Level 1 Wildclaw
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Energy: 48
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6.27 m
4.92 m
637.53 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245

Giver of Wealth and Good Fortune.
i also think i need a god that's like. silvery white and controls uhhh justice or something like that. she should be named pallas
i also think i need a god of love who has sarcophagus. ok the sarcophagus didn't happen but it's fine she's lovely
(i call them all "gods" but they're just very talented and very burdened)
and also all not necessarily gods i want me some goddesses >:) just a filler word for deity since i always spell that wrong
oh and the randomly generated "god description" just told me i need someone devoted to humor, nature, and/or celebration who is "elegant" and "dutiful" and whose main lover is named poemis (pois? poemi? poeis?). uh sure ok
more related but cythraul also needs a dragon at some point and maybe he should be a very weak god in charge of like. possession or the restless undead or something and einca died in the cave and got possessed or something
(wait isn't that the entire backstory for morro actually. wait no it isn't idk)
i also need a god of like death or the afterlife or whatever. rebirth too. idk
the uh. moonward would be a good name for a dragon
fac astra tuum - make the stars yours
ut astra tua - make the stars your own
ab astris supra - from the stars above
supra astra - of the stars above
astra renascentis - the stars reborn
astra renatus - also the stars reborn
astra exspecta te - the stars wait for you
astra vocant te - the stars are calling you home
astra uri in aeternum - the stars burn eternally
astra aeterna - the stars eternal
astra lapsa - stars, fallen
astra errant huc - the stars wander here
astrorum dignitate - of the stars with dignity
what if like. each one of them had their own disciples or followers or whatever . like obviously althalos and aurora are connected. n maybe "erys" and diske

alexei is poor
i also think i need a god that's like. silvery white and controls uhhh justice or something like that. she should be named pallas
i also think i need a god of love who has sarcophagus. ok the sarcophagus didn't happen but it's fine she's lovely
(i call them all "gods" but they're just very talented and very burdened)
and also all not necessarily gods i want me some goddesses >:) just a filler word for deity since i always spell that wrong
oh and the randomly generated "god description" just told me i need someone devoted to humor, nature, and/or celebration who is "elegant" and "dutiful" and whose main lover is named poemis (pois? poemi? poeis?). uh sure ok
more related but cythraul also needs a dragon at some point and maybe he should be a very weak god in charge of like. possession or the restless undead or something and einca died in the cave and got possessed or something
(wait isn't that the entire backstory for morro actually. wait no it isn't idk)
i also need a god of like death or the afterlife or whatever. rebirth too. idk
the uh. moonward would be a good name for a dragon
ut astra tua - make the stars your own
ab astris supra - from the stars above
supra astra - of the stars above
astra renascentis - the stars reborn
astra renatus - also the stars reborn
astra exspecta te - the stars wait for you
astra vocant te - the stars are calling you home
astra uri in aeternum - the stars burn eternally
astra aeterna - the stars eternal
astra lapsa - stars, fallen
astra errant huc - the stars wander here
astrorum dignitate - of the stars with dignity
what if like. each one of them had their own disciples or followers or whatever . like obviously althalos and aurora are connected. n maybe "erys" and diske
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Exalting Pepperoncini to the service of the Tidelord will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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- Names must be longer than 2 characters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.