
[The air around her is unnaturally cool like eveningtime.]
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Splendiferous Sunshade
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Conjurer's Hat
Lovebirds Dried Tea
Starlight Guise
Lovebirds Spare Tea
Pretty Pink Leg Bow
Pretty Pink Arm Bow



Scene: Arcanist's Domain


4.25 m
6.75 m
766.09 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 28, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



Sakura Flowerfall
Lovebirds Dried Tea Lovebirds Spare Tea
Potted Deepmine Fungi Jasmine Juneflower Pale Pink Rose
Nocturnal Dust Unicorn Dust Enchanted Remains
Enchanted Book Collection

"Fear not this night, you will not go astray. Though shadows fall, still the stars find their way." - Andromeda.
arcanev1.png One evening in the late summer, as the dragons of Clan Tellatale were settling in to rest, the air grew unusually cool. It was like fall had arrived and was wrapping its wings around the clan in a gentle embrace. As the others wondered what this may mean, Iris perked up and sniffed at the air, noticing the breeze blowing through carried the scent of fine tea plants.

"Holmesie, do you smell that?" She asked her guardian, who took a moment to sample the scent in the air for himself. Immediately, his eyes widened in curiosity.

"How strange. Iris, have your stores possibly come open?"

She shook her head with complete certainty, which prompted the detective to climb to his feet and go outside to investigate. Iris padded after him, only stopping when Agony appeared before both Londoners, his crimson eyes narrowed in warning.

Then, they felt the air come alive with magical energy. The source was clearly outside, not too far from the mouth of the cave. Shimmering blades of dusky grass sprouted up from the ground, which sparkled almost as though it turned to a sky full of stars.

Iris, sitting on her haunches, clasped her paws together and chirped, "Ohh, how beauti-"

Without warning, a giant tree erupted from the star-like ground and let its branches shoot out far and wide before the clan. Holmes and Iris yelped in alarm at its sudden appearance while Agony bristled apprehensively, teeth bared under his helmet.

But... Nothing happened once the tree had grown. It didn't even sprout a single leaf.

Since all of the clan had gathered to see what the commotion was about, it didn't take long for Amaterasu to worm through the crowd, barking in lieu of saying "excuse me!" as she made her way to the front. Agony growled in warning to her but was blissfully ignored as the goddess trotted out of the cave and towards the tree.

She stared up at it with a curious tilt of the head... Then jumped up and used the Celestial Brush to encircle the tree in ink.

Just like that, a storm of gorgeous cherry blossoms swept across the tree, covering every single branch in a thick cloud of pink. Several clanmates watched in sheer awe of the beautiful display while Ammy cheerfully wagged her tail.

They were so enthralled by it that they almost didn't realize that a figure had appeared under the tree's grand boughs, one draped in a starlight guise and fragrant tea plants. However, none could miss her presence when she called out to Ammy in a soft, silken voice,

"Thank you for allowing my tree to bloom in your home, kind goddess."

Everyone fell silent, startled and further entranced. The figure- a beautiful Skydancer- slipped out from underneath the tree and into the fading light of the evening.

"Please forgive my abrupt intrusion, and please don't turn me away. Ever since my youth, I have searched far and wide for a clan such as this- one that welcomes dragons of all creeds, one that sees all as equal and equally deserving of a home."

"You want to live in Clan Tellatale?" Dragoon questioned, waving one claw for Agony to stand down. The Skydancer nodded once and bowed respectfully, wings spread wide.

"This clan is one of beauty, containing countless lives of different natures that span across the vast expanse of time and space, as well as untamable, uncontrollable power and magic. From the Goddess of the Sun-" Ammy wagged her tail. "To the sweetest and most innocent of artists-" Crayon glanced around at the others, pointing at herself in confusion. "Every member of the clan is unique and has a power all their own."

The Skydancer stood upright, smiling kindly at the clan leader. "Nothing would make me happier than to live among it, learning the culture of every single dragon here and growing alongside them."

And so, that's how the Skydancer known as Andromeda came to live in Clan Tellatale.

She's the very picture of grace, beauty and magic, having been born into nobility only to run away and begin life anew as a witch of the twilight. After years of study and apprenticing for others, she's mastered all forms of magic. Spellcasting, potions, drawing sigils, the crafting of magical charms and talismans.

Her magic is so powerful that everyone can sense it, the feeling of cool evening air that follows her being a manifestation of her magic. When she and Kazuma are in a small room, it's a strange mix of a dusky chill and the warm breeze of a samurai with a mission.

That's not the extent of Andromeda's ability- with her mastery of magic comes heightened senses regarding the magic of others. She can almost see the full extent of power in every dragon in the clan, from Ammy's powers as a goddess to BEN's powers as a ghost and psychic.

With some, it goes even further than that. With dragons like Shu or Holmes, she can even sense the power they possess in an alternate universe. She can sense that in another life, they themselves are witches, just like her.

She's made no move to conceal this from them, either. Both have been told of their powers in another universe, much to the shock and excitement of both dragons. Holmes has even inquired as to manufacturing a spell to turn him into a witch in this life, so he may use it for the betterment of mankind when he returns to London. Andromeda gladly sits with them and the other dragons born as witches in other lives, teaching them beginner's magic and potions.

And due to her personal belief that no one is ever done learning, she herself has taken to learning from the dragons of Clan Tellatale. Obscurus, Cupid, Holmes and Iris- she can often be seen with them, listening to them teach her of their craft. Shadow magic, the making of love potions, chemistry and inventing from both Londoners, and even how to brew the perfect cup of tea. She wants to learn it all and use it to better her own craft.

Most often, she is seen sitting under the boughs of the cherry blossom she created near the clan. It has become a permanent fixture where she and all others can sit in the shade and read or rest on the surrounding grass.

At dusk, Andromeda likes to climb to the top and sing with the rising of the moon- in fact, it almost seems that her singing is raising the moon. The idea is only further cemented by the fact that she'll awake before the dawn and sing once more with the lowering of the moon.

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