"Atro's Plentiful Poisons and Potions, the best around!"
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Energy: 50
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4.76 m
4.21 m
610.74 kg
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Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245


Seller of the finest chemical wares this side of the Glimwood Tangle, Atro welcomes you into his humble shop. He peddles in potions of every kind, poisons of every type, and ingredients of the finest quality! It can be assured that all of his loyal customers will leave satisfied with their purchase, whether they wish to or not!
Notes for future customers:
-Purchases can be gift-wrapped on request, with multitudes of special bottles and containers to choose from, all expertly crafted by the master glassblowers of the Flintlock Fumaroles! Custom containers can be ordered for an extra fee, and will arrive at the store in two-to-three business days.
-During Night of the Nocturne only, we have a store-wide 50%-off sale on all nerve agents!
-Poisons and potions that feature a limited shelf-life are regularly recycled and restocked. You will find shorter-lived wares toward the front of the store, and longer-lived wares on the back shelves by the checkout desk. We keep our oldest and most potent in a special vault behind the counter.
-Custom potions and poisons can be ordered through the checkout desk, but will be refused if the requested chemical reaction is potentially harmful to our mages and alchemists. Specific instructions regarding handling and concoction will be requested alongside the ingredients list, and if instructions are proven false, incomplete, or misleading, both your order and your treasure will be kept as compensation.
-For the safety of our suppliers and your fellow customers, we retain seller-buyer confidentiality.
-All wares are handled and stored in accordance of the Baldwin-Pinkerton Health and Safety codes, as well as properly labelled with their effects. We do not offer samples.
-There is no discrimination in who can buy from or sell to Atro's Plentiful Poisons and Potions, but we will remind our customers that any action taken against us or our suppliers will result in heavy retribution. Regulars receive a 5% discount!
-No refunds or returns are allocated to customers who misjudge the potency, traceability, and/or effectiveness of their purchase.
-You cannot pet, speak to, touch, or bother the familiars, as they are considered valuable employees and/or part of our ingredient supply chain. Any harm or distress caused by them is your fault and yours alone.
-Any unfounded, overblown, or unreasonable hostility shown toward employees of Atro's Plentiful Poisons and Potions will result in a one-week ban from the property. You may ask dragon and Beastclan employees for assistance, but they reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
-Any and all activities that potentially result in harm, injury, death, tomfoolery, conflict, or scandal as a result of wares purchased from Atro's Plentiful Poisons and Potions are fully the fault of the buyer. Once a purchase is made, that purchase is no longer APAP property. Atro claims no responsibility and will not offer compensation in any shape or form.
Ever hatch a dragon and go "hmm. you look like that poison from Ace Attorney"
IKTR count: 3
Times Stolen: 0
Hey, I recognize this guy! It's Kristoph Gavin's go-to gift when he can't think of anything else to get you for Christmas. Probably better to stay off his list altogether... too bad he remembers virtually everyone who's ever breathed in the general direction of his schemes.
Really neat to turn Atroquinine into a potion seller, though I'm not sure I'd trust his wares, especially with those toxic colors and the vial of poison around his neck! Not sure which fits him better, the various brightly colored bottles you gave to him, or the bones most assuredly taken from the aftermath...
Really neat to turn Atroquinine into a potion seller, though I'm not sure I'd trust his wares, especially with those toxic colors and the vial of poison around his neck! Not sure which fits him better, the various brightly colored bottles you gave to him, or the bones most assuredly taken from the aftermath...
Zanni wrote:
No doubt that this dragon is inspired by the fictional poison from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney! That was my first Ace Attorney game so I get a bit giddy when I see references to it on here. It's cool to see fandragons that are incorporated into lore like this one, and ones that aren't directly based on characters. Making a shady merchant type character based on Atroquinine is very creative and I enjoy his look, it's very garish and reminds me a bit of a poisonous frog. Pearlcatcher is a good choice for an archetype like this too. His familiar being named Drew is rather cheeky as well.
ReginaChaos wrote:
Love this guy's stock. He has surprisingly good nail polish. 10/10 would get gifts for my bestie from him again.
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Exalting Atroquinine to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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