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Personal Style





19.67 m
11.8 m
6090.29 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 16, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Ridgeback
EXP: 145 / 5545




  • none


He/Him pronouns

Uh-oh, looks like this adventurous little Ridgeback wandered a little too far from his home lair (602773, @Whiteboard), and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, he would really appreciate it if you could just return him to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but he would be very grateful!

Important: Please only trade this dragon here, and not on the AH or other dragon trading threads. Thanks!

Owners I've Had:
@Whiteboard (Home Lair)

Clan 1: @Whiteboard, #602773
Banana loves a lot of things. He loves his family, he loves the caravan, and he loves to play... in fact, he loves so many things that sometimes he thinks that he might have trouble keeping track of them all!

When Banana was little, he learned many stories from the other members of the caravan. Calla and Lily sang ballads about dragons from the past, Tau painted elaborate tapestries of epic tales of adventure, Dmitri wrote stories (and Pluto brought them to life with her voice), and sometimes Kaheru retells the ancient myths and legends he had inherited from his own family. Banana likes Tau's stories the best though, because they're all so...big! And bright!
As the caravan wandered across Sornieth, Banana encountered so many more stories of adventure! and friendship! and bravery! Other wanderers told their tales, spoke of their goals and past experiences, and Banana soaked it all up happily.
I wanna be like them when I grow up! Was a common thought to be found in his mind during those days. How cool would it be, to venture off into the big, wide world, in search of greatness! and adventure!
"The Great Adventurer Banana, Bestest of them All!" He would proclaim loudly, to the amused chuckles of the adults at his adorable antics. They had no doubts that Banana would one day become a great adventurer...
...but maybe they should wait until he figures out that "bestest" isn't actually a word before considering letting him venture out into the unknown.

And then the storm hit, and Auburn disappeared. The caravan spent days searching for them, but despite their best efforts, they couldn't find anything.
Banana was told repeatedly to "stay inside" and "let the adults handle it", but all he could think about is Auburn.
They must be so scared, out there all alone. He thought.
Auburn was small and very easily scared, unlike Banana. If only he could go out there and find them! Then they won't have to be scared anymore, because Banana would be there to protect them!
That night, Banana had this strange feeling in his chest. It's like... something is trying to tell him something.

He spent many hours awake staring up at the starry night sky, thinking about Auburn. The glowy feeling in his chest only grew and grew and grew, until he finally came to a decision.
Quietly, using all of his sneaking-snacks-out-of-the-pantry skills, he slid out from under Pluto's protective wing, and slowly made his way past the resting forms of his family. Dmitri and Tau were on watch at the top of the caravans, but he snuck his way past them too.

I'll find Auburn, and we'll come back! It's going to be just like one of those stories. The brave adventurer Banana, searching for their amazing little sibling Auburn.

And so, the small Ridgeback disappeared into the night.

Clan 2:

Clan 3: @Rakuavain, #600662
Hours, days, weeks all started and ended, but no matter how many steps Banana took, the cycle would start up again. The ruthless sun scorched his scales and burned his eyes, unrelenting, even when fatigue disrupted the rhythm of his wings and sent him crashing face-first into the sand.

Soon, the biting cold and abyssal darkness engulfed the dunes. A brief respite. Banana woke some time later, balancing himself on shaking legs only to fall once again. Maybe I wasn’t meant to be an a- Banana shook his head, refusing to complete the thought that had invaded his mind. Organizing his thoughts, he tried once again to stand. This time, fully steadying himself before taking a step. He shifted his gaze to an invisible horizon, and took flight.

Inescapable darkness drowned out his vision and fumbled with his coordination. Dark figures danced in his peripheral vision, uncomfortably close. After what had felt like an eternity, an obscure green glow among the abyssal landscape had caught Banana’s attention. Without giving it any thought, he instinctively changed course towards the beacon. Beating the air with his wings, he pushed himself forward defying the pain for as long as he could before landing on the course sand and beginning a sprint. The light was now much closer but he had yet to identify it’s source. A powerful odor had now made itself know to him, unlike anything he had smelled before. His best description of the funk would be something between rotting greatshell and murky pond water. The closer he approached the luminous entity, the more frequently he could have sworn he spotted something running along side him. Banana quickened his pace. He focused his attention to the mysterious glowing object again, only for it to suddenly vanish.

A thunderous roar shook the earth beneath Banana’s talons. A hulking figure stood before him. Its mere presence made him instinctively curl his tail and puff up his scales. Blinking lights along its spine briefly nudged the darkness away.

Metallic claws

Shiny segmented limbs

Artificial grey scales

Scarred and torn flesh

Rows of eyes

The dragon- no…the monster’s gaze fixated on the small ridgeback, furious and famished.

Its presence suffocated him, yet even if Banana had the energy to run, he couldn’t. The beast’s form melded into the shadows, it surrounded him.

Banana choked out a growl, and whipped his tail from side to side.

A distant draconic roar drew his attention from somewhere behind the figure, the light. Swerving around the monster’s form, Banana rushed towards this previous destination with renewed strength. The beast lashed at his scales, barely grazing him. the light Banana dug his talons into the sand and lunged himself forward, evading another slash. He could have sworn he felt a shadow charge past him, towards the beast, but it could have easily been a hallucination conjured up by fear.

Banana refused to look over his shoulder, even when his talons struck old, rotten wood. At some point during his escape he had stumbled into what appeared to be a small plague village. He could feel the hidden eyes of odd dragons pierce his scales. In his paranoid fervor, he has almost trampled a small grey mirror.

The dragon shrieked as Banana buried his claws into the earth to slow down and came to a halt only a step from the tiny mirror, who then proceeded to snap at his talon before making their escape into the sewer system. Banana decided against following his new friend and instead began exploring the surrounding village. To his surprise, the large territory seemed almost empty, with the exception of the many tiny mirrors and a kind doctor whose name Banana had already forgotten.

His stay was much longer than he had originally anticipated and he wasn’t at all sure just how long he had spent in the plague village scavenging supplies and training himself in combat when a mirror by the name of Oste wandered into the clan. They were also an adventurer, who had stumbled upon the desert and also gotten lost for several days before spotting a green light on the horizon and following it to the plague village. Together, Banana and Oste gathered enough food, water, and tools to last for several weeks before deciding to continue their travels.

Clan 4: ______


[From @Whiteboard]: Aside from everything listed in the "Dragons Off To See The World" thread, I would very much appreciate it if Banana keeps his original appearance! Adding apparel should be fine, but I feel like his current gene combination, species, eye type, etc. fits him perfectly, so it would be very much appreciated if he can stay like this :) That said, it's not a requirement, so if you feel like you want to add something, feel free to go ahead! This thread is all about creativity after all :)
Also, if anybody ends up having Auburn and Banana in the same lair, please message me so that I can start writing the next chapter of their story! Most likely they'll both end up in my lair at some point during the course of this game, but if not, then this is kind of my "safety measure" to ensure that I can get their stories wrapped up in a satisfying way :P Don't worry though, they'll probably still be traveling for a while

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