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Personal Style


Frosted Woodbasket
Pearly Amulet of Chemistry
Peacebringer's Cowl
Peacebringer's Mantle


Accent: Shatterbone Vulture


Scene: Icewarden's Domain


3.58 m
2.49 m
177.77 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 06, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245


monk | caretaker | maintenance
oC5paJL.gif History
xx"Fresh roses, come get em while they're in bloom!"
xx"You! You sir! Would you be interested in a set of enchanted armor..."
xx"Silks for sale, silks for sale, buy two boxes get one free!"
xxSomeone thrust a tray of shiny red apples at them, beaming encouragingly. "Sweetest and crunchiest in town," promised the guardian in her low, rumbling voice. "Won't you buy some?"
xxFaolin laughed. "Thanks for the offer, miss, but I'm just browsing right now." With a cheerful wave, they delved deeper into the crowded marketplace, footsteps slowing to better take in the sights. It wasn't everyday they got to visit such a bustling place like this, and Faolin fully intended to make good use of their time here.
xxOverhead, decorative lights were strung up on wires, winking white and yellow like stars. There were stalls everywhere as far as the eye could see, with a myriad of colorful goods ranging from carpets, to weaponry, and fresh produce. Merchants hawked their wares with vengeance, raising their voices to be heard above one another. Even the smells were exotic - Faolin sniffed the air, nodding appreciatively at the hints of spices and fresh flowers.
xxThese markets always never failed to have something curious for sale, and Faolin was soon proven right when they caught a glimpse of several rabbits in a fenced-off enclosure, with a fae standing guard at the gate. Live animals were an uncommon sight at places like these, but what caught Faolin's eyes wasn't just the rabbits - it was the pearlcatcher who stood chatting happily to the fae, dressed in a robe that seemed to shimmer like the evening sky with every little movement.
xxWho was that? She seemed so wonderfully serene that it was almost as if she wasn't quite from this realm itself. As Faolin drew closer, hypnotized, they noticed a little bundle of fluff
in the pearlcatcher’s hands - one of the bunnies, which was presently snuffling at the pearlcatcher’s palm. With an airy laugh, she leaned forward to ask the fae merchant a question Faolin couldn't hear, before nodding and rummaging in her pouch for something. Eventually, she came up with a fistful of baby carrots, which she fed to the eager rabbit one by one. Once the little furball was done eating, the fae merchant took it from her hands and placed it back into the enclosure, before turning to meet Faolin's gaze with a somewhat odd look.
xx"Can I help you...?"
xxOops. They hadn't realized they'd been staring quite that long. Coughing to cover the embarrassment of being caught red-handed, Faolin walked up to the pair with a nervous smile - oh god, was she wondering why some strange tundra had been gawking at them?
xx"Sorry! I was just - I just wanted to see the bunnies!" And the beautiful stranger standing beside you, they thought, though they wisely kept that thought unsaid. "I think they're really cute, they're actually, uh, my favourite animal!" Chuckling somewhat nervously, Faolin leaned over the edge of the enclosure to coo at the baby rabbits, keenly aware of the curious pearlcatcher's gaze on their back. Oh god, were they doing this right? "Can I hold one, mister?"
xxThe fae dragon squinted at them for a moment longer, before eventually shrugging and scooping one of the bunnies into Faolin's cupped hands. So soft, they mused, gently petting the white fur and watching the little thing scrunch up its nose at them.
xx"You like rabbits?"
xxOh- that was her. She was talking to them! It took Faolin a second to organise their scrambled thoughts enough to formulate a coherent response, nodding eagerly even if it technically wasn't true. They'd never been particularly fond of animals before, but if it meant getting to talk about something with this mysterious pearlcatcher, they'd adopt an entire zoo worth of animals. "Yeah! I mean, look at them, they're so cute and fluffy." Faolin held the rabbit up to their face, nuzzling cheeks with the tiny creature. "I totally love them, always wanted to keep one as a pet."
xxThink, Faolin, think. Say something to impress her.
xx"Um, did you know their favourite food is carrots?" Faolin beamed widely at the pearlcatcher, before realizing something else important - how could they be so rude as to not introduce themselves before talking? "Oh, my name is Faolin, I just got so excited at the bunnies that I forgot to introduce myself sooner. And you are...?"
xxThe pearlcatcher tittered with amusement, extending a hand in greeting. "Rylese," she responded in that airy, almost sing-song tone of hers, and Faolin felt something warm grow in their chest at the sound.
xxA pretty name for a pretty dragon. They hadn't realized they'd said the words aloud until Rylese's eyes grew wide, the faintest hints of a blush dusting her pale cheeks. "Excuse me?" she managed, looking flustered for the first time since Faolin had seen her. "I'm... Well, thank you for saying so. I quite like my name."
xxIt took Faolin an agonisingly long moment to catch on, and even when they did, they could've smacked themselves in the head for being so blunt about it. Way to go, Faolin. Very subtle of you. "Ah - eheheh, it's no problem! I'm just, er, glad to meet someone else who loves rabbits as much as I do!" They latched onto the nearest excuse they could, gripping the unfortunate rabbit perhaps a little too tightly in their panic - it gave a startled squeak, which prompted the fae to scowl at them.
xx"Oi, no damaging the goods!"
xxAt that, Rylese gave a scandalised gasp. "Goods? Good sir, these are sweet little baby animals you have here. I think my friend here is just a little nervous, that's all - I'm sure they meant no harm," she added, casting a hopeful glance over at Faolin. "Right, Faolin?"
xxOh, gods, she's sweet and clever. Faolin thanks their lucky stars that they've gotten the chance to meet someone so endearing today, before clearing their throat to quickly back the pearlcatcher up. "Of course, mister, I just ah, haven't seen rabbits so cute in awhile, you know?" It's a poorly concocted excuse, but at least the merchant seems to be satisfied at that, taking the baby rabbit back and returning it to its siblings.
xxRylese beckons for Faolin to step aside, just out of earshot of the fae, giggling behind one hand. "You're lucky I'm on good terms with that guy," she informs Faolin, with the tiniest hints of a cheeky smile on her face. "He's a bit grumpy, but the animals in his care are always treated well, so I like to stop by and take a look at them whenever I'm in the area. What about you - are you from around here?"
xx"I'm from a nomadic clan, actually," Faolin explained. "We travel a lot, and we just happened to stop by the Viridian Labyrinth for a little, so I thought I'd come check out the markets." And what a good thing they did - after all, they wouldn't have met Rylese otherwise. Still, knowing Rylese has a home here sends a tiny pang of regret shooting through them. It's not like Faolin can stay here for that long, and given how much their clan travels, it's unlikely they'll return here anytime soon. Rylese seems to sense some of their internal anguish, reaching out to rest a gentle hand on the tundra dragon's shoulder and squeezing reassuringly.
xx"Hey, it's okay! I'll still be here, so whenever you guys next come around, feel free to come find me at the market. You..." she hesitates, uncertainty clouding her expression for a moment. "You will come back eventually, right?"
xxHow can Faolin say no to that sweet face? "Of course," they promise, even if it might not be true - they don't dictate where the clan goes, after all. "I really appreciate you stepping in for me there, I promise I'll come back and make it up to you next time!"
xxSurely there's got to be something Faolin can leave her with to remember them by... Frowning in thought, they check their satchel, brightening when their fingers brush over one of the bundles of herbs stashed away inside the leather pouch. It's not quite as romantic as flowers, but it's better than nothing. Faolin pulls one of the sprigs free and gives it a quick sniff - mint, from the smell of it - before thrusting their hand out at Rylese, smiling broadly. "Take this, it'll smell really nice in your house! It goes really well with cold water too, if you're feeling thirsty."
xxEyes wide, Rylese gingerly accepts the little bundle of herbs, lifting it to her nose to give it an appreciative sniff, beaming. "O-oh, that's very kind of you," she stammers, and Faolin's smile only grows wider still with triumph. "I'm afraid I haven't got anything to offer in return, though..."
xx"No, no, keep it!" Faolin insists, waving both hands at Rylese in refusal of any payment. "I just wanted to give you something to remember me by, so you don't forget until I come back next time." It sounds more than a little sappy the moment the words leave their lips, but thankfully, Rylese doesn't seem to mind one bit, if the pinkish tint to her cheeks is any indication.
xx"Faoliiiiiiin! Hey, Faoliiiiin! Where are you, it's time for dinner already with the others!"
xxOops. It seems they've overstayed their welcome. With a last fond wave back at Rylese, who's still clutching the mint in her hands, Faolin regretfully turns away to join up with their calling clanmate, glancing back over their shoulder every so often until the pearlcatcher’s silhouette disappears amongst the crowd.
xx... They're definitely coming back next time.
xx(A year later, the clan returns to the Viridian Labyrinth, and Faolin has made up their mind. Having said their goodbyes, they hoist their few possessions over their shoulders and set off for the hustling marketplace in hopes of meeting a certain pearlcatcher once again. When they spot a familiar dragon standing by the animal pens, they know they've found their new home.)
arcanev4.png Information
Name // FAOLIN
-- Origin of name // Ó Faoláin (pronounced [oː ˈfˠeːlˠaːnʲ]), or O'Faolain, is an Irish surname meaning "wolf",[1] anglicized as Phelan.

Age // 70
-- Birthday // december 6th

Occupation // cleaning and maintenance

Role // community caretaker

Personality // calm and serene with a sleepy voice that works wonders in relaxing those that hear it. the only time they really get flustered is when they're with rylese, whom reduces faolin to a blabbering mess. faolin way have left their original clan to be with rylese, but they still practice the principles the monastery upheld. they keep the cave that houses everyone clean and well cared for, the native plant life happy, and helps any clan members they can assist. it's difficult to sum up everything that faolin does however it's all necessary work that most don't think about.
-- Likes // listening to nature, helping others, rylese
-- Dislikes // faolin tries their best not to truly dislike anything, but grasshoppers are an exemption

Familiar // DUSTIN
-- Role of familiar // faolin has an enchanted broom, dustin, that they use to cleanse a space of stale or negative energy, alongside normal sweeping of course.

template by @Sokol; history written by @rei711
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