
Dice Roll Charts
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Imperial
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style





29.26 m
20.64 m
8923.62 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 25, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Every day you actively play, roll one D20. Refer to the "First Roll" list for what happens, and follow any instructions and/or lore.
First Roll: Overall Events
  1. The dragon with the highest luck in any clan is very ill today, and loses 2d20 of HP. (If two dragons are tied for highest luck, split the damage between them.)
  2. The region is incredibly dangerous today and no work gets done. Three random dragons will take 2d4 of damage to their HP, and no food may be brought out from the hoard or converted to food points today.
  3. The hunting parties failed to find any prey today; no meat may be brought out from the hoard or converted to food points today.
  4. Access to all bodies of water is unsafe today; no fish may be brought out from the hoard or converted to food points today.
  5. The clans' crops have been devastated by a sudden weather event; no plants may be brought out from the hoard or converted to food points today.
  6. It is not safe to go foraging today; no insects may be brought out from the hoard or converted to food points today.
  7. A dragon with over 500 corruption has left their home clan to become an acolyte in the Broken Pines clan. (If multiple dragons have over 500 corruption, pick one at random.)
  8. Something is happening in the Clan of the Cursed Chasm; go to that chart and roll a D20 again.
  9. Something is happening in the Clan of the Cursed Chasm; go to that chart and roll a D20 again.
  10. Something is happening in the Clan of the Red Lake; go to that chart and roll a D20 again.
  11. Something is happening in the Clan of the Red Lake; go to that chart and roll a D20 again.
  12. Something is happening in the Clan of Broken Pines; go to that chart and roll a D20 again.
  13. Something is happening in the Clan of Broken Pines; go to that chart and roll a D20 again.
  14. Something is happening with the flight ambassadors; go to that chard and roll a D20 again.
  15. A tailor in one of the clans has finished creating a piece of apparel; the clans can buy one piece of apparel from the marketplace today.
  16. A travelling merchant with extra stock has arrived, and offers the clan a special deal. Check the flash sale at the marketplace and decide whether to buy it or not.
  17. A member of one of the beastclans has become cursed, and after discussing the matter with the clans, has decided to join them. The clans can buy one familiar from the marketplace today.

Clan of the Cursed Chasm Event
  1. A severe sickness spreads through the clan. Ten random dragons will take 2d4 of damage.
  2. A sickness spreads through the clan. Five random dragons will take 1d4 of damage.
  3. A mild sickness spreads through the clan. Two random dragons will take 1d4 of damage.
  4. A single random dragon is sick, and will take 1d4 of damage.
  5. The corruption has a deeper grip now on some dragons. Three random dragons will gain 1d10 corruption.
  6. The healers find a plant with powerful medicinal properties, and harvest it, improving the health of many dragons who benefit from it. Five random dragons heal 1d10 of damage.

Clan of the Red Lake Event
  1. A severe sickness spreads through the clan. Ten random dragons will take 2d4 of damage.
  2. A sickness spreads through the clan. Five random dragons will take 1d4 of damage.
  3. A mild sickness spreads through the clan. Two random dragons will take 1d4 of damage.
  4. A single random dragon is sick, and will take 1d4 of damage.
  5. Two random dragons decide their differences can only be resolved by a fight. Each of them takes 1d20 of damage before the leaders throw both of them into their clan's prison.
  6. A random dragon who is currently in prison is judged to be worthy of returning to the clan.
  7. The healers learned some tips from the healers in the Clan of the Cursed Chasm. Five random dragons in the clan will heal 1d8 of damage.

Clan of Broken Pines Event

Flight Ambassador Event
  1. One of the flight ambassadors returns to their elemental home temporarily. Roll 1d20 to determine how much HP damage they take on the journey.
  2. Two of the flight ambassadors get into a serious fight; choose them at random and roll 1d8 for each to determine how much HP damage each of them took.
  3. Two of the flight ambassadors get into a minor fight; choose them at random and roll 1d4 for each to determine how much HP damage each of them took.
  4. The earth representative uses their primal magic to draw stones for building up to the surface, as well as gemstones. The clans can afford to put 50k treasure into the hoard to support expansion of their clans.
  5. The light representative channels their magic through the region, lifting 1d6 worth of corruption from 3 random dragons in the Cursed Chasm and around the Red Lake.
  6. The nature representative goes to every farm in the region and helps the crops grow. 5 extra plant items can be brought out of the hoard and converted today.
  7. The arcane representative helps one random dragon from the Cursed Chasm clan and the Red Lakes clan each to recover 1 point of elemental energy each.
  8. The lightning representative notices a storm brewing, and harnesses the energy from it to help the alchemists in the region. 50k treasure may be removed from the hoard to help save up for their projects.
  9. The ice representative
  10. The fire representative
  11. The plague representative lures more insects towards the clans' region, allowing the foragers to find more insects. 5 extra insect items can be brought out of the hoard and converted today.
  12. The wind representative creates a headwind that allows them to travel quickly and bring fun things from other regions to the clans. A random dragon gains 1d8 SP.
  13. The shadow representative helps the hunters of the clans stalk their prey without alarming them until they've already struck. 5 extra meat items can be brought out of the hoard and converted today.
  14. The water representative uses their magic to bring more fish to the clans' fishers. 5 extra fish items can be brought out of the hoard and converted today.
  15. The beastclan representative has made more connections that have led to another familiar joining the clans. The clans may buy a familiar from the marketplace today.
  16. A moment of peace allows the representatives to rest and heal. Each of them gains 1d10 worth of health. (Roll the 1d10 individually for each.)
  17. There has been a profound peace between the flight representatives recently. Each of them gains 1 point of elemental energy.
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Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.

Feed this dragon Insects.
Meat stocks are currently depleted.
Feed this dragon Seafood.
Feed this dragon Plants.
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Exalting Charter to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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