
Yeti Lore Discussion
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Dreadwolf Rimestalker
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Energy: 49
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Female Gaoler
Female Gaoler
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12.39 m
6.21 m
6570.78 kg


Primary Gene
Phantom (Gaoler)
Phantom (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Hex (Gaoler)
Hex (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Pinions (Gaoler)
Pinions (Gaoler)


Mar 06, 2022
(2 years)


Gaoler icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Gaoler
EXP: 0 / 245




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A discussion between me and a friend. Some of these thoughts do not stick with me but I wanted to document it bc a lot of these thoughts helped me head canon a character I made.
  • I do not agree with how heavily I implemented a caste system into their society. It would likely need heavy cooperation from everyone in the group to survive in their harsh and secluded environment.
  • I also believe that they would not limit themselves to one profession. Like nearly every society, jobs change with the season. They would more likely all work together and farm in the spring and summer, craft in the fall, and hunt in the winter, which is Himalayan mating season for the animals around them.
I am the person in bold text, my friend is the person in italics
-Do you guys think it would be beneficial for yetis to grow horns or would it be useless/ work against them
And do you think they'd be carnivores, omnivores, or herbivores

-I would think omnivores, for the sake of scavenging, like bears do
As for horns, theyd probably be useless, maybe even harmful, do to calcium necessity and their percieved lack of multiple stomachs
Assuming there ARE yeti irl, and they have the efficiency of multiple stomachs like cattle or elk, they'd either be benign or used in fighting over mates
Correction on the diet thing, i think it would depend on climate adaptations, like with polar bears being one of the few carnivorous species of bears

-They originate from the Himalayas, and I'm thinking that a very good area for them to cultivate would be in between mountains where vegetation can grow and a solid food source can be made without the danger of cold climate
-That kind of climate would make it so that they are omnivores, with meat being a staple item
Like yeah, they could have apples, but it wouldn't do much good in the way of sating hunger, so its best to have a steak instead
From a slightly more medical perspective too, they would rely more on proteins than sugars
We have low blood sugar, they would have low blood protein, i guess
Lungs would also be bigger due to mountains and altitudes, stronger heart muscles and likely thicker veins and arteries, a heart attack would be hell to try and help them through

-Thinking from a healthy plate/ food pyramid standpoint-
Water- easy, gotten from the snow around them
Whole grains- rice, wheat, and millets are the main product of the region, so they are absolutely set on that
Protein- yak and boar will probably be domesticated and farmed, beans are also a very good product
Fruits- pomes and stone fruits are trustable
Healthy oils- yak milk is king in butter and cheese
Vegetables- I had a hard time with this one, not much on google other than grain and fruits, but I imagine there's *something*
Would you say they would need to be more muscular to survive or more lean?

-More fatty actually, to retain warmth, but if your talking muscles specifically i would say lean, less activity retains body heat
-What would that look like? Is there an animal you have in mind saying that?
-Polar bears are currently my go-to, they dont do anything unpess they absolutely have to, such as hunting
Mountain goats are also probably really good to look at though considering the environment you're looking at
What kind of look for the yeti are you going for? Like are you making a character out of it, making them more human? Or are they more like a tribe?
Do they stand on all fours or are they bipedal?

-I'm making a character out of it but I'm thinking about how they would be raised, completely bipedal
More human

-I would say look at a sumo wrestler, despite first appearances, there's a lot of muscle there, more than fat
If thats less what you're thinking, than a body builder, same concept, different outcome
Dad bod, but if they flex they become only muscle

-I think muscle would be useful for the steep-ness of the mountainous region they would live in, while a good layer of fat would be useful for energy and for the cold
-What would courting rituals look like? Bachelor sees a potential partner and goes from a chubby and loving father to "Choke you at church when the pastor's not watching"
Also, what would family dynamics be like?
Do the kids help out? Does a whole family make a small clan, or are they just members of one? Do the grandparents still live with them? Who's in charge? What determines that?

-I guess it's which traits would be desirable, like, would hair be considered important? Would lighter hair be attractive because if they go up the mountain to hunt they would be harder to spot? If it's longer could that mean better warmth? Would height matter?
-Wouldn't it be funny if the least desirable traits won out? Like a darker, short haired, short partner with little muscle was better than one much more fit for survival
-How fast would they all go up? Living in large groups could be troublesome in feeding, but a group that could consist of a solid hunting group, farming group, and artisans could do well, so maybe they live in groups of.... 50-75? Large enough to hopefully avoid inbreeding?
Some groups may favor different traits, so somebody who farms would want someone kinda like you described, while someone who hunted would want a lighter-colored and more muscular partner

-If you're making a character and humanizing one, i think it would also be safe to say that they have at least some form of food preservation, like salting and drying for jerky
That would also make sense, especially if those groups tended to live more separately, like farmers lived closer to the base and hunters lived closer to the summit
Like there was a clear divide despite then being a community

-They may be a bit divided, but I couldn't imagine them being too separated, they depend on each other for certain foods and lack of one could lead to lack in the other, meaning politically they would have to get along well enough
-Slightly more awkward part of fleshing out a species, but how do they reproduce? Are they hermaphroditic, are they mammalian, do they have eggs, who cares for the children, and are there gender roles?
Politically, they would have to get along, but socially, i can imagine that there would be some form of prejudice among the groups

-They're mammals, so it's most definitely live birth, i believe men and women would still be a thing, but everyone would need to carry their weight. I imagine that once a child gets past the milk phase of their diet mothers can start actively hunt/ farm and parenting rolls can more equally be shared in order to be more productive
Mothers can leave the child to hunt while the father stays behind to care for them and vice verse so neither parent exhausts themselves on one task
I don't think gender roles would be too strict

-Another small question: in the event a child gets orphaned, does another family adopt them if they were close to the parents, or is the child raised by the community? A more cruel option would be that the child gets abandoned immediately by everyone because there's no parent to vouch for this newcomer being one of them
And thats good on the gender roles thing, because among all that hair, i doubt they'd be able to tell the difference among men and women anyway

-Maybe it depends on the community?
Farming class would probably take them in, another hand to work the now-dead family's land would be helpful
Artisan- is rough.... like, someone needs to make good cloths, eating utensils, pots, pans... but when a child is orphaned maybe it depends if the child was taught the family skill yet or not? If they have then a family with a similar skill may take them in, and if they haven't then maybe a family that's short handed takes them in. If such a family isn't open they might have to just live on the street until there is
Hunting- gonna be rough but you might have to prove yourself worthy. Having a noisy/ klutz kid can ruin a hunt and starve your family, so either you try and join a different group or you learn to hunt on your own, because no one wants to risk training someone when it might not be beneficial

-Regarding that, how would a child from one group do if they tried to enter a different one? With hunting, they'd probably only need to cut their hair so they dont overheat if they were to join the farmers, but they'd probably have a harder time developing the fine motor skills and precision to join the artisans
-I guess skill comes in time, and if this group is compassionate enough to wait for them to develop
-That makes sense
But if there was an event in which a farmer child had to join the hunters, what would they essentially need to do? Bleaching their hair may be an option to then available in the future, but seeing how they're separated like this im guessing technology isnt quite that advanced

-I think these pocket civilizations would be way too cut off from the world to get access to that, and I guess it just depends, like, wearing a hood could hide your hair and skin, or if you try hard enough you could try and blend with trees if you live in that type of area
-That would probably work really well in an evergreen forest and they took up archery, so maybe
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