The Lovers
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Energy: 50
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Personal Style
12.28 m
13.98 m
8070.48 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Obelisk
EXP: 0 / 245
• Down By The Grove •
Carpets of moss sunken and sullen, shroud what lays beneath, Down by The Grove. Creeping branches cast warping shadows, unwelcomed shapes dance and sway, tangled roots stretch and splinter below, Down by The Grove. A thrall of light slinks down, revealed hidden amongst thrashing leaves, eyes so bright - full and round, a raven darting between the trees, Down by The Grove. By Stardewe |
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primary: 50% skink, 50% pinstripe, 16 colour ranges, sand to ginger
secondary: 50% hex, 50% flair, 100% swamp
tertiary: 50% capsule, 50% firefly, 43 colour ranges from charteuse to dirt
Very friendly with Juniper. Worked as a team to establish groups into different biomes within Iridescent's territory to help replensih the lands. Helped to pick the leaders of the groups, who report back to Juniper, that all look over any other dragon residents that would be within the biome. Met Harvest when she joined the clan early on in the establishment days, later fell in love and became a pair.
About the pairs:
A combination of dragons who helped originate the clan early on. Made up of members who have beliefs in "The Mother" (Mother Nature Deity) and who also have magical abilities that affect the land in some way, which works towards helping the earth replenish to a balanced amount.
As the pairs replenished the lands some Semi-Gods were unearthed, who had been in an eternal sleep since the War began. They are imbued with special segments of "The Mother".
Each pair has their own relic, or artifact that they wish to protect, it further strengthens their magical abilities - it is a gift from "The Mother" that helps their magical powers.
Sparrrow and Sage:
Sparrow has magical abilities that he has been working on, his growing belief and commitment to "The Mother" has been awarded by a small boost in his magical abilities and has been imbued with nature element. Golden leaves grew from his wings and shoulders. Sage has te abilities to bloom golden flowers in her mane that spreads pollen and seed, sowing in the ground sled-replenishing abundance of flowers and providing a source of food (pollen) for insects. Her ability has a special link with the insects and animals of the Blooming Grove where they will not leave.
Hawthorne and Harvest:
Hawthorne is one of the founding members of the clan, and helped establish the teams that would go into the different biomes of Iridescent's charge and work towards restoring balance into nature. Most of these lands were suffering greatly and were either extremely depleted or barren. Harvest's magic is deeply imbued in nature and she can summon golden owls to survey the land, send out messages, or to aid her in the mission of restoring the land. Since these are familiar they do not need to eat or sleep.
Acacia and Cinn:
Both have dark magic, came across the clan seperately at different times but both had the same natural magical imbuement. They offer balance to the clan in a different way, with more darker themes and mischieviousness. They are the balance to good, being lawful evil. In the beginning of the clan they joined from necessity and for what they could personally gain from being part of a clan vs being solo. At first they hid their dark magic, their mushrooms and spores that grew around them offering sustenance in times of need. As time wore on, and they were given a charge over the Tangled woods, they grew their magic into mroe sinister means. Now being more powerful they have morphed their mushrooms and spores into a symbiotic system, in which all is connected and they can control whomeever is hypnotised by their powers. Their territory in the Tangled woods is covered in these dangerous shrooms and the others of the clan have learned to stay away from them. Their powers have had unintended consequences for them, meaning that they cannot leave the mushroom domain - but have to wait for their spores and mushrooms to slowly creep into other areas, giving them a larger radius to tavel in.
They paired up not from their like of each other but for familiarity and how both of their natural powers combined could create something even more powerful.
Send their offspring out as they don't seem to be affected by their magic. Although their children have the mushrooms they are not imbued with magic (non inheritable).
Elowyn and Elaris:
Two dragons that found each other outside of the clan. Both thought they were the only ones with their magical abilities but grew a great connection once they found each other. Their work for "The Mother", being some of the strongest believers in her, has transformed them. They have become half dragon, half nature dragons with Elaris being part tree and Elowyne being part earth. Their powers have increaed from this transformation, and can use their magical sap to heal barren landscapes.
Grove and Gargoyle:
2 dragons that come out during the full moon, they harness their energy from the swamp and also absorb the energies of the moonlight and have become vastly reliant on it. Going into a deep sleep on nights when the moon's power is low, or if there new moon cycle. Get special powers if there is a speical moon such as blue moon or orange moon.
Myrtle and Marsh:
Lirael and Lythari:
2 dragons from another realm accidentally brought into this world by mishcievious magic when a caster's spell was tampered with. They cannot communicate and burst out into a fearful rage on the night they were brought here - lashing out at every creature, dragon or not, they came across. They did the only thing they knew how to - by burrowing deep into the solace of the ground where others could not locate them. As they were ripped through the portal they collided with crystals filled with magical energy and instantlly closing the portal before anything more could come through. Since then magical abilities have been brewing in them, but they know not of how to control or use it as magic was not part of their realm. They have come to feel ashamed of their magic and have a deep seathing hatred for any casters or wizards. They are hiding and burrowing in the old, abandoned Swamp Caves tunnelling deeper and deeper into the unknown Caverns that were burried centuries ago.
THE MAW, 3 pairs:
Red, Red and Golden. A party of dragons that are ancient in age, being hundreds of years old. Were a team of excavators sent into the Caverns of the Swamps before the start of the War, during the great rush to find the hidden Relics "The Mother" left scattered across the world. They were all of the same kind when they entered; being young and eager to be famous excavators and finding a lot of treasure and relics. During their dive into the depths of the caverns they came across a relic, but it triggered a trap that turned two of them into golden statue relics, and the rest entombed inthe cave when it collapsed once the relic was removed. The recent tunneling done by the sandsurge pair has unearthed these dragons.
All are now imbued with deep Earthly energy, and have over many centuries become part mineral garners opal and gembound treasures to their bodies. It is a sinister twist of fate that in the end they did become somewhat famous for their efforts only to be felt centuries later, and they were greatly changed forever.
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Exalting Hawthorne to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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