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Personal Style


Tropical Birdskull Legband
Tropical Birdskull Armband
Tropical Birdskull Necklace


Skin: Black Wolf


Scene: Witch's Kitchen


16.92 m
15.02 m
7104.62 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 16, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 9 Guardian
EXP: 5984 / 21526
Might Fragment




  • none


First-hatched of Mordread and Nerius, the responsibility of her siblings often falls to her, which both parents acknowledge and appreciate. The more mature of the bunch, Nephira has hopes of someday becoming a more learned dragon, as opposed to her parents more...rugged lifestyle in the Wild, though she wouldn't trade her family for anything.

Nephira is extremely aware of how small Kohl is compared to the others and so always keeps a special eye out to make sure she is safe and sound. She takes care to leave extra food out for Midnight when she can as she knows she needs lots of food to maintain her strength and help keep their little growing clan safe.

As of yet has not discovered her Charge, but endeavors to find it someday, hopefully before she has to leave the family.

Being the bookworm of the family, Mephira has decided to keep a record of the clans comings and goings and doings and undoing's.

Lore Stuff!

1. What is the name of your clan?

The clan just collectively refers to themselves and "Mordread's Clan". (Username has no standing in the clan lore)

2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?

They started as a pair, then a group, and have now grown in both numbers and esteem that they are a full fledged clan now.

3. How did the name originate?

Moredread. It's just his name. And no one has the attention span to think of a fancy one and everyone is proud to be associated with him

4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?

Mordread and his mate Nerius are the end point decision makers of the clan, but everyone is free to do as they wish. The clan is a gathering of outcasts, so generally all members are keen to keep the peace and be kind to one another.

There have been a few instances of clan members harbouring mistrust against another, such as the case with Rakira, and both Mordread and Nerius stepped in to bridge the gap. No one is punished for such things in the clan, everyone is free to have their opinion. Each member can choose their own path, come or go as they desire. Many freely offer their skills to hunt, scavenge, teach, rear, etc, to help their family.

5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?


6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?

The value of things are generally decided by the tradees. What is valuable to one dragon might be less to another, so they trade goods based on what they each desire. A Hainu flight feather for a kyanite shard for example.

When trading with others in Sornieth, Beastclan or Dragonkind, treasure is the general currency accepted and used unless otherwise specified. The clan sets aside any treasure earned or found for use with other denizens, which is given out on a case by case basis ie: provisions, gear, supply runs.

7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?

Each individual has their own sets of skills, so some form hunting parties, some are skilled in weaving and crafting, others can make simple furniture. Generally, specialty items like refined clothes, forged items, magical trinkets, imbued potions and such are bartered for with their respective Flights. As a Wind clan, metal working and other technological trades are a bit more difficult and so professionals must be sought out.

8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?

They trade as needed with others. Fire dragons are excellent forgers, Arcane dragons are next to none when it comes to warding spells and trinkets, etc. As for mingling, the majority of the clan will welcome trade, company, or any interaction as they wish. Some are a little shy or reclusive but non are hostile to outsiders, and many welcome other outcasts or visitors.

9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?

None known except Mordread's old raiding clan who had previously made many attempts on his life and eventually gave up after the assassins they kept sending never returned. They haven't been seen or heard from since and his current clan enjoys a peaceful life.

10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?


11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?

Anyone who is kind to innocents is an ally. Generally other Wind clans get along well, especially during festive events such as the Elemental Holidays when Wind clans throw parties.

12. Is there treaties or contracts involved in alliances or is it verbal/based off trust?


13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?

(I forget most cannon lore for this site in regards to the beastclans so disregard it)

The more 'intelligent' species get along fairly well with Wind clans in general in regards to trading and knowledge sharing, such as the Harpy clans and Serthis. The more bestial ones that are regularly hunted for food certainly don't like Dragons but there are never any territory disputes or anything like that. Mostly keep to themselves.

14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?

Yes, there re many that are kept either as pets or friends/companions. Never against their will. None are forced and each may or may not form a bond with a Beastclan member.

15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show
distaste towards them?

No, everyone in the clan was an outcast in one way or another and so are all very accepting and open-minded of others. The only issue would be catering to all the different diets and required accommodations (underground dens, water pools, leafy shade, etc.)

16. Is any specific race of Beastclans disliked? Or certain races seen as less than others?

The only ones actively avoided are any violent ones. All species can have peaceful or violent members, no one race is discriminated against, only individuals that display overtly aggressive tendencies. Individual dragons may have preferences or dislikes but none harass or discriminate towards others who have bonded with a particular Beastclan member they aren't fond of.

17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?

It depends. Some are more 'intelligent' than others and are bonded with as friends/companions. Others are kept more as pets. None are kept against their will and are free to come and go.

18. Are there any race or animals treated as Familiars?

N-no???? I think????

19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?

As a Wind clan, the obligatory 'must celebrate everything' mood is definitely there. All holidays are an excuse to have a good time, so yes.

20. IF yes, what do these festivities entail? Is it always monthly? Can anyone participate?

Anything really. If there are nearby clans from other Flights having events, members are free to visit if they wish. Generally the clan is stationed in the Windswept Plateu so there is no mass excursions. Anyone can do whatever they want regardless of current or past Flight associations.

21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?

No, only violent members of the individual Flights themselves.

22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?

As the generally accepted 'oldest' race of dragons and their tendency to be very cautious about the whole Emperor thing, Imperials are generally...not more respected, but others are more considerate I suppose. More like, if things go wrong a certain way another Luminax situation is a threat which would be VERY NOT GOOD so they are given more patience, space and time to do their own thing as they wish.

23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?

Each element has it's own way to heal itself. Fire can't heal Nature but Nature can. Water heals Water, etc. All dragons can heal members of their element without specific training, they just need to focus their 'energy' on the other. Each Flight has it's own elemental language of sorts. It's own energy wavelength.

24. Is all magic absolutely elemental (strictly to the in-game lore magics) or are there general forms of magic any dragon can use? If so, how do they work?

Each Flight has it's own elemental energies that they draw on from their deities, but the Beastclans owe no allegiance to any dragon, were created by no god, and so can draw on a mysterious energy all their own. As described from friendly Beastclan members, it is akin to a mixture of the different elements. According to them, no dragon created by an elemental god will every be able to tap into it, as they themselves are formed of the very energies of that god, and cannot utilize another elemental deities energy.

25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?

The power of love :p

But I headcanon Coli elemental strength/weaknesses hold true. Except in certain situations. It makes no sense to me that a Wind Undertide, who lives in water, is weak to water.

26. Are there such thing as enchantments or curses? How would they work?

Very powerful emotions, when combined with magic, can yield awesome results. Awesome as in in awe, not necessarily good. A betrayed clanmate who perhaps was left to die by their love, robbed of all they had, may whisper hatred and curses with their final breath. These things carry power that little else can counter. A dying mothers wish of protection for her babe, a chained captives oath of freedom. Ancient rituals made by many, whose combined magic might just reach their intended god.

27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?

Tomes are literally just textbooks. Weird words are hard, so many mages carry a reference, but if the intonation and order of the incantations can be memorized, then they are not needed. Same for alchemists, healers, potion makers, etc. It's a reference tool.

28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?

Magic is largely fuelled by emotion, so anything, anywhere or anyone that makes somethings click for someone can amplify their abilities. Certainly being surrounded by their native element will help as well. Some dragons in opposing Flight regions, such as a Water dragon visiting or joining a Fire clan would certainly benefit from keeping things that contain water energy. Seashell necklace, jar of water from their homeland, etc. imbued with Water energy.

29. Do dragons have to be in certain conditions to be able to perform their magic? (Ex. An Ice or Nature dragon would not be able to perform their abilities in the Ashfall Wastes.)

It is largely based off emotion, so if they are able to vividly enough imagine and feel the cold ice of their home, or perhaps have something FROM their home imbued with that similar energy, they should have no problem. The effect of the element ITSELF is a different story. Ice is by nature weak to fire, so it would take considerable power to quell flames with ice.

30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?

Training to master and control your emotions is important, but some may be naturally better at it than others, as with any skill.

31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
32. Does your clan have any dragons dedicated to researching and studying magic?
33. What about a court magister or someone who is very knowledgeable in magic/arcane that gives advice or helps with magic/arcane matters?
34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
35. Can ones magic influence or read someones mind?
36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?
37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
40. Are there dragons dedicated to convincing others to serve their deities?
41. What is exalting to your clan/dragons exactly? Is it noble? Foolish?
42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave? Does another help
43. Where would one go to be exalted?
44. IS it considered blasphemous or crazy to not worship ones elemental deity?
45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?
46. Do any of your clan members hate the Tidelord or are scared because he vanished? Are any helping to search?
47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
48. Does your clan or any dragon do any form of sacrificial ritual for their deity? Or offer any items?
49. Are any breed stronger than another in any way? Or are all breeds equal?
50. Can breeds of their "origin element" use their magic better? (Ex. A spiral dragon using wind magic better because the breed originated from Wind more than say a guardian dragon using wind magic)
51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?
56. Do Ancients and Moderns socialize regularly or do they both have their separate areas within the clan?
57. How did you clan react to finding Ancients?
58. Do Ancients have a vastly different culture than those of Moderns?
59. What about the Obelisks?
60. Are there any ceremonies that might be breed specific?
61. Do dragons mate for life or no?
62. Do dragons look down on others for not having a lineage? (G1 dragons)
63. Do you have any disabled dragons? IF so how do they receive assistance for such? Are they considered less?
64. Are your dragons in your lore, anthro, human, or just simply dragon?
65. Are your dragons more human like in terms of intelligence or are they more feral/animal like?
66. How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they use magic to fuel technology? or just simply magic for all necessary things?
67. Does your clan grow/farm food? OR do they hunt for it all?
68. What does your clan do with abandoned eggs?
69. Does your clan have ambassadors/representatives? What do they do?
70. Do your dragons hold marriage ceremonies of sorts if they were to mate?
71. Is architect important in your clan? Do they live where infrastructure is important or no?
72. Are there any forms of teachers to help with literacy/fighting/magic/history/etc?
73. Besides forms of leader is there any jobs considered to be more valuable/ important than others?
74. Does your clan have a library?
75. What about cooks or any form of servants?
76. Do you have a prison? How is it run? What would someone have to do to be imprisoned?
77. Would your dragons have a trial for the offending person? How strict are the laws if your clan has any?
78. What is the most serious punishment and the lightest punishment for a crime?
79. Do Beastclans believe in any form of deity or God of their own? Do they try to convert dragons?
80. Are there any planets that your dragons, or others, have found?
81. Are your dragons developing a way to go into space?
82. Sorneith canonically has 2 moons. What would they be named if your clan had to name them?
83. Is the Shade feared in your clan? Anyone "Shade-Touched"?
84. IS there anyone that worships the Shade? Are they open about it?
85. Does your clan believe in such a being?
86. IS there a certain dress code or expectation of style in your clan? Any developed styles over time?
87. What about food? Any food that is considered your clans cultural food?
88. What of slang? Or sayings? What about swears? Do certain dragons/ dragons of elements have certain sayings/swears? (Think when the Light Sprite yells "Baku Snout!" in G&G out of frustration)
89. Are fictional books in your lore similar to books in our real life? What about comics and toys?
90. If a dragon was to say try to invent something we have in our modern lives, like a TV or a car, How would other dragons react?
91. Do dragons have certain things we do? Like desks for writing, full beds, shelves, etc. Or would they be very different to compensate for their style of living/being dragons? (Like instead of beds, they'd have nests)
92. Do other forms of dimensions exist?
93. Does any form of heaven or limbo exist in your lore? Or any form of afterlife?
94. Dos spirits exist? Can they possess or move things around?
95. Do dragons hunt for the paranormal if they do exist?
96. Are there any folktales or legends that exist within your clan? Any Mythical creatures?
97. What about songs that would be commonly sung among your dragons?
98. Are hatchlings assigned a job when they're young or can be anything they please once they're of a certain age?
99. Do some dragons sometimes eat outside their food groups? Like a Tundra eating meat/fish?


100. What does your clan do with gene scrolls/breed changes? Are they even a thing? Magic? Can they willingly change their breed at any time using one? Would they still carry characteristics of their old breed after they change? IS it instant? Gradual? Same with genes? Or do the patterns mix for a bit before changing to the new?
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