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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Calcite Lock



8.82 m
5.42 m
1303.73 kg


Primary Gene
Rattlesnake (Sandsurge)
Rattlesnake (Sandsurge)
Secondary Gene
Arowana (Sandsurge)
Arowana (Sandsurge)
Tertiary Gene
Augment (Sandsurge)
Augment (Sandsurge)


Mar 02, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Sandsurge
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


The baby

Was about to blast Jedi, but was ripped apart. Thanks for traumatizing my boy. At least that organic child didn't see.


"I am a droid. I am always right."


Note: He has a blanket with him at all times. He refuses to leave his blanket behind or let anyone take it away from him. Pics of his blanket can be found in the rl photos.

AU stats:

Powers: Hidden guns, can form lower body into a tank/separate from said tank form with lower body in tact | obtained after his defeat

The twin brother of TX-21, TX-20 is terrified of conflict due to his literally being torn apart by beings he thought were overpowered by him and his ranks. Despite his mature battle styles and tactical knowledge, TX-20 is actually just a very young baby who was curious about this lifestyle.

When he was brought back to life, TX-20 instantly panicked, thinking he was back into war, and cried. It took every amount of effort for him to calm down, and he still fears being sent back into battle - despite being told multiple times that his parents and older brothers would keep him away from any of it. He was also given a blanket found in an abandoned home and keeps it with him at all times, throwing tantrums when it has to be taken away.

After being reunited with more of his family and hearing all their stories, TX-20 began to have hard times falling asleep, to the point where he needed his mother, Pharaoh, to rock him to sleep. Even after that, he still squirmed and cried most of the time, until his brother, TX-21, began to slowly calm him down. The two are near inseparable and while TX-21 finds his brother a little clingy, he can't help but want to remain by his side...Until TV-94 or Pharaoh came to play with them.

TX-20 is afraid of Pharaoh's brother, Doctor, for unknown reasons. He has heard Doctor talking about making massive weapons to fight back against sudden intrusion, and hearing a hint of joy in his voice as he said it frightened him. The fact that he had a giant arm with tools specifically made to create such weapons didn't help the situation, and TX-20 was always wary around him, even if Pharaoh was nearby.
Pharaoh noticed his demeanor around Doctor and requested that he not talk about weapons or war around the baby. Doctor acknowledged her request and tried to keep conversations as "child friendly" as possible while around him, knowing that he was now a part of a greater family. This task is difficult however, due to his knowledge only revolving around weapons, science, and war.

TX-20 enjoys finding new things, especially bows and ribbons, while taking casual strolls around the kingdom. While he also tends to find dangerous objects as well, he is always accompanied by either TV-94 or TF-1726, the latter who usually grumbles in disgust the entire time.
If something dangerous is found and TF-1726 notices him picking it up or getting too close, he will yell and throw it as far as he can - and with his massive strength, it's far. His outbursts tend to ruin the stroll for the baby and he usually ends back home in tears.

Despite having hidden weapons inside, TX-20 prefers to avoid using his powers at all costs, realizing that being an army commander isn't as good as it sounds. He prefers to relax with his family and play with his brothers, mostly TX-21 due to their age.

TX-20 loves the texture of soft objects and wearing the occasional bow on his head. He tries to put bows on his brothers, but they all refuse, TX-21 included. He also loves cats and rubbing his face on soft material. The feel of them comforts him, and he will even play a game by hiding his face in his blanket, hoping that someone will join in, trying to coax him out as he giggles with joy.

TX-20, despite his cuteness and playful personality, does not get along with the only non Tactical Droid living in the kingdom: EV-A4-D. He has tried to gain enough courage to talk to A4, due to his similarities with Doctor, and when he finally did, A4 lashed out and demanded to be left alone. While TX-20 didn't know this at the time, A4 was actually in the middle of a job, and his focuses are always on the patients while working.

TX-20 has attempted multiple times to engage with A4, but the medical Droid wanted nothing to do with him, always stating that he "hated children" and shoving him aside when he got too close. After his last attempt to make A4 smile (or at least feel happy around him), A4 lashed out again, this time swinging at TX-20 and nearly striking him. This terrified TX-20 and he could only cry loudly before Pharaoh came to see what was going on.

As Pharaoh coaxed the baby and calmed him down, she took him away from A4, joking that "he was a grumpy Loaf Head". Whether it was the name or the tone she used while saying this, no one knows, but TX-20 always referred to A4 as "Bread", remembering the remark, and giggling in amusement.

The Army:

TV-94: The King

PH-4740: MOMMY!

TF-1726: The General

Doctor: The Scientist

TX-21: Brother!

TR-350: The Data Collector

KI-05: The Withdrawn

TA-175: The Inventory Checker

TI-99: The Co-Pilot

The Boy irl:

(My OC, Electro, is his father, hush :P)


My blankie!

At the store (and TV-94 makes a guest appearance!)

Being Mister Big Baddy!

Art by me:


Comfy with Daddy. (on lap)


Another day, another stroll.

TX-20 enjoyed this time; He got to explore the kingdom and see the sights. The buildings and scenery never got old, even though he's been living there for months.

He toddles ahead, his eyes seemingly emotionless, but his giggling clearly filled with joy and excitement, and stops as a voice calls from behind.

"Wait up, Son. You know it's too dangerous for you to go alone!"

TX-20 turned toward the taller droid, of whom was his father - and also the king - TV-94, and wiggled in place as he waited for him to catch up.

"Daddy!" he replied, flailing his arms to hurry him up, "I wanna go OUT!"

TV finally reached the young droid and chuckled before giving him a light nudge.

"I know you do, but this place is still unknown to us. We don't know if anything lived here before us, nor what they may had used for materials. We have to be careful in case..."

TX-20 wasn't listening. He ran ahead and stopped before a small rock, of which was a shimmering black color, and stared at it.

"Pretty." he mumbled, reaching for the rock.

TV quickly caught up to him again and laid a hand on his shoulder, signaling him to stop.

TX-20 obeyed and withdrew his hand, to which TV looked over him and analyzed the rock. After a moment of silence, TV nodded and TX-20 quickly picked it up, his eyes sparkling with joy.

"Pretty!" he exclaimed, holding it into the air. He always cherished his new finds.

TV chuckled again and they continued onward. He knew that this little one was looking to find three items before being finished for the day. This piece of comet mixed with obsidian was only the first.

TX-20 walked forward a bit more, then stopped in front of what appeared to be another piece of the same comet. Despite his excitement toward the first find, this one didn't entertain him. He picked it up, looked at it, and tossed it to the side with a loud yell.

TV noticed this and recognized the actions. This was exactly what the oldest brother of TX-20 would do during their patrols.
While it wasn't a serious act, he didn't want the baby imitating it and called him back.

TX-20 went back to him, looking like he did something funny, but the look on his father's face told him otherwise.

"You learned that from Big Brother, didn't you?" he asked.

TX-20 nodded slowly, already guessing he did something wrong. He glanced down at the rock in his hand and gripped it tight.

"You're not in trouble." TV noticed the quick change in action and picked the baby up, "But you don't need to copy Brother. I understand that finding the same thing twice isn't as exciting, but you don't have to get angry about it. You'll find so many new things in this kingdom. Some will be good, some will be bad. But it's always a good thing to learn more. That's also what we were programmed to do, isn't it?"

As he finished, TV gave TX-20 a light tickle on the chest, before continuing their patrol with him in his arms.

Art by others:

Itemized by @beanskoala


Cat forms by @MistyTalon

By @Festus07 (with TX-21!)

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