
I have learnt much about this place
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Spiffy Sphinx
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Fae
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style


Gold Halfmoon Spectacles
Enchanted Orca Necklace
Ghost Flame Candles
Lagoon Starsilk Sleeves
Blue Sea Slug Cloak
Diaphanous Sylvan Lattice
Diaphanous Sylvan Twist
Lagoon Starsilk Socks
Golden Harvest Robe



Scene: Enchanted Library


1.05 m
1.56 m
1.49 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 19, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Divider (Gladeveins region)



Brair is an old soul. She's gentle in demeanour and has a lot of knowledge of the most random things. One little quirk is she has covered the whole library in little metal bars which she runs around on with incredible efficiently. Briar uses her tail to balance herself a lot and often stares down at dragons entering the library from her high pole.

Brair feel ill and came to Green Fox for healing. During her stay at the hospital, she was amazed by the clan's beauty and chose to stay. Because Briar moved in late in the clan's lifetime she as such played A LOT of catch-ups. She quickly decided to make this easier going forward. She watches over the library for Brilliance and keeps detailed records of the clan's history.

Even after all small members of the clan had to become farmers, she still works at the library serving as a messenger to the others below ground and the Amber Cliffs.

Divider (Gladeveins region)
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Chapter one

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Green Fox Clan begin life as a single tree, a large tree albeit. It sat alone near the edge of a cliff to the left of the river. Petal lived in this tree, one tiny fae in a big forest. Meadow soon joined her arriving as though fate had planned it.

Petal had left her clan to make her own way in the world. She started it shortly before a storm. She and Meadow had intended to build her nest high in the tree before inviting any dragons to join. Then she found three small little dragons alone in the woods, separated from their families in the storm. Her heart caved immediately. These hatchlings were Autumn, Moondown and Striker. The three girls helped bring life to the clan.

She and Meadow started a garden of herbs so they could become a centre of healing for all flights. Glowworm and his mate arrived and decided to help out. Soon after Meadow and Petals' first clutch hatched from the group, only one tundra remained. Cupcake. She made fast friends with Glowworm’s son Nightfall.

Pollen was born in a light clan. Bad luck followed him like a shadow. His family was killed by an emperor leaving him orphaned. From there he was cursed and turned into several animals eventually enough was enough. He went to a nature clan so that healers could help clean up the results of his bad luck.

Along the way, he met Sun another Light dragon with similar bad memories of emperors. Worsened by the fear he may one day become one This clan was obviously Green Fox. He quickly learnt how to heal himself.

With the clan growing larger and able to support more dragons the clan beguin planning the small village making room for a centre of healing.

It was while Meadow was out collecting wood for said centre Pumpkins egg washed up on the shore near Green Fox. Meadow was looking for food but he couldn’t just leave the egg there!

The building proved harder to make then intended and a sudden and overwhelming influx of hatchlings threatened the clan's survival. How did these hatchlings arrive?

Wlllm It was an… odd day when eggs showed up unexpectedly around the clan. Of course, it’s a known phenomenon in Sornieth but none of the dragons in Green Fox had seen it before. Eventually, the clan heard about the details of the Night of the Nocturne. Queen, Crocodile and Sundown were hatched from those eggs and stole the clan's hearts. Still, the clan was stressed they barely had the infrastructure to support their own! They needed more farms, the healing centre wasn’t set up and they had no way of making money…

The eldest Queen overheard the clan leadership discussing these struggles, and heartbroken searched for and hid the remaining eggs. In stasis, they could remain until there was space. Her siblings were none the wiser about this plot.

Cupcake and Nightfall were best friends but Cupcake felt left behind as Nightfall and Pond a local merchant became mates.

Pumpkin decided to wander to find dragons in need of help and bring them to Green Fox clan which had developed a local reputation as excellent healers. He hoped that this would also bring donations. Promise and her brother were the first dragons he found and though the brother moved on Promise stayed.

Pond and Nightfall split up after they had a single egg clutch. Nightsky was the only hatchling at the time and grew up very lonely. However, she made friends by making jewellery for her clanmates later she turned this into a career. Helping build up the clan's business square with the help of her father.

This helped the clan's situation but more dragons needed healing and soon their plans for a healing centre had to be reworked into plans for a hospital, the clan's layout shifted a lot as more long-term plans were made for the possibility of their little rural village becoming a small town.

These tensions caused Glowworm's mate to leave. He named their remaining egg after her. Ivey never knew her mother but Nightfall tells her that she was a kind dragon who tended the nursery, but she was very easily stressed.

Sun and his mate had Chill. Chill’s mother left for the Gladekeeper shortly after. Sun never bounded with his son, though Chill hadn’t given up trying. Chill wanted to bring joy to everyone including his grumpy guss father. Chill gets that from his mother.

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Chapter Two
The Idea

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One day a highly powerful ice mage arrived at their door after accidentally freezing himself in various places. After receiving help and training at the beginning of the new hospital he got a good handle on his powers.

One day Frost channelled this magic to make a small cave near the clan cold enough for penguins to live in as the young hatchling missed penguins dearly. This gave Petal an idea, some life needed Ice, Some flew, and others still live underground. Perhaps she’d been listening to the preachers of dragon home too much but nature was the result of the world in balance like when the pillar existed. She would find powerful mages to use their magic to strengthen the valley below [and the village] this would prove the flights all were part of one greater whole. This may inspire the world to be at peace once more, no pillars needed.

Of course, this valley would need protecting so she sent Moondown, Glowworm and Striker the clan's most skilled guards to watch over it and send any dragons who'd fit their clan the right way. The Guards left and they took a few other dragons to build the new settlement of Nature's Keep. This soon became a training ground for Exalties it was a good way to earn treasure but also keep Plague from pushing against Nature. As though the two flights share no borders Plauge has it out for nature. It goes both ways but Petal would never admit that.

Striker had always looked up to Moondown but Glowworm steered her away from that. Stricker grew strong like Moondown and Kind like Glowworm. She also met Shadow a young dragon who arrived in Green Fox as a teen. The two soon became mates.

The clan picked up a greater reach for its reputation for being great healers and soon more strays turned up. Bunny arrived fleeing the strict life of the southern icefields. She took up some of the tasks requiring a larger dragon.

Panthia turned up to seek healing for a leg wound. She stayed and moved with her friend Autumn into the abounded rabbit warren under the clan.

Volcano was saved from becoming a centaur’s lunch and Pumpkin helped raise him. He soon joined his brother's mission to find more dragons in need of help.

Stem was found by the mirror patrol as an egg second away from being eaten by a beast clan group and was brought back to be raised by the clan. Pollen claimed responsibility instantly. Soon the Fae tree began to take shape.

Raven came to the clan hoping to find answers to her dull colouration. The clan told her she was just born that way. This broke Raven’s heart. She was a Coatl and she would forever be looked at like something was wrong with her. But as she stayed longer she found other breeds cared far less. She gained confidence and helped cheer up other patients in bad situations. She used her shadow magic to perform amazing magic tricks and soon was chosen to be the Shadow rep.

Stem and Panthia fell in love and Stem moved from the amber tree into the borrows to join her.

Cloud carried herself into the clan on a powerful gust of wind. Her powerful magic was apparent and she managed to convince her parents to let her stay and become the wind mage. She was very young when this happened.

Fox was born in the Valley to Striker of Nature's keep. She moved up into Green Fox village to engage her nerdy interests.

The Valley behind Nature’s keeps developing a small population of its own. Powerful predators. From this group came Leaf. He was to… bright, to survive in the deepest corners of the valley with his family. He still visits sometimes.

Cupid came to the clan to seek help for an illness. He chose to stay, unfortunately. Now he gives unwanted gene advice. Sigh…

Ripple arrived for healing with an injured wing. As he showed up at the same time as the water festival so he was scouted as the water mage but was relieved to find it wasn’t him. This was because the clan had no fishermen and he liked money, fish was 100% where the money was. He was correct.

Shore was born with powerful future sights. Her parents brought her to Green Fox for two reasons her visions were tormenting her and she had one of an emperor. Cloud quickly recruited Shore as the water mage. Shore always felt like she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, not because of Cloudy but because she saw everything all laid out ahead of her. Could she really choose if she knew the ending? Still, she chose to ask for a ban on asking hatchlings to be mages. The mages and Clan leadership agreed to this idea. Cloud didn’t like it at all!

A clan from the shadow flight was attacked by a bordering plague clan from this came Spring and her father Ghostmint, searching for a better life. Alongside them were Diamonds and Night. Night’s father left for the Gladekeeper soon after Night grew up. This left Night with no family in the clan. He always resented Diamonds for that.

He found a family with the clan's pets and helps match dragons up with the perfect pet as well as studying their world's many species. He even pushed for Green Fox to treat the beast clans too, but it proved hard for the large dragons to operate on the tiny beast clans so he’s on the hunt for a vet and Beastclan specialist.

Noticing there were a lot of sad dragons in the hospital Nightfall started a charity called Big Smiles the goal of which was to decorate the hospital and provide fun activities and shows for those needing some hope. Many dragons joined including Chill, Nightsky and his childhood friend Cupcake.

Ghostmint struggled to adapt to Green Fox clan but soon he and his new mate Nightsky figured out he made a great Advertiser. He knew the lay of the clan well and all of the businesses within it. He helps dragons find shops that sell stuff he thinks they’ll like as well as services and goods. He can make posters, and signs and he gets better at making them every day. This brought in an influx of money to the clan including tourism money. Petals plan was already working as dragons came to marvel at the Valley.

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Chapter Three

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Queen’s secret was discovered by her brothers. Heartbroken her family wanted nothing to do with her and began raising their two new sisters Wisteria and Torrent. Wisteria wanted to know more about their estranged older sister. Torrent had no interest and the other Nocturnes agreed with her.

Orchid was found wandering the Valley by Glowworm, she had a way with plants. Once she grew up she was approached asking if she wanted to be the nature mage she agreed and advised on how to best keep the Valley in balance.

Thunderstorm had arrived with every intention of exalting but chose not to instead choosing to help nature dominance by making and selling weapons. This marked a sudden uptake in exaltation.

Cosmic burst through the hospital door on the night. She was exhausted having dragged her injured mate across the ocean and into the hospital. Both refugees from a destroyed shadow clan they chose to stay in Green Fox because they had nowhere else to go. Cosmic encouraged her mate to help her tend her library. Brightdrop’s injuries left him unable to continue in his profession.

Swan a Veilspun was told her grandfather had lost his twin sister in nature territory shortly before he exalted to the Shadowbinder. Swan set out to find her missing Grandaunt. She nearly froze to death before one of the dragons living in the Valley rushed her to the hospital. Swan awoke to find Autuamn her grandfather's missing sister in the exact clan she’d been rushed to for help. What luck! She stayed in Green Fox helping Night with the aquatic familiars.

Brilliance was born able to see lairs. He could always tell when something was off. He quickly figured out the clan was lying to him about something as they trained his advanced light magic. Even though they had good intentions he could never forgive them for not telling him outright they were planning on asking him to be the Light mage. Especially because he already guessed so what were they ‘protecting him’ from?

Current was born with a powerful gene overload. Her circuit gene shocked all that touched it. She was never formally asked to be the lightning mage she just started doing it and built up a life in Green Fox. She didn’t even realise until they asked what she wanted in her tower, though she was happy. A free house for something she was already doing, sweet.

Blaze and his uncle Macaw moved up from the more developed group in the Valley. The Amazon Critters have developed a distinctive look and worship a large tree in the valley. Blaze and Macaw left because they wanted a more classy lifestyle—or pet sheep in Blaze’s case.

Aconitium escaped a twisted science program in a shadow clan. The mirror pack saved him. This brought both them and their rivals the Winter’s Moon clan to their attention.

Ember came to Green Fox briefly to train her powerful fiery abilities eventually she chose to return and to help her new clan mates as the fire mage. She quickly befriended Brilliance.

Enchantment also quickly befriended Brilliance. He arrived and quickly stress the heck out of Pollen as Brillence had magically experimented on himself and made a huge magical mess. Pollen barely managed to fix it.

Twinkle moved to Nature’s Keep followed shortly by Frost.

Amethyst was born in the now abounded Crystal caves of the Valley. She decided not to exalt like the rest of her siblings and instead took up nursing.

Dusk moved to the clan quietly one day he became the number one celebrator whatever that meant he sells a seasonal rotation of items he buys from seasonal merchants.

Deep in the Valley one of the Amazon critters was born with an immense connection to the Gladekeeper. He was named Glade to honour this. Out of a sense of duty, he moved up the cliff to Green Fox. He wishes he was seen as more than his eyes.

Malady was brought the Green Fox for her weakness [she didn’t like others getting hurt] so they were surprised to find she was incredibly magically gifted so much so that she made others sick on accident. They managed to teach her control and gave her the role of Plague mage. Though Malady feels like it’s just a token gesture.

Minty arrived to help plan the mass flight celebrations. His role landed him in Nature's Keep where he met with Moondown two quickly became a pair.

Crystal arrived in Green Fox lost and confused. Meadow tried to find her family but found nothing and became and Fae soon after. Crystal became the earth mage and one of the only friends Malady has.

The final tower the one of Earth was built and with that, the eleven flight mages were completed each of them giving a gift to the clan. Well except for Malady the mage for plague. She feels alone and wants to give a gift but the nature flight is biased against plague. Still, the towers stand tall a testament to all the clan's hard work.

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Chapter Four
Internal affairs.

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An old dragon, Eternal, was drawn to the clan by the old trees. She loves old trees.

Not long after Briar [me] arrived. I was frustrated by her feeble attempts to learn about the clan so I compiled this handy history book you are reading right now. Hi readers! From here on out things should become more detailed as I know far more about the things I was [and will be] here for.

The Nocturnes were way better at hiding their eggs this year only two were found Minty and Dusk who were adopted by the first set of Nocturnes. Sundown and Torrent respectively. Minty went into baking while Dusk went into travel.

The Gladekeeper’s valley sent out a large flight of exalted dragons. It was my first exaltation festival, but not the first. It was a merry affair with food, lights and decor. A massive mass migration.

Soon after we all witnessed strange activity in the sky, a soaring crystal fell into Arcane territory. Promise was there when it happened she was picking up her favourite glitter but ended up returning with tales of the Arcane Ancheint's return. Green Fox had only existed through three but this was the first I ever saw. Apparently, some returned with her and took up residence in the valley. Their ideals align with ours perfectly and I expect to see more Ather faces around her soon.

Something terrible has begun today, well probably a while ago. The grass has stopped growing in the valley, Shore has been complaining of trapped water under the trees, and new growth never grows. The endless growth has ended, Blight is spreading through the valley quickly and fears of it reaching Green Fox’s plants are abundant. The healing herbs are the lifeblood of the clan and have an important purpose. We have no idea what to do, even Orchid who can hear the plants is at a loss, the screams are giving her a headache and Glade had been irritable, his connection to the Gladekeeper seems to be the issue.

We called a meeting today, a fire began in the Valley. Lightning seemed to be the cause it took a combined effort from half the clan to put it out. Malady ordered the meeting. She has been trying to pitch her rep gift for a while but every time no one wants to hear it.

The desperate situation seems to have changed the council's minds. She announced her blessing.

“Though the trees may die to forest may live, after fire comes fertile soil, after the mighty trees fall they will become the mother to a hundred more growing from her fallen log, blight will strike on grown trees making room for more sun to hit the forest floor,”

Like a whisper, she exhaled something into the trees below, blighted leaves begin to fall followed by the branches, she nodded to Orchid. Dragons watched as little spots of green and swarms of mushrooms grew from the branches.

“Though the animal may die their bloodlines will continue. Their body will become grass to nurture and feed their offspring long after they're gone, the old will lead the predators away from the new and when the large stag falls he will become father to a thousand more scavengers and bugs. Death will follow life like a shadow but life will never be destroyed, it will be passed down and keep growing in new forms,” Malady took a breath, “this is Plaue’s flight blessing,”

Like a long-earned sigh, the branches fell. Glade couldn’t bare to watch the Gladekeeper whispering into his ears. But then Orchid spoke, “The seeds aren't afraid anymore,” she sounded relieved.

The clan smiled sadly but soon Malady’s blessing came into full swing new plants shot up and animals darted boldly through the clan. Though winter was fast approaching it was like a new spring.

The dragons also seemed invigorated, Cupcake moved out and into her own home, Brightdrop took up comic-making and Cupid had an epiphany and became much less of a hassle to talk to.

Arachnid used a breed change scroll and became the clan's first Aether.

It was at one of the clan's nocturnes' normal meetings when Wisteria slammed her claws on the table and said enough is enough she’s talking to Queen. Worried her brothers ran after her, “Why aren’t we allowed again?” Minty asked rushing to keep pace.

“She hid Torrent and Wisteria’s eggs!” Nightfall yelled bitterly.

“Well Wisteria’s clearly keen on reconciliation, how do you feel about this Torrent?” Dusk asked. Torrent shrugged. “Let’s go met Aunt Queen then!” Dusk yelled.

“Fine!” Crocodile snapped. They arrived at Queen’s hut. Queen seemed to be the most offended.

“You’re joining us for tea, I want to talk” Wisteria declared.

“I hid your eggs in status for half a year,” She muttered.

“Well you didn’t do it again,” Minty smiled.

Queen sighed and allowed herself to be dragged to tea. While there the dragons talked. Queen told them of the clan's troubles only she was old enough to understand. Wisteria’s kind heart and Torrent's practical mind gave her forgiveness. She begins meeting them for tea regularly and though awkward at first the dragons quickly feel back into a family again.

Glade had always heard the Gladekeeper whispering into his ears. Watching the new growth in the forest after Malady’s blessing was an experience. The Gladekeeper didn’t like it one bit but Glade did. He kept the Gladekeeper's distaste a secret. He wasn’t a telephone and the clan kept treating him like one. It was at the foot of the Great Tree he made a decision. He was not going to be a telephone anymore. He was going to leave and quit his job on the council. He hadn’t applied for it anyway.

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Chapter Five
Death of an Era

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Shore’s visions got worse leading up to it. Like the earth itself was angry roots ripped out from underneath them. Trees grew wild flailing like a cat's paws to dragon-shaped vases. The building became rubble with barely enough time to escape. Not enough without Shore's prophecy. Most dragons remember the fear and scrambling towards Crystal as she called them to her. Everyone escaped, the clan worked together, though many dragons were injured none died. That was the best they could hope for.

Crystal opened a cavern and dug down, she dug until the roots couldn’t follow and they soon opened into a large forest. It wasn’t the valley, no there was a palace in the centre. Grand and overgrown. The sun shone brightly even under the ground but the earth ended at some point the rivers flowing into the void. As we proceeded around the castle most took refuge inside. There they found a throne room and on that throne there was a dragon, we were unsure of what breed, holding an orb with a look of pained determination on its face.

Some brave dragons explored mapping the area. They found a way out into a large cavern with a pulsing machine both a swirling ball of magic and the most complicated tech anyone had ever seen. Enchantment declared it was a protection spell over this cavern, the Valley and anything connected to this cave. While he determined that it was found the Cavern opened into ten more palaces one of each element. The Palaces were large but none could become a new hospital. Petal and the council commissioned a large cavern connected to the Nature Palace. We desperately needed a place of medicine.

Dragons were to remain inside this cavern with very few allowed out. Only the ones small or stealthy enough to escape the notice of dragons or the Gatekeeper. Some of these dragons took up residence in the ruined hospital as if they were military protecting the new tunnels under the guise of being another clan. Others took up residence on the cliffs farmering the land of the valley. The land in the palaces resisted farming. The mages set to the new task of attaching their blessings to the magical core and studying the mystery of this new place.

Many dragons left and soon new factions formed. The Amber Cliffs is where I now live. I act as a liaison between them and the rest of the clan. We are the farmers. A small group of tiny dragons. Fae and Veilspun all of us.

The ruins are occupied by nocturne year round. There are no dragons as stealthy and with the family healed they work well together. They constantly are building and collapsing new hidden entrances around the clan. They work with The Pack.

The poor pack... Our brave search and rescue unit was on patrol when our home was destroyed. They returned to ruin, Mirrors can smell blood months all. They knew something was wrong. But they were clever and stealthy. It took a while for them to track the nocturne but they found them in time. I can only imagine how hard it was for the three of them, not knowing where the clan was or if they were even alive. Once they returned Glade chose to go with them. Obtaining a breed change for the road. He's a mirror now and he seems happy.

The Galdekeepers Inn was rebuilt by the Valley's Edge group. The dragons there now guard the ruins from outside clans. Living where the hospital once was. They still fight for... her. Perhaps that's a good thing. If it keeps her happy and makes her think we're on her side. They resist Malady's gift even now. But they love the rest of what we've done to stay loyal.

That leaves the rest of the clan to live amongst the palaces. All eleven are occupied to varying extents. The next few months swam by like a blur. New Dragons came in to fill the empty palaces and replace those that were left Onyx, Leopardia, Peck, Breeze, Mossdrop, Leaf, Featherspark and Oddball. Many came from the valley or chose to remain after the Mirrors saved them. We are grateful for their help. We had not a hospital to treat them in, but they gave the clan back the measly healing we could give them a thousandfold. Now I can confidently say that the dragon on the first Throne we found was an Auraboa, and the one in the Lightning Palace a Sandsurge. I suspect the others are yet unknown ancients, hopefully, ones less extinct than we think.

In the chaos, we almost forgot about the Night of the Nocturne. But the Nocturnes didn't. Queen was with them for the first time since her hatching she even raised Blossom, Storm was taken in by Crocodile. They grew into valuable dragons for the construction team. They are kind dragons from what I've seen. Storm works with us in the Amber Cliffs, helping connect us, our resources and our needs with the Nocturne. I've seen less of Blossom but she's, well, much like Queen. She didn't kidnap and hide any eggs though so success?

Many of our healers have left or moved the Palaces. The hospital is well under construction, but we have no healers to fill it with. Twilight and Canopy arrived just in time. A pair of friends, one from the Valley and another from a distant plague clan. Once again proving that the Sister Flights worked better together. The mirrors found (Where jumped by) them while trying to manage a large group of patients and a young but difficult one. The dragons delegated and ended up travelling with the mirrors to help them out. At the end of their road? The newly finished Healer's Castle is right behind the nature palace (Though also with routes from the others). They quickly got to work making good use of the gadgets supplied by the Arcane, Fire and Lightning palaces. Once the work was done they asked if they could stay.

Seeing a brilliant idea Enchantment pounced gaining the help of his best friend Brilliance along with Ember, Orchid and Current. He had them link the machines with the plants and the plants, Auraboa are connected deeply with the plants even senseing them in the loop. I still marvel at the ingenuity of it all, but now the Healer's castles Auroboa can reach out to a nearby plant and through a network of fungi, circuits and magic to access information, and locations and message the mirrors or clan for extra help. They can also prepare an item for use, open doors or even check up on each other (Or fellow Auraboa patients) from anywhere in the building. Which is helpful seeing as there is currently only two of them.

I'm glad to say we have recovered from the Green Attack that left our clifftop home in ruins. Though our clan is forever changed. It was as Maladay said, "Death will follow life like a shadow but life will never be destroyed, it will be passed down and keep growing in new forms,". Well, readers, we have kept growing in a new form. A stronger one with many mysteries to unravel. How much we missed on our clifftop. The ancient palaces and tunnels beneath us, the secrets of the valley including yet another secret set of tunnels and over at all an enchantment held stable by a machine built by dragons long dead. One day this record may trail further into the past of this land than I ever dreamed.
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Exalting Briar to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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