
King of the Stars
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Energy: 49
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Male Mirror
Male Mirror
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Personal Style


Unearthly Onyx Ghastcrown
Wise Bonecarver's Wings
Unearthly Onyx Forejewels
Veteran's Eye Scar
Simple Iron Wing Bangles
Unearthly Onyx Clawrings
Veteran's Leg Scars
Unearthly Onyx Taildecor
White Linen Wing Wraps
White Linen Tail Wrap
Raven Woodguard
Dour Sailor's Belt
Fading Tail Segments


Accent: Melted


Scene: Ancient Harpy Canyon


6.66 m
7.37 m
588.54 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 17, 2014
(10 years)


Mirror icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 25 Mirror
Max Level



"I come from nowhere and I belong to no one."

From the cliffs you can see out across the crystalline waters to the jagged spires shooting up from the ocean and even to the rotting land of the neighboring Plague flight. Nezeir often found himself climbing to new heights of the Focal Point to look out at the world around him and plan his next escapade. If it weren't for the Archanist who holed himself up in the Observatory, Nezier would have even dared to climb to the top of it to see even farther. It wasn't his thirst for knowledge that drove him to explore the world, but rather his lust for adventure and conquest. While he was raised with morals they were sometimes lost on him. He wanted his clan to grow and thrive but he felt that wasn't possible if they stayed on the tiny island.

With his clan's best interest at heart, Nezeir did what he had to in order provide for them. His trips away from home were always fruitful, whether it be with supplies or treasure and sometimes with new recruits. These new members were often those he had somehow befriended or orphans like him that he was never able to turn away from.

His lair was small and with an ever-growing clan, adding space wasn't so easy. Starfall Isles was a very populated area with many clans vying for territory. While Nezeir could overpower some, there were still dragons and clans too large or powerful for him to contest with. So he did what he could to expand their home. He dug into the cliffs to create caves and tunnels which were then fortified by runes to keep his members safe. However, he knew one day that their clan would outgrow their caverns. This is what drove Nezeir to seek out somewhere new where he and his clan could call home.


bold | vicious | loyal | adventurous | promiscuous | dangerous | dependable

King of the Stars
Occupation: Clan Leader
Pronunciation: Neh-zeer
Nicknames: Nez
Mate: Nissa
Clan: Starhaven


"I only fight for a better life.
One for my family and my friends,
because they're what matters most."

_______________________R E L A T I O N S H I P S
Together, we could rule the world.
Fighting side by side with tooth and claw.
Until everything around us is in ruin.
Then we will sit on thrones made from their bones.

______________________C H I L D R E N
Noxtus | Nico | Nazariel | Neriah | Nephamael

Razul | Barakiel | Helneir


A Light in the Dark

Born to no one and abandoned as an egg, Nezeir never knew his parents. He only knew Grim, the Guardian who fostered him in her shadowy home of the Tangled Wood. Like a mother, Grimala cared for Nezeir even when he proved to be a difficult child to raise. He would often wander off to explore the darkness of Wispwillow Grove, never once fearing the other dragons or creatures lurking in the shadows. Instead he laughed with them even though he hadn't the slightest clue what they were laughing about.

"Grim, they're funnies!" He would say through giggles as he came bounding up to the much larger dragon. Grimala was always kind to him and always patient with him. There wasn't a time when she didn't listen to his ramblings or dismissed him when she was too busy. It was her love for him that fostered the immense amount of respect Nezeir holds for her.

Grimala imparted many values in the young Mirror. He was taught to be kind and help those in need. He was told not to judge others by appearance but by their actions. He had learned many great things from Grimala but even so, as he grew older, that vicious nature of a Mirror shined through. It was a part of him that he embraced by keeping Grimala's teachings in mind and heart.

The Tangled Wood had been his home for years but now the darkness felt suffocating to him. Nezeir wanted to explore the world and find a home that was better for not only himself, but Grimala as well. He understood the dark forest was her home but he could see that she was tiring of the gloom that surrounded them. From the shadows of the Tangled Wood, he left his mother’s home in search of somewhere better to live, somewhere they could enjoy life to the fullest. It wasn’t until months later that he came to the Starfall Isles and found it was exactly what he was looking for. Nezeir told Grimala of the island but her reaction was not what he expected.

“Starfall Isles?” The green Guardian looked to her son with a tinge of worry in her eyes.

Confused, Nezeir questioned his mother’s reaction. “Yeah. What’s wrong with it? It looks amazing, Grim!” He beamed and started to list off all the things that made the island amazing. “There’s light! Lots of it! And a forest that glows in the night. There’s even a giant observatory at the top! The dragons there say it’s filled with books and scrolls that The Arcanist studies from! You could read those, Grim!” Grimala’s face hadn’t changed a bit. “Grim?”

Grimala sighed. “Nezeir, I have to tell you something about that island.” And then Grimala told him the truth about how she actually found him. He had only asked once about where he came from and Grimala had told him that she didn’t know, just that she’d found his egg while she was on The Search. She never said where she’d found it but now he knew. He was abandoned in the Starwood Strand, the magical forest just beyond the Starfall Isles.

“I should have told you all those years ago,” Grimala hung her head. “I’m sorry, Nezeir. I wanted to protect you. I didn’t want that to affect you.”

“What?” Nezeir shook his head. He wasn’t fazed by the news at all. “So what? So my parents didn’t want me. Boo-hoo!” Nezeir laughed and came up to Grimala to nuzzle her cheek. “I have you, don’t I? What else do I need?” He smiled at her and Grimala smiled back. “So can we move to the island? I promise you’ll love it there!” Grimala nodded and Nezeir was overjoyed to start this new adventure. Without much delay, they left the dark woods and headed to the gleaming island.

The Birth of a King
WSYpGOL.png The Starfall Isles had been good to them. Grimala was enjoying their new home and loving all the new things she was learning in the Observatory. She had even met The Arcanist and from what Grimala had said about him, Nezeir was sure his mother would enjoy the diety’s company while she studied. And while Grimala spent most of her time in the Observatory, Nezeir explored their new home. He found that there was lots to climb and he could see far out from the tops of the spires or the cliffs. He found good spots to hunt, fish and forage. But best of all, there was sunlight. And lots of it! Nezeir spent many hours just laying in the sun and letting the warm rays soak into his scales.

He met many dragons who were kind and helped him get settled in as he dug a den into the side of the cliffs. Most of the grassy areas had already been claimed so digging dens was the next best option. Dragons came by to lend a claw, offering furnishing and put up runes to keep the rocky hill the Observatory sat on from collapsing as Nezeir dug into it.

“There are a few other clans that dig dens in the rock, too.” One of the dragons had told him as she drew runes on the walls of Nezeir’s new den. “As long as these runes are in place everything should be fine.” That was the first of many dens Nezeir was going to build.

Ever the adventurous dragon, Nezeir soon set off to explore the rest of Sornieth. He traveled far and without fear. He was excited to see what he would come across and who he would meet. But Nezeir wasn’t the easiest dragon to get along with. He can be quite annoying or off-putting to most, but once a dragon got to know him they soon realize he's not as crazy as he seems but rather very genuine. However, there are always those he just never gets along with and Nezeir had made himself a few enemies during his travels. Never one to back down from a fight, Nezeir was never afraid to show others that he wasn’t going to let anything or anyone get in his way. Sometimes his recklessness would play to his favor and he’d have a new friend who would follow him back home and so his clan began to form.
With each new addition, more dens were built and soon Nezeir had adventurers of all sorts in his circle of friends. And soon others had joined. Dragons he had helped. Dragons without a home of their own. Dragons seeking refuge and hatchlings who had been abandoned. Once unveiled, his kind heart is what drew dragons to follow him. They could see his aspirations and the fierce determination to reach his goals, no matter how lofty they might seem. His passion and drive was inspiring to others. Without knowing, Nezeir had breathed new life into dragons who felt they had no purpose in the world. He gave them the courage to pursue their dreams and invited them with open arms to stand beside him as equals.

As the clan grew, Nezeir began appointing jobs to each of its members. He knew each dragon well and did his best to give them each a fitting job. He was fair and never asked a dragon to do what they weren’t capable of. The clan worked as a whole to make life better. They built dens into the walls and cared for the young as a whole. They looked out for one another and celebrated together. The love Nezeir had fostered into his clan only grew with each new member and as a result the clan grew to respect him and began to call him king.


rPbwGGp.png Collection
Artwork, asethetics, adoptables and other things I've collected for my messy baby boi. <3
Everything links back to the respective artist/designer.

jnCfyrr.png Qtim4LN.png 8fgpCwY.png


Lore, bio graphics, code and item recolors made by Kiwicide.
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Exalting Nezeir to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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