
Level 1 Skydancer
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Energy: 50
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Shadow icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Skydancer
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Buttercup-Edged Claw
Gold Glasses
Brass Steampunk Vest
Brass Steampunk Gloves
Brass Steampunk Spats
Brass Steampunk Wing Armor




4.63 m
6.03 m
865.59 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 16, 2022
(2 years)


Skydancer icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245


Sunset's Third Family Reunion RP:

Day One
"Alright," Onye breathes, studying his map one final time. "This is it." He looks up. It's a beautiful day; hardly any clouds block the sun, and the sky is a lovely shade of robin-egg blue. A gentle breeze rustles his wings, bringing with it the scents of candy and tea and crab, making his mouth water. The journey from the Charged Barrens was long, and travel rations could never compare to homemade delicacies.
He carefully folds his map and tucks it away, taking a moment to just watch the seemingly endless swarm of dragons wander through the Sunbeam Grotto. It's...a bit intimidating. Especially as he notices that, as he thought, most dragons came in a group. He can see families and friends explore the festival grounds, laughing and playing.
Onye came alone. It was only last year that he found out that he was part of this legacy, and only now that he had the time and energy to leave his home and see his ancestors. His lairmates offered to go with him, of course, but - it didn't feel right. For so long he's been a loner. Even after living in the Skybloom Sanctuary for over a year, he still doesn't consider himself a full member of the clan. He's just...there.
And - here is a place that asked for him. Wanted to see him. An eighth generation of Sunset's Legacy, and they cared enough to write him a letter.
Truthfully, Onye doesn't like social events. He'd much rather spend his time in the library, sorting through books. But something about this festival struck him, and he couldn't stop thinking about it.
And now he's here. Still thinking about it, but here.
Onye takes a breath, feeling air rush through his lungs. His whiskers twitch. The ever-present rumble of his gears soothes him.
"This is it," Onye repeats, stepping into the festival grounds. He's ready. It's time to have fun.
perfectoranges response:
Crab legs and candy for dessert...what's next? Tea to wash it down with? Off to the library?

Day Two
Not for the first time, Onye finds himself sending a silent thanks to the assorted sorcerers at the Skybloom Sanctuary. He may not always consider it a home, but he can't deny the talent that went into enchanting his gear - in this case, specifically, the water-proofing charms from Paletide. Sure, he could leave his items behind in his room, but the very idea makes his fur start to itch. You just never know what you might need.
As groups start forming, he takes a moment to consider his options. He's pretty sure most of Skybloom's Undertide population grew up in kelp forests, and he distinctly remembers Tameka regaling the lair with stories of their coral home, so maybe he should try something entirely different. He could probably see well enough in the caves. But - well. A shipwreck. Onye can picture it in his head: rusted metal and rotted wood, internal mechanisms worn unrecognizable by time, structure buried under silt and sand...
Yeah. He's going to the shipwreck.
perfectoranges response:
Onye follows Laguna as she leads a small group of the more adventurous dragons through the kelp forest and down, down, deep where there is barely any light. Fortunately, Onye can see just fine; he rejects the offered light from Laguna and swims up to investigate the smokestack. It's still in decent shape, not coated by sea scum or barnacles like the rest of the ship, and it's very wide - enough that he could slip inside, so he does. He travels through the dark, still tunnel until he reaches what must be the engine room. Fascinating...

Day Three
Even with the excitement of last night - the style of engine in that shipwreck dates it back two hundred years at least! - Onye wakes up just before dawn. He always has. It's an odd habit for a Shadow dragon, to be sure, but after learning of Sunset...well, it's no wonder that he's a bit more light-tolerant than the average Shadow.
Onye takes a moment to watch the stars fade away while stretching. He's well-traveled, sure, but he's not used to swimming for that long. It was definitely worth it, though. Laguna was a fantastic tour guide; excited about sharing information, but allowing the guests to find things for themselves. He shakes his head while remembering his haul, still somewhat in disbelief that he managed to snag two separate familiars. Not just that, but two familiars that the pastures at the Skybloom Sanctuary don't have! Shadesong, the beastkeeper, will be so excited. Yet again, he finds himself thanking Paletide - this time for the enchanted rags stored in his bag. After the whole incident with Brackenwave(where Dusk spotted a passed-out Water Undertide in the middle of the Sandy Wastes and everyone panicked about how dehydrated wick was), there's been a soft rule in place to always carry water-rags when you leave the Sanctuary...just in case. With Paletide and Sunfrost working together, they managed to enchant special cloth to automatically dampen anything its placed upon to the object's point of comfort. It's truly masterful work, and Onye shudders to imagine carrying a Melon Squirmscoot and Protobeast back across the Wastes without it.
Speaking of which, he should probably feed them before leaving for the day. When he arrived, Onye was worried that he might have to share rooms with other travelers, especially as he came alone, but Blight managed to get him a comfortable (and private) space. (He's having lots of fun, but he needs alone-time to recuperate after spending time with so many dragons.) He shakes out a few insects for the familiars, gathers his bag, and leaves them to feast. Lucky for him, both Squirmscoots and Protobeasts enjoy a long nap after they eat, so there's no need to stay and watch them.
Now...what to do?
Onye scans the activities, standing out of the way of the crowds. For the second time in just as many hours, he finds himself thanking someone back at the Skybloom Sanctuary. This time it's Windberry, who, with help from a few others, made his glasses. Without them, he wouldn't be able to read the signs over the events.
Coliseum Challenge? Not for him. Unlike Lily and Glen (and despite their best efforts to convince every dragon in the Sanctuary to the contrary), he doesn't find battling fun. He just had breakfast, and - is that a dating game? Hm. Not right now; that sounds pretty stressful to him. He's about to just go to the library when he spots Verdigris.
An archivist. (Unconsciously, Skybloom's historian pops into his brain before he pushes that thought aside. It is odd, though; all his talk about not seeing the Sanctuary as home, and yet he keeps thinking of it fondly.) Being related to Sunset is what interested him in this reunion in the first place - who keeps track of that many descendants and bothers to contact them all for a party? He had to see what was up.
Yes, he's decided. He's going to ask Verdigris about his relatives. Maybe he can make some friends.
perfectoranges response:
It's a busy day for Onye - after visiting Verdigris' stand, he heads to the library, and ends up selecting a tome to peruse in his time spend winding down after the festivities. Next, he visits the vendors' stand, and indulges in a new set of satchels - if he's going to care for two extra creatures, he's going to do his best to be prepared! The salesdragon talks him into a set of silks for a discount that's too good to pass up - Onye doesn't think they suit him quite as well as the salesdragon wishes to think, but they might help him dress up for a special occasion, or he could find a new friend back home to gift them to.
With a spring in his step, he visits the food carts before heading back to check on his new charges - the chef is initially alarmed to hear he wants his bugs unseasoned, but relents once Onye explains they're for his familiars to eat.


Cobalt's Coliseum Challenge
Challenge Scorecard wrote:
Take a Break

1/1 Melt or brew something in Baldwin's Cauldron (if it's already bubbling...you've already earned this point!)

3/3 Send out a batch of research notes!

1/1 Comment in the forums - in the family reunion thread, or anywhere you like!

1/1 Give a like to any Sunset's Legacy dragon! Maybe you could even give them a compliment or shout-out in the reunion thread...could be a good start to a RP!

Please don't exalt this dragon! If you no longer want them, please feel free to send them back to Pearl's exalt rescue lair!


Button made by the lovely Jyxxie!

Sunset -> Lisse -> Margeaux -> Titania -> Jademoon -> Moondrop -> Indigo -> Me
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Exalting Onye to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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