
Level 1 Coatl
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Fenfisher Flattail
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Coatl
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Personal Style


Enchanted Stag Necklace
Sprouting Garden Apron




8.39 m
8.49 m
884.05 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 01, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245



Write a story where the badniks are actually the animals inside of them, controlling the robots, albeit brainwashed into thinking that they are the robots themselves. However, it seems that the only badnik who wasn't brainwashed was Orbot, simply because Robotnik forgot. As such, Orbot still remembers his life as a normal orb weaver spider, and the trauma he experienced when a stray cat killed his previous owners. That encounter left Orbot mentally scared, making him unwilling to make family connections. The story begins when Orbot and Cubot are floating down a hall, with Cubot trying to convince Orbot that the Egg Empire is one big family, however, Orbot is shooting down the idea, saying they're all just coworkers. Cubot tries to get a comeback in when he notices that some of the badniks are acting strangely, and have pink eyes. Orbot and Cubot then follow one of the strange badniks to one of Eggman's abandoned warehouses. Once there, Orbot and Cubot get ambushed by a bunch of these weird badniks, quickly getting pinned down. The mastermind of the plan then reveals herself as Tribot. Orbot remembers her as the overly cheerful female shapebot that was scrapped because of being unstable. Tribot reveals that she's been mind controlling some of the other badniks. Cubot asks her what her plan is, but Tribot says that telling the two would be stupid. Orbot then inquires her motive, which Tribot cheerfully replies with "To torture. To hear the screams of the innocent echo through the city. To feel a river of blood on my hands. To watch the world burn!" Orbot then weakly calls Tribot a monster. Tribot then brings Orbot and Cubot to a large room with a single machine in the middle. Cubot asks what the machine does, but Tribot just gleefully says that she'll show him. Tribot then snaps Cubot's robot body in half, making Orbot scream. Tribot then takes out the real Cubot: a dazzed and confused box turtle. Tribot throws Cubot in the machine, knocking him out. Tribot then turns the machine on. In a bright flash, Cubot transforms from a normal turtle into a mobian one. Orbot, meanwhile, is horrified at the whole experience. Tribot lets out a delighted giggle before pulling the unconscious turtle out of the machine. She then opens a hatch on her head, letting her true self out. It turns out that Tribot is the cat that killed Orbot's family, as well as being the only other badnik that wasn't brainwashed. Orbot screams angerly as the feline calmly walks into the machine. Tribot activates the machine again, transforming herself into a mobian cat. She then tells her controlled badniks to release Orbot. The red bot instantly lunges at Tribot, however, the newfound mobian takes care of Orbot pretty quickly, putting some dents on him and pinning Orbot under her foot. Orbot weakly states that she took everything from him. Tribot then remembers who he is before stating that "It's a shame you spiders are so small, I heard that your blood is green, and it would've been refreshing to see such an exotic color on my fur for once!" Orbot then lowers his head, letting his real self out. Tribot tries to crush him. However, Cubot has reawakened, now tackling Tribot while yelling about not letting her touch his brother. This gives Orbot enough time to get to Tribot's machine. He barely activates it, being so small, but Orbot is quickly turned into a mobian spider. He grabs Tribot's attention by telling her that she wanted a big spider, so here he is. Tribot and Orbot then start fighting, leaving Cubot to figure out how to reverse the machine. After a bit, Tribot reveals that she has all seven Chaos Emeralds, and proceeds to turn into her Super Form. However, Tribot still wants a challenge, so she transfers half of the energy to Orbot, triggering his super form. Tribot and Orbot continue their battle. Tribot starts mocking Orbot, making him madder and madder until he snaps. Once that happens, Orbot starts screaming about how Tribot ruined his life, not noticing that he was turning into his Dark Super Form. Orbot starts pulling apart the building around them, throwing accusations at Tribot along with the concrete. It gets to the point where Orbot is maniacally laughing while throwing the rocks, oblivious to the fact that Tribot was completely buried under the rubble. Cubot, who had finished with the machine earlier, is clearly seeing his big brother suffering. As such, Cubot literally has to jump from a tall shelf and drag Orbot to the ground to get him to calm down. Cubot tells Orbot, who now has tears streaming down his face, that everything's OK. Orbot finally returns to his normal form, tightly hugging Cubot with all four of his arms while telling him not to die. Cubot agrees. The two then use the machine to turn back into normal. They get back into their robot bodies and lead the now free badniks back to Eggman's main base, albeit Orbot has to carry Cubot because the cube was currently broken in half. Later, Orbot carries the broken Cubot into Eggman's office. Eggman first asks where the duo had been before noticing all of the damage on their bodies, prompting Eggman to ask a follow up of what happened. Cubot just says that they got all of the Chaos Emeralds. Eggman then says that that explains things, while Orbot mentally disagrees, thinking that it doesn't explain half of it. Eggman then grabs Cubot from Orbot's arms, asking the former to get him a wrench. Orbot quickly says "Yes sir." before turning around to leave the room. However, at the doorway, Orbot stops and quietly says "Dad." Eggman doesn't have a clue what this means and ignores it, but Cubot knows exactly what this means. He remains silent, though. Elsewhere, at the abandoned warehouse, some of the rubble shifts. Tribot emerges from it, somehow unharmed and extremely happy. She giggles. Tribot then talks as if she was speaking to Orbot, telling him that he's going to be a lot of fun to toy with. The story ends on that cliffhanger.

Beige/chocolate/chocolate metallic/bee/glimmer
crimson/peridot/copper fade/blend/firefly
hunter/driftwood/steel lionfish/spinner/smoke
heather/cobalt/cobalt iridescent/bee/filigree
chocolate/chocolate/chocolate boulder/myrid/smoke
bubblegum/bubblegum/strawberry iridescent/shimmer/runes
robin/robin/ice fade/blend/opal

Vadu teya, veady won mii~ vheda va mo, huah! Sadarukido,

Bonjam = Greeting     Jambuhbye = Goodbye
Jamblasted = Anger     Juh? = Huh?    Vun = Very
Jamanke = Thank you     Japologa = I’m sorry
Jonto = Soon    Jaway = I forgot    Majaja = Again

Example: “Zan Par…? Jaway majaja! Japologa vun.”
Translation: “Zan Par…? I forgot again! I’m very sorry.””

Jes = yes. Janno = no. Ji = me. Jhappy = happy.
Majicious = tasty. Jawaii = cute. Mafo =lie.
Jif = if. Jaitty = good night. Rigga = painful.
Goppoko = surprise. Bastion=heart. Jorrow = sad.
Konjy = crazy. Mapop = hope. Lor = paradise.

Example: "Zan Par! Jif Majaja Ji Bastion Konjy… Janno."
Translation: "Zan Par! If my heart goes crazy again... No, never mind.)


Random comment:
Actually, everyone is looking at it the wrong way. I think Galacta knight is PAST Kirby! Galacta being future Kirby doesn't explain the wings and horns, but if Galacta was past Kirby, he could have easily have lost them... LIKE THE END ANIMATION OF THE FIRST FIGHT... Another thing that supports this is Meta's coloration change throughout the games. His body gets lighter while his feet get darker as he gets older. If this coincides with Galacta being Kirby, it would make sense. Also about the eyes, you could very well look to the anime with Meta, his eyes change color with the mood. Although the biggist thing i want to exemplify is Morpho. Kirby ALWAYS, when looking at that butterfly, has a "Oh you again" kind of attitude. How could Kirby possibly know Morpho if he had never met him before?!


Evidence #1 Appearance

Kirby and Galacta Knight are both pink spheres... okay that's not much to go on. But in Super Star Ultra, his wings are seen disconnecting from his body as if they weren't real.

So I dug a little deeper and put 2 and 2 together in a very interesting fashion.

"Despite using a lance, a weapon used for thrusting, Galacta Knight still performs slashing and chopping moves."

Why would Galacta Knight use a lance like a sword? Well notice how none of the copy abilities have anything very close to a javelin or lance that you can hold. So Galacta Knight would use it like it's a sword - which is Kirby's favorite copy ability (another theory of mine). Kirby is seen with the sword on the cover of Return to Dreamland and he chooses it as his Final Smash in two Smash Bros games. He also then defeats Grand Doomer with it. So he really likes the sword ability and only knows how to use it like a sword. Also, Meta Knight trains him to use swords a lot.

"Unlike Meta Knight, Galacta Knight hovers in the air"

I wonder who else does that! (Obviously Kirby does this)

Evidence #2 Behavior

"While he is feared for his immense power, Galacta Knight has never been stated to be explicitly evil, despite having great power and potentially being violent. However, he is not benevolent, as he will use his powers to fight anyone who challenges him when he is summoned. His intentions are generally mysterious throughout all of his appearances."

-Feared for immense power

King DeDeDe tries to destroy Kirby for this reason. His immense power. Kirby can literally copy his opponent's powers.

-Not evil, but violent nature

Kirby has always tried to help. He tries to help Magalor and his ship, he tries to help Prince Fluff battle monsters, he tries to save everyone in Smash Bros, and he is usually kind in the anime. He isn't evil. However, he does have great power and is violent a lot. He literally defeats passive enemies. He destroys blocks, burns down trees, attacks passive creatures, and is in Smash Bros. He isn't evil but pretty violent.

-He takes up challenges

Kirby takes Meta Knight's sword challenges and DeDeDe's monsters in the anime. He joins Smash Bros too. Like I said, he'll defeat passive enemies for being in his way.

-Mysterious intent

This might make sense for the rest of this theory

Evidence #3 Origin

In Star Allies, he is referred to as the "Temporal Warrior". For the younger readers, "Temporal" means "Time". So he's a time warrior? Nothing he does has to do with time... unless you consider this whole theory. Also, in multiple instances, he is found in spacetime.

"it forced him to travel through space and time"

"summoned him through a portal linking space-time"

"He was awakened and brought here via an extra-dimensional road beyond the space-time continuum"

So we're supposed to believe that the 'greatest warrior' in the whole series was just trapped in the space-time continuum? I think he was there for a reason.

About him being "the greatest warrior in the galaxy", Meta Knight defeated him and took that title. However, Kirby has defeated Meta Knight. So both Kirby and Galacta Knight are the greatest warriors? If they are the same, this makes sense.
Home > … > Lair Name > Group/Private > Name.txt

Calibrating data…
…data calibration complete. Loading file…

- —[ N A M E ]— -


NAME is a blah blah blah, appearing as a cluster of text in a dragon’s biography. It seems to be of approximately 500px in width and limitless in height, and is mainly used for storing text, images, and links. It can come in many shapes and sizes, though it okay so when you see this code, this is used to hide text for mystery purposes and fun. It is kept below a dragon’s profile for readability’s sake. In certain cases, it may contain many things, while in others, it does not contain anything at all. it has, however, maybe the access granted “isn’t high enough” or something like in the movies I don’t know.

Anyway, you can just use this part as a quick introduction. Nothing too good or bad. You can also delete everything below EXCEPT FOR THE CREDIT if you decide that you’d like this to be. yknow. short. Actually this does give me an idea that I’ll be implementing sometime soon. Like, hm, how about so I accidentally deleted the code in the first try and I have to recode everything again aaaaahhhhn I’m so stupid ;-; but anyway here’s it all back I think. But let’s just make this a liiiittle bit longer… and done!


Refreshing page…
all assets and code by imginate

It was just another normal day in the Observatory; books and paper were scattered everywhere while Arcanist was glued to the telescope. Arie, his arcane sprite and trusted advisor, flew up to Arcanist with a frown on her face.

"Sir!" Arie barked, making Arcanist jump away from his research. "You know, you can't just leave others to always clean up after you."

Arcanist grumbled. "Arie, I'm in the middle of a stargazing session, can't it wai- YAA!" He yelped when Arie picked him up with her magic. She flew into his face.

"Well, excuse me, but I don't want to work in a place where the documents I need are shoved in the back of a closet. Now, you are going to spend the rest of the day organizing the Observatory, or I'm inviting Stormcatcher over to do it for you."

Arcanist sighed. He definitely didn't want that bossy mantis constantly nagging him on his cleanliness. "Fine, but I can't clean with you holding me up like this." Arie let Arcanist down. Still grumbling, Arcanist bent over to pick up some papers. This is going to be a loooong day.
It was very late at night when Arcanist was wrapping up his cleaning day. He sat on Arie's bed, puffing from all the hard work. "Okay..." Arcanist started talking to himself, "just gotta beat Arie's rug, and I'm done." He got up and grabbed one of the corners, then pulled.

"Eeerrrg! What did Arie do, nail this thing to the ground?" Arcanist pulled again before taking a closer look at the rug. He noticed some lingering magic on the hairs, and from the color, Arcanist concluded that Arie had used the Suspended Animation spell on it. He frowned. Why would Arie use Suspended Animation on a rug...?

After using a counter spell, Arcanist pulled up the rug. He held it up, giving it a good lookover. "Wow, Arie is weird. What was she thinking when she used Suspended Animation on a ruuuu..." Arcanist's last word dissolved when he looked down. On the ground was a trapdoor, large enough for two imperials to go through side by side, with wingspace. Arcanist slowly put the rug on Arie's bed, never looking away from the trapdoor. Curiosity had gotten the better of him.

As Arcanist pulled the trapdoor open, a cloud of dust puffed up, making him sneeze. Once the dust cleared, he folded his wings and went down the deep hole. It was a little tight for him, meaning that he couldn't fly back up, so Arcanist was glad that there was a ladder on one side.

Finally, the hole Arcanist was decending suddenly expanded, allowing Arcanist to open his wings to break his fall. After safely landing, Arcanist cast an illumination spell in order to see his surroundings.

What he saw made his jaw drop.
Back in the Observatory, Arie was looking through some documents when Arcanist ran up to her, exasperated.

"Arie, I-" He started, out of breath.

"Did you finish cleaning up?" Arie interupted.

"Well, yes, but-"

"Good. I hope you take this as a lesson to clean up more often. If you clean more regularly, you won't have such a load next time you-"

"Arie, why do you have a basement full of dragon eggs under your room?!"

Arie went dead silent. Arcanist stared at her, panting heavily.

"Well... You see..." Arie coughed into her fist. "Remember that massive war between the Banescales and the Gaolers? Back then, I may or may not have been collecting a bunch of orphaned eggs and using Suspended Animation on them."

Arcanist stared at Arie, jaw dropped and eyes wide. Arie glanced around, clearly feeling uncomfortable. "Why are you staring at me like that?" Arie asked, a nervous face plastered on.

"Arie..." Arcanist started.

"You do know you saved my first creations, right?"
Nothing Lasts...
The rock will crumble, the wind will stop.
The water evaporate, the fire sputter.

Light and shadow will combine.

The storm will stop, the ice melt.
The plants wither, the plague cured.

Magic will fade, for everything must die.
A dead warrior, still serving a king long gone...
How could they forget? I'll haunt them, until they remember...

Years pass, dozens of them. Hundreds maybe? She didn't know anymore. All she knew for sure was these dragons did not belong here. This was not their land or their home! Her King would not stand for these intruders.

King...her King. For a moment her mind travels back to a time and place long forgotten. A beautiful kingdom, ruled by an incredible King. He ruled with iron claws but he was still a kind soul. She stayed by his side no matter what. Every decision, every battle, no matter the outcome. She stayed by her King. She was the one who found him...when

NO! Her King was still ruling strong. She snaps herself back to reality. The sun is setting. The last of the warm rays are creeping down to hide behind the distant mountains. Her job is just beginning. One of the many jobs her great King had assigned her. Night watch, it was one of her favorite tasks. She didn't mind to be alone. It was peaceful. Plus protecting her King and his Kingdom while they rested was a job she never trusted any other dragon with. It had to be done right. She flies the territory edges, watching out for unwelcome guests. She knew she heard wingbeats earlier. Distant, but near enough to faintly hear drumming sounds of at least three sets of wings. Smoke. She takes a deep breath through her nose. Letting the smell of distant ash and flame direct her to the campfire. She flies low, circling the camp as she recaps what she knows of these intruders. Three distinct sets of wingbeats. One much larger than the other two. Slower and steadier. A sound only the wings of a large Imperial can make. The other two was fast, fast enough it took her a while to hear the two separate sets of wings. Snappers. Large bodies and smaller wings means faster strokes to keep them in the air.

She lands a decent ways away from the camp. Creeping on silent claws to watch these trespassers. The Imperial is stretched out next to the fire. He is old. Much older than her. The two snappers are much younger than him. Looks like they could be younger than her. She listens for a moment. It doesn't take long to figure out the Imperial is telling the younger two tales of the current leader of this territory. She can't help but feel proud for a moment. Knowing her powerful King is ruling this land. "The queen of this land is creepier than any dragon I have ever met. It is said she speaks to shadows..." Their voices fade as if she was flying with them and suddenly began to fall from the sky. No her King...he rules this land...he...

She drifts back to the world she was in before. The night she found her King. She was on a patrol one night when she saw smoke rising in the distance from her Kings chambers. She flew faster than her wings had ever carried her. Other guards tried to stop her from flying into the burning tower but she barreled past them. Once inside, the smell of smoke and flame cloud her nose. She cries out for her king. She throws her full weight into the bedroom door to open it as quickly as she could. The king laid just above the door. Sprawled out on the floor. His wings were burned beyond use. His tail and back legs had been pinned by falling debris. His claws reaching for the door that was just out of his reach. His once beautiful feathers, apparel, and jewels were now charred and burned to nothing. She froze for a long moment before two other guards pulled her from the doorway. They were able to get her out of the burning castle just moments before it crumbled in front of them. The other guards tried to tell her they knew the king had passed long before she got there. One of them was trying to tell her the rafter that had pinned him, killed him on impact. She didn't hear them. Her tears fogged her vision as she shakes her head. "No...NO NO. He is alive! He must have escaped!" She threw herself into the air. "We have to find him! He is out there somewhere! This is still his land!" She cries.

"I will protect it with my life..." She whispers to herself. She is standing in the brush watching the Imperial and two snappers again. "This is not your land!" She snarls from the brush. The three dragons turn startled to face her. She launches herself from the bushes, and pins one of the Snappers. "Leave, leave NOW!" The Imperial lashes her with his tail to get her off the Snapper. She catches herself and skids to a stop. "This land is now yours. And is not that False Queens either! This is your final warning, now GO!" The three dragons took off in a panic. She carefully puts out their campfire before returning to her patrol route again.

There are a lot of stories surrounding this land she calls home. Some dragons say the spirit of an angry Coatl known only as SteelWar chases out any dragon ignorant enough to try to stay here. Others say its only an old wise tale. Everyone knows that the Old Kings best guard died as she tried to carry out the king and the castle collapsed around her.
Feb 20
4:56pm: Guys, there are hundreds of reports of the game crashing at the role screen, anybody have any idea of what's going on?
Feb 21
8:34am: Kevin, let her type fore two seconds, wouldja?!
8:47am: Wow, for once your random internet scouring came in handy!
9:25am: Melisa, would you be able to code a program to combat CrM-74?
9:29am: It's ok, take your time!
March 10
11:08am: Speaking of code names, can we just call the malware Carmilla? CrM-74 is a doozie to pronounce, and my brain keeps saying Carmilla.
11:11am: Good luck!
March 11
3:58pm: Weird, I guess the game was treating Carmilla like a player.
4:02pm: What
March 12
6:25am: Geez, I just got out of the shower, and my phone is ringing like crazy! What's going on?!
6:31am: Ok, read the report. How are we supposed to track these guys???
6:33am: Anyways, answers???
Inside the Icy, Black Chains... a Gem of Memory sits.


It was pure chance that the clan found the young dragon when they did. The poor coatl was on the verge of freezing to death. Shalini was with a couple other clan members gathering supplies from nearby territories. They were deep in the Frigid Floes when they heard a strange call over the cold, howling wind. They followed the strange noise to find a young dragon, curled as tightly as she could with her wings wrapped around her. Fear in her eyes when the larger dragons approached. The source of the noise, a black cat, raises its back in a hiss at the strange dragons. The hiss is cut short by a glare from Shalini. The strange dragon had a blood red gem, chained to her wrist. An aura that have even Shalini herself chills, seeps from the strange gem. The young dragon though, seemed unbothered by the gem.

They brought the young dragon back to the domain of The Plaguebringer with them. She had little memories of how she got there, where the gem or the cat was from, or even who she was.

No matter, the clan was more than willing to take in the young dragon. She learns quick, and any young dragon that could survive that long in the frigid weather of the Southern Icefield is strong enough to stay. "But all dragons need a name." Shalini says, in a calm hiss. "A young dragon found in the snow, with a gem of blood...Hm." The queen paces the floor for a moment before stopping in from of her. "Welcome home, CrimsonSnow."
The King Voyager

Javilin spends most of his days within the clan territory, only venturing out to collect ingredients for new dishes he plans to prepare. Shalini, his mate, can't help but sigh when she returns to their den to see her beloved mate has left a note.

"Be back soon, had to get something. Make sure you are hungry tonight. I have a new idea!"

As Javilin lands gently infront of their den, stumbling in with bags of who knows what. "I'm telling you, I figured it out! This will make the most perfe-", he looks around their small den. Oh she will be back soon, he will get it started anyways.
As he shuffles around their small cooking space, humming to himself, movement past the den opening catches his eye. A strange ghostly dragon known as Steelwar walks soundlessly by. "Oh Steelwar! I am making my cupcakes, if you see Shalini can you let her know?" Even the ghostly Steelwar, who has looked death in teh eye before, knew about his 'cupcakes' if you could call them that. "I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. Ground Elk Hoof is exactly what they needed!" Javilin pokes his snout out of the opening so Steelwar could hear him better, but the ghost was already gone. "Wow, must be really excited to tell Shalini about them." Javilin chuckles to himself.

Javilin's dishes are well known through out the Seedscar. However, not for the right reasons. His Writhing Treesnake Truffles would turn the stomach of any beast. His Fragrant Orchid Pie, well it is fragrant alright. The smell alone could drop a fully grown Imperial! And his Cupcakes, oh by Plaguebringer herself his cupcakes. Never. Eat. The. Cupcakes.
Pillar Shards
"Your crazy." Windsinger finally piped up.
"I know." Arcanist replied with a sidewards glance.
"It's impossible!" Plaguebringer added.
"Most likely." Arcanist admitted.
"You'll still do it?" Shadowbinder asked, her eyes wide.
"Of course."


All the Shade looked down at the world below them. They scorned at the dragons living peacefully in it. The Shade didn't like peace. They liked chaos. But there was a problem: they couldn't go down to the world and create chaos because of a Pillar the first eight Dragon Deities had created to keep the Shade away. This displeased them greatly.

As time went on, three new Deities came into being. But the newest in particular intrigued the Shade, as he had already almost destroyed the world. What's he going to do now? the Shade thought to themselves each day. Then, finally, something happened.

The young Deity had caught sight of the Shade. Of course, being younger than all the others, he was very curious. The Shade watched in anticipation while the tiny Deity climbed up the Pillar that held them. It took days, but he had finally got to the top... And fell asleep.

Darn it! He'll wake up in the night. They thought. And, sure enough, the Deity did. The Shade were about as curious about this pink dragon as he was of them. They started mimicking him, which the Deity apparently enjoyed. The Shade were liking this dragon more and more as they mimicked each other.

Suddenly, the Deity shot a bit of magic at the Shade. The little burst strengthened the Shade just enough to get nearer to the Deity. But apparently he was a wimp, as the young Deity squeaked and plummeted down the side of the Pillar.

No, don't go! The Shade shot a bolt of dark energy at the dragon. Faster, faster they decended, until both the bolt of energy and the Deity struck the ground at the same time.

Then the Pillar cracked.

The Shade rejoiced, dancing on the ground of the world. The Pillar which had held them was broken, and now the Shade were free to walk on the world. Most of the Shade didn't think of the pink dragon, but no gratitude was held by them. All their greedy hearts wanted was more chaos. The Shade watched hungrily as the older eight Deity's friendships were slowly broken, and laughed at the confused faces of the younger twin Deities.

Although, strangely enough, one Shade looked at the tiny, hurting form of the pink Deity, and said "No".

Chapter 1: The Broken Pillar

Arcanist stared out of a window in the Observatory, and sighed. It looked like the Lightning Flight was going to win dominance that week. By now, Arcanist didn't care about dominance, but instead looked farther towards the horizon. He stared at the silhouette of the broken World Pillar, the pieces hovering in the air as if they didn't want to loose their shape. Arcanist remembered how he had caused the Pillar to be broken in the first place, and got angry with himself.

I broke it, I need to fix it. But how could I do that? The Pillar's huge! Arcanist shook his head at himself. I may be only a foot tall, but I'm still a Deity. I'm sure I can figure it out. He got off the windowsill he had been sitting on, and started to fly towards the door, being carful to swerve around the legs of dragons that were working. Halfway through, Arcanist felt something grab onto the scruff of his neck, making him turn his head to see what it was.

"And where do you think YOU'RE going, mister?" Arie huffed. Arie was the overprotective Arcane Sprite that had found Arcanist in the shadow of the World Pillar after he broke it. "You should be doing your homework!"

"I'm fixing the Pillar." Arcanist replied, then quickly recited a teleportation spell before Arie could comprehend what he had just said. Arcanist heard a "Wait, wha-" before he teleported, and suddenly found himself outside the Observatory. Taking a deep breath, Arcanist headed in the direction of the world pillar. Quickly realizing it would take him days, if not weeks, to get there, he repeated the teleportation spell again. About two seconds later, Arcanist found himself staring up at the Pillar.

"Ok, time to get to work!" Arcanist stretched his four arms, then proceeded to start pushing a smaller chunk of the Pillar that was about twice the size of himself. With much effort, and a few breaks, Arcanist finally pushed the piece into the place it should be. He turned just in time to see the cracks glowing, and when the lights faded there were no cracks, as if the chunk had never come off in the first place. Arcanist smiled.

"One piece down!" He looked up at the fragmented Pillar, which reached above the few clouds there were in late spring. Arcanist's smile faded. "Five zillion more to go. Geez, and I thought Earthshaker was big..." Arcanist grumbled, hearing a pounding which he at first assumed was his head. As it got louder, though, Arcanist realized the pounding wasn't his head at all, but wingbeats. And they weren't dragon wingbeats, either. As Arcanist looked around, he saw what he had been silently hoping wouldn't appear: a small group of Harpies heading strait towards him. Arcanist was too petrified to move, as he was far too small to outfly them, and had somehow lost his voice. As the Harpies lighted down nearby, one said in a squawking manor,

"Hey, boss! Lookie here! A tiny fae got lost! Shall we eat him?" She pointed a wing at Arcanist. Another Harpy nodded, hunched and slobbering like a crazy dog. The third Harpy, obviously the leader, spread her wings and boomed, "Quite, fools! Of course we'll eat him." The lead Harpy leaned close to Arcanist. "But you know that I like to play with my food first!" An evil grin spread over the Harpy's face. Arcanist managed a pitiful squeak, wishing he hadn't come out during a bunch Harpies patrol schedule.

Although somehow, as if by fate, a dark purple and green dragon smashed into the lead Harpy. The other Harpies, clearly upset with someone messing with their boss, went in for the kill. But just as they were about to be on top of the strange dragon, it quickly bolted up into the sky. All three Harpies followed, and the air became a flurry of fighting and feathers. The dragon was moving way too fast for Arcanist to get a good look, but it seemed to be about as big as a large pearlcatcher.

Finally, the Harpies pulled away, figuring out with their small minds that it was no use fighting the strange dragon. One of them looked back, hissed, and continued with the other two. The strange dragon lighted down, allowing Arcanist to get a good look at them. Their fur seemed to have a mind of its own, flickering and breaking off without actually reducing the amount of fur. Their wings and horns where like this too, cracks flickering along the entirety of the strange dragon's wings, and almost looking like pouring water. The smaller pieces of fur and horn literally vanished, soon replaced by more fur or horn. Their snout seemed skydancer-like, and its eyes were completely black except for the iris, which was blood red. A brown satchel was strapped over their shoulder. Her shoulder, Arcanist corrected himself. He looked her over once more, suddenly having a dreading realization about what this 'dragon' actually was.

"You're a Shade!?" Arcanist shot straight up into the air. This was the first time he had seen one since he had broke the Pillar. "Wha- why are you here? Why did you save me? Who are you? You're not going to eat me, are you?!" Arcanist was completely freaking out, as the last time he had an encounter with the Shade they had almost killed him.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down!" The Shade exclaimed, lifting one of her claws. "One question at a time. First, I'm here because of the Pillar. Obviously. Second, I saved you because you freed my entire species, being grateful unlike those other idiots, and third, my name is Lockess, and no I'm not going to eat you!" Lockess adjusted her satchel. "Anyways, Arcanist, was it? Nice to meet you."

Arcanist stared at the Shade, Lockess, for a few seconds before answering. "Er... yeah. Wait, aren't Shade supposed to be black?" He looked at Lockess's green wings and purple fur. She sighed at this.

"Well, my species isn't called 'Shade' for nothing. Normally, our eggs are bathed in shadows during incubation, resulting in our black coloration and greedy nature. But apparently some light got on my egg, making me purple and green. I'm also not as greedy as the others." Lockess shifted her claws around, obviously feeling awkward. She glanced up at the Pillar. "I saw that you were trying to fix this thing. Do you need some help?" Arcanist opened his mouth to say 'Of course', but a thought struck his head.

"Why do you want to help me rebuild the Pillar? Won't you also get banished from Sornith?" Lockess blinked a few times at this question, blushing. But just as soon as she was about to speak, a tan streak suddenly popped up and snatched her satchel. Arcanist wiped his head to see what it was, and recognized a shape he had only seen two minutes ago: The lead Harpy from the patrol group.

"Hehe, just think you can mess with me and not get consequences? Well, think again!" The lead Harpy cackled, flying off in the direction of the Scarred Wasteland, soon getting followed by the other two Harpies.

"Wha- HEY!" Lockess quickly shot into the air to follow them, Arcanist following a little ways behind her. Although somehow the Harpies had unreal speed compared to the colorful Shade. Lockess hovered in place, staring angrily at where the Harpies disappeared.

"Well, that's just great." Lockess huffed as Arcanist flew up beside her. "Idiot Harpies steal the one thing I own just because I saved a Deity from becoming their midmorning snack." Arcanist noticed how furious Lockess looked, and although he wasn't very good at comforting others, Arcanist thought of something pretty quickly.

"Those Harpies were heading in the direction of the Scarred Wasteland. It'd take us a while to get there, so my teleportation spell would be the quickest way. Once there, we can start looking for the Harpies and get your satchel back. Sound good?" Outwardly, Arcanist was smiling, but inwardly, he was trying to find an excuse to Arie about why he'd been gone so long. Uhhhhh... Maybe I can tell Arie some crazy story about battling centaurs? No, she wouldn't believe a word of it. Lockess's face lit up at Arcanist's suggestion.

"Really?! You are the best Deity, thank you!!" Lockess twirled in the air. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Arcanist nodded, strangely not feeling afraid of this Shade. Lockess didn't feel evil like the others, she felt... Nice. "Well, here goes!" Arcanist plopped down on Lockess's head, reciting the spell. He thought that, by the next day, he would be back at the Observatory getting scolded by Arie for trying to do something really dumb.

Arcanist couldn't have been more wrong.

Chapter 2: Wild Harpy Chase

Hello everybody! Now, this is a very different bio for one of my dragons, but I've found a theory about Kirby that has more evidence to it than "KiRbY iS vOiD". I'm going to be explaining this theory in points, so I don't try to do it all in one sentence. Now, what is the theory in general?

One of the Heroes of Yore was a Dark Matter and his life is getting repeated by a Noddy who is doomed to get decapitated by a weird looking dark matter.

Let's start from the beginning, Kirby is Galacta knight. Evidence? There's a hellfire amount of it. At first, Kirby and Galacta seem pretty unrelated, the only evidence at first glance is color and species. However, the deeper you go, the more obvious it is that these two are, in fact, the same character. For starters, personality. Galacta is always shown to be chaotic and violent, having been sealed away because of this. And, wouldn't you know it, Kirby is also shown to be violent, and even chaotic at times. *Ahem* *Ahem* Squeak Squad *Ahem* Anyways, another point I'd like to make is the fact that the friendship heart landed on Kirby specifically. As you know, the friendship hearts are the shards of the Heart Spears, which just so happen to have been created by Galacta himself. What are the chances that a piece of Galacta's power would break apart, travel potentially millions of light years away from the jambaston headquarters, and end up square on Kirby's face???

Next up, Aeon's a dark matter. The similarities are pretty obvious. First off, Gooey can use official copy abilities. Miracle can use limited copy ability attacks. How can dark matter copy like Aeon? Or, more accurately, how can Aeon copy like dark matter? Here's another question, how did Aeon wield Galaxia sometimes for his ultra sword attack... when Meta was cannonly standing next to Aeon holding onto Galaxia the whole time?! Also, how did Aeon summon all his friends to use as his final attack against Void? Both of those scenarios sound a lot like formulating memories. Back to Void, we know that there is a hella lot of dark matter references spilled everywhere, and we also know that he can be influenced by different things. How would Void have gotten all the dark matter stuff if Gooey wasn't on your team? It came from Aeon. As for what Aeon looked like as a dark matter, I think Void gave us the general shape: mostly normal but with spiked orbs instead of round ones. I'll touch on how Aeon turned into a puff later.

So, who were the other heroes? Back to Void, we see that he uses a bird/elephant-like body for the first and third rounds. After that, his body disappears like a memory. As we could see, Void used Aeon's memory to form the runes on his body, and also for his ice-infused sword attack. So if Void was using Aeon's memory for different things, why not his body shape? I've dubbed this hero 'Termina'. I assume that Termina got beheaded, as Void was clearly showing his head falling off. Maybe this was in the same fight as when Aeon lost his wings...? More on that later.

The next hero was VERY hard to figure out, but I think I got their general jist. So, you know Aeon's cutter ability? The 'Final Cutter' move was implemented into his sword ability, and even into SSB. If we look at this from a lore perspective, you could safely say that it's Aeon's favorite move. Or maybe, just maybe, his comrade's favorite move. Fun fact, the cutter blade's aura used to be blue before it changed to yellow. Again, looking from a lore perspective, maybe Aeon was reminded of his comrade too much when using that move, so he stopped using his memory on the blade whenever it was in use. As for WHAT that hero was, and maybe who they are, take a look at the pause description for the robobot's cutter mode: "The blade of justice cleaves the sky in two! High-speed Whirling Saw!" *Ahem* Blade of JUSTICE- *Ahem* Who do we know that is known to give justice? Morpho! As the 2nd hero couldn't have possibly been Morpho specifically, hence the blue coloring, so it must have been another one of Morpho's species, which we know is called 'Paradise Butterflies.' And, wouldn't you know it, we only have one known Paradise who is blue: Papi from the novels! I designed their knight form over here.

The last hero is my favorite, Countdown. This is the Galactic Nova that got blown up in M.W.W. because of Marx living a repeat of Aeon's life. How do I know this? Well, let's go back: Aeon was originally a (mostly) normal looking dark matter. Marx seems to have originally been a noddy, but now he's a demon. This was because they both wished on Countdown to rule their respective home worlds, Halcandra and Popstar. After Aeon wished on Countdown, the nova obtained a hole. After MARX wished on Countdown, that hole got bigger. Back to Aeon, we know from an interview (and him being able to control the invader armor immediately and without instructions) that he is a bit of a nerd when it comes to tech. Perhaps this knowledge came from Countdown, as evidenced by the mismatched gears that someone tried to repair him with. It also makes sense that Countdown is the third Yore Hero with Aeon's title being "Temporal Warrior," the title would obviously be a pun on how Aeon turned into a puff. Another piece of evidence that Aeon knows Countdown is Countdown's line: "You seem shocked. Were you not ready with your wish?" Aeon was shocked to see Countdown, but Countdown didn't recognize him. How could he, Aeon's fur had switched back to batamon colors without the magic keeping them from fading!

About that batamon thing, random headcannon alert I think they were created by Zero to mimic puffs and gather info. Also I think that all dark matter have two forms so yeh.

Now for the sad stuff... How could Aeon attack Void so easily while they were in Termina's form? Why did Aeon have to stop using blue for his cutter? Is there a bigger reason why Countdown didn't recognize Aeon? Here's my idea: Termina was the one who cut off Aeon's wings. AND killed Papi. So Aeon got mad. As mad as only a dark matter could get. And Aeon beheaded Termina. Countdown must have been watching his friends kill each other, and must have ran off and sealed himself, blocking out his memories. Afterwards, theres some stuff concerning Gooey, Blob, and Oxygen, but that's a different theory.

Back to Marx, I mentioned that he was living a repeat of Aeon's life. This is based on the intense similarities that the two have in common, not just in appearance but in personality (and slightly species) too. Marx is happy-go-lucky, and has a big appetite. He's also basically a demon because of his wish on Countdown. And what is Aeon? A happy-go-lucky pink demon that eats everything in sight. Where else did Countdown's original hole come from? Why wasn't Aeon copying properly during M.W.W.? I think this answers that. As for what's gonna happen to Marx, unfortunately he's destined to get is wings torn off. And if Aeon getting his wings torn off resulted in him turning into some weird cross between a batamon and a puff, then Marx... is going to turn half noddy... and fall asleep... forever...(How did Marx wake up in the first place...? Maybe nightmares × fear triggered asthma + can't breath = wake up? ...Maybe? Sorry random headcannon-)

Now, I've saved the best for last. The major piece of evidence that proves that Kirby is indeed Galacta, that his life is repeating, that my entire theory is correct? The simple fact that Star Allies happened. Lemme explain.

So, we know that, long ago, Aeon, along with three other heroes, sealed Void away with the heart spears.
And in star allies, Aeon, along with three friends and a heart spear infused warp star, defeated Void.

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