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Personal Style


Jolly Jester's Cap
Bloodstone Cascades
Conjurer's Cloak
Woeful Footpads
Woeful Gloves


Accent: Tricky Brambles



7.57 m
7.31 m
347.8 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 19, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


(Flu Game - Fall Out Boy)
A story of tragedy, loss, and how grief can make someone do some crazy things.

"I guess to you now, I'm just a face in the crowd"

Bourbon exits the stage, the crowd cheering after his performance. He weaves between the other dragons backstage and makes his way to his private dressing room. As soon as the door is shut he relaxes his body. He glances to his dressing table and his eyes land on a framed picture. A beaming imperial uses its wings to hold a purple pearlcatcher close to their body. The pearlcatcher has a slight blush and has a big smile on its face. Bourbon takes off his hat and gently sets it on top of the framed picture. He thinks back to the last time he saw them. When they left to go join the war efforts, a massive crowd of dragons decided to host a party to send them off. He found out too late. By the time he made it to the party, there was a sea of dragons. He had no chance of catching up to them. They probably didn't even see him in the crowd anyways. In defeat, Bourbon remains in the back of the crowd, slinking away when he thought his departure wouldn't be noticed.

"Oh God, kinda please would you kill me now?"

He still remembers the way his heart dropped when he heard the news. They had fallen in combat. They were all alone when it happened. An Emperor found their body and fused with it. The other soldiers defeated the Emperor, and buried their body. Bourbon refused to believe it. He felt a pit in his stomach when he found out what actually happened. When he was out foraging, he thought he recognised the familiar shape of their horns, and the stunning colour of their mane. When he walked closer, he recognised traces of their scent, confirming his suspicions. After defeating the Emperor, the soldiers left what was left of their body there to rot. Bourbon gave them a proper burial, and planted some of their favourite flowers on top of the burial site. He was glad he didn't have a performance that night.

"Late at night in my room, lie awake, think of you and all your little dooms"

Bourbon finds himself unable to sleep again. He groans and stands up, stretching his stiff limbs. The moonlight shines down through a hole that he had carved in the abandoned cliffside den that he was currently calling home. He trudges over to a small chest that he has hidden in a corner of the den. He opens it up and pulls out a small bottle of a deep red liquid. He pulls out the cork and drinks the liquid. He walks back over to the pile of leaves and moss he is using as a bed and flops down into it, ignoring how the leaves poke at him in between his scales. Bourbon repositions himself to look up at the moon. As he stares at it, he remembers the imperial. He wishes he had known of their plans sooner. He would've stopped them, encouraged them to stay with him where it is safe. They were too kind and valiant for their own good.

"Last night I dreamt I still knew you"

When Bourbon finally finds himself drifting off to sleep, his dreams are haunted by the memories of the imperial. Their laugh, the way they smiled, and how he could always comb the crowd and pick them out, often flashing them a big smile when their eyes met. Bourbon wakes up feeling like he didn't sleep at all. His claws brush up against his face and he feels the remnants of tears running down his face. He brushes away the tears and gets up, pulling his cloak on before flying out of his den.

"I carved out a place in this world for two, but it's empty without you."

Bourbon had been flying for a while now. He had to visit that place one last time. He makes his way to the outskirts of Wispwillow Grove. He knew that as a Light dragon, the Lightweaver would not approve of him making a lair in the Shadow domain. However, he had always found himself fascinated by the glowing mushrooms and the dark shadowy trees that he found himself well camouflaged in. He jumped from tree to tree, trying to quietly make his way to his destination. Eventually, he found himself at the entrance of a freshly carved cave. Glowing mushrooms surrounded the entrance and dark grey brambles grew up the sides of the cave. Bourbon freezes up, starting to regret coming back to his cave. The cave he was going to ask the imperial to move into with him. The cave could easily fit him and the imperial, and left plenty of room for expansion if either of them wanted more rooms in their home. But he was foolish and never worked up the courage to ask them. His face contorts into a frown and he tells himself that they wouldn't have liked it anyways. He rolls a large boulder over to the entrance of the cave and pushes it in, blocking off the cave.

"I've got all this love I've got to keep to myself"

Bourbon tells himself that he can't let himself fall in love again. It only ever ends in pain and heartbreak. Had he shown them more of his love, maybe they would have stayed. Maybe he is cursed. Those he falls in love with are doomed to a tragic fate. He looks into his pearl and sees his reflection. When did he start crying again?

"All this effort to make it look effortless"

Bourbon carefully straightens his hat, the bells jingling softy as he does so. He lets out a sigh and stares into the mirror in front of him. He glances back down towards the picture, turning it the other way. He blinks away the tears he can feel forming and tries to steady his shaky hands enough for him to put on his makeup.

"Confront all the pain like a gift under the tree"

With a flash of movement, Bourbon punches the mirror, shattering it on impact. He ignores the throbbing pain in his hand as he pulls on his gloves. If anyone asked about the mirror he'd tell them he bumped it when he was practicing and wasn't able to stop its fall in time.

"Oh please, I can't be who you need me to be"

His last words to his partner's, no.. ex-partner's, words echo in his head. He only realised after they were gone that his words might have pushed them towards their decision. He wasn't a good partner. He didn't know how to show his love. Because of his career, he unintentionally pushed them away. They needed someone better than him. Someone who was better at expressing their emotions. Who knew all the right words to make them stay.

"I grind in the sunshine, grind in the rain"

The show had to go on. All of Sornieth doesn't need to know about his personal struggles. If he fails or messes up, the crowd will know. Bourbon devotes himself to practicing. Even if it gets lonely, nobody will bother him while he practices, lest they be the cause of him messing up. No matter what the weather is like, he practices. Nobody questions it when they see him still practicing in the pouring rain, outfit soaked and makeup running down his face.

"So real that I feel fake"

Bourbon is back in his dressing room. He looks into his cracked mirror, looking at his distorted reflection. He tries to fake a smile, but the distorted face looking back looks like its frowning. He looks into the mirror with dead eyes before getting an idea. He takes his makeup and carefully applies it around his mouth to look like a smile. That way, even if he isn't physically smiling, the crowd will not know the difference.

"One day every candle's gotta run out of wax"

It is time for the next show. Bourbon knows he's been pushing himself. He knows he should have eaten something before the show, or skipped drinking earlier that day, anything really. Bourbon steps out onto the stage, basking in the glowing lights. He tells himself to keep smiling, keep up the bravado. If he makes it though tonights show he can rest. Bourbon tries to ignore how tired he is. How burnt out and filled with grief he is. But the crowd doesn't know, nor will they ever know.

"One day no one will remember me when they look back"

Bourbon does his usual tricks, flipping and flying through the air. He knows that tonights show will be one that will be remembered. It won't be one for the history books, but none of his shows ever have been. He is just a performer. If he leaves there will be hundreds more to replace him. But that's ok, he is here in the moment doing what he loves. He keeps telling himself this. As long as he keeps doing what he loves that is all that matters, and he will be ok.

"I can't stop, can't stop till we catch all your ears though"

Bourbon can feel himself tiring. He scolds himself for not eating again, but he knows there isn't much left in the show. As he makes his final jump, he spreads his wings and lets the light catch off of them, causing them to glow a radiant purple. He can see the crowds eyes light up. He lands and stiffens his muscles, not wanting to fall over when he has the whole crowds' attention.

"Somewhere between Mike Tyson and Van Gogh"

The crowd erupts into cheers. Another great show! People compare Bourbon to great performers of the past, while others compare him to other well known figures in Sornieth. He smiles through it all, thanking them before leaving the stage.

"All this effort to make it look effortless"

He makes his way to his dressing room, locking the door behind him. He slides to the ground and sighs. As he tries to stand back up, his legs wobble and he falls back to the ground. Giving up on moving, he uses a slight bit of magic to drag his food crate over to him, grabbing his rations for the day and scarfing them down. Once he regains the strength to stand, he turns to look in the mirror.

"All this effort to make it look effortless"

Bourbon smears the makeup off his face, not caring if his gloves got dirty. He didn't know how much longer he could go on like this. He needed to find closure, but it was much easier to bottle up the grief and focus on performing.

"All this effort to make it look effortless"

Bourbon takes a second to compose himself. Chances are he would be dragged out for an encore, or perhaps he would have to meet with fans. He looks back into the broken mirror and reapplies his makeup. Maybe one day he would feel better, but the show has to go on.


Even before the loss of his partner, Bourbon knew that his life was that of a performer. He liked it that way. While he did have his own dressing room, he never considered it a home. He knew he couldn't keep hopping between abandoned dens and lairs. None of those felt like home either. All he knew was that he wanted to be far away from that place. One night after a particularly rough performance, Bourbon found himself face to face with a dark pink fae.

"Hey circus boy."

Bourbon looked up, and before he could let out a snarky response, the fae spoke again.

"I heard through the grapevine that you've been looking for a place to stay. If ya want you can stay at my partner's lair. Free of charge."

Bourbon hesitated. He doesn't know this fae or her partner. What purpose do they have in letting him stay with them? Besides, he prefers to be alone.

"Hey. Are you listening to me? You don't have to stay long if you don't want to. At least stay for one night. It's better than squatting in others abandoned homes. 'Sides looks like you could benefit from a change of scenery."

Bourbon begrudgingly agrees, following the fae as she takes off and heads towards Starwood Strand. After an hour or two of flight, the dragons found themselves in a glowing forest near a cave entrance. The fae pushes Bourbon into the entrance, telling him that she can send someone to grab his stuff from his previous temporary den. As she is pushing him towards an empty room, he notices a large ominous looking guardian staring him down. When the fae notices him, her frills perk up.

"Hey Nightshade. Hope you don't mind but circus boy here will be staying with us for a while."

The guardian, or Nightshade as the fae called him, gave her a look that showed that they would need to talk later. The fae lets out a laugh and continues on her way, clearly unbothered by her partner's reaction.

"Oh yeah. The names Orchid. Figured you should know if you're gonna be staying here for a while."

With that, Orchid gave Bourbon a final unceremonial shove into a mostly undecorated room. Bourbon looked around and noticed that there were some things in his temporary room that were reminiscent of his dressing room. A fancy looking makeup table, a chest, and a pile of blankets and pillows were in different corners of the room. He looked at the room in awe before making his way to the pile of blankets and pillows, flopping down in it. Even if he once again is unable to sleep, at least its better than sleeping on the ground.

{time skip}

Bourbon is still a performer. He always was, and always will be. But ever since he decided to stick around in Nightshade's clan, he decided to pick up on darker forms of magic. While he used to only use more gimmicky kinds of magic to make himself stand out more when he was performing, the loss of his partner still affected him greatly. His outfit changed to reflect that. He incorporated blood red gemstones into his outfit, and changed the cloak that he usually wore to one that reflected his magic use. His once shiny purple wings now had a dark silver bramble design forming on them, looking like the brambles that covered what at one point was going to be his home. The fans love the mysterious new look, and think it is a part of an image rebrand. They don't know any better.

Bourbon is still reeling from the loss of his partner. He still puts up a facade whenever he is around others. He still practices all the time for his performances, however he also sets aside time to practice his magic. He knows that grief can take a long time to process. He doesn't know how long it will take. But as he always tells himself, the show must go on.

Bonus lore:

Bourbon had been practicing dark magic for a while now. How many weeks has it been now? The days all start to blend together when you have been consumed by grief. In one of the many nights where he lay awake restless, a thought came to him. He felt that he had become powerful enough in the art of dark magic that he could bring his partner back. They could be reunited and they could move into the home he had made in Wispwillow Grove. Nightshade and Orchid would understand. They knew there was a chance that he wouldn't stay a part of their clan forever. Bourbon knew if he wanted to bring his partner back, he would have to act fast. He slipped out of the lair using the shadows as cover. Stretching his wings, he makes sure they aren't sore or damaged before taking a few powerful flaps and taking off into the darkened sky. Blending in with the rich night sky, Bourbon made his way to the burial site of his partner. The residual magic left in their body had caused the flowers he had planted to spread like wildfire, turning the barren battlefield into a stunning meadow.

Bourbon felt a lump in his throat. Was this really worth it? While they may be gone, this meadow was a sign that their memory would live on. There was a high probability that his dark magic would destroy the meadow. Bourbon shook these thoughts away. He won't cause any harm. Besides, the flowers could always grow back. What mattered most was that he would be able to reunite with his partner.

Bourbon closed his eyes and focused on where he remembered their body being. He frowns as he realises that the body is mostly skeletal at this point, and that would make proper reincarnation significantly harder. He shakes his head and regains focus, concentrating his magic into his hands before slamming them on the ground in front of him. The ground starts to rumble as the earth beneath him cracks. A massive partially skeletal shape emerges from the ground, covered in flowers and plant roots. Bourbon's eyes start to tear up. They look different but its them. He can finally reunite with his love. Before he can utter his partner's name, the massive entity turns towards him and lunges at him. Bourbon barely dodges in time, almost becoming victim to the being that was once his partner. Fueled by adrenaline, Bourbon keeps dodging all the attacks that the entity throws at him. Realising that what he had brought back was no longer his partner, Bourbon knew what he had to do. Tears running from his eyes, Bourbon readied another spell and sent it towards the entity. The entity collapsed, and Bourbon felt the dark magic flow back into him. The body of his partner faded quickly, no longer pigmented by his magic. Choking back tears at the realisation of what he had done, he reburied the body and fled the scene.

Bourbon didn't return back to his home for a few days. While his clanmates had asked him where he had gone upon his return, all they got in response was a vague answer about getting inspiration for a new performance he was planning. Bourbon knew that they most likely didn't believe him, but they were smart enough to not press him.



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