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Personal Style


Starseer's Emblem
Arcane Aura
Polished Trident
Spellwrought Shardhide
Arcane's Charm



Scene: Arcanist's Domain


25.45 m
19.79 m
8553.21 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 13, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level
Rune Slash





|| Leader of the clan || The prophesied dragon ||
Ad augusta per angusta.


Lobanega its the real leader of the clan, birth the 06/13/22 with primal eyes.

The day she hatched , the clan started a celebration that continue seven complete days, a celebration that will be a tradition in the clan for the next decades.

The moment she Hatch Yuna come to the nest and take her under her protection and teaching, she will learn from Yuna everything she could need to lead the clan and get a better future to the clan and the dragonkind.

Once She got bigger enought her arcane powers started to manifest as cristal that emanate from her neck and shoulder hair. The clan use her cristal to overpower its magical attitudes as once the crystal growth bigger enought they fell down naturally with no damage to Lobanega and keep a little amount of her magical and arcane attitudes.

Since she has many problems taking under control her own power lobanega learn soon enought the art of fisic combat, she find a trident in clan hoard and ask to Rea and Shadowguar to teach her about phisic combat, at result even if she has grat arcane power she is able to defend herself and her clan pretty well with her reliable trident and she is not afraid of using her clawns and fangs if it´s necesary.

Sometimes she is afraid form her own power and hurt someone else, since their power only growth with time and it dont looks like her magic habilities will get stabilized soon.

This is her story



From the moment Lobanega's paternal grandparents joined the clan and fell in love, Yuna knew it was meant to happen.

When Lobanega's father saw her mother practicing magic at the edge of the arcane forest and fell in love at first sight, Yuna knew it was meant to be.

When from the last egg of the last brood hatched a small dragon as golden as gold and with fur as dark as the universe that unfathomably looked down on them, Yuna knew it was destined to happen.

From the moment it was laid, Lobanega showed immense magical qualities, strange things happened around the nest of her parents,dimensional portals,random levitations, arcane alterations, strange creatures... It was not the first brood of her parents, far from it, but it was the first time they saw something like this to happen. Even so, an Imperial Wicca who had good magical control and great knowledge did not give it much importance until one day ShadowGuard, a seasoned warrior of the clan who had passed through the nesting grounds when getting too close to the nest began to levitate in the air and despite being also an arcane dragon, he couldn't do anything to get rid of the magic, it took Yuna's help for the poor warrior and captain of the clan guard to be freed.

That day Yuna's behavior changed and with it the whole clan knew that something big was about to happen.

On June 13, 2022, the first of the eggs began to hatch.Three beautiful imperials saw sunlight for the first time that day, as always the clan energetically celebrated the birth of new members to the clan, but Glaedr and Wicca were worried since the last egg had not hatched.

Yuna, who had carefully watched all the eggs, saw no signs of the immense magical power that the nest had emanated from just a few days ago, what had happened? Is it possible that the magical alteration did not come from just one egg but from all of them? It was plausible since both Glaedr and Wicca were talented wizards with great magical quality.

But Yuna could not delve much deeper into her fateful thoughts, since at that moment a worried Wicca went to Yuna explaining that her last egg did not show signs of hatching.

In the world of dragonkind it was very rare for an egg not to reach term, it was almost unheard of and if that happened it was generally thought that the god of flight which the clan belonged was punishing them by taking the embryo before its time. As soon as the clansmembers closest to Yuna and Wicca heard that, worry and fear flooded the clan.

When Yuna hurriedly went to the nest, she was surprised for the first time in her life, Yuna had very unusual abilities, including the ability to see the destiny, the past, the future and even the present itself, that is, there is nothing she can´t see. Sometimes, as in the formation of the clan, she may have her doubts since the same destiny is written but not in stone, like the pages of a book or a painting, it is the artist's strokes that mark the course of it work, if the artist decides to change its line, the final work will not be the same. Yuna learned eons ago that her interference for better or worse didn't always lead to the fate she considered best for all involved and even the best intentions could lead to the worst possible ending.

And yet since Wicca had her last broodYuna for the first time in her entire existence had been blind. She hadn´t been able to see how many eggs the brood would have, she had not been able to see the gender of the little ones and she had not been able to see where the power that had materialized days ago came from.

Yuna despite her concern knew that the clan held her in high esteem if she showed the slightest hint of concern and uncertainty the entire clan would panic. All clan members knew that Yuna was no ordinary creature, she always had answers, always knew what to do and always subtly pushed them in the right direction, if they had even the slightest suspicion of Yuna's uncertainty, they would have panicked. Therefore she kept her thoughts and emotions to herself and called Demise.

The gentle Skydancer rushed to the front, lines like the entire clan she had come to welcome the new members and had been critically checking the health of each cub as they hatched, she had noticed that the last egg hadn't shown any signs of hatching but she hadn't given it any importance, sometimes the little ones needed more time and that egg was the last one that Wicca had laid after several brood. Demise looked at Pyxis as she approached the brood.Both as skydancers had a natural empathy to the emotions and both felt the fear of Wicca and Glaedr, but also the uncertainty of Yuna, they both looked at each other and both agreed without words not to say anything until the mystery of the egg was solved

Once he reached the edge of the nest and after asking permission from the concerned parents, she took the egg with her nimble hands to examine it.Demise closed her eyes and extended her antennae and her innate magic to assess the health (or lack thereof) of the egg.But she found nothing. That was not possible. As a plague flight dragon, she had the ability to sense sickness, health, and even death, and yet the egg transmitted nothing to her. It was a void in existence itself. Yuna who looked at her with an expressionless look, this time not even she had answers. At that moment a sob was heard from the side. Wicca though apparently frivolous loved her mate, loved her children and was beginning to understand that there was something terribly wrong with her egg.

The atmosphere was gloomy throughout the clan, the oppressive silence, the brilliant skydancer looked at her clan mates and looked again at the egg in her claws, moved by despair she exhaled her infected breath on the egg...

At first the breath ran across the surface of the egg and the entire clan held their breath but nothing happened. Yuna was already moving closer to pick up the egg and take it to the arcanist to ask for explanations when the egg began to levitate and shake, a huge stream of arcane mana began to pour out of the egg, the faint plague breath evaporating like a current of air would have ripped a petal from a withered flower. Everyone present had to cover themselves from the enormous power that was in the room. When they could look again, the egg was falling.

Mere inches from the ground, the egg stopped its fall and landed softly. It rolled and rolled to Yuna's feet. Overseer, Yuna's partner who knowing her had already realized that his partner's behavior was not normal, spoke in a low and soft voice. "My lady, why don't you try to exhale into the egg too?" Yuna looked at Overseer and finally nodded, what did she have to lose?

Very carefully she raised the egg with her claws in front of ther faces and from a forty-five degree angle she exhaled her arcane breath. As before nothing happened at first but this time the whole clan was prepared for the bombardment of power...or so they thought.

An immense magical explosion whose epicenter was a fragile sphere in the claws of an aberration dragon broke into the entire cavern, unbalanced the floating island and even members of the flight of light at the other side of the world saw it from their homes.

When after a few minutes the dragons of the clan were able to compose themselves and see what had happened from the violet egg, a small golden head with a black plume like the starry night came out curious to see the outside world. The little girl's eyes widened, and an arcane mask that was only present in those who communed with the very core of arcane magic formed on her young face.

As the young female imperial turned to see who had dared wake her from her peaceful slumber, she looked face to face with six eyes that were staring at her, and just as she was about to groan and grunt with hunger, a small piece of purple shell landed on her nose and he couldn't help but sneeze.
And another stream of magical mana stirred Yuna's frills as if blown away by an adult from the flight of wind.

At that moment two things happened, the entire clan that was perplexed and with an air of uncertainty fell in love with their young newcomer and Yuna knew that the dragon she had been looking for for millennia was in her brood.

From the moment of her birth, Yuna had taken care of Lobanega. She was her teacher and mentor, she made sure that the little imperial had the best teachers at all times, she charged Gardian with the art of diplomacy, she charged Ocaso and Hope with instilling in her a love and understanding of art, her mother taught her the importance of books and knowledge, even Merlin a taciturn and usually reclusive wizard offered to teach her the art of magic.

The whole clan was involved in raising the young , but they were not stupid Lobanega's hatching had been anything but normal. They knew that she was not an ordinary dragon and they suspected that her destiny was greater than what it seemed. Everyone was involved in their upbringing. Despite this, the most important values ​​for the clan were also instilled in her respect, understanding and, above all, union and companionship .She was taught that no dragon was better or more important than another and that no life great or small should be slighted. So Lobanega grew up in a clan that loved her but taught her to be kind , gentle but they taught her too the bad side of life.

Lobanega was a kind young female with a strong character and who did not hesitate to protect her loved ones and was unable to tolerate injustice. Although she did not have difficulties per se, her childhood was not entirely free of fears and uncertainties, first for all even if not all members of the had terrible childhood, there were enought of them to teach the new dragons of each brood to be careful with other clans but theu teach them too that not all clans are that bad.

But what worried Lobanega the most is that the magic presented during her hatching was not an isolated event, as she grew her powers grew too, unfortunately sometimes the growth of her magic did not always keep pace with her body and as a consequence sometimes disasters happened around her. Explosions, levitations sometimes even portals that led to other dimensions. She couldn't control her powers, they were so great that her small body couldn't handle it.

Because of that, Lobanega grew up in fear of harming her loved ones, Lobanega feared her own power.

After a magic class with Merlin in which she was stubborn and intransigent, Merlin finally decided to give up and leave the class, but what Lobanega did not know is that he had gone to talk to Yuna. Yuna and Lobanega appreciated each other very much, the young imperial admired her and had her as an example to follow, on the contrary, Yuna saw Lobanega as a precious student at first, she only saw her as the end of her mission, more as time went by. They were getting closer and she became her beloved student. Merlin knew and suspected Lobanega's true feelings and therefore the only one who could talk to the young imperial was their wise matriarch.

Yuna found her beloved student on the edge of the island that they had assigned for magical and war training. "Merlin told me that you weren't here today to help him." Lobanega was startled when she heard her mentor's voice. Embarrassed, she turned around and seeing the wise eyes of the matriarch, lowered her head she replied. "I wasn't feeling well today". Yuna only saw her pupil "You weren't feeling well? And why didn't you tell Merlin instead of facing him until you gave him a headache?" The young female shrank more in on herself and lowered her gaze even more. Murmurs was the only thing that came out of her mouth, but Yuna did not try to understand her since although she did not have the ability to see anything of the destiny that included Lobanega, she knew it well enough to understand her. to figure out what was wrong.

“You know that your brother has already forgiven you.” Yuna spoke with a kind voice and placed one of her hands on the little imperial female's back. Lobanega looked at Yuna, thick tears fell from her eyes and as she passed through the traces of arcane magic that naturally exuded they turned pink, it was a beautiful but sad spectacle "I threw it over the edge, I was angry I wanted him to give me the was My fault" And it´s that just the day before while the four imperial youths were playing as every child should do, Lobanega and his older brother had been fighting over a toy that Damena had brought them, in her irritation the youngest made her old brother to fly and threw him over the edge with a sudden burst of magic, fortunately Jairo and Gardian had been keeping an eye on the cubs and knew to be prepared.

"If it wasn't for Jairo he would have fallen into the ocean" Yuna sighed "That's why it's so important that you listen to what Merlin has to teach you." Yuna was trying to reason with a young female who knew that what she feared most in the world was hurting her family. "NO... I HATE THIS.WHY?! I WONT TO BE NORMAL LIKE MY SIBLINGS. WHY HAVE I THIS POWER; I DO NOT WANT IT!!!!" After this, Lobanega got up and took flight towards the wide sky, Yuna didn't even follow her, she knew it would be useless, Lobanega was too stubborn and too scared to listen to the wise dragon for now, just as her head left was staring at the little cub, the head on the right looked behind her and nodded.

Lobanega had been raised in a kind and loving way by the entire clan but she had also been taught discipline and respect for all living beings, her teachers were not going to be less, she knew that she should not have spoken to Yuna like that nor should she have ignored so flagrantly to Merlin. But the truth is that she was scared, she had been angry with her brother, but she loved him a lot and still had attacked him. Not only that, she had heard Lirio and Azucena this morning talking about how probably when she was an adult Yuna would make her the leader of the clan. An expectation that for a young woman insecure of her own power and fear of herself generated too much pressure.

Plunged into her thoughts, she ended up in Starwood Strand, a forest as beautiful as it was dangerous, it was not the first time she had stepped foot in the forest, but the first time she had done it alone. Jairo and Gardian together with Damena were the main ones responsible for taking care of the young dragons of the clan and they used to take them on excursions to the neighboring territories to the floating islands where they lived, the forest was one of those neighboring territories. Gardian brought them explicitly to show them that no matter how peaceful and beautiful something is, you always have to be attentive, Lobanega's sister was almost devoured by a plant that she had approached to smell, luckily the adult Imperial got her out of trouble before that it was too late.

Lobanega, having that incident fresh in his memory but not wanting to go back and face the fury of his parents and the concern of the clan, looked for a hole in a fallen tree, made sure there was nothing suspicious in the surroundings and layed down.

She wasn't asleep, just thinking, meditating, something that sweet Niviane had taught her to do in moments of uncertainty and restlessness. Niviane, a young but capable magician, had seen the little girl's struggles and thought that meditation could help her in some way, although teaching a young dragon to sit still and think was no easy task. But Lobanega didn't want to go home, and she didn't have the courage to take a walk alone in the woods.

She was in a trance when she suddenly heard how the leaves moved, although there was a good chance that they were dragons from a nearby clan that would probably help her, Lobanega had the instinct to hide and not make noise. Unfortunately her instincts proved to be correct, since that in less than five minutes a group of beastclan centaurs burst into the small clearing.

The young female imperial knew that the beastclan were the natural enemies of all dragonkind and if she was found, she would be dead. Frightened she can only shrink further into the hollow of the tree. Luckily for her centaurs didn't have good noses so they shouldn't be able to find her by scent.

After a while hanging around the area, the small group of centaurs left the clearing, few minutes later as Lobanega was sure that she was alone, she left the hollow of the tree little by little and cautiously, she did not care about receiving a fight when she arrived at Home.She had enough for today, she knew her parents would get mad, her siblings would make fun of her for being stubborn but in the end they would all gather in a tight ball, mom would read them a story and that would be all for today.

However after a few flutters in the air a net suddenly fell on her and shrill laughter sounded above her. Although centaurs don't have good noses they are quite good at following tracks, the group of beastclan had never left the clearing, they knew that a young prisoner was nearby and they were not going to leave without her. They had been waiting in the shadows for the baby dragon to come out of hiding to ambush her.

The little girl was frantic, frightened, if they took her away from there, no one would ever know where she was, what had happened to her. Panicked, she began to struggle and bite and scratch everything within her reach.
The centaurs were too focused on her trying not to fight to notice four sets of eyes watching them from above.

From one moment to the next, chaos broke out, an imposing adult banescale smashed the centaurs' leader to the ground, and while Lobanega watched in astonishment as a black Mirror destroyed another with its own claws, an adult male Obelisk freed her from the ties and crushed her with his paw against the ground and looked at the commotion. Many other cubs would be terrified in this situation but Lobanega knew them, they were members of the clan and they were in charge of eliminating the beastclan in the coliseum, they were the elite warriors of the clan, he was safe.

Lobanega was not only severely reprimanded that night, she was also punished by her parents. ShadowGuard explained to them the whole situation and everything that had happened, how Yuna was summoned with Merlin when she was reunited with them and how when Lobanega had left Yuna ordered them to follow her from a distance, they had been watching her from the beginning and when they saw the centaurs they decided to intervene.

Glaedr and Wicca, as her daughter suspected, harshly reprimanded Lobanega, but unlike what she thought would happen to her siblings, despite not having done anything, they were also harshly reprimanded. The couple's concern had been intense that day.

The next day Merlin went for Lobanega to "Recover the classes you lost yesterday" however when the little golden imperial girl arrived at the clearing Fiona, Niviane and Yuna were also there.

Niviane stood to the right of the cub, covered her with her golden wing and urged her to look at her mate (Merlin).

At that moment, Merlin took his cane and waved it in the air and an immense thunder fell from the sky and at Merlin's order at the last second he diverted it to a nearby island.

Lobanega was still stunned not quite believing what her young eyes had seen when Fiona switched places with Merlin, in a similar but less spectacular fashion using her arcane powers to create a summoned shooting star which landed on her right claw and offered it to the young

Again before Lobanega couldn´t open his mouth, Niviane got up and exchanged positions with Fiona, Niviane didn't have a cane, but she didn't need it. Niviane invoked her magic and from the remains of the island that had been left by Merlin's lightning she put them together and created amber statues of two imperials in a solemn attitude that surpassed even Gardian by several meters in height, today these statues are in the entrance of the clan cavern standing guard.When Niviane finished, she looked at Lobanega and winking while she switching positions with Yuna.

Yuna spent a while looking at her beloved student, finally sighing and opening her six eyes she distorted the reality, everyone present was in a vacuum, a vacuum that was filled with images of the past, present and future. The secrets that were shown in that day will not be counted today.

When Yuna's presentation ended, the young Lobanega only managed to look at her teachers. "Why do you teach me this?" To the surprise of the little girl, it was Merlin who answered "Because I have been in a position like yours, I have been where you are but unlike you, I had no one to guide me." Merlin looked carefully into Lobanega's eyes "You are wiser than me at your age it is okay to fear your own power, because if you use it recklessly or if you let it rule you you will become a puppet of that power, I was a fool at your age and my arrogance and my pride made me make the worst mistake of my life" Niviane, who until then had been standing aside simply listening, approached her partner and hugged him. But Merlin had not finished "But let it go to waste That power belongs to stupid and incompetent people, you can do a lot of good with it, you just have to be patient and learn to handle it, you must be constant and persevere, but one day you will look back and you will know that it is the right thing to do”.

Days later Lobanega began to see the usefulness of her power when she, her brothers and another brood of the clan were taken by Jairo and Gardian to swim off the shores of Crystalspine Reaches. As the clan did not always control where the young that were born from their brood ended up. The adults prepared them as best as possible for everything they could face tomorrow, one of those possibilities was to end up in a clan of water flight. They were swimming peacefully when one of Geb and Rea's pups, a brood they had had a week after Lobanega was born, was swallowed by the currents when he went farther that he should.

Lobanega's older brother panicked and did not know what to do, another of the sisters ran with Guardian and Jairo, they were with strawberry, the smallest of the group, and Lobanega jumped into the water while her other sister yelled at her from the shore.

Lobanega, although brave and stubborn, was not strong enough to overcome the current and she knew it, but the family, the clan was the most important thing and she was not going to allow a member of the clan to get lost without trying to do everything possible to avoid it.In the end, after what seemed like an eternity to Lobanega, she had barely managed to get closer to the little veilspun and was almost completely exhausted. It was because of that desperation that she consciously connected with her power for the first time and exerted her power at will for the first time.She pulled the young veilspun next to her and pulled them both out of the water as soon as she had raised their heads above the water when strong blue arms pulled them out of the water. When Lobanega looked up eyes very similar to her own looked back at her.A firm but reassuring voice told her "Well done" as she lost consciousness.

From that day on, Lobanega understood that his power was not only used to harm and he put a special effort into learning to control his powers, not to use them to dominate or harm, but to use them to protect.

When Lobanega's body grew, the violent and sudden expulsions of mana decreased a lot, however another peculiarity began to appear, Lobanega's arcane magic was so great and her desire to not harm her clan was so great that her excedent magic began to crystallize in magenta crystal stalagmites form along its head, neck, shoulders and even her tail.

It didn't take long for the clan to realize that after a few months of growing, the crystals fell naturally and they presented, depending on their size, residual arcane magic belonging to their owner.

These strange crystals ended up being exceptionally useful to the clan due to the magic they contained, and some clan members began to collect them as true treasures.

Despite the incessant erratic growth of her magic, Lobanega soon came to the conclusion that although her arcane power was indeed exceptional, she could not depend on it alone to protect herself and the clan.

Driven by her new idea, she went to Yuna and asked her permission to learn how to handle a weapon. Yuna generally let the clansmen choose their path and make their own decisions, as long as they did not harm anyone or themselves they were free to do what they wanted.

But it was an open secret that Lobanega would become the next leader of the clan and therefore she tended to ask for guidance and permission from the matriarch often, although she was no longer the young cub who feared herself and her power had not yet been realized. She felt prepared enough to assume her role.

Driven by her new idea, she went to Yuna and asked her permission to learn how to handle a weapon. Yuna generally let the clansmen choose their path and make their own decisions, as long as they did not harm anyone or themselves they were free to do what they wanted. what they want

But it was an open secret that Lobanega would become the next leader of the clan and therefore she tended to ask for guidance and permission from the matriarch often, although she was no longer the young cub who feared herself and her power had not yet been realized. She felt prepared enough to assume her role.

Yuna just looked at Lobanega and after a few minutes she simply smiled and from her back she took out a trident, beautiful as gold, but deadly and sharp as obsidian.

The not-so-young Imperial reverently picked up the weapon and hurriedly flew to the training grounds to ask Rhea to train her in mastery of the weapon and ShadowGuard in physical combat.

To this day she is an expert in fighting with her trident, she is capable of taking down a horde of beastclan with her bare teeth and claws and her magical powers have not stopped growing yet.
But she is no longer afraid of her power, her self-confidence has grown over time, she has become a wise and beloved leader for the clan, a confidant for the matriarch, and now when the clan needs guidance, they no longer turn to Yuna. …They know that Lobanega will always be there for them, after all, he was born for this.

Every time someone outside the clan or a young dragon looks at Lobanega and asks Yuna how it is possible to be someone the whole clan respects and loves her without exception, Yuna always smiles and says "When you look at your future there are two big branches that they must work together to become what you are destined to be, your choices and your effort". Always after these words Yuna smiles proudly at her dear student and sticks out her chest like a proud mother.

But Lobanega's and her clan fate has only just begun.

Future mate
Adopted son
Adopted son
Best friend
Best friend

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