her to a room that was well furnished and told her it was where she'd be staying. Ahra was curious about Sibyla and looked at her, "So what do you know about dispelling curses?" Sibyla looked up at Ahra and thought about how to answer, "I'm a well known practitioner in magic concerning the Duskborn and spirits. I've handled this type of curse dozens of times." Ahra was reassured with this information and her curiousity was peaked, "Could you teach me some of this magic? We could consider it as a compensation in case the spell doesn't work." Sibyla laughed at the request, "I can teach you, regardless of if the spell works or not." She left the room and left Ahra to herself. Over the weeks Ahra learned some of this spirit magic and magic particular to The Duskborn, but eventually time came for the ritual.

Ahra was brought into a room with moonlight shining into the center of the room, and Sibyla told her to stand in the moonlight. Ahra did so and Sibyla began the ritual and as she began the ritual Ahra felt a massive wave of fatigue hit her and she falls to the ground. Unlike the ritual in the Starwood Strand Ahra didn't feel like she was being burnt, instead it felt like she was having cool water poured on her and the scales turned from blood red to a color only comparable to the obsidian in The Ashfall Waste. When she awoke Sibyla was trying to help her as much as she could considering her size, and helped her out of the room. Apostasi barely gave her time to react to him clinging onto him with a hug and she hugged him back. "I'm glad you're ok." He said as he tightened his arms around her.

Now she helps Apostasi with his research and leads The Clan of The Dark Moon when she's not traveling with him. Recently she was also reunited with an old friend during their travels, on the road her and Apostasi stumbled upon a little campsite and she saw the merchant and immediately run to him and wrapped him into a hug, "Fathom! It's so good to see you, I'm so sorry for leaving." Fathom was baffled before hugging Ahra back, "Ahra? I- never thought to see you again, but it's good to see you again." She unwraps the hug and steps back, "It's good to see you again as well, and this is Apostasi, he's my "roommate." Apostasi looks at her, "Just roommate huh?" he says with a concerned undertone. Ahra grabs his hand, "Don't worry love, you know I'm just teasing."

Fathom looks at the two and says, "I'm glad you managed to move on Ahra, I'm sorry how things ended." he says before Ahra looks back at him. "It wasn't your fault, and I wish it didn't end that way either but maybe someday we can try it again, if Apostasi doesn't mind of course." Apostasi looks at the two before realizing what she's implying, "Oh- that's what you mean, but I don't mind it at all." Ahra looks back at Fathom before asking, "Well if you'd like you can start traveling with us as well? We're going to some pretty populated places." Fathom thinks about it before saying, "Sure, I was about to move locations again anyways. Oh I almost forgot, Fajra come here!" Fathom said back towards a different tent with a small smoke plume coming out of it. There a wildclaw with a fire crackled look came out of the tent and immediately ran over to Ahra and hugged her, "Ahra! I'm so glad we've found you. I've been looking for you ever since you left The Ashfall Waste. Ahra teared up as she hugged Fajra once again. Once Fajra let go of Ahra they all begin packing up the camp and headed down the road.

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