
Level 6 Skydancer
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Skydancer
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Bewitching Ruby Ghastcrown
Bewitching Ruby Nightshroud
Bewitching Ruby Pendants
Bewitching Ruby Forejewels
Bewitching Ruby Clawrings



Scene: Strange Chests


3.82 m
4.33 m
455.06 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 09, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 6 Skydancer
EXP: 6564 / 8380
Shining Acuity Fragment




  • none


The Scarlet Moon

Name before death: Rhysand
Partner: Arioch (Nox)

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Once known as Rhysand, The Scarlet Moon, the moonlight glowing through his swift burgundy wings would be the only sign you were about to be assassinated. With blood on his claws and a lust for more he targeted villages and cities alike. Rhysand always left his calling card in the mouth of his victims; a red rose with two arrows across it. A renowned thief and murderer, he was never caught; always working under the cover of the night.

Later on, however, Rhysand and his partner Nox (Arioch) both died in an attempted heist. It was very ambitious, trying to steal from King Balthasar, an imperial dragon. But Nox had encouraged him that they had the capabilities to challenge his royal treasury. They both perished in a trap room, burning to ashes. Upon arriving in the Underworld, Hades acknowledged both of them, Rhysand for his cunningness and skill. Hades offered them a deal: They could go back to the Living, but they would serve as undead vessels. At night the wickedness of the dead would possess their souls, cursing them forever to terrorize and murder as partial ghosts. When the sun came up, their body would return to being flesh and bones, and their souls would be theirs again, but the cycle would eternally continue.
Rhysand thought about it for quite a while, but Nox was quite eager to get back, so they both agreed. They muttered the words Hades instructed, and were returned to the Land of the Living. Bone markings covered them from head to toe, Rhysand’s gold, striking them as Hades’ vessels. Rhysand’s name was changed to Acheron, meaning river of sorrow. Acheron was one of the five rivers in the underworld, in which the newly dead would be ferried across. Hades named him Acheron for all the dragons he had killed, and all those he would kill in the future.
Besides this, Hades gave them two rocs, a white one to Acheron. They were to be their only companions, as death would not touch Hades’ birds. But, if they ever wish to return to the Underworld, they are to each willingly sacrifice their Rocs at the same time and place, sundown.

How he met Arioch, from his view (Herald’s Rose, earlier known as Nox)

One day on a dark and stormy night, Rhysand set out for a large city prison. He planned to loot prisoners' forfeited valuables, sneaking past security into the prison’s storage. He was careful along the stone corridors, blending in with the shadows. Not even the clack of his claws on the smooth surface could be heard. He made his way into the prison’s basement and to the valuables’ vault, but he was surprised to see the guards were knocked out and the door wide open.
Rhysand peeked his head around the corner, only to almost be ran over by a ridgeback dragon. Known as Herald’s Rose, Nox (later named Arioch) was hauling out her loot; large rucksacks bulging with weapons. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll step aside,” She hissed. Nox was almost twice his height, but he wouldn’t be intimidated by any other dragon. “And I’d say the same to you, Rose.” She snarled, throwing her packs and leaping for his neck. He easily dodged, flitting up to the ceiling and down on her spine. Roaring, she smashed her back against the wall, making Rhysand laugh. “No one taught you how to fight in tight quarters, hmm?” He leapt to her neck, using his momentum to dig deep grooves through her obsidian scales. Nox gasped in pain, flinging him against the wall. “HOW DARE YOU!!” She whipped around her tail, almost smashing Rhysand in the face.
By now the guards had heard the commotion and were pounding down the hall, spears aimed for their heads. “LOOK AT WHAT YOU’VE DONE!!!” She lashed at Rhysand, but it was pointless in trying to hit him anymore. “You should realize YOU were the one making all the noise,” he snarled back, dodging. Instinctively they both backed up to the wall, trying to figure out how to escape the onslaught of guards. “If you want to survive,” Rhysand whispered “You need to trust me.” “Why the hell should I trust YOU?” She growled, “I’d be out of here if it weren’t for you!” Rhysand rolled his eyes, pointing to the left. “I don’t care about you or what you do. But there’s a sewer drain over there, an-“ “YOU EXPECT ME TO GO IN THAT?!?” She roared furiously, and charged into the guards, sending a couple flying. He smiled. As long as she was a distraction, he could escape. “Have a fun time in jail~” He sang, lifting the sewer lid and letting himself down the pit. But, something didn’t set right with him. Nox was outnumbered, sure, but why should he care? But his heart wouldn’t agree with his mind. His heart…it never felt this way before. “AGH, MY STUPID HEART!!” Rhysand leapt out of the sewer, diving into the fray. He had gone to the market recently and picked up a couple smoke bombs, which were often used by merchants to escape from bandits and thieves. He noted his position and took out the pins, sending them all into a blanket of white smoke. Grabbing one of Nox’s spines, he tugged her towards the sewer. “FOLLOW ME” he demanded, “I can’t drag you.” She would either be killed or imprisoned for life for resisting the guards. Nox ran after him, diving down the sewer tunnel and into the main canal. Luckily it was the main sewer, and there was a path on both sides wide enough for the both of them.
The guards wouldn’t follow them here, as the sewers are a dangerous place. Unless you were the danger, of course. “All you alright?” He asked, after noticing her limping. Blood poured from her back and neck, but ridgebacks were strong. She’d be fine even if she broke every bone in her body. Or at least, he thought. “Why do you even care? AND NO I’M NOT!!” He chuckled. “Hmm, yes, let me guess…you’re a princess? Can’t get your claws dirty?” She snarled, whipping her tail at him, but she was too exhausted try. “Don’t be stingy Rose, you owe me one. Now, let me see your wounds.” Reluctantly she sat down, but glared at Rhysand as he tried to look. “Why should I trust you?” She asked again, “If the rumors are true, you’re sooner to stab me in the heart than to dress a wound.” He smiled. “That’s the fun of it, no? But if I saved you, why would I drag you down here just to kill you?” She looked away, “You’re a sick dragon, Scarlet Moon.” He sat down across from her. “Rumors are rumors. You surely can’t believe them all?” She just shook her head, still not meeting his gaze. “Fine,” he murmured. “I’ll give you my supplies and you can take care of it yourself.” Rhysand reached back into his shoulder bag, digging out a med kit. “Here.” He tossed it to her, and it flopped on her claws. He got up and took out his compass, and started walking towards the city; West. There he should be able to find another sewer tunnel to sneak up in unnoticed. “Where are you going?” He turned around, looking back at Nox. She had dressed the wounds she could reach, but blood still dribbled from her back and tail. “Leaving” Rhysand said, “You don’t want me here anyways.” She shook her head violently, then tilted it in confusion, as if her thoughts were at war. “Stay,” she whispered, “You’ve shown me kindness. The least I can show you is some respect.”
✤ Inventory(fix)
Feline Triskull Noxious Coralclimber Toxin
Ghastly Houndskull Cerdae Sparkle
Feline Triskull Noxious Coralclimber Toxin
Ghastly Houndskull Cerdae Sparkle
~Shoulder Bag~

✤ Favorite Items(fix)
Feline Triskull Noxious Coralclimber Toxin
Ghastly Houndskull Cerdae Sparkle
Feline Triskull Noxious Coralclimber Toxin
Ghastly Houndskull Cerdae Sparkle


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Exalting Acheron to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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