
Level 1 Veilspun
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Veilspun
This dragon is an ancient breed.
This dragon is hibernating.
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Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




0.54 m
1.08 m
2.26 kg


Primary Gene
Tapir (Veilspun)
Tapir (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene
Constellation (Veilspun)
Constellation (Veilspun)
Tertiary Gene
Branches (Veilspun)
Branches (Veilspun)


May 07, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Veilspun
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none




A soft, bracing huff was heard from above, a sharp exhale out of overheating nostrils, preceded by a thump upon the barren earth. A cloud of dust-like dirt pillowed out from below the foreigner’s yellow paws, and she kicked them a little in instinct as she stumbled forward a bit, attempting to both prevent her wisps of fur from becoming coated in the land as well as a likely faceplant. She was still getting used to this job.

Once she caught her bearings, she looked around, seeing the world through her blue-tinted goggles. She lifted one paw up towards her face – giving it one more gentle, half-hearted shake for good measure – before then lifting the goggles themselves, and settled them upon her helmet, holding her curls back from her eyes. She blinked, eyes focusing on a couple of dragons standing before her. “Maoryth? Laota?” she asked, hoping beyond hope that she had the right location. She prayed she wasn’t lost again.

Another deep, relieved sigh left the postwoman's nose at their (thankfully) responding nods, and she smiled widely. “I come from the land of the sun,” she began, tapping her heavy paws against the earth a few times before settling them hard into the dirt, locking her elbows and straightening herself up as far as she could muster. Her vest-clad chest puffed out, curls of fur wisping under her chin as her face broke into a proud smile. “But in my travels, I pick up stray letters from those with no corresponding postdragon. And from them…” she trailed off happily, excitedly, moving the paw that raised her glasses back down to her satchel. She nudged around in it, careful not to slice any letters or parcels with her claws, until she found what she was looking for.

Producing an envelope with a flourish, the edge clasped between two glove-lined phalanges, her smile beamed brighter. “I come with a gift! Hopefully it’s a ray of light for you,” she said as she did; she hated delivering poor news. “If you’d like to send off a response, just send it to Tetsumeir. I’ll know where to take it.”

Finally, she gave a cheery “here you go,” and handed the letter off. As the strangers took hold of it and turned it over to see the front, she turned herself around to face the way she came – pushed herself into a gentle trot, then a run – and shoved off into the sky, quickly becoming a far-off golden dot that matched the sun.

The envelope was a pale blue. It was quite barren, save for a sticker – slightly crooked – stuck to the bottom right corner, labelled with the land the postwoman had spoken of; then, neatly placed in the top left corner, was the couple’s names, along with their location. It held a letter written in a careful and smooth font, though some long-tailed letters like y's and g's portrayed a little nervous – or excited – wobble in their swoops, as well as some small items wrapped in tissue and a photocard.


Dear mom and dad,

How are you?

That may have been a silly question, as I realize you can’t reply right now – and please don’t feel obligated to reply, either. But I’m just going to write what comes to mind; I don’t feel like erasing anything, because everything I’m saying is genuine. I miss just rambling off to you, and I’m excited to send you this letter now that I’m wholly settled into my life here.

Regardless, I hope you’re doing well! I hope it will bring you joy to know that I am doing so good here. If I can promise you anything, it’s this: I’m happy.

Oh! I should probably introduce myself! But before I tell you my name, I’d like to mention that I’m thankful for being sent into the world without a name to call my own. I know that many other dragons would take it much more poorly than that; they might even be angry, or feel deserted. But not me. I feel like it was a gift, a blessing; by sending me off as you did, you allowed me to pick my own name. You allowed me to find out who I am, as I am, and choose a name that properly reflects that. Not every dragon is awarded that luxury; most are given a name that they spend their entire lives attempting – and often failing – to live up to. You, instead, gave me freedom, and I’m ever grateful for that.

With that out of the way: my name is Casper, meaning “treasurer.” It’s simple, which I feel fits me just fine, for I live a simple life that fills me with great contentment. The meaning is appropriate too, I feel, because what I spend my days doing (in between simply watching the water, reading, or is panning for gems in the river by my home. It’s a small home, very modest, but it’s enough for me. I would live in a den, as we did back at home, but the ground is too solid to dig through, because I actually live in the Ice territory now! So not too far or different from our Water home, but enough to feel like I’ve branched out. It’s nice and cold here, so I never have to shed my winter coat; at least not much. I live near the end of the domain, towards the Arcane area, so it does get slightly warm here, but not uncomfortably so.

Included in this letter are some of my favorite treasures I’ve found; the Ice Crystal isn’t really made of ice – if it was, I couldn’t send it to you, for it would melt and ruin this paper – but it sure looks like it, doesn’t it? I think it's made of seaglass. And the Bluesand Agate reminds me of the tears of the Tidelord, which obviously means a lot to us as Water dragons. I figured you guys would appreciate that. And then the gold is just gold – but I make my living selling it (among other gems, but mostly this one, as it’s the most valuable of my hoard). I thought you might like to have one, because it’s connected to who I am as a dragon.

I hope I’m making you proud. Living where I am, as I am, reminds me of home a lot; in the warm periods when it isn’t snowing up a storm, I think of you, mom. Sometimes some herbs sprout in the dried grass (which I stock up on and eat through the coldest periods), and it makes me wonder what you’re up to, what you’d make of them. I wonder if you’d make tinctures for dad – dad, you’d like all the fish that swim here. It boggles my mind how they can survive in the stream I live by; the water nearly freezes over sometimes, and it’s even cold to me through my fur. They must be shivering in their scales… but you’d know that they’re safe, being good with animals as you are.

I miss you both dearly. It’s a little lonely up here, especially without your company – but you’d be happy to know that I’ve made friends! I met this wonderful lady named Morrigan, who lives in a cave in the mountains deeper into the domain. She's quite reserved, though very kind. She has two children, Auberon and Belinda, and they’re the sweetest… well, they’re her nephew and niece, but she adopted them. I don’t know the full story, as I gather it’s a bit personal… but I don’t need to know. Though I do hope I get to know her more, if she's comfortable with that… We'll see where it goes, if anywhere.

Anyway! I’ve attached a photo of me, where I live, with my familiar – he likes to climb on the roof, as it's the highest point, and soak up the snow. He's a snowy slink, who holds my crystals for me, so him and I can trot into the closest town to sell them. I think I sometimes get some bonus sales because he's so sweet.

And I guess now that I’ve mentioned myself, I should explain why I look so different… though I can’t quite tell you, as I'm not even totally sure myself. I just simply woke up one morning, and my genes had shifted, though I'm thankful the colors stayed the same. And actually, I think they were meant to be this way, given what I believe them to represent now. I do miss my old genes that reflected who I was back at home with you, but I think that might be exactly why I no longer look as I did. I found my calling here, with the water and the trees and their bark and the mud. I found the markings of my future, and something in the water here engulfed me; while that makes me miss home, I wear my new one with pride.

I think of you often, and will keep thinking of you even after handing this letter off to the postal lady who I see flying by now and again. She never lands near me, but I’ll wave her down somehow; maybe with a particularly shiny gem from the river.

Now, I should let you go; I think I’ve chattered on enough.

I love you both, and I’ll write again soon. Even if you don’t reply – please, just think of me too.

Your loving son,


Ice Crystal Bluesand Agate Gold Ore
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