Level 25 Wildclaw
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Energy: 47
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6.14 m
7.03 m
524.86 kg
Eye Type
Level 25 Wildclaw
Max Level


"Defend the weak and those who can't defend/speak for themselves"
Back in the Saddle Again - Aerosmith
Enter Sandman - Metallica
Wherever I May Roam - Metallica
Stranglehold - Ted Nugent
This brilliant red cowboy wrangles amphibians and reptiles. not only that, he is well trained in combat, hunting, tracking, and other useful survival skills. Wylfred is very laid back with a wry sense of humor and is easy to be around. Also he knows a fair bit about seafaring so on occasion goes out with the pirate crew.
Loves living in the Gladevines because the sheer amount of amphibian and reptiles that call it home. Also even though he eats meat he doesn't eat reptiles or amphibians
The sound of insects buzzing hung thick in the humid air. The condensation from Wylfred's breath was quickly lost in the misty air. He could hear the water bubbling over the rocks in the river not far off to his right. To his left was a quickly rising tree-laden face of the mountain that he was near. It was part of a larger mountain chain that was closely faced with difficult mountain passes and near-impassable unused trails. That was not his focus, however. He was here for the local wildlife, specifically reptiles and amphibians, as there were certain species that were endemic to this area that were not found elsewhere. Herpetologists often traversed this particular mountain range because of the plethora of unique species that lived here, as well as the constant flow of new species being discovered at a consistent rate. Other points of interest was the botanical and geological attractions that included many species of plants that were native and the diverse rock formations and rare mineral deposits. There was a chirp in the underbrush that caught Wylfred's attention. He snapped his head towards the sound and carefully scanned the area the sound came from. Eventually he spotted the obscured outline of a camouflaged lizard. Slowly and quietly he closed in on is target. With a sudden jolt, his arms flicked foreword with amazing speed and accuracy. Before the reptile knew it, Wylfred had it securely within his clawed grip. He was pleased at the impeccably scaled creature in his grip. He was impressed by every minute detail of this reptile. How the scales lay on the skin, how the skin lay on the flesh beneath, the moist eyes, spined back, and the thrashing whip-like tail. To untrained eyes this looked like just another lizard; but to Wylfred it was an unusual endemic species of great interest. It was closely related to other cornerstone species and was an integral part of the ecosystem. He noted unique characteristics and measurements to add to his report. He mentally noted other characteristics about this particular specimen before gently releasing it back into the forest. The lizard scurried off into the foliage and was quickly lost in the brambles. Wylfred watched its' frantic flee into the brush.
Back in the Saddle Again - Aerosmith
Enter Sandman - Metallica
Wherever I May Roam - Metallica
Stranglehold - Ted Nugent
This brilliant red cowboy wrangles amphibians and reptiles. not only that, he is well trained in combat, hunting, tracking, and other useful survival skills. Wylfred is very laid back with a wry sense of humor and is easy to be around. Also he knows a fair bit about seafaring so on occasion goes out with the pirate crew.
Loves living in the Gladevines because the sheer amount of amphibian and reptiles that call it home. Also even though he eats meat he doesn't eat reptiles or amphibians

Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
This dragon doesn't eat Insects.
Feed this dragon Meat.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting Wylfred to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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