She/Her - Sewist (Makes Apparel) - Friends with Hannah
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Energy: 50
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1.28 m
0.92 m
2.13 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245

Moonfall (Moony, Falla) | She/Her | Character Theme Song: - | Love Theme Song: - | Mate: Specklecry
TreeClan's Sewist
Moonfall hatched into a loving lair. She has good parents, a good handler, and, eventually found a good mate as well. She was quiet at first, but soon became more outgoing. She is happy to be friends with any new dragons and loves to have them. She likes to sew, and works with Hannah a lot, designing outfits and seeing which dragons they fit on. The difference between Moonfall and Hannah is that while Hannah chooses what apparel fits on what dragon, Moonfall actually makes apparel. She loves to do so and will take commissions from any dragon in or outside of the Clan. Being hatched as a dragon gifted with the Multi-Gaze eye type, Moonfall never misses a thing. She is attuned to all her eyes and can see anything going on around her. This helps when she is making apparel because it keeps her from making mistakes.
Moonfall has a friendly relationship with her handler, Mayfly. They aren't the most close, but Moonfall enjoys chatting with Mayfly and teaching her new things.
Moonfall met Specklecry at a very young age. They were both figuring themselves out, and Moonfall learned as she grew older that she was bisexual. Soon after she realized this, she also realized she had a growing crush on Specklecry. Moonfall fell in love with her friend more and more every moment she spent with her, but for Specklecry, despite being a Lesbian, but being a little dumb, the flirty comments flew right over her head. However, on a stormy night when they were watching a movie together, Moonfall confessed her feelings to Specklecry. Specklecry, realizing how much she had missed, asked Moonfall to give her time to think about it. However, after a few days, Specklecry realized that she was just as in love with Moonfall as Moonfall was with her, and on a sunny day, Specklecry asked to be Moonfall's mate. Moonfall accepted and they are a happy couple to this day.
TreeClan's Sewist
Moonfall hatched into a loving lair. She has good parents, a good handler, and, eventually found a good mate as well. She was quiet at first, but soon became more outgoing. She is happy to be friends with any new dragons and loves to have them. She likes to sew, and works with Hannah a lot, designing outfits and seeing which dragons they fit on. The difference between Moonfall and Hannah is that while Hannah chooses what apparel fits on what dragon, Moonfall actually makes apparel. She loves to do so and will take commissions from any dragon in or outside of the Clan. Being hatched as a dragon gifted with the Multi-Gaze eye type, Moonfall never misses a thing. She is attuned to all her eyes and can see anything going on around her. This helps when she is making apparel because it keeps her from making mistakes.
Moonfall has a friendly relationship with her handler, Mayfly. They aren't the most close, but Moonfall enjoys chatting with Mayfly and teaching her new things.
Moonfall met Specklecry at a very young age. They were both figuring themselves out, and Moonfall learned as she grew older that she was bisexual. Soon after she realized this, she also realized she had a growing crush on Specklecry. Moonfall fell in love with her friend more and more every moment she spent with her, but for Specklecry, despite being a Lesbian, but being a little dumb, the flirty comments flew right over her head. However, on a stormy night when they were watching a movie together, Moonfall confessed her feelings to Specklecry. Specklecry, realizing how much she had missed, asked Moonfall to give her time to think about it. However, after a few days, Specklecry realized that she was just as in love with Moonfall as Moonfall was with her, and on a sunny day, Specklecry asked to be Moonfall's mate. Moonfall accepted and they are a happy couple to this day.
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
Feed this dragon Insects.
This dragon doesn't eat Meat.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting Moonfall to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
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