Level 1 Imperial
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20.97 m
16 m
7299.42 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245

Blake Grince's writing; MM
My only wish after returning home was to spend time with loved ones. I won't let fame block my view and I didn't ever want to neglect a family member again.
Things settled significantly after Mortus's fall, which was a hard battle to fight, even with help from multiple sides. Things were more peaceful; it was then I felt that it was the right time to ask for Phade's hand in marriage. Our wedding was on the new year of AP0004, and it was my happiest day of my life.
My father entrusted us with the care of a young First named Crescent, and we treated her like our daughter until she was stronger. We gave her to Doc after she was better; he knew more about how to care for First children than we did, and it was generally safer in the Undertaker Foundation.
Though I thought that I was barren, she insisted on trying to have children after learning that I was not sure. To my surprise, she actually laid eggs, but those eggs were only empty shells with nothing inside. We suffered miscarriages after miscarriages.
My step father suggested that we could seek out Edmond, my great uncle. He was a hermit and a scholar who knew many things. We travelled there to the village that the Turtle Islanders built after the Turtle Island was destroyed during the fight to kill Mortus. We were delighted to know that he could give us a few solutions -- a few different spells and a recipe for special herbal medicine. We had chances now to actually have children.
Our first son was born. He had a build like me but his wings and eyes were like his mother. We named him Dre.
And a few years later we had a second daughter which we named Heather; she had my eyes and face and her mother's hair and wings.
I did my best to spend time with my wife and children, but it was hard, especially adding to the fact that I indeed had the Mother First to fight, along with the other gods.
In AP0014, my oldest son, Dre, was almost ten years old. Heather was turning six. That was the year we subdued the Mother First; we were not strong enough to kill her, but we were able to put her into an eternal slumber until we were strong enough to kill her. My joy of victory was thwarted when Dre was fatally injured in an last attack from the controlled Firsts. He died with us by his bedside. He wasn't !euphoric.
Reocrovet Koridal became the first king of the new Rumiorian government, and he asked me to be in charge of the military. I couldn't decide; I wanted to help the recovering kingdom, but I also wanted to spend time with my family. (But to think of, Reocrovet Koridal was now my great grandfather, though I did not like it. Myosotis Koridal of Moonscale, who would be King Koridal's right hand man and heir, was now my uncle, and I felt quite weirded out by that.) My third and youngest child, Phillip, was just turning three. I knew that I had to make a desicion about where I wanted to be soon.
My only wish after returning home was to spend time with loved ones. I won't let fame block my view and I didn't ever want to neglect a family member again.
Things settled significantly after Mortus's fall, which was a hard battle to fight, even with help from multiple sides. Things were more peaceful; it was then I felt that it was the right time to ask for Phade's hand in marriage. Our wedding was on the new year of AP0004, and it was my happiest day of my life.
My father entrusted us with the care of a young First named Crescent, and we treated her like our daughter until she was stronger. We gave her to Doc after she was better; he knew more about how to care for First children than we did, and it was generally safer in the Undertaker Foundation.
Though I thought that I was barren, she insisted on trying to have children after learning that I was not sure. To my surprise, she actually laid eggs, but those eggs were only empty shells with nothing inside. We suffered miscarriages after miscarriages.
My step father suggested that we could seek out Edmond, my great uncle. He was a hermit and a scholar who knew many things. We travelled there to the village that the Turtle Islanders built after the Turtle Island was destroyed during the fight to kill Mortus. We were delighted to know that he could give us a few solutions -- a few different spells and a recipe for special herbal medicine. We had chances now to actually have children.
Our first son was born. He had a build like me but his wings and eyes were like his mother. We named him Dre.
And a few years later we had a second daughter which we named Heather; she had my eyes and face and her mother's hair and wings.
I did my best to spend time with my wife and children, but it was hard, especially adding to the fact that I indeed had the Mother First to fight, along with the other gods.
In AP0014, my oldest son, Dre, was almost ten years old. Heather was turning six. That was the year we subdued the Mother First; we were not strong enough to kill her, but we were able to put her into an eternal slumber until we were strong enough to kill her. My joy of victory was thwarted when Dre was fatally injured in an last attack from the controlled Firsts. He died with us by his bedside. He wasn't !euphoric.
Reocrovet Koridal became the first king of the new Rumiorian government, and he asked me to be in charge of the military. I couldn't decide; I wanted to help the recovering kingdom, but I also wanted to spend time with my family. (But to think of, Reocrovet Koridal was now my great grandfather, though I did not like it. Myosotis Koridal of Moonscale, who would be King Koridal's right hand man and heir, was now my uncle, and I felt quite weirded out by that.) My third and youngest child, Phillip, was just turning three. I knew that I had to make a desicion about where I wanted to be soon.
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