Level 1 Skydancer
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Energy: 48
out of

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Personal Style

4.94 m
5.77 m
656.85 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245


Group Trader - in charge of swaps and merchant transactions
Joined clan as hatchling Dec 2014 (Battle Royale)
Eventide is the first born of a Pearlcatcher and Skydancer living in the Dragonhome. She was born during a tumultuous time, during the 2014 Battle Royale, where Arcane, Earth, Lightning, & Wind battled for dominance that week. Clan Diamond Dust had been monitoring the exchange that week and noticed the young Skydancer looking for a new clan. The clan leaders conferred and agreed that she would be a useful asset for the clan. While it was quite a journey for a hatchling to make, Eventide happily traveled south to her new home.
A little vain, she greatly admires her Wing Silks and gems (like many Earth dragons) and tends to like the finer things in life. However, she is fair and honest in her dealings. While she tries to get the best prices, she understands relationship building is important in her merchant relationships and doesn't burn bridges with her negotiations. She monitors the clan's stores and helps guide their gathering decisions to locations that benefit the clan the most. Eventide also has to work closely with Clan Diamond Dust's treasurer to monitor the treasure and gems available for transactions. She is noticeably reluctant to use the tribe's meager store of gems in her tradings but will occasionally splurge when the deal is good.

Art by Tikafire
Basic Wishlist:
Sand Creeper, Baldwin Materials (any especially green), Holiday Festival Currency (any), Dragon Art, Food (preference for Meat), any missing familiars, 5 digit dragons ;-), Vial of Scattersight, Tri-Color Scatterscroll
Clan Goals/Additional Wishlist Items: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2397244/1
Shopping List:
Lightning - ???
Lily -
Saving Goals:
Holiday Armbands: Illuminated Armband (3,100 gems)
Sunchaser Jewelry (33,000 gems), Electricians Power Pack (3,200 gems / 4,100,000 t), Metallurgists Forgetools (7,000 gems), Archivists Spellscroll (4,040 gems), Boneyard Tatters (4,700 gems), Eroded Crystalhide (1,250,000 t), Tricktrouper Crown (2,000 g / 2,700,000 t), Windbound Plumage (7,050 g / 8,500,000 t)
Hyssop - Contour (verify)
Vinca - Current, Ripple, Okapi
Watson - bogsneak ?, Spinner, Underbelly
Hydrangea - Iri, Glimmer
Twilight/Moonlight/Dusk dragon - smoke
Nanners - Ripple, Thylacine
Bananight - Crystal
Huckslim: tert
Erebos: tert
Flint: Skydancer likely (bogsneak?)
Glacier: tert
Tramontane: secondary
Hyssop - breed change - Ridgeback?
Sunlight - primary
Hallow - maybe underbelly
Plymouth - tert (maybe contour, capsule ok but wait and see)
Leap - primary/secondary/tertiary
Guiy - tert for maize :-P
Sleet - tert for maize :-P
Orion - tert (contour?)
Pinecone - primary/secondary
Attwell: primary/secondary/tertiary
Unnamed - primary/secondary/tertiary
Unnamed 2 - primary/secondary/tertiary
Watson - primary
Fluffy - tert
Thomas - decide?
Nightglow - pri/sec/tert
Lavafire - pri/sec/tert skink/underbelly?
Ezreal - sec - stripes?/tert - runes?
Miyuki - pri/sec/tert
Jade: pri/tert
Arkelen - consider underbelly
Glacier (FT) - primary/alloy or facet/tert
Isabella - pri/sec/tert
Static - pri/sec/tert
Helios - pri/sec
Axis - primary
Etra - primary/tert
Blaze - primary/secondary
Iryna - scatterscroll; primary/tertiary
Tailor - primary/secondary/tertiary
CacaoBean - tert??
Unnamed (Spiral) - primary??
Reverie - primary?? tertiary??
Valentine - tert??
Eros - tert??
Lightning - tert ??
Stormrunner - keeping?
Amara - keeping?
To Buy:
Lilac Lights - 525 gems - unpaid - preorder - http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/1831181/1
Kintsugi Mirror M - unpaid - http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/1588333/168#post_31209448
Zealot of Ice (Ice Pearlcatcher) - http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/2128914
Signature for Ice Dom Shop

Gem Buying Thread
RoR Chest Trade 2015
http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/ibaz/1497023/16#post_12881523 - Light Sprite on hold
Reference - Swipp (& Baldwin) Trades & Locations:
Firebug - Insect Catching - Arcane, Fire, Lightning, Nature, Shadow, Light
Fanned Cockroach - Waterway
Green-throated Skink - Hunting (Lvl 25 - Earth/Nature/Plague/Water)
Juvenile Prairie Skink - Hunting (Lvl 25 - Fire/Ice/Lightning/Wind)
Weird Purple Skink - Hunting (Lvl 25 - Arcane/Light/Shadow)
Olympia Oyster - Fishing (Lvl 23 - Arcane, Ice, Shadow, Water)
Guide: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/1091175
Crimson Leg Silks =
Crimson Jadevine x 20 - Foraging (Lvl 15 - Fire/Plague/Water), Coliseum (Kelp Beds)
Plague Runestone x 2 - Scavenging (Plague), Coliseum (Mire)
Crimson Wing Silks =
Gradish x 50 - Foraging (Lvl 18 - Lightning/Nature/Shadow)
Vibrant Prickly Insect x 8 - Insect Catching (Lvl 21 - Arcane/Fire/Ice/Water)
Black Tulip Flowerfall =
Black Tulip x250 - Foraging (Lvl 10 - Nature/Shadow), Coliseum (Fields/Delta/Wood/Roost/Mire)
Chocolate Ferret =
Ferret x 60 - Hunting (Lvl 23 - Earth/Light/Plague/Wind)
Ermine x 60 - Hunting (Lvl 23 - Arcane/Ice/Lightning/Water)
Maned Cobra =
Onyx Cobra x 90 - Hunting (Lvl 13 - Arcane/Fire)
Opal Cobra x 90 - Hunting (Lvl 13 - Ice/Light/Shadow)
Perching Java Sparrow =
Java Sparrow x 200 - Hunting (Lvl 1 - Arcane/Plague/Water), Coliseum (Path/Roost)
Spined Cobra =
Emerald Striker x 90 - Hunting (Lvl 13 - Nature/Plague/Wind)
Amethyst Striker x 90 - Hunting (Lvl 13 - Earth/Lightning/Water), Coliseum (Mire)
[RBC 2017] Tar Pit Game
Eventide approached the tar pit warily. She wasn't sure exactly how she'd gotten volunteered for this, but the clan leaders told her to go home and enjoy her birth flight's festival. And, of course, do some early trading/make some deals for the clan. But they told her to have fun, and this was supposed to be fun? She looked at the tar pit again - this didn't seem like fun, but perhaps she'd find something interesting in the pit...
Ice Dom Sales Thread: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/ibaz/1508729
Joined clan as hatchling Dec 2014 (Battle Royale)
Eventide is the first born of a Pearlcatcher and Skydancer living in the Dragonhome. She was born during a tumultuous time, during the 2014 Battle Royale, where Arcane, Earth, Lightning, & Wind battled for dominance that week. Clan Diamond Dust had been monitoring the exchange that week and noticed the young Skydancer looking for a new clan. The clan leaders conferred and agreed that she would be a useful asset for the clan. While it was quite a journey for a hatchling to make, Eventide happily traveled south to her new home.
A little vain, she greatly admires her Wing Silks and gems (like many Earth dragons) and tends to like the finer things in life. However, she is fair and honest in her dealings. While she tries to get the best prices, she understands relationship building is important in her merchant relationships and doesn't burn bridges with her negotiations. She monitors the clan's stores and helps guide their gathering decisions to locations that benefit the clan the most. Eventide also has to work closely with Clan Diamond Dust's treasurer to monitor the treasure and gems available for transactions. She is noticeably reluctant to use the tribe's meager store of gems in her tradings but will occasionally splurge when the deal is good.

Art by Tikafire
Basic Wishlist:
Sand Creeper, Baldwin Materials (any especially green), Holiday Festival Currency (any), Dragon Art, Food (preference for Meat), any missing familiars, 5 digit dragons ;-), Vial of Scattersight, Tri-Color Scatterscroll
Clan Goals/Additional Wishlist Items: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2397244/1
Shopping List:
Lightning - ???
Lily -
Saving Goals:
Holiday Armbands: Illuminated Armband (3,100 gems)
Sunchaser Jewelry (33,000 gems), Electricians Power Pack (3,200 gems / 4,100,000 t), Metallurgists Forgetools (7,000 gems), Archivists Spellscroll (4,040 gems), Boneyard Tatters (4,700 gems), Eroded Crystalhide (1,250,000 t), Tricktrouper Crown (2,000 g / 2,700,000 t), Windbound Plumage (7,050 g / 8,500,000 t)
Hyssop - Contour (verify)
Vinca - Current, Ripple, Okapi
Watson - bogsneak ?, Spinner, Underbelly
Hydrangea - Iri, Glimmer
Twilight/Moonlight/Dusk dragon - smoke
Nanners - Ripple, Thylacine
Bananight - Crystal
Huckslim: tert
Erebos: tert
Flint: Skydancer likely (bogsneak?)
Glacier: tert
Tramontane: secondary
Hyssop - breed change - Ridgeback?
Sunlight - primary
Hallow - maybe underbelly
Plymouth - tert (maybe contour, capsule ok but wait and see)
Leap - primary/secondary/tertiary
Guiy - tert for maize :-P
Sleet - tert for maize :-P
Orion - tert (contour?)
Pinecone - primary/secondary
Attwell: primary/secondary/tertiary
Unnamed - primary/secondary/tertiary
Unnamed 2 - primary/secondary/tertiary
Watson - primary
Fluffy - tert
Thomas - decide?
Nightglow - pri/sec/tert
Lavafire - pri/sec/tert skink/underbelly?
Ezreal - sec - stripes?/tert - runes?
Miyuki - pri/sec/tert
Jade: pri/tert
Arkelen - consider underbelly
Glacier (FT) - primary/alloy or facet/tert
Isabella - pri/sec/tert
Static - pri/sec/tert
Helios - pri/sec
Axis - primary
Etra - primary/tert
Blaze - primary/secondary
Iryna - scatterscroll; primary/tertiary
Tailor - primary/secondary/tertiary
CacaoBean - tert??
Unnamed (Spiral) - primary??
Reverie - primary?? tertiary??
Valentine - tert??
Eros - tert??
Lightning - tert ??
Stormrunner - keeping?
Amara - keeping?
To Buy:
Lilac Lights - 525 gems - unpaid - preorder - http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/1831181/1
Kintsugi Mirror M - unpaid - http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/1588333/168#post_31209448
Zealot of Ice (Ice Pearlcatcher) - http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/2128914
Signature for Ice Dom Shop

Gem Buying Thread
RoR Chest Trade 2015
Reference - Swipp (& Baldwin) Trades & Locations:
Firebug - Insect Catching - Arcane, Fire, Lightning, Nature, Shadow, Light
Fanned Cockroach - Waterway
Green-throated Skink - Hunting (Lvl 25 - Earth/Nature/Plague/Water)
Juvenile Prairie Skink - Hunting (Lvl 25 - Fire/Ice/Lightning/Wind)
Weird Purple Skink - Hunting (Lvl 25 - Arcane/Light/Shadow)
Olympia Oyster - Fishing (Lvl 23 - Arcane, Ice, Shadow, Water)
Guide: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/1091175
Crimson Leg Silks =
Crimson Jadevine x 20 - Foraging (Lvl 15 - Fire/Plague/Water), Coliseum (Kelp Beds)
Plague Runestone x 2 - Scavenging (Plague), Coliseum (Mire)
Crimson Wing Silks =
Gradish x 50 - Foraging (Lvl 18 - Lightning/Nature/Shadow)
Vibrant Prickly Insect x 8 - Insect Catching (Lvl 21 - Arcane/Fire/Ice/Water)
Black Tulip Flowerfall =
Black Tulip x250 - Foraging (Lvl 10 - Nature/Shadow), Coliseum (Fields/Delta/Wood/Roost/Mire)
Chocolate Ferret =
Ferret x 60 - Hunting (Lvl 23 - Earth/Light/Plague/Wind)
Ermine x 60 - Hunting (Lvl 23 - Arcane/Ice/Lightning/Water)
Maned Cobra =
Onyx Cobra x 90 - Hunting (Lvl 13 - Arcane/Fire)
Opal Cobra x 90 - Hunting (Lvl 13 - Ice/Light/Shadow)
Perching Java Sparrow =
Java Sparrow x 200 - Hunting (Lvl 1 - Arcane/Plague/Water), Coliseum (Path/Roost)
Spined Cobra =
Emerald Striker x 90 - Hunting (Lvl 13 - Nature/Plague/Wind)
Amethyst Striker x 90 - Hunting (Lvl 13 - Earth/Lightning/Water), Coliseum (Mire)
[RBC 2017] Tar Pit Game
Eventide approached the tar pit warily. She wasn't sure exactly how she'd gotten volunteered for this, but the clan leaders told her to go home and enjoy her birth flight's festival. And, of course, do some early trading/make some deals for the clan. But they told her to have fun, and this was supposed to be fun? She looked at the tar pit again - this didn't seem like fun, but perhaps she'd find something interesting in the pit...
Ice Dom Sales Thread: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/ibaz/1508729
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
Feed this dragon Insects.
This dragon doesn't eat Meat.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
Feed this dragon Plants.
Exalting Eventide to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
Do you wish to continue?
- Names must be longer than 2 characters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.