
Scavenger Company Commander
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Aspen Gall Dryad
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Obelisk
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Personal Style


Silver Steampunk Goggles
Brass Scale Wingplates
Silver Filigree Gauntlets
Tarnished Steel Gauntlets
Advisor Collar
Black Aviator Coat




12.24 m
17.17 m
5947.91 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 02, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Obelisk
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


light.png "Control"
ScavCo Commander
Avenger Down (ADVENT Turn) | Timothy Michael Wynn
"Huh. Would you look at that."

Control lifted her head from the terminal at her desk, giving the wildclaw at the desk beside hers a look as he squinted at his tablet. "There a problem?" ScavCo's contract manager, Sam as she came to know him, had been around the block a while, so she was lead to believe, and he'd seen just about everything. So suffice it to say that, whatever this was, the expression wasn't inspiring confidence.

A few moment's pause and Sam hummed again, tilted his head as he frowned. "Not necessarily, Control? Just something unusual,," he sighed, tapped on the screen a few times, "I'll just send it to you. It'll need your mark anyways."

"Huh," was about all she could manage to that. Now she couldn't decide if she was more worried or curious. Taking a few moments to open the contract system on her own terminal and finding the file she'd just been sent, the obelisk gave it a quick once-over. It seemed fairly standard at first, a contract to "liberate" an item from a rival it seemed, but then she got to the location and had to reread it.


Sam snorted at the statement, but nodded. "Aye, Nevada. Don't get a lot of jobs going into that place, do we? Probably the...eehh, fifth I've seen?"

"Just the fifth?" Control enquired, frowning some as she started to reread the details, actually taking them in. Theft of a valuable item. Reality affecting. A.A.H.W, Nexus? It reeked of a horribly risky and horribly expensive job...and that was before considering that she didn't actually know a damn thing about least, only the stories of the hellhole it was, and the sort of mauling that awaited anyone stupid enough to set foot in it. "You've been with the Scavs since they founded, and you've only seen five?"

"Oh yeah, Nevada's a real pain to work in," he chortled, idly starting to tap on his tablet again, "actually getting any sort of usable force is a nightmare, not to mention that every dragon in there probably wants you dead and is extremely capable of making you dead. Real workplace hazard, that."

"Right. So remind me why we send perfectly good mercs in there again?"

Without speaking, Sam lifted a hand, and pointed at the top of the contract information--to the finder's fee, and the amount the company would be paid upon completion of the contract. Oh.

"That's...that's a lot of money," she noted, a little caught off guard from the amount, running numbers in her head. That haul alone could keep the lights on for a year or two. Oh, it was tempting... "Hm. Alright, fine. Let's say we take the contract, Sam. Who gets it?" She turned to eye the wildclaw, catching a glimpse at the files he was scrolling through. He was already getting suggestions.

It took him a minute to finally respond. "Well, advice? Give it to the Jackals."

The thought immediately made her grimace. Even with her begrudging respect for them she was always dubious about ScavCo's so-called elites. According to her predacessor, being made a Jackal was a mark of the greatest mercs in the company--perhaps even the world, and a necessary step to giving those skilled few the freedom they needed to get their jobs done. Control, however, thought they had far too much freedom and far too little accountability. Too few rules, too few obligations, too much leeway in the jobs they could take and the resources they could use. Not to mention the outrageous cut of the contract they took.

She couldn't deny that they were effective, though.

"Don't make that face, Control. With all due respect, of course," Sam gave her a glance, a playful grin, "I know how you feel about them, but you and I both know that this is the perfect job for a Jackal. A single, well-equipped merc is our best bet of making anything of a Nevada contract. Even with their bite out of the fee, we make the difference by cutting deployment costs and casualty pay anyways."

"I know, I know," she huffed, turned to stare at the contract with a deep frown as she thought. It was a huge unknown to her, but with a potentially huge payout. And all things considered, it seemed like a simple theft...just grab and go, simple as that. Surely a single Jackal could manage that.


Control sighed and with a few clicks, accepted the contract and moved it to post to the online board, set the assignment, and leaned back in her seat. "There. It's up, we'll see how long it--"

It was gone already. Assigned to a merc designated as "N. Welles."


"Well, that was fast," Sam chuckled, leaning up to get a good look, "and it got passed to Nora, no less."

"Is that surprising?" she asked, giving Sam a quizzical look.

"No, not really, just...notable. She took the last one, is all. The last contract we got for Nevada."

So this merc had finished a job in Nevada before? Control narrowed her eyes at the name, tried to recall anything she knew about it. Nora, that she was thinking about it, yeah, that rang a bell. It was a pretty big deal with the senior staff at the time, if she was remembering right. "Hrm. Hope she knows what she's doing, then. Go ahead and finalize the contract then," her voice took the authoritative edge, and she straightened up, "assign this case to Dispatch directly. Tell him to call me if he complains. And while you're at it, send a message to Pages. Tell them to get me every file they can find on Nevada...and the merc that took this contract, while they're at it. I'm curious."

"Loud and clear, Control."

As Sam returned to his desk, Control returned to scrutinizing the terms of the contract, yellow eyes narrowed at each unfamiliar entity. She had a feeling in her gut. Not a bad feeling, like things were going to go south. But the feeling that she'd be wanting to see the tail end of this job much sooner than it was actually coming. She sighed, picked up the forgotten mug of coffee on her desk to take a long sip, and shrugged. Whatever the feeling was, it wasn't her problem...for now. Hopefully this Jackal knew what she was doing, taking a job like this as fast as she had.

And, as usual, Control hoped it went by smooth and fast.

A horribly misplaced, optimistic outlook, in hindsight.

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Exalting Control to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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