
Level 1 Spiral
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Energy: 39/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Spiral
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4.04 m
2.62 m
78.38 kg


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Jun 06, 2022
(2 years)



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Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245






Uh-oh, looks like this artsy noodle wandered a little too far from her home lair 633963, snailgiiirl, and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful!
Owners I've Had:


Traveler's Log

Entry 1

I've never kept a journal before, but all the travelers here (and there are a lot of travelers here!) say it's a good idea to start one early. So... that's what I'm doing!

Though nothing's really happened yet. I covered a lot of ground flying here from home, but I didn't really make any stops along the way, so this is the first one. The inn is reasonably priced (probably because it's on the outskirts of town, far from the port) but it's nice, with rooms and furniture for all sizes of dragon. And everyone's friendly. When I mentioned I like art and crafting, I guess a lot of dragons overheard, and I got so many suggestions I couldn't keep track of them all - an art supply store, life drawing classes, origami, a sculptor I should meet, a mask-maker - it was pretty overwhelming!

But I dove right in and tried a little of everything. It's been quite a while now, and I can stretch a canvas, mix paints, knit (a bit) and do some weaving... I've learned a few origami shapes really well, I've made my own paper a couple of times, I made some soap, my drawing has really improved... It's been amazing! But I can't just stay here forever. So I'm moving on. We'll see what the next place has in store for me!


Entry 2

I know Spirals are notorious for spontaneous narcolepsy, and me being a Spiral makes me no different, but my recent episode was ridiculous! And I was doing so well without having an episode too! I don't even know who rescued me. Which is unfortunate because I want to thank them. The last I remember I was flying somewhere between the Southern Icefields and the Windswept Plateau. The next I knew I was waking up surrounded by strange dragons in what looked like some sort of infirmary.

Their language was unfamiliar, enchantingly beautiful like an incantation, but thankfully they switched to common tongue when they realized I was awake. The first to greet me was a Mirror male that went by the name Cladent. His deep brown scales softened the ethereal intensity of his violet arcane gaze. He informed me that one of the hunting parties from the Crystal Spire saved me from plummeting into the ocean. Apparently the Crystal Spire was the seat of his clan's government and many important dragons in his clan lived there.

I liked Cladent. He had a direct way of speaking that was informative but not overwhelming. He told me that I was now inside the territory of Clan Sanguinem Luna, an Ice Flight clan that had origins in the Arcane Flight. Never had I seen such an amazing amalgamation of the two elements within one territory. But then again, I didn't have the time to explore the whole of their territory. I was able to explore most of Serenity Village, which was the major town within the Clan's territory that Cladent was the mayor of, and some of the forest on the outskirts. Much like the infamous Starwood Strand in the Starfall Isles, Clan Sanguinem Luna's territory whispered of hidden dangers and the residents themselves seemed anxious that I move on quickly.

I asked Cladent about it. He was such a patient Mayor, taking the time to answer my questions whenever I popped into his office during my stay but that was the one thing he would not answer. His office building was a charming and beautiful gothic structure built from stone and crystal. The sharp peaks glimmered like stars whenever there was light to be had. His reluctance to answer had me worried. When he finally answered, it was a disappointing declaration that he would hate to deprive me of the ability to practice my art elsewhere. When I told him that I wanted to learn Sanguinem Luna Clan's art style, he waved me off. The nerve! I wanted to know how his clan created the beautiful buildings they lived and worked inside. I wanted to see what paintings they were capable of producing! I wanted to know their art.

I... lost my temper with Cladent. The minute those words left my mouth, I regretted it. I knew Mirrors were ferocious, but to see the angry glow of his four eyes, feel the sheer power of his snarl through my gut, and experience the shame that stabbed my heart after his stern dismissal was enough to make me apologize profusely. I scurried out of Cladent's office as fast as my legs could carry me when he demanded that I leave.

In my brief time, I came to realize that there weren't all that many artisans within Clan Sanguinem Luna. That only made my behavior in front of Cladent all the more embarrassing. These dragons were doing what they did to survive. Something as frivolous as a painting was likely something that only the wealthiest of their society possessed. And here I was stuffing my face full of their food and drink, floating around and basking in Mayor Cladent's company on my whim, and not contributing to Clan Sanguinem Luna.

It hit me like a sack of bricks. I was taking advantage of their kindness, of Cladent's kindness, and I felt wretched for it. So, I did my best to collect materials from Serenity Village and the nearby Hilltop Market. I took what I learned from the last place I visited and made Cladent a gift for his village's generosity. I stretched a canvas from a piece of leather that a hunter sold me, mixed paints from minerals that I bought off of a blacksmith and negotiated for the materials to create my own set of brushes from what was known as a plantsinger. I was still confused as to what that job title meant. Anyway, I was so proud of myself when I began my work!

I was downright giddy when I finished my painting however! The look on Cladent's face when I presented my piece to him and his village was priceless.


Entry 3

Dear journal, the memories of my time in Clan Sanguinem Luna will always be etched in my heart and maybe even entice me to return someday. Alas, as a traveler, I was compelled to continue on my way through the icy vastness of the Southern Icefields.

Guided by my dear friends from Clan Sanguinem Luna, I was told of a clan hidden deep within the Cloudscrape Crags, within a fortress made of cold, somber stone and ruled by a powerful dragoness. My friends reassured me that by mentioning their clan's name, I would be welcomed as an honored guest in the territory of Petrified Winds. They also promised that I would have the privilege of meeting the clan's sole artist - a talented musician, poet, dancer, and singer, whose beauty was as ethereal as her melancholic melodies. Needless to say, I was excited to meet this esteemed clan and its inhabitants.

Unfortunately, journeying through the Petrified Winds territory turned out to be far more challenging than I had anticipated and I never did reach my intended destination. As I ascended the mountainside, the terrain grew increasingly perilous and the constant snowstorms made flight impossible, leading me to become hopelessly lost in a dense forest. Towering pines obscured the sky, casting a perpetual shadow over me, making it impossible to distinguish between day and night. My provisions were rapidly depleting and I struggled to keep warm, as the damp wood from the trees made only small, sputtering fires. To make matters worse, I had an eerie sense of being watched from the shadows, as if some ominous presence was tracking my every move. I must confess, dear journal, that fear overtook me. In a moment of sheer panic, I convinced myself that the forest itself was closing in on me, threatening to consume me whole. With desperation tightening around my throat like a noose, I began to run blindly, crashing into trees and stumbling through snowdrifts, driven by the sole instinct to flee.

Just as I was teetering on the edge of surrendering my soul to the never-ending labyrinth of those accursed woods, I burst through the dense foliage and stumbled into a serene clearing. Instead of trees I was surrounded by an expanse of emptiness, so vast that it momentarily stole my breath away. The landscape was covered with a blanket of snow that glistened under a night sky filled with shimmering stars. Even in the muted light, the brilliance was blinding, causing me to squint. Gradually, my vision adjusted enough that I could make out a cluster of cabins bathed in the warm crimson glow of a sign that read: Ye Olde Stag Tavern: Vacancy.

Dear journal, my recollection beyond this point is rather foggy. After escaping the woods, I collapsed in the snow from sheer exhaustion, gazing upwards at the heavens. I could only lay there with my eyes fixated on the vast expanse above, where two shimmering stars winked down at me, and then... everything went black. When I regained consciousness, a gentle purring filled my ears.

I opened my eyes to find myself in the most enchanting cabin imaginable. I was cocooned in cozy knit blankets in front of a crackling fireplace, surrounded by a multitude of cats, creating a haven of warmth and comfort!

It was the tavern owner who stumbled upon me in my pitiful state. This dragon is unlike any I've ever seen. I suspect she belongs to the ancient Sandsurge breed, but has adapted to survive the frigid Southern Icefields. Her massive frame is cloaked in a dense layer of white fur, her paws adorned with hefty, elongated claws, and her gaze...always seems to be watching me.

It's a tad unsettling, yet Hilda has been nothing but welcoming since my arrival. Well, more like overly attentive. I gather she doesn't entertain many guests here, which is a shame, considering the snug cabins she's constructed would easily earn a five-star rating from me! Oh, and those cats...they're absolutely everywhere! They lounge on every possible surface, by the fireplace, on every piece of furniture, the windowsills, and I've even discovered a few hidden under my blankets. I swear I've heard a couple of them in the vents too. I've been hearing scratching sounds coming from deep within the vent at night, like something is pacing back and forth inside. Their constant presence doesn’t bother me at all, even though I've observed some peculiar characteristics in them - like extra eyes and limbs. It's quite odd, don't you think? Maybe it's a unique trait among Hilda's cats.

Having mentioned the fireplace, I must include the exquisite wooden mantle that encases it, decorated with intricate carvings of native animals intertwined with plants. Curious about its origins, I spoke with Hilda, who bashfully revealed that she was the talented creator behind it. Naturally I asked if she could teach me some basic wood carving skills, and to my delight, Hilda agreed wholeheartedly! Without delay, she gathered the necessary tools for me to begin crafting my very first masterpiece. As we enjoyed a cozy evening together snacking on Hilda’s homemade biscuits and tea, she guided me through the art of transforming a simple block of wood into a stunning work of art.

My initial attempt resulted in a slightly lopsided cat, causing a bit of embarrassment. Despite this, Hilda was incredibly supportive and proudly displayed it on her mantelpiece. I believe that with time and Hilda's guidance, I can tackle a more challenging project. I plan to create a wooden frame and a portrait for her. I'm currently in the process of gathering the necessary materials---

Dear journal, I’m sorry for the abrupt entry. While jotting down my thoughts, I caught a glimpse of something in the vent. It definitely wasn't a cat.

I don’t know what it was. I have not observed any other dragons in our vicinity, save for Hilda and myself. Despite the late hour, I ventured out to find Hilda, thinking it would be best to wake her and share what I had witnessed. Much to my surprise, I found her perched atop the tavern's roof. Her gaze was fixed upon the darkness and her expression was unsettlingly blank. I could have sworn I heard a growl emanating from her, even from a distance. This unnerved me so greatly that I promptly retreated to my quarters, where I left the lamp burning and the door locked.

I think it would be best if I checked out of Ye Olde Stag Tavern in the morning.

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