
Level 1 Nocturne
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Teardrop Owlynx
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Nocturne
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Personal Style


Fire Aura
Blaze Branches
Wild Headdress




5.08 m
5.34 m
689.95 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 26, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245



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  • none



- Tundra X Skydancer hybrid (needs a drawing or ref :'33)
- Is an exterminator, plus in Twen-Ty's Chimera Vigil.

- Tundra x Skydancer hybrid C': !
- Has fur and feathered wings + other fluffy / feathery features.
- His combined genes makes him have an owl-like facial disk (a la Norther Harrier).
- Keeps a gas mask on, to hide his "disfigured face" from others (in his self-loathing opinion, omg).
- Also for his pest-dealing job... To not breathe in / not catch nasty things, omG.
- Is more on the stock-y side, appearance-wise.
- Large, and fluffy, tufted tail.
- Pyromaniac; loves burning things.
- It's his way to vent out frustrations, and how he deals with anger / pain in general... Afaik.
- In FR, he wields fire elemental energies.
- Smoke and flames "leak out" from his front paws... At times.
- His story is kinda tragic; his parents made him out of love, but had second thoughts and regrets after seeing the mutated shape / hybrid nature of their child...
- So he was abandoned.
- Like, his parents (mom-Fire Skydancer and dad-Fire Tundra) built up this perfect / idealized scenario in their heads, about how their child / Birch would be.
- But when Birch was born, and it didn't fit their scenario (plus with the finicky / harsh reality of raising a hybrid being), they were like "nope" and gave him away in the Birch forest... Close-ish to the Spirit Village.
- They wanted someone from the draconian or Beastclan groups, to adopt him and basically raise him up...
- But due to Birch's peculiar appearance... No one wanted him. He was shooed away from settlements, not a single being wanted to take him in :'((
- Even the Spirit Village, at first, was like "get out" omGGG
- Doesn't help that he was seen by Bloodmoon, first... And the old warrior is a nasty closed-mind dummy.
- So he used his power and position of authority, pushing the others, like, "don't take this stranger in, he will cause problems / he could be a spy / just look at him, he's weird, man".
- Got Luna and her wife on his side (those two also be Like That(tm), omG), and well... The Village was divided.
- So the ones in charge took the precaution to not allow Birch in, then... Juuust in case.
- He therefore had to survive on his own.
- Learn to hunt, learnt to built shelters... And be careful overall, since he was in the middle of multiple overlapping clan territories.
- Something happened, he learned how to wield fire... And tried to burn the entire Snowsquall Tundra / territory down, in vengeance for being shut off by all settlements.
- Then he ACTUALLY ended up in the Spirit Village, somehow??
- Yeee, like... The Spirit Village telling him "no", was the actual tipping-over point for him. Therefore, the Villagers felt quite like it was their fault, that the territory almost burned down... Including the sacred Birch Forest, lol.
- So they brought Birch in, were like "please never do this again", and then gave him a place in their home... As long as he could be useful :'33!
- Now (in current times), he's mostly rehabilitated from his past, and he farms Wolfsbane?? Or well, medicinal plants in general, perhaps :'33!
- Uses the remainder of his time, doing "pest control" outside of the Snowsquall Tundra.
- So like, most of his time is spend on his canton, growing different things.
- Other than that, he's a pragmatic trapper / exterminator, part-time :'))
- He captures and / or takes down critters, that cause property and general settlement problems, in warmer Flights (ie. Nature or etc).
- Like the Woodoons from Woodland Path? Since they're based on raccoons and woodpeckers, I imagine that they can be suuuper destructive in Sornieth LOL
- Since the Clans calling for his services, want to be rid of these "pests", he's ofc allowed to do whatever he wants with the bodies; Birch therefore has knowledge in skinning and tanning??
- He's in it for the money only (so he's not in the trapping business out of love for the natural world, like the Village's "Furs' Resource Pack" rip)
- The treasure that he gets from exterminating "pests", and then from selling the pelts / bones / etc, helps him fuel his passion in farming / gardening?
- Gay + Aromantic.
- Chaotic Neutral (past) vs True Neutral (now).
- He's still angry at his parents tho...
- Infertile due to his hybrid nature.
- C-PTSD from being abandoned, and mostly from being shushed away from every settlements, for years...
- Like, he doesn't really remember being abandoned, since he was so young when it happened... But he has nightmares about it (from his subconscious, y'know), and a general feeling of anger.
- Tho now he has mostly healed, thanks to therapy...
- Hybrid dragons (so, individuals who have multiple draconian breeds' genes), are a semi-numerous group in numbers (in all of Sornieth); however, they are often cast out / seen as lower beings.
- Mostly with groups like the Silver Eyes, who are pretty much Dragon Supremacy(tm) incarnated...
- They already hate Beastclans, Shifters, and those who they label as "false dragons" (ie. Gaolers, Tundras, Obelisks beeeing on thin freakin' ice, too) aka those who don't have stereotypical "western" dragon characteristics D':
- The Silver Eyes are not above sniffing out and witch-hunting / lit. executing hybrids...
- They eeeven call 'em "mutts", as a way to lower their demographic importance and overall rights.
- Y'know, hatred at its finest omg.
- Even if, like said above, hybrid individuals are becoming more and more numerous as the Ages go forward...
- In these current times, these hybrids are about 8% of Sornieth's dragon populace...Which is like, a lot still! When you think about it, y'know, omGGG
- insert

- Beastars OC.
- Male Pink Champagne + Fire Factor (ff) fox, with diluted Northern Harrier genes :'33! He has therefore little feathers poking out of his mane!! And very sharp (talon-like) front and back claws :'33! Plus a faint facial disk, created by his peculiar fur genes!!
- Name is Birch; Pink Champagne + FF fox / diluted Norther Harrier.
- Father is Sato; Pearl fox / Norther Harrier.
- Mom is "Maine" (job name) or Evel (real name); gold-cross fox.
- Grandfather is Ciel (new name), alias Blue (farm name); Pearl fox.
- Grandmother is Fisher; Northern Harrier.
- Aunt is Wilde; Pearl + FF fox / Norther Harrier.
- Ex-Mate / Friend is Hela; female white wolf.
- Daughter is called Osi; Pink Champagne fox / white wolf / extra-diluted Northern Harrier.
- Husband is NAME; herbi species of some kind. Antelope?
- Younger brother is Kyu; Pearl + FF fox / diluted Northern Harrier.
- Clothing and dressing disaster, lol. Loves wearing briiight colours!
- Due to his unusual / rarely seen (outside such farms, at least) appearance, a lot of carnivores find him quite pretty... Mostly in an unconscious way, tho. So it's not like, genuine out-loud feelings?
- Had a Pearl fox morph grandad, who was born of a long fox line that lived in an underground fur farm (criminals would use such fur to make coats, etc). This grandfather would then be taken out of the farm; when the police, and law / order officers, got involved and closed the place down + rescued the whole group.
- Grandmom is a bird, a Northern Harrier! Since inter-species couples are a canon thing that CAN work, in Beastars... And Birch's grandfather wanted to generally break away from "fox couples", due to trauma from the farm... He didn't want to find a fox mate, due to his family / parents being basically forced together, to make more fur for the illicit activity. So like... Rip.
- Birch's Pearl fox grandfather had a daughter who is a Pearl Fire Factor, due to genes carriers. This daughter had a brother (Birch's father, Sato), who was a regular Pearl fox, with like... A very pronounced owl-like facial fur disk?? Due to Northern Harrier (their mother)'s genes...
- Birch's father was a "bad boy" type dude, hanging out in crime stuff and Black Market shenanigans because of his contrarian / rebellious personality.
- Like, his family (most of all, his own father) suffered due to Black Market economy (that preys on other beings, literally), but Sato (Birch's dad) got involved in that himself, etc. His mother, the Northern Harrier, helped him with that behind her husband's back (as she understood how her son felt, even if it was more unconsciously...)
- His carni instinct were also very strong, due to being a double carni hybrid (Fox + Bird of Prey). He's also closeted / in-denial gay.
- Basically, he turned "bad", had a gun / was in gangs, and is rn in prison for nasty Crimes(tm).
- Birch's mom, on the other hand, was a regular gold-cross fox :'33!
- Gotta remember how you can get Pink Champagne, LOL; genetics are confusing xwx I know the Pearl coloration has a thing to do with it, however...
- Yeah, Pearl coloration has to do with it... Some genetic conditions, too.
- When Birch's father was sent to prison, the young fox hybrid was a child; his aunt (his father's sister) had gone her own way since a looong while ago, and also had kids of her own; she hated her brother and what he had become, plus her mother who had "put him on that path by supporting his nasty antics" (general family feuds), and refused to take Birch in. She was too busy with her own family, and didn't want a child that could potentially "turn bad too"... :'((
- Birch was therefore sent to a hybrid care center (since those exist in canon Beastars). They took care of him, until he entered school (and had a housing / residence there, instead).
- Like, Birch's mother's situation is a bit... Yeah. "One-Night" type deal between her and Birch's dad; the latter then kept his son, since Birch's mom couldn't keep him (she had no time or want for that, due to her, uh... "Line" of work on the Black Market, LOL).
- Birch's father, being neck deep in criminal stuff, had left the family house a loong time ago (he wanted to do so, and his parents, even his supportive mother, were eventually like "yeah no, you're out"); he mostly lived in nasty as heck apartments or abandoned buildings (or heck, even on the streets), with his son...
- So when Birch's dad was arrested, the Child Services took Birch in. They traced his family members (his paternal grandparents and his aunt, since his maternal side was a no-go, LOL), to ask them if they could take care of him...
- Birch's grandparents were middle-class in the past, but they had gone poorer due to the economic tensions, where they lived... They couldn't take care of Birch due to that (only having enough money for themselves, plus to take care of their health issues; so meds and treatments, etc).
- They were very sad about it, tho. Like, they were old and sick, and personally unable to take care of their grandchild... It pained them a ton :'((
- And, like mentioned above, Birch's aunt was like "nope :'33".
- Wears something akin to a gas mask when in contact with herbivores, because he is afraid his meat-eating instincts would be riled up due to their smells...
- The herbivores be like "what the heck", and Birch just smiles (only his happy eyes visible behind his mask) and he goes "this is for your safety! //heart" looolll
- He went to carnivores-only schools at first, then was changed to a mixed (herbivore + carnivore) college; this change of environment / this shock was so intense tho... And his carnivorous impulses, as a teen going thru puberty, started worrying him (thus Birch took on to put the mask-like contraption on him, at times. Juuust in case, y'know).
- Due to his peculiar pink-ish blonde (with bright silver / white contrasting hairs) design, people look at him and ask him constantly if he dyed his entire fur... To which he tiredly explains that, no; this colour is natural, oMG.
- But then, the others be like "What do you mean, it's natural? We've never seen anyone that looks like you??" and Birch doesn't want to constantly dig into his family's dark past, sooo... He just shuts them off...
- Leading to rumours about him actually dyeing his fur, and then claiming it's natural to "garner attention and mates". oMGGG nooo...
- With his fluffy fur (mostly around winter times) and overall delicate features, others think that he is a female, at first. His fluffy winter mane, also hides the little feathers poking out of his nape...
- That said, he loves toying with peeps about that, hahaha; he loves seeing the shock on others' faces, when they hear his (neutral-sounding) voice for the first time, and they get suuuper confused about Birch's gender as a whole. LOL.
- Medium height, and medium weight.
- Has a large white tail tip, on his bushy pink-ish blonde (and highlighted light silver) tail!
- Wants to find a cute female fox and settle down somewhere out of the city... Or so he thinks.
- Actually he's gay, tho. LOL
- But he's kinda in denial about it (like his father); literally everyone around him knows that he's gay or lgbt (from the vibes, I guess??) but Birch is just like "nooo I want a cute wife, I promise!!"
- But him wanting to leave the city... That's legit. He thinks the city is too noisy, too dirty, too big, etc.
- His job will be... He wants to teach rare languages!
- Is a teacher-in-learning :'33!
- Etc etc.
- Is in a compulsory relationship with a female white wolf for a bit; before realizing that he is strictly gay.
- This leads to a lot of hurt feelings, but... He then finds another lover, a herbivore guy, to be with :'33!
- Him and the female wolf make amends, and stay very close... Mostly because they have a kid together, LOL. But they're like, good friends, despite everything :'33!
- A female pink champagne (to think about) fox child :'33! That is born deaf, I think... Since inter-species stuff... She has large (wolf-like) fangs, almost too large for her smaller fox mouth + long claws, due to her (very) diluted Northern Harrier genes!
- Birch learns sign language, quickly, as a way to communicate with her! Teaches it to his friend (his past mate and his daughter's mom), who doesn't have the same knack and talent with languages, or even with alternate means of communication...
- Birch ends up as a farmer (specialized in medicinal plants??)
- Yeyee, he will offer "medicinal plants", so that other carnis (and even herbis) can heal their ailments without using living beings from the Black Market...
- In FR, he will farm Wolfsbane plants :'33!
- He still has an interest in teaching rare languages, but... When he realized that he was gay, and left his pregnant mate, he wanted to break away from this "old life" of his... So he retired in the countryside, up north, leaving his previous job as a teacher-in-learning :'33!
- Birch has a younger brother. Surprise!!! :'D
- When Sato (his father) got out of prison (when Birch was an adult in the northern countryside wth his herbi mate), the criminal went to see Maine / Evel again right after being freed; another child was born from their meeting that time.
- This child, a male Pearl + FF fox / diluted Norther Harrier hybrid (named Kyu), is therefore Birch's younger brother. They have about... 8 years of age difference.
- Upon getting out of prison, Sato tried as much as possible to reinsert into society, but his carni instincts (and his past amongst the Black Market criminals) being too strong, he eventually killed and ate someone, and then was given the Death Penalty.
- Birch's younger brother was therefore given into his older brother's care; his grandparents (Ciel and Fisher) being deceased from overall old age and the illnesses that come with it... His aunt, beginning to be old too, and refusing to have anything to do with her brother's antics (and having never liked Birch in the first place, due to him being a reminder of her brother Sato and his "stupid actions")... And of course, Evel is still working in That Line of work, and not being very rich, and being overall disinterested from her own children...
- So the authorities took Kyu to his last living relatives, the last ones that could also potentially take care of him, overall = Birch and his husband.
- As he became an adult / after his puberty, Birch's little feathers become much bigger and much more numerous. Staring to poke out of his fluffy tail, and from his wrists...
- Kyu (his younger brother) has talon-like claws, and a faint owl-like facial disk (like Birch). However, he ended up being more Northern Harrier (in his genetic expression) than fox; therefore, even if he is younger than Birch, he has large feathers on his tail, in his fluffy mane + upper back, and smaller ones poking out of his wrists and face...
- He is very complexed about his hybrid nature... He accepts it a lot less overall, than Birch did (at the same age)...
- insert
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