
Level 1 Spiral
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Dire Claw
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Spiral
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Personal Style


Jealous Eye Earrings
Winter Wolf Cape
Dented Iron Gorget
Ferocious Headdress
Frosted Woodguard




3.61 m
2.23 m
56.13 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 10, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


- A Swirlfur (who's my own ShihTzu-based Beastclan), tasked with the dangerous job of "containing" and monitoring the enraged Wolfrunner's magics...
- Wolfrunner, who's a fellow Swirlfur, now all wolfish and twisted from dabbling in forbidden Shade knowledge :'00
- Miko is themself changing, due to being on the frontline of Wolfrunner's rampaging antics...
- They have to stay close by, and monitor any surge of Shade magic in Wolfrunner's soul... Or to warn the Packs (Swirlfur groups or families), if the beast comes their way...
- Miko is like... Magic-oriented? Very spiritual?? They act as Wolfrunner's "guardian" or "onlooker", and monitors their state and whereabouts.
- Miko's like, a shaman or mage; always following Wolfrunner, but at a safe distance... Sometimes using their elemental / nature-oriented magic to test how much Shade is in the beastly Swirful, or to defend themself if Wolfrunner goes rampant / attacks them outta nowhere :'00
- They also search in their mind's eye, and in their visions, to peeerhaps find a way to heal Wolfrunner's soul from the Shade.
- Miko's fur has grown quite a lot, in the past few moons of their "monitoring" job...
- They also personally feel like their fangs have become a bit sharper? Hmm :'00
- Miko (and by definition, also Wolfrunner)'s Nation is named the "Swirlfur-Otterheart Pack"!
- Their Pack centers around collecting otter (or River Flight, in this case) pelts, thru hunting and trapping endeavours. No "fur-farming" otters for them, tho :'33 !
- Wolf-Runner actually became twisted by Shade magic, while on a hunting expedition with three other Swirlfurs to bring back River Flight pelts to his camp.
- Got in contact with Shade magic, which emanated from a cursed fissure in the forest ground; then became filled by Malice, and proceeded to kill the rest of his expedition team on the spot... Oof.
- After that, he started to trail back to his camp, but was able to be kept at bay... Thanks mostly to Miko's magics.
- One Swirlfur, on his team, came from another Pack... And was the son of that Pack's Emperor / Leader. So there were def tensions between the two groups, after the Swirlfur communities became aware of what had happened...
- Tho everyone in the surrounding Swirlfur Nations understands that this sad event was truly no one's fault (as it was only caused by the Shade), there is still pain and bitterness from many individuals, about the expedition team dying.
- One Swirlfur came from an allied Pack (name here), and was the Emperor's son... And obvs, the Swirlfur-Otterheart Nation lost two peeps (or three, as the "normal" Wolf-Runner is now gone, replaced by a raging and deformed beast) omg :'((
- insert

- Another Nagito, LOOOL
- Cannot take a direction with this derg... LOL.
- To put the Ashfur stuff (below) somewhere else...
- He's from a timeline where everyone from DR is a farm fox :'33c I think??
- Nagito is a rare Radium Fox; dark undercoat with bright silver (almost white) hair on top of it. Pale black nose, and washed-out eyes with a veeery faint pale green tint. Has a brown / leather collar with his identification number on it.
- Also, he gay. LOL :'33 Loves another fox, Hajime, who's a... Raaare Bollert's Brown? I think??
- Or maybe he's just an Amber fox... I'm not sure :'00
- Hajime is himself mated to Chiaki, who's another brown fox of some kind... Hmmm :pensive:
- They have the puppies, together :D
- In his timeline, Nagito escapes the fur ranch and flees to the wilderness outside... In pure winter (escaped riiight before his pelting / death... Which, that normally happens around december IRL, because prime full fur stuff, and all that :'33).
- He frees Hajime as well, and tells him to flee alongside him... But Hajime refuses, not understanding the danger that lies in the farm... Or well. He's like "why should we leave this secure place, for uncertainty and death outside?"
- Nagito tries to convince his lover to run away, but the farmers are arriving... He has no more time. He flees to the outside, abandoning his love and his entire known life, behind.
- However... As he is obvs a tame animal (and not a wild fox), he struggles to hunt / find food outside, and doesn't manage to shelter himself from the harsh cold...
- I think he dies after suffering and overall starving for, like, a week or two?? Rip.
- But he gets reborn / gets a second chance at life?? OMg :'00
- I know there's a thing with flowers, while he is a fox. Like, he searches / is on the lookout for flowers, while wandering around in the deadly snow?
- And these flora bring him "Hope"... Something, something...
- His body becomes a bed of flowers, when winter rolls around and the warmth comes back... The snow that covered him melts away, and Nature does her thing! He feeds the earth :'33c!
- Junko will be relevant in Nagito's second life / second chance... She's a Pink Champagne / Palomino fox :'33c A veeery pretty one... lol.
- insert

- Screw everything, LOL.
- Is now another Ashfur-from-Warriors AU :')))
- Yes, I know.
- Warriors charas in a DR setting??
- Or something...
- They were anthros, with clothes and everything :'D On an Island, with multiple kinds of environments... Aaand with a Killing Game.
- Monokuma is a white and black, badger-like creature... Midnight???? Holy heeell... What's their name??
- This Ashfur has a long, all-white, tail that trails behind him. He also has a white "mask" marking, on his face. And white paws :'D Cute!!
- His pupils get a red "ring" around them whenever he's being malicious...
- He wears a pink neck bow, has left ear piercings / earrings, plus a dark gray hoodie and general outfit.
- His hoodie has a removable trim of brown deer fur.
- Which he doesn't wear often on the Island, as it do be warm already lol. He leaves that trim part in his cabin...
- The cast were anthros from the start (with normal lives in a school, and etc.), and etc.
- Ofc, they still have good sense of smells... Vision in the dark, and good hearing... Etc.
- One of the Blackened will cover their scent to perform their murder.
- Another one will count on everyone rushing to the crime scene, to cover their smell with all of those other peeps'.
- Someone's gonna die to a snare... I think it's Ashfur, actually. That do be how he dies.
- A snare that will end up hanging him from a tree... Oof D':
- Since there are snares in the Island's mart or similar place, to help the anthro cats catch their foods and control the predators? Or something...
- Ashfur is so hated that the others will joke "well, now we can call him 'Ash-tree' lol" after seeing his dead body... 'Cause he's hanged up by a snare, in a tree. omGGG.
- Hollyleaf wore the carcass / entire pelt of the bear (that the group had killed much earlier), scaring Ashfur while he was in the forest, and making him get ensnared as he ran away (lit. omg).
- Because the pelt strongly smelled of "bear", Ashfur couldn't realize that Hollyleaf was wearing it / that it was a folly. He just saw this huge bear in the shadows of the forest, and became kinda panicked / fled as quick as possible.
- There also was an ACTUAL real bear, close by, during that event... Causing confusion; even Hollyleaf, while committing her murder of Ashfur, was surprised and all like "oh heeeck a bear"... The true bear being the one to drive Ashfur towards the snare (tho Hollyleaf had started the whole process, hence making her the Blackened of the case)...
- Squirrelflight is here, as well as Alderheart, I think??
- I haven't read anything past The Last Hope... I'm so lost on all of these new charas, lol.
- Ashfur will die, like... On the Third or Fourth Case? Due to being a creep, malicious, and generally unpleasant :'D Mostly to Squirrelflight... Omg.
- In general, he causes trouble for the others, and has Malice in him...
- The person who killed him, wanted to protect the others; BUT!! Since it's still murder, this group's "saviour" has to be found out AND executed... Such are the rules. LOL.
- And Hollyleaf is that person... omGGG. Rip.
- When the participants die, they enter a strange state from which they can "follow how the Game happens".
- Like Starclan watching over the Clans, y'know... Except it's the dead anthro cats (both murdered and Blackened) watching over the rest. They're like... They can comment and talk to each other about what's happening in real time, man. I remember them having a couch and drinks, in this "Afterlife".
- On the Island's environments, there are venomous snakes. Gotta be careful, wildlife be tough here, yo!
- If someone dies to the wildlife, too bad! D':
- Ashfur will lit. bite down on a snake to kill it... With his bare teeth, behind its head. OMGGG this guy D':
- But it worked out, so??? Was dangerous as all hell tho :'((
- There are also bears... And foxes?
- And since they don't have weapons of any kind (except their claws and fangs, as anthros... And maybe a few tools, like nets?)... Whoops :'33!
- Like mentioned, the group are eventually gonna capture, kill, and eat a bear (in a rare collective effort), to make the Island safer + for food :'O
- I remember the cast wearing fox + other fluffy pelts (in headdress-style!), and playing / messing around with 'em, in like... A play they created? Or perhaps a made-up event, to make the group grow closer overall... With some sort of game, and etc :'33!
- There's amnesia involved in this story... Etc etc.
- The cast knows of "Clans" tho... Due to "sharing the same-ish scent" or something?? Or just knowing... Like, instinctively, y'know.
- I guess that being separated into "Clans" knowledge... It can def become a motive of distrust, and of paranoia, later on :'O
- Maybe they'll even separate the Island into "territories", for each group... Since it has different landscapes (it do be pretty big!), and then you have Brick being like "whatev, not gonna care" and Barley is all like "I can go wherever I want :'33c! No Clan allegiances from me!"
- Some peeps are related (Hollyleaf and Squirrelflight, Alderheart and Squirrelflight obvs... I think??), but due to losing their memories, they are not aware of that fact...
- It's as if they're all strangers to each other. Tho they will end up remembering... Sometimes, too late.
- Like, Alderheart do be a victim... But he'll realize that Squirrelflight is his mom, right before his murder (and she'll know that he's her child).
- Like... They talk together about it. And after the trial / murderer revelation... She'll talk about it to the remainder of the group.
- Like "why the heckie did you kill my child??" to the Blackened... :'(((
- Alderheart is bigender too... Sometimes, goes be "he" pronouns. And goes by "she" pronouns the remainder of the time.
- Doesn't care that they are called "son" / "daughter"... Etc.
- Hollyleaf is agender, very probs aro / ace... She's also super assertive / headstrong, thooo kinda antisocial...
- Would be a very good leader to the group, if it wasn't for the antisocial trait...
- She's not Squirrelflight's niece, but her actual daughter from her first litter. While Alderheart is her child from a second litter.
- Hence, the scene above?? Squirrelflight will eventually talk to both Hollyleaf and Alderheart, about them being her children.
- Oh wait, this can get feels-y tho?? Since Alderheart will get murdered... AND Hollyleaf will be a Blackened / executed for Ashfur's murder.
- Squirrelflight will therefore lose her two children... Plus a friend, in Ashfur, kinda (as in, she cares for the guy, but obvs he's pushy towards her, malicious in general, and outright unpleasant the later it gets in the Game D': omg)
- But deep down, she misses the Ashfur from before, who wasn't creepy towards her and etc. At the very beginning of the game / simulation, they super friendly to each other, help each other out... And etc. (kinda like Hajime and Nagito from canon SDR2)...
- Then, Ashfur becomes in love with her, around the second trial (and is weird about it), she turns him down as gently as she can (as she doesn't feel the same)... Aaand he therefore gets unpleasant and almost chaotic. OMg.
- Hollyleaf will tell him to leave her mom alone, multiple times... And etc. Etc.
- Squirrelflight is orange-furred (lighter colour than Flametail, who's a bit darker), with tufted ears / long fur in general... Large white tail tip, white left paw. She wears a brown aviator-type coat, with pockets and patches / pin? ... And with a trim of greyish-beige wool on the hood.
- She also be "softer" than canon... Not as spunky and intense as her early self, in the canon Warriors books! She can even be a bit insecure and unsure of herself, here, at times...
- Flametail is the protag. Main chara, yay! :'D Also the ACTUAL "leader" of the group (informally so?), later on...
- Tufted ears, fluffy tail, he's long-furred in general... A fiery colour (orange), with darker markings, and striking blue eyes... Wears a greenish-gray hoodie too, I think? Masc-leaning in his gender identity.
- He's very similar to Makoto from DR1; kindhearted, hopeful, headstrong.
- But! He has no time for Ashfur's malicious stuff :'D Will tell him to shush, etc!
- He'll hang out mostly with fellow Shadows, but will try to reach out to the rest of the cast (aka Rivers, Thunders, and Winds + kinda with Brick too... And a bit more with Barley and Ravenpaw).
- No Skies here, lol.
- Crookedstar (River) is here :'D!! And! His jaw wound happens DURING the Game... It do be an accident tho :'(( Who knows how THAT actually happened, tho...
- After his accident, he'll have trouble eating food; hence, losing a bunch of his normal weight and becoming... Kinda thin? Almost extra skinny, with some of his ribs showing, underneath his clothing...
- He's called Fernstar at first (due to the light brown colour of his pelt, like a fern in autumn), but will take on the prefix of "Crooked-" after the injury disfiguring him...
- I don't know the reason, but it happens... D': Probs spiritually-related...
- Doesn't have 9 leader lives; everyone is equal, and everyone only has ONE life in this here Game, lol.
- Heathertail (Wind) is also a chara here... Big ol' lesbian for Hollyleaf???
- Also like... Considering that there are a ton more Thunder participants than from the other Clans... Everyone else is thinking that it do be extra sus, lol.
- Cloudpelt is a spy for the Skies / traitor / delegate Mastermind. It's gonna hurt, as he's so kind and helpful + seems extra genuine :'(( But then... Surprise!! He was the jerk-in-hiding all along, LOL.
- I know that he's called "Cloudtail" in canon, but he chooses "Cloudpelt" as his name, on his own volition :'D!
- The Skies (Skyclan) are responsible for this all.
- Considering that the Game's "mascot" is a badger (like Midnight), but that they keep mocking "the Stars" and "the Ancestors"... Like, it makes sense! Since the Skies do be bitter about things...
- The Skies would be like... The Ultimate Despair, or something similar. But more like... Disillusioned with their old Stars beliefs? Bitter with revenge, towards the clans AND their ancestors? Hmmmmm...
- Yeee, the Skies are lit. a rag-tag group of anti-theists, tbqh... OMg???
- They have weird names that don't fit with any other Clan's (ie. Billystorm, lol), and in general choose their own names for themselves (like Cloudpelt) as a "screw you" to the Stars and their traditions...
- A way for them to appropriate their Despair and hatred against the Stars, and those supporting them (like the Clans).
- They used the Stars' own powers against them, making their protegees kill each other... Or something? While making the Stars unable to reach out to their kin, while in the Game (except for the final trial).
- I do imagine that Blood peeps are an in-between... They don't believe in the Stars, but aren't hateful or like... Super terrible like the Skies.
- Besides, after living thru the Game (and watching the end unfold, where Stars save everyone that remains), it gets tough for Brick to even like the Skies, also it gets impossible to deny the Stars' powers and existence...
- But yeee, I need to figure out the context for this AU, OUT of the Killing Game...
- There is a school, like Hope's Peak, I think... This might be like Beastars, except everyone is kitty here, LOL.
- Aaand there's no Talents :')) !
- Something about the school, being only for cat peeps?? Like, as a "we cats are better than everyone else" type-deal situation?? Like, they discriminate against others... oh no.
- The Thunders / Rivers / Winds / Shadows, are Clans or groups of individuals... Who, in the Outside World, are, like, big families (often related, but also not necessarily)... They're like, groups, y'know? Pushed by ideals and values, different from each other.
- Thunders are "loyalty" (but only towards themselves); Rivers are "strength" (physically and psychologically); Winds are "to be quick about everything" (quick-witted, the first to act, etc.); Shadows are "secrecy" (not a lot is known of them, or about what they know of the world's most secret forces / actors??)...
- Often, one Warriors group doesn't help the other three ones, staying among themselves only. However, like Warriors canon, romance and links between these four clans, aren't unheard of B'))
- But it IS frowned upon... Or something.
- Rogues don't want to be part of the Clans... Or didn't fit in / got expelled for breaking strict rules... Etc. They live out of groups, are general outcasts... Even if they end up in the school.
- Blood cats are those who want to rebel against the four other Clans; often previous members of said Clans... Like, the underdogs who got wronged by them four big groups, and turned to criminality and "no Clan codes!1" stuff, in hopes to find their own place in this world.
- But like... What is the society, out of the Game?? Is the Game, itself, a simulation (pretty sure that the answer is "yes")? And I'm sure that they're always anthros...
- Pretty sure that the world is a bit apocalyptic, outta this Killing Game...
- Brick is the only Blood in the school, IRL. Rogues have a bit more to their numbers (there, maybe 4-5 of 'em). The rest of the cast, is full of the four main Clans.
- There was a class / group composed solely of Skies too, but after the Catastrophe (caused by them Skies peeps)... Stuff went down, and they were driven out, outcast... Or they left, helped by Mapleshade and the Dark Forest... Or something?? Gotta figure out this timeline, LOL.
- The Stars are like... THE religion, or THE main belief, in this world??
- Since they're the ancestors of the living ones, and can communicate with their kin... And pretty much everyone lives thru that / with that reality.
- So I do guess that Cloudpelt and the Skies and etc., are weird cursed ones who don't have the "divine touch" or something?? What is this timeline, omg.
- I think there are other groups of anthro animals, but the Stars' beliefs are solely for cat peeps?? Like, a specificity to 'em?
- As in, the Stars only watch over the cat folks (and the Stars are only composed of cat peeps in the first place), and don't have much power over anyone else?
- I also remember a group of (mostly female) foxes, and a group of badgers... Plus a few dogs, who are generally aggressive?? All anthros.
- There's an anthro dog gang / criminal organization, out there in this apocalyptic world?? And they eat cats... Etc. etc.
- But yes, it's not exactly like Beastars, where all animals can mingle and be friendly with each other, with almost no big deal... They mostly stay in Clans, or separated groups.
- Sometimes, they can ally with each other (mostly for economic purposes, or protection / "strength in numbers")... But they're so different in their innate natures, and they all have their specificity AND their own beliefs and already-functional societies... That they don't want to (nor see the need) to have many contacts.
- However!! With the state of the world after the Catastrophe... These separate groups will HAVE to band together and help each other out (in some ways) thru adversity...
- The Game ends with peeps figuring out Cloudpelt's stuff, during the final trial... And then, Star peeps arrive into the Trial Room out of nowhere (including Bluestar, and Spottedleaf... ? yay :'D !!), and save the remaining survivors :'D While sending Cloudpelt to the Dark Forest... Something something??
- Also, the Stars promise that the Skies will not go unpunished, and that they'll have to figure out just HOW to deal with them...
- Out of the Game, the whole group has to find the Skies, and like... Idk, deal with them? Put a stop to them, with Stars' strength leading them??
- I guess the Stars here, are kinda like Hope... And the "Ultimate Hope", in general...
- This timeline is very spiritual, like... Older dead peeps giving hope, and faith, and general help, to their descendants and living kin...
- Maybe there will be powers, eventually... Or something...
- The cats with powers, are "Ultimates" :'33!!! I figured it out!
- The group will run into survivors (mostly fellow students of the school) from the Catastrophe (which ended the world... Like the Tragedy from DR, but... Like, get it? CAT-astrophe... Like, cats... Rip.), and the group will grow bigger :'D!
- One such individual, is Dovewing (fluffy gray cat with blueish-green eyes, here, lol)! I think she ends up with Flametail, actually... Something something... Dawnpelt does not appreciate, LOL.
- Dovewing has her "heightened hearing" powers, like canon :'D!
- What role does the Dark Forest play, here?
- They may be allies to the Skies... Now that I think about it. Would make sense! Since they also got wronged / negatively influenced by the Stars...
- The Dark Forest's leader is Mapleshade :'D!! Who is muuuch like Junko in this timeline (malicious, almost unhinged in a way? Aaaand quiiite into Despair-oriented stuff). She is also (identity-wise) feminine nb, and goes by she / they pronouns :'D! Pan, too! She's intense, but pretty cool! Also she's tortoiseshell, with amber eyes... Obvs.
- Dawnpelt is quiiite overprotective of her brother, Flametail... Helicopter sister :'33! But she's sometimes a bit overbearing; and aaalmost treating him like a child, at times.
- Longtail is beige-furred, with dark brown stripes (his French design, afaik). Long ears, a thin tail. He's slender, not at all muscular like Crookedstar, or some of the other males... More akin to Alderheart and Ravenpaw; his eyes are like... Aqua? Between cyan and greenish. Has a V-shaped nick in his left ear, and wears round glasses due to being quuuite near-sighted. Sharp teeth.
- Brick has a dog teeth collar (like, replacing spikes), and wears a leather jacket. Has a clump of fur, curling a bit from her forehead, and over her eyes... She does have those dark eyelashes too, LOL.
- Hollyleaf is black-furred with green eyes. She wears jeans, and dark green-ish running shoes... Plus a white tank-top, and sometimes an opened / loose light brown fur coat (made out of mink strips); the latter, she often leaves in her cabin, because the Island do be warm :'3 That's what I know of her outfit, so far.
- She wears earrings on her ears (two in the left, one in the right), plus has a nose-ring thru the left nostril :'D AND has a leather bracelet on her left wrist, composed of a thiiick leather strip and two small all-white feathers, attached to it... Etc.
- Ravenpaw / Raven has three raven feathers behind each ear, going downwards (a primary, a secondary, and then a covert feather). Don't ask me how they're attached to him, I don't know... I think they might actually be pinned / inserted by piercings, directly in the back of his ears? Who knows... He's actually a rogue, in this timeline; was taken in by Thunders for a bit (outside the Game), but never "fit in."
- Hence, in the Game, he smells slightly of Thunder scent, but mostly smells like "the Wild" (like rogues).
- He has amber eyes, and is all black (except a white small tail tip, and white chest marking). Plus, is slim, small, and frail in general.
- Mostly hangs out with Barley; doesn't really want to be around the Thunders (instinctively so)...
- He wears a dark purple neck bow, plus a general dark grey vest + pants...
- Heathertail has a lavender neck bow. She's light brown, with darker stripes, her eyes are lavender coloured; plus she has a cute pink nose :'3! Wears a light blue / jeans vest?? Of some kind... Plus pants of the same colour.
- Feathertail is a light grey / silver female with darker stripes... With a very fluffy tail :'33! And her eyes are violet, almost bright pink? I think she's wearing an outfit the exact same colour as her eyes, too... A dress of some kind? A simple dress, maybe?
- Cloudpelt is an angora / long-furred, pure white cat, with bright blue eyes :'3! But yeee, so muuuch fur D': omg... His outfit consists of a loose dark grey hoodie, with the zipper always closed up (and sometimes, with the hood up... And with his ears thru the hood holes :'33). The hood has a red circular design on it (I forgot how it's called, but... The snake that eats its own tail?)
- Cloudpelt is his name in the Game, but once he reunites with the Dark Forest (after being banished from the physical realm by the Stars), he'll get a new name from them; Snowfall.
- Dawnpelt is cream-furred with... Blue eyes? I think?? No idea on her outfit, yet.
- Alderheart?? Is orange-brown / russet-furred??? I dunno much about him, lol :'D I think he has darker stripes and amber eyes?? Maybe????
- Tawnystar is a tortoiseshell she-cat, huge in size (like, legit so muscular and tall, ommGGG) with a green left eye AND an amber right eye.
- She has a black jacket, white pants... Etc. A white shirt with a large dark-ish purple "generic design" single star on it.
- Fernstar / Crookedstar is (as mentioned previously) light brown with darker stripes and cream underbelly / markings... He has green eyes, and wears clean bandages / white wraps on his left wrist. Black and red hoodie (so many hoodies in this timeline, omg).
- After his face injury, he'll have scars over the left side of his mouth (pretty much going up to his left eye), and his tongue showing a bit, with the general crooked jaw thing... he might even be half-blind in his left eye, due to the entire injury...
- Mistyfoot is all grey, with very minimal white markings... She's a ragdoll / with ton of fur + has a slender frame... Has a very fluffy and large tail, plus pale blue eyes :'D She wears an off-white jacket, similar to an official aviator's coat?? Grey pants.
- After her murder of Crookedstar (?? to figure out???), she'll tell the others that "Mistyclaw is a name that fits me much better, than Mistyfoot..." question mark?? what does it mean
- Barley is white with black splotches... Dark grey vest, with a light grey wool-y shirt AND black pants? Harbours looong whiskers on his muzzle and head, due to age... Veeery laid back :'D
- Rowanclaw is... A dark brown general design, with stripes?? And amber eyes. Hmm...
- insert

Cast so far (17 peeps in total, as they're 16 + the spy / traitor);
- Squirrelflight (feud between her and Ashfur... For obvs reasons.)
- Alderheart (has medicine-plants knowledge, etc. etc.)
- Hollyleaf (lesbian for Heathertail, gets the Wind warrior to trust the Thunders more... In general.)
- Ashfur (kinda the Nagito of this AU...)
- Longtail (very similar, in personality, to Hajime from SDR2. Minor chara, but has a tiny bit of "Malice" to him.)
- Cloudpaw / Cloudpelt / Snowfall (traitor; becomes a "warrior" a bit later on :'D)

- Flametail (protag, pretty much Makoto from DR1)
- Flametail's sister... Entirely forgot her name, LOL. Dawnpelt??? (rather insufferable and rude here, tbqh)
- Tawnystar (she becomes leader in the books, right?? well regardless, she's one here :'33)
- Rowanclaw (he's from Shadow, right??? my Warriors knowledge is downright terrible rn, LOL.)

- Fernstar / Crookedstar (will change his prefix, after his injury? for some reason)
- Mistyfoot / Mistyclaw?? (Fernstar's / Crookedstar's deputy, here in this timeline! he puts a lot of trust in her... Which will be his downfall?? uh.)
- Feathertail (kind, soft, "pretty girl" type? also, a younger sister or a half-sister of Crookedstar, in this timeline...)

- Heathertail (big complex, over being the only Wind.)

- Brick (she smells strongly of... Blood. LOL. That's kinda sus, for everyone else. Also, has a dog-teeth collar.)

- Barley (old rogue, but he's here for some reason :'D very nice old dude.)
- Ravenpaw / Raven (very shy and anxious, doesn't speak a lot... He kinda reminds me of Chihiro from DR1, tbqh.)

- more infos
- insert
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Exalting Mikoshiba to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.