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Personal Style


Gilded Compass
Powered Implants



Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain


0.8 m
0.75 m
0.97 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 24, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Special thanks to @Cryoluxa for the dragon and beginning lore.
Full lore will be on wattpad when completed.
Covered in painted patterns and with wings of old, lacy fabric, this clockwork Fae blinks her wide, emotionless, glass eyes. She's astonishingly lifelike, isn't she? She was crafted by Rhamantus, the tinker of the Troupe of Lucid Dreams, and put into a wooden box, which was then wrapped in fabric and ribbon. At the stand, she was purchased first, and taken out of the box to be revealed for the first time to her new master. She and two others were made as souvenirs for those who visited the booth of Ophelia the dancing clockwork doll at the annual Trickmurk Circus celebration.
LA Construct receipt (LORE):
Given name: Pella
Construct code: X-108
Construct ID: 108-83145
Manufuncturing information: purchased from a third party dealer
Dealer credentials: Due to company policy, Lost Aspirations is not permitted to disclose this information.
Purchase cost: Due to company policy, Lost Aspirations is not permitted to disclose this information.
Known modifications: Eyes were replaced upon prchase, A port chip has also been added to allow the dragon to interface with Lost Aspirations equipment. Before purchase, several modifications were made to the dragon for unknown reasons and with an unknown purpose. said mods were made by the dealer.
Reported grievances: 3
Resolved grievances: 3
Modifications, argumentation, and other third party changes made: due to manufacturing standards, the dragon's hairspray is now connected to both a power supply and a starfall PMD.
LA Lore:
Pella never knew herparents. as soon as she hatched she was taken and sedated by a nocturne (although she didnt know what happened then. she was just a hatchling) and later came to on a large stand inside a glass box. Every morning, she would be set in a case with three other dragons, and occasionally the largest fo the four would be put on a large stand ourside the case for other dragon to watch. Every night, they would be plaed back into a glass case and locked inside. This continued for about a week until a large purple dragon approached. The mere presence of the dragon, wether it was the spines, or the fear that they might be shade-touched, or simply how they carried themselves, lead to terror rising up inside Pella. This was different, usually the machinery inside her would quell feelings, but this seemed different. it wasnt just basic fear, but every component, cell, and essence of her body seeking to flee. She shuvered, then shook, then began to violently convulse until she was thrown out of her own case by force that she could not even understand. This got he attention of the dragon, however, and they pointed at Pella. The nocturne nodded, btought her over, and traded her for a handful of coins, gems, and trinkets. Moments later, she was moved into a large metal crate. While she was still alert, none of her senses worked in it. It was more a void than the inside of the crate. There was no light, no sound, no odors, no texture, time also seemed to be odd, some moments seemed endless, while others whizzed by. Eventullay she was brought to the base of a tall, golden spire reaching high into the storm above. Hundreds of mechanichal dragons could be seen flying about, rising and descending through the clouds. She however, was carried into the base of the tower and into a chamber. Gravity began to increase threefold, and she felt the strain as they rose up against it. Within minutes the doors of the chamber opened and she was greeted by a vast view. several instruments hidden wihtin a casing told her she was almost ten kilometers above the ground, and about twelve above sea level, that the pressure was normal, and that the room was safe and stable. it was furnished as part home, part meeting room, part office, and she was quickly shoved at a desk. Over several months, she learned her purpose here, she was the couurier, secretary, laborer, and agent of the vindicator, Lost Aspirations's sole executive. She was told that due to several of its own constructs, she would be kept off grid, and not permitted to assiciate with them unless absolutely nesecarry and no other alternataves exusted. large gratings already existed which she was meant to travel through and everything she needed to do her task. Over the nextfew years, nothing changed until a report reached her about a "critical mass", whatever that may be. When brought up witht eh vindicator, the paper was hastily taken from her and she blacked out. After coming to, she remembered none of it, only the idea that she had been made to forget something important. Weeks passed and then strange things began to happen. The security bgan to crack down, the artificial dragons began to dissapear, and soon, she was the only one left. Then real dragons began to dissapear. Each time she questioned it, she was blacked out moments later, coming to with only a fuzzy memory or the knowledge she had lost something. After one such occasion, she was confined to the vindicator's executive office, and began watching the happenigns outside. Thick clouds covered the land below her, but occasional spots would reveal that large structures she didnt recognize, so she began researching the Lost Aspirations archives, eventually discovering that the building was under attack, she then began slipping through security feeds and saw a artifical dragon for the first time in almost eight months. They seemed to be arguing with another dragon, despite being the only one in the room. She had the power to report them as behaving abnormally, but then questions began to rise up. Why? How? What? Whom? She gre inquisitive, and instead followed them as they travelled through the building. They eventually dissapeared, but something in her changed. Four days later, the building began to shake, as though being hit by the weapons below. Gaps in the clouds revealed that they were indeed attacking the tower, but never breaching it (one did not make tall buildings without making them sturdy). She worried for a moment before calming. The tower wouldnt fall, but with each shake, she begain to think more and more. The terror began to enveolp the room once again, and spiked suddenly. The vindicator had come back to the office, and stormed in. Something terrible had happened, because the terror came back, but this time, it didnt subside, it wasnt supressed, it was first replaced, then dissapeared, Memories began to flow back. She was herself once again. She was whole.
  • Pella's Shadowbinder sculpt was a gift given to her by a sympathetic worker shortly before the siege occured.
  • Pella's design and maker mean that she is largely unable to commuicate on the same level as most Lost Aspirations Constructs.
  • Despite a similar (EDIT: Nigh Identical) color pattern and palette, and name, she was not inspired by the ship of the same name from The Expanse. She was instead named after a set of ruins in northern Greece.
  • Pella has good intentions, but is misguided by the vindicator, who runs and operates Lost Aspirations Inc. and often does bad things thinking that it will help everyone else.
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