
G3 Barghest Ire/Alabaster Line
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Swarm Sovereign
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Imperial
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Grey Wolf Cape
Enchanted Wolf Necklace



Scene: Strange Chests


30.01 m
20.96 m
7058.84 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 07, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




Grotesque-L.png C L O T H O Grotesque-R.png



"We all have wants, desires we hide deep within. What is it you desire, dear?"

L ore summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix dicant consulatu patrioque at. Ea ius vidit paulo, usu iusto mandamus eu, mea cetero inermis urbanitas ex. Laudem mucius intellegat mel an, ut usu populo propriae probatus. Autem accusam legendos ex quo, duo id efficiantur neglegentur. Delectus platonem ut vis, vidisse impedit voluptua an sed. At eos quis laoreet omittam, sumo elit aliquando *** te. Per mundi alterum at.

The entry is written in faded ink, a date scrawled at the top of the page next to a short title that reads “The Fates”. It is the account of one Primrose Adelaide regarding her brother's disappearance.


I used to live in a small village at the far south of the Frigid Floes. Travelers called it the edge of the world for it was the last civilization dotting the south most border of maps. Even in the midst of summer the days were short and sunless. On the opposite end of the year, as the winter solstice approached, there were times when there was no light at all. It was dark and cold and we called that period the endless night. There were legends too. Rumors that on those dark days, spirits of our ancestors wandered in the forms of beasts and left their tracks in the snow.

As a child, I used to venture out on those long winter nights, searching for prints. Often, I found the footprints of small creatures; the winding trails of snowshoe hares or foxes. Occasionally, the indentations were larger. Perhaps the occasional elk or even a great bear. It was on one such night that I came across prints the likes of which I had not seen before. They were like those of a wolf yet the size of them put even the bear prints to shame. They were massive things and the snow around the edges of each print had melted and refrozen into a glistening surface of ice that shimmered like glass. I remember staring at my reflection in those prints and feeling quite startled. It certainly looked as if someone else entirely were staring back.


It was not long after those prints appeared that villagers started to go missing. My brother was one such individual. I recall him acting strangely in the days before his disappearance. At first it was a series of headaches that progressed to complaints about his vision. “Feels like I’m not seeing things right” he admitted. “Like the mirrors are all broken”. On multiple occasions, i caught him thrashing in his sleep, feverish as he muttered something about the tracks in the snow.

Then he was gone.

I went out with our parents to search for him the night after he vanished only to find that his footprints trailed off into the woods. There was no trace of him. Only the fading prints of his boots in the snow and several more of those bestial claws that shimmered like glass. I thought for a brief moment that I saw my brother in one of those reflections, but perhaps it was only a trick in the faint lantern light.


Since the night that my brother disappeared I’ve had the strangest dream. Every night I dream of him walking out through the snow to the edge of the woods. He stands and waits until three great white beasts seem to materialize before him. I can never tell if they are real or simply a reflection of torch light against the wind and snow.

They speak on turns each making an offer. The first talks of the past, of any regrets that could be undone. “My gift is that to rewrite a moment of the past that you wish to erase or alter”. The second beast offers gifts of the future. “Anything you wish to can come to pass”. Finally, the third speaks of the present. “Is there anything that you currently desire?”

Each of them offer a promise in exchange for an unspoken price. I’ll never know which of those three fates my brother chose, but I wish he had never chosen at all. The dream ends each night and I awaken without him again.

I’ve been left to wonder of my brothers last words, but I will say that ever since he disappeared I have been incredibly lucky. It is as if some guardian angel is watching over me and protecting me from harm. I still see those tracks in the snow from time to time. I wonder how many have traded a life to one of those beasts in exchange for a promise.


We attempted to follow up regarding Primrose's report. Since her previous statement, she had been admitted to a local hospital on account of an accident. We spoke with her as well as her doctor who noted that it was a miracle she was still alive and had somehow recovered from an injury that should have been fatal.

When asked how she was recovering, Primrose simply smiled bitterly. "I seem to have a guardian angel watching over me. Protecting me from any harm".

WiP is a WiP

Layout and artwork by awaicu
Banners by PoisonedPaper

Grey Wolf Cape

Hatchling Bios
[columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][size=5][font=Garamond] U N N A M E D [/font][/size][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=2][font=Garamond]BARGHEST LORE AND LINEAGE PROJECT[/size][/b] [size=2][font=Garamond][/font][b]GENERATION IV [/b][/size] [size=2][font=Garamond][/font] IRE/ALABASTER'S LINE[/size] [size=1][font=Garamond][/font] TALOS G4 | ELYSIAN G4 [/size] [img][/img][/center] [i][center][size=2] [font=Garamond]"Quote"[/center] [font=Garamond][size=6][i]L[/i][/size][size=3] [font=Garamond][i]ore summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix dicant consulatu patrioque at. Ea ius vidit paulo, usu iusto mandamus eu, mea cetero inermis urbanitas ex. Laudem mucius intellegat mel an, ut usu populo propriae probatus. Autem accusam legendos ex quo, duo id efficiantur neglegentur. Delectus platonem ut vis, vidisse impedit voluptua an sed. At eos quis laoreet omittam, sumo elit aliquando *** te. Per mundi alterum at.[/i] [/columns] [img][/img] [columns] [font=Garamond][size=6]T[/size]he barghests had always been creatures intimately entwined with the dreamscape. There was little known about the precise nature of the curse that afflicted their kind, but certainly the beasts could move their presence between the waking and dream realms with ease… and some found themselves existing there entirely. Dorian had always been one such dream, a beast who had lost himself wandering the dreamscape ages ago. He too could make new pockets within the dream realm, new hunting grounds to lure and trap the unsuspecting minds of sleepers. Yet even his innate skills paled in comparison to the dreams that he witnessed woven by others. He chased after those dreams, longing to master such a skill… yet they always escaped his grasp. Still, as he wandered he left his essence in the minds that he passed through and those traces of his curse seemed over time to grow into new beings, nourished and formed from dreamers minds. It was the sorceress, Rosencrantz whose mind gave life to the first of Dorians “children”. Like their father, they too wandered the dreamscape in search of a dream to call their own. [right][font=calibri][size=2][color=#bcbcbc]Layout and artwork by [url=]awaicu[/url][/font][/color][/size] [right][font=calibri][size=2][color=#bcbcbc]Banners by [url=]PoisonedPaper[/url][/font][/color][/size][right][/columns] [img][/img]
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